Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the nameless demon and people in the story are mine.
Chapter One- The Mistake
Yusuke Urameshi was a pervert, there was no denying that. Oh, he had other positive qualities, but his perversity overshadowed them at least when it came to his school mates especially the girls. He enjoyed the screams his actions engineered. Everyone knew he did it, but no one could catch him in the act….well almost no one.
“Yusuke!” Keiko exclaimed, whirling around and delivering a fierce slap to his cheek. She glared at the boy’s feigned chagrined expression, a hand to his red cheek.
“Aw, come on Keiko. I know you love it,” he said with a wink.
“It’s disgusting and you know I hate it!”
“If you hate it, then tell me to stop.”
“Why? You’ll just keep doing it.”
“You’re damn right I will.”
Keiko huffed. “Yusuke, you’d feel differently if you were groped and fondled in the same way.”
Yusuke appeared to think it over. “Actually, I wouldn’t. I’d love to have a girl or woman grope me.”
Keiko shook her head. “I mean if you were a girl and guys were grabbing you.”
“I would still love it.”
Keiko gasped. “That’s sick, Yusuke. Girls don’t like being grabbed like that.”
“Sure, Keiko.” Yusuke headed for the roof stairway. He’d prefer to sleep on the roof, but with Keiko in the state of mind she was in, that wasn’t going to be an option.
Keiko fumed as she sat down. Yusuke infuriated her so often, she seemed constantly angry. You would think he’d be better since he’s a Spirit Detective, but no. He’s still the same perverted delinquent. I’m sure if he was a girl, he’d feel differently about his behavior.
Yusuke stared out the window as the teacher droned on. School was boring to him and he felt he’d be better off being unemployed like his mom or getting a job that didn’t require an education. Hell, I could get a career as a boxer. Make a lot of money which will attract the girls and they wouldn’t mind if I grabbed them. He grinned as he fantasized about being a famous boxer. A shame his mom was insistent on him being in school.
He sighed as he continued to look out the window. If he had to be honest, messing with the girls in his school was boring. He was too fast to get caught by them, except for Keiko. He craved excitement and danger which was why he truly did enjoy being a Spirit Detective.
I need to grope more than just school mates. I think I’ll head into town after school and see if I can get away with touching other girls, maybe even women too. His eyes glittered with joy at fondling older women.
Screams erupted in random spots in the shopping district and the owners of those screams would turn to see no one there who was sporting a wicked grin; only people with concerned looks for even they hadn’t seen the culprit.
Yusuke laughed softly as he sat on a bench. He was too quick to be caught and he was enjoying the feel of the girls’ firm butts. No one can catch me. I am definitely ready to try a woman. His eyes roved over the women as they walked by, admiring their bodies, particularly the chests. He was appreciative of how their breasts were bigger than the girls’ and he wanted his first woman to possess a fine set of breasts.
A very busty woman then walked by and Yusuke’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Oh, hell! Those are some breasts. He got up and quickly but silently followed her. He hadn’t tried to touch breasts as they were in front, making his sneak attacks useless. But if I put on an innocent act, I should be able to touch and go.
The woman seemed to be aware of the effect that her chest was having on the men from what Yusuke had observed. Those who came from the opposite direction seemed to glance down at her chest, then her face, and back to the chest with red faces at being caught as they walked away. An amused smile crossed Yusuke’s face. Perhaps an innocent act won’t be necessary. If I walk past her, I’ll be able to quick touch and leave before she realizes what happened. Yusuke veered off to another path and quickly sped to another part of the woman’s path and began to casually stroll down it.
The woman came into view and he, at first, didn’t seem to notice as he was looking elsewhere. Then, he looked ahead and did what the others had done. However, as they were about to be side-by-side, Yusuke reached out and seized the breasts. He heard the woman gasp in indignation but Yusuke was focused on the soft firm flesh under his hands.
“You pervert!” she shouted, seizing his wrists. “Apologize! Right now!”
“No way,” Yusuke said. “I’m not sorry for what I did.”
“You would if you were a girl and were subjected to the same treatment.”
“Yeah, sure. I was told that once today. I told her that I wouldn’t feel differently.”
“Oh, I think that’s where you’re wrong.” The woman then bared sharp teeth and her skin turned a mottled blue. Yusuke stared as the woman turned into a busty demon. She then began chanting and a blue light dark than her skin glowed on her hands and flowed over Yusuke as she was still holding his wrists.
The moment the light touched Yusuke’s skin, it turned pink and outlined Yusuke’s body. He gasped as he felt a burning in his abdomen and below it as well. “Hey! What are you-,” he began but trailed off when his voice cracked. The burning sensation then spread down his legs and up his body. What is she doing to me?
He gasped again as he felt as if his body was pinching, contracting, or elongating. He felt himself being released and he stumbled back before looking down and his mouth dropped. He was growing breasts! They started small but kept growing until he had a pair of big full breasts. He held out his arms and saw them become slender while his hands became smaller and the fingers slimmer with a growth of nails.
He ran his hands down the sides of his body and felt that his waist had curved inward as a set of firm hips grew out. A run down his front revealed a taut, flat stomach. He lifted a pant leg to see a shapely leg and felt his feet slipping a little in his shoes. Oh my God! I’m a girl!
She looked up at the demon. “Why? Why did you do this?” she asked, a hand going to her throat at hearing a girl’s voice.
“You delight in being a pervert and groping girls so I have cursed you to be a girl yourself. You have the body of an attractive girl right now but later on, you will think and act like a typical girl. It is my hope that you will change your approach to girls by experiencing what they do and when you grope them.”
“That’s right. Trust me, you are a very attractive girl and will attract the interest of quite a few guys. It would be interesting to see you date one.”
“I would never date a guy as I am a guy.”
“Not right now. You’re a girl and did you forget? I said you would think and act like a typical girl and quite soon I imagine.”
“But what about school? My mom? How will I explain this?”
“Your mom and teachers will see you as a boy but everyone else will see you as a girl.” She bared her sharp teeth smile again. “Have fun being a girl.” She resumed her human appearance and walked away.
Yusuke stamped a foot in frustration. She was doing what she usually did and a demon lured her so she could curse her with a girl’s body for no reason save for teaching her a lesson. She really had no right to do this. Now, I have to spend the rest of my life as a girl. Even if I learn my lesson, I will still be trapped in this body. Yusuke scowled as she headed home.
Chapter Two- Questions
Yusuke entered her apartment and looked around. Her mom was on the couch, passed out. Good thing the demon made it so Mom sees me as a guy. It would take a lot of explaining as to why I’m a girl. She would probably think I deserved to be cursed. She went into the bathroom and stripped before staring at her reflection in the mirror.
She barely recognized her face. The angles were all curves, her nose was slender, and the lips were full, and her eyes were a softer brown and slightly wider. Her hair had also changed. It was still black but it was longer, ending above her waist. Now that her clothes were off, she was able to fully take in her body.
The general shape was curvy and she found that her feet were smaller which she had suspected as walking home had been a bit problematic. She inspected her hands before using them to feel her waist, hips, and stomach. The fingers trailed along the abdomen and she thought back to the burning she had felt there. I bet I’ve got a womb and a female’s reproductive system now. Well, as I’m like this for good, I’ll probably get married and have children. How the hell do I explain that to Mom?
Her eyes focused on her chest in the mirror and a wicked grin came to her face. Her hands went to them and she began to grope, squeeze, and fondle them. Oh, man. This is better than groping that demon. Yeah, they’re not as big but they’re firm and they’re mine. Heh, this isn’t such a bad thing about being a girl. She turned around and craned her neck to see her back and her hands reached back to poke and grab her butt. A look of contentment spread across her face. Oh that feels good. You know, with this butt and my breasts, being a girl won’t be so bad. She re-dressed and headed to her room to find clothes that fit better before leaving the apartment. She pulled on the navy blue pants and yellow shirt she had worn at the Dark Tournament, finding that the shirt strained a little due to her breasts. It’ll have to do, she thought as she pulled on a denim jacket. She would need new clothes, particularly a uniform. She didn’t like the idea of wearing- as she called it- the little navy girl look, but she doubted she’d find a green girl’s uniform and she kind of wanted to blend in. Not that it matters; none of my classmates will recognize me.
Yusuke roamed the clothing stores, trying on shoes, skirts, pants, blouses, and shirts as well as bras and panties to find her size. She felt no embarrassment in looking at bras; the pervert in her loved looking at them with impunity. She was soon headed home with bags of her new wardrobe and thought of her old clothes; for no reason she could think of, she elected to keep them. She wasn’t sure why; it wasn’t like she would be a guy again. Perhaps, they’ll serve to remind me of what I was as I’ll end up thinking like a girl. When she got home, she put her new items away save for a set of girl pajamas which she put on, delighting in the feel of the soft cotton against her softer skin. She went to bed, wondering what her first full day as a girl would be like.
Yusuke walked to school the next day, her shoes feeling a little stiff which made sense since they were new. Her uniform also felt stiff and she told herself that all her stiff stuff would eventually soften and feel comfortable.
She had woken up early to shave her legs and found the experience a bother but a necessity. The end result left her with smooth legs and made the socks she wore feel good against her ankles. She had also brushed her hair and pulled it back with a hair clip she had found in her mom’s stuff. Today is gonna be weird, she thought. The teachers will see as a boy but everyone else will see me as I am. Plus, during the roll call, my name will be called and it’ll confuse the class when I answer. Actually, that sounds like fun.
Keiko looked at the pretty, dark-haired girl who came in as did several guys in the room. She seemed to not notice as she crossed the room and sat in Yusuke’s seat. Keiko bit her lip; if Yusuke showed up, he wouldn’t be pleased with someone sitting in his seat even if it was a pretty girl. Someone should tell her before Yusuke comes. She was about to do that when the bell rang and the teacher came in. Keiko sat back down. The roll call began and when the teacher read Yusuke’s name, the mystery girl said, “Here.”
The teacher paused and said, “Well, nice that you decided to join us today too, Mr. Urameshi.”
The students exchanged bewildered looks while the girl simply smirked; a look that seemed very familiar to Keiko as she had seen that look on Yusuke’s face. The conversation they had yesterday came back to her and her fingers flew to her slightly pated lips. Could that really be Yusuke? When lunch came, Keiko came over, turned the chair from the desk in front around, sat, and said in a whisper, “Yusuke? Is that really you?”
A mischievous look glinted in her brown eyes before saying, “It’s me, Keiko.”
“How did this happen?”
“Well, I was cursed by a female demon after I…groped her chest.”
Keiko then stood up and glared at her. “I see. Well, I say you got what you deserved. Now, you can see how it feels when you grabbed us. But, why did the teacher call you mister?”
“Part of the curse. The teachers and Mom see me as a guy but that’s it. The demon said I’ll also think and act like a typical girl and hopes I’ll date a guy and experience what I did to girls.”
Keiko silently hoped so, too. It would serve Yusuke right to be a complete girl. And she will be a typical girl. I would enjoy shopping with her and gossiping about guys. She went back to her seat and happen to catch Kuwabara’s eye which wasn’t easy as he was looking at Yusuke with a combination of admiration and shock. When he finally looked at Keiko, he went over to her, sat beside her, and leaned over.
“What Urameshi say?” he whispered.
“A female demon cursed her when she groped her chest. Now, she’ll see how it feels when she grabbed us. Plus, she’ll act and think like a girl too.”
“Grabbed her chest, huh? Well, serves her right to be cursed and she’ll act like a girl too, huh?”
“Like a typical girl.”
“I see. Think she’ll date me once that happens?”
“She might, but I thought you loved Yukina.”
“I do, I do! I just thought dating Urameshi would be torture for her. Of course, I will be a gentleman the entire time. That would really mess with her head.”
“Of course.” Kuwabara loves a good fight but he does have a soft side not to mention a code of honor. Most people avoid him because of his fighting ability. He’d probably get a lot of admirers if he stopped fighting. Keiko had to admit that she could be attracted to Kuwabara if she didn’t have feeling for Yusuke despite her negative qualities.
Wait. I can’t be Yusuke’s girlfriend since she’s a girl now. She said she was cursed but she didn’t mention a cure. I should ask her about that.
Yusuke displayed her usual lack of interest as afternoon classes began. She, instead, chose to reflect on this morning and lunchtime. She was well aware of the stares she had gotten when she came in, though she looked oblivious. She also enjoyed the looks on her classmates’ faces when the teacher called her and addressed her as mister.
Lunch was good and bad, the former more than the latter. She was getting admiring looks from most of the boys and she soaked up the attention. It felt good to be looked at for something beside her punk reputation. She could get used to that.
The bad part was her conversation with Keiko. She felt Yusuke had gotten what she deserved. Her feelings on the matter caused Yusuke to feel hut that Keiko wasn’t sympathetic to her curse. The hurt faded when Yusuke dwelled on the situation. Actually, I can see her view. If I hadn’t groped that demon, I wouldn’t have been cursed. It’s my fault this happened and all I can do is deal with it. I’m a girl and I might as well surrender to the actions I’ll feel and the thoughts I’ll have.
She turned her thoughts to the essentials she’ll need as a girl and she grimaced slightly. I hate shopping. I did it yesterday because I had to. This trip will be torture even though I’m picking up essentials like hair clips. I will not buy anything non-essential. Chapter Three- Shopping Revelations
“Yusuke!” Keiko called out as she approached the female detective as they headed for the gate.
Yusuke turned with a neutral expression. “Yes?” she asked equally as neutral, yet Keiko could see hurt in her eyes, no doubt from their talk at lunch.
“I was wondering if this curse had a cure. You didn’t mention one.”
“I didn’t mention one because the demon didn’t mention one and because she didn’t, I assume that I will be a girl for life.”
Keiko didn’t know what to say. On one hand, it was sad that Yusuke couldn’t be a guy again but on the other hand, she deserved to remain a girl.
Yusuke turned around. “Not like you care anyway, Keiko. You think I deserved this. You know what? I concluded that you’re right. It’s my fault I got cursed and I need to deal with it. I plan to buy the things I need from now on. I don’t like shopping, but I have to do it.”
“Well, since we agree it’s your fault, would it be okay if I help with your shopping?”
Yusuke looked back with a friendly, charming smile. “I’d like that, Keiko.” She then frowned as they resumed walking. “I usually shop alone but your offer feels right.”
“Girls usually like to shop together. That’s why I dragged you along when I wanted to shop and didn’t want to shop with my girl friends.”
“Oh, so that’s why it feels right.” I’m starting to think like a girl. Of course, I won’t fight it. I will accept every though I get and if I don’t understand it, hopefully Keiko can explain it.
Keiko and Yusuke were quiet as they entered the shopping district. The brunette noticed that some boys and men seemed to be admiring Yusuke and she gave them friendly smiles. Keiko recognized Yusuke’s smiles as a form of innocent flirting and felt amused. Yusuke was a pretty girl, no doubt about it. The boys and men also knew and were telling her with their looks. Yusuke possessed a shapely body with a chest that was slightly big for a fourteen-year-old girl but it suited her. She also had a firm butt that was also attractive to the men.
Yusuke is aware of how she looks and seems to enjoy how she’s turning heads in regards to the guys. It’s a bit perverted but for girls, it’s called flirting. If she way swaying her hips or some other part of her body, that would be viewed as being truly perverted and disgusting.
“So, what do you plan to buy?” Keiko asked.
“Hair clips, for one. I guess I’ll need pads too.” Yusuke said pads softly and, for a moment, was confused about that before her mind clicked into place. Right. Periods are a rather personal thing.
Keiko nodded. “You already have a hairbrush, shaving gel, and razors.”
“Actually, the razor was a disposable. I need more and female deodorant too.” She stopped walking and turned as Keiko had stopped and was looking through the window of a clothes store. She went up beside Keiko to tell her to come on, but found herself also looking in. Hmm, maybe we could try some clothes too.
Keiko jerked herself away from the window. “Uh, sorry Yusuke.”
“Actually, Keiko, it’s okay. Let’s go in.” She started for the door.
Yusuke paused and looked at her, blinking her brown eyes. “What?”
“You feeling okay, Yusuke?”
“I’m fine. My mind is turning female and clothes shopping is normal. Besides,” she grinned. "I think I saw a cute outfit I’d like to try on.” She opened the door and went in with Keiko behind her.
Yusuke’s eyes were bright as she looked through a rack of dresses. There were modest, off-the-shoulder dresses in a variety of colors. She selected a pink one and held it up to herself for Keiko’s inspection. “What do you think?”
She shook her head. “Pink’s not your color. I would think blue or green. It would complement your hair and skin.”
Yusuke nodded in agreement as she put the dress back and picked a deep green one that appealed to her and she saw Keiko smile and nod out of the corner of her eye. She went to the dressing room while Keiko continued to browse.
Yusuke smiled at her reflection and turned to the side. Oh, yes. This dress and color accents my figure and my breasts. Any guy would love to go out with me in this dress. Her eyes drifted to her legs. I think a pair of shoes with heels would complete it. She nodded as she took off the dress and put her uniform back on. She carried the dress out and reluctantly bought more uniforms for school. Both girls left with new clothes and Yusuke felt good about it. However…
“I’ll need shoes for the dress,” she said.
“I agree and then we can get the essentials you had planned on.” With that, they headed down the sidewalk to a shoe store.
Yusuke’s slim fingers trailed along the shelves, her eyes examining the different types, colors, sizes, and numbers of the shoes. She hadn’t really chosen any dressy shoes last night, only sneakers and uniform shoes even though she had picked up skirts. She lifted up a simple black flat and turned it over to look at the small heel before putting it back and picking up a black high heel.
“Those are more for adult women,” Keiko spoke up behind her.
“Ah.” She put it away. “I guess I’ll buy some flats.” She looked at the selection of flats and found a green pair that complemented her dress. She also got the black flats and another pair of sneakers before they left the store. “That was actually fun,” Yusuke said.
“Starting to like shopping?” Keiko asked, curious as to whether Yusuke was beginning to think like a girl.
“Only the shoes,” she said. “I still don’t care for shopping.”
“Maybe you’ll change your mind.”
Yusuke moaned. “That’s what I’m afraid of: That my mind will change. My personality will become like a girl.”
“You certainly will as you said the curse would affect your mind and make you act like a girl.”
Yusuke nodded. “I did say that and I had decided that I won’t fight any thoughts or actions that pop up. I’m meant to be a complete girl and it’s pointless to resist it.”
Whoa. She’s resigned herself to the fact that she’ll act like a typical girl and think like one. It doesn’t seem to bother her that her view of the world will change due to her new perspective. Keiko thought about that and came to a terrifying realization. “Yusuke, maybe you shouldn’t give in to every thought and action.”
Yusuke looked at her in surprise and confusion. “Why not?”
“It’s just, if you do, the Yusuke you were will be gone forever. Our friendship will be gone.”
“Keiko, that’s silly. Our friendship won’t be gone, it’ll just be different.”
“So, you admit that the person you were and currently are will be gone.”
“Of course, I admit it. I’m a girl from now on and I can’t be the guy I was. I will think like a girl. The demon said the curse will do that.”
Keiko stood stock still outside a general store while Yusuke went in. She’s going to completely surrender to the curse. I thought if I pointed out that she would lose who she had been by giving in, that she would fight against the curse. But she sees no reason to do that.
Chapter Four- Date Plans
Yusuke shook her head as she selected some hair clips and ties and put them in the basket. I thought Keiko thought I deserved to be cursed. Why is she now insisting that I fight it? Our friendship won’t vanish; it’ll just be different. I won’t be her boyfriend, I’ll just be a friend. I won’t forget her just because I’ll think as a girl. I’ll still remember her.
As for who I’ll be, I admit that my personality will change due to my mind changing. I will become a lovely young lady who will grow up to be a lovely woman. I may marry and have children. I will never tell my husband or kids that I used to be a guy. There would be no point in telling them as it would be cruel to tell them.
She moved on to the pads and stared at the different packages, feeling lost. All these choices. How do I know which one I need?
She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over to see Keiko. She smiled. “I thought you left after what I said.”
Keiko smiled back. “We’re friends, Yusuke and you need advice and help.”
I sure do need help. Which one do I buy?”
“Well, you need the size to cover your panty area first, then you need one for light flow days and one for heavy days.” Keiko picked up two different sizes and they compared them. After several minutes, they had chosen a size and brand and put the two packages needed in the basket.
“Thanks, Keiko. I was feeling lost earlier,” Yusuke said as she picked up razors and more shaving gel before heading for the deodorant.
“I figured you would and you may need it with the deodorant as there are different brands, types, and scents.”
“Scents? I know the shaving gel has scents but not the deodorants.”
“There are unscented ones if you don’t want a scent.”
“Maybe. You said types so girls have deodorant sprays like guys do?”
“Yeah and gels too.”
“Like guys also. Scent seems to be the only difference.” They entered the deodorant aisle and Yusuke’s eyes scanned the shelves. It surprised her to see so many scents: Powder, rose, sugar pea and violet, lavender, and daisy to name a few. She browsed for a while before choosing a solid with a rose scent.
“Well, that should be it,” Keiko said.
“I think so.” At least for now, Yusuke added silently. “I really appreciated your company,” she added as she checked out.
“I was happy to help and I got some new clothes too.”
Yusuke smiled at her reflection. She was home in the bathroom admiring her naked body again. She had been a girl for twenty-four hours and while she had become used to walking in a skirt and the sound of her voice, she still liked to feel her breasts and butt.
God, they feel so good and they give me a sexy body. I know that a lot of guys were checking me out. Heh, this curse isn’t so bad. I actually like being a girl. Her smile grew as new thoughts came to her. I have to admit, some of those boys were cute. I wonder if any of them will ask me out or I could ask them out. She giggled at how flustered a guy could be being asked out by a girl.
Yusuke entered her class the next day and flirted with the guys by simply winking at them or batting her eyelashes. Her actions either caused the guys to blush or look away. She enjoyed the effect she had on them and she was amused by the glares of the girls. Their anger didn’t bother her as they gave her those looks when she was a guy. I’m only flirting, something some girls do. Besides, I don’t really feel an urge to ask any of them…out. Her thoughts came to a stop when Kuwabara walked in. He seemed down about something but all Yusuke noticed was how handsome her friend looked to her. I know he loves Yukina and that he misses her. Maybe that’s why he seems down. Perhaps a date will cheer him up. I’ll ask later. She took her seat as the bell rang.
Kuwabara was distracted but his thoughts didn’t dwell on Yukina. Instead they were on Yusuke and what Keiko had told him on the phone yesterday. She related to him the talks she had with Yusuke and it horrified him. His pal who he had fought countless times was vanishing piece by piece. He had found it amusing to see Yusuke as a girl and wearing a girl’s uniform; he had even thought it would be torture for her to be on a date with a guy.
She’s really becoming a girl and she’s not fighting it, he thought as he ate lunch. He had seen her flirting with the guys in their class…except him. Well, I have Yukina, so I don’t need her flirting with me. A shadow fell over his desk and he looked up to see Yusuke with a pretty smile.
“Hi, Kuwabara,” she said in the voice she had used for two days that he did find attractive but it also served to depress him.
“Urameshi, you can’t act like a girl. That’s not who you are?”
“No,” she countered. “That is who I am. I’m acting more like a girl almost every hour. Really, it’s not that bad. So…tomorrow’s Friday.”
“Yeah, it is. Uh, Urameshi? You okay?” Yusuke was batting her lashes.
“I’m fine. I guess I’ve forgotten that guys are not subtle. I was hinting about tomorrow being Friday as that a traditional date night.”
Kuwabara stared at her. Yesterday, he would have jumped at Yusuke’s offer, but now it sickened him. “Urameshi, I love Yukina. I shouldn’t be dating anyone else.”
“Yusuke pouted. “Oh, come on. Just one date and I promise I’ll never ask you again.”
Kuwabara melted at her pout: It was so adorable! “All right. One date.”
Her bright smile came back. “Great. Call me tonight so we can plan our date.”
“Okay.” He watched her walk away and he found himself admiring her body. She’s really pretty. You know, it wouldn’t be so bad for her to be a complete girl. I’ll definitely call her tonight to discuss our date. I think I’ve already got a couple of ideas.
Yusuke went back to her seat, pleased and a little disgusted with herself. She was pleased that Kuwabara agreed to go out with her but how she did it was a bit disgusting. I pouted! How could I do that? Typical girls don’t pout. I am never doing that again, even though it got Kuwabara to agree with me. I look forward to his call tonight. I have a couple of ideas for our date.
“Dinner and a movie?” she repeated. “Very classic, Kuwabara. I was thinking dinner and a walk in the park.”
“We could do all three,” he suggested. “Dinner, then the movies, and then the park.”
“Yes. I like that. All right. Dinner, a movie, and a walk.”
“You plan on wearing a dress?”
“I do. I bought this cute dress yesterday and the shoes to go with it.”
“I look forward to seeing it. So, what time should I come by?”
Yusuke smiled as she hung up. Their plans were set: Dinner, a movie, and a walk. My first date as a girl. Gosh, I’m feeling a bit nervous, even though I know Kuwabara. She conjured in her mind how she wished to look and blinked. Oh dear. I need to run out and buy some makeup and nail polish, and the items essential to both. She put on her shoes and headed out to buy those items.
Chapter Five- Getting Reacquainted
“You have a date with Yusuke tonight?” Keiko asked Kuwabara the next morning.
“Yeah. She asked me,” Kuwabara answered defensively. “I didn’t want to but she gave a cute pout and asked for just one date and she won’t ask again.”
“She pouted?” Keiko couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“Yeah. I’m starting to think that it wouldn’t be so bad for her to be a complete girl.”
“But, but if she does, the Yusuke we knew will be gone forever.”
“I think he’s already gone. Urameshi is a girl from now on and I suggest you accept that, Keiko. I pretty much have.”
“He’s right,” came Yusuke’s voice and both saw her come up to them. “I am a girl now and can’t change back.” She smiled at Kuwabara. “I can’t wait for tonight.”
“I can’t wait, either.”
“What are you doing tonight?” Keiko asked once Yusuke had walked away.
“Dinner, a movie, and a walk. A rather classic date night.”
“Yeah. That is classic.” She headed to her desk, glancing back to see that Kuwabara was deep in thought, thinking about tonight no doubt. She sat and quickly looked at Yusuke who was looking out the window. I don’t want to accept that the Yusuke I know is gone, but if she’s female from now on then I should accept that she’ll act and think as a girl. Yes. Yusuke is a girl and can’t change back.
Yusuke ignored the teacher and instead thought of tonight. She looked forward to wearing her dress and applying makeup. Kuwabara is gonna love how I’ll look. School dragged on for her; once it was over, she was out of her seat and hurrying out of school to head home and prepare for her date.
Kuwabara adjusted his clothes and nodded. He was dressed casually even though it was a first date. Yusuke was just a friend and that was what this date was: A date between friends. All I need is my wallet, he thought as he put said item in his back pocket before leaving the house to pick Yusuke up.
Yusuke heard the doorbell and said, “I got it, Mom!” She went to the door, put her shoes on, picked up her purse, and opened the door with a smile. “Hi, Kuwabara. Mom, we’re heading out now.”
“Have fun,” Atsuko called as the door closed.
Kuwabara gaped at Yusuke as they headed for the stairs. She was wearing an off-the-shoulder deep green dress that ended at her knees. She wore a pair of pantyhose and green flats. Blush, eyeshadow, and mascara colored her face while green nail polish covered her nails. A necklace and clip-on earrings completed the look and complemented her hair that was pulled up into a bun.
“Urameshi, you’re beautiful.”
“Thanks. I had hoped you would like it.”
“I do. So, where should we eat?”
“Somewhere that serves salads. I feel like a chef or grilled chicken salad.”
Kuwabara had found her choice of food odd and acknowledged that Yusuke chose salad in order to maintain her figure. Yet another girl thing, he thought before saying, “There’s a deli restaurant nearby that sells salads and subs.”
Yusuke smiled. “Perfect,” she commented before accepting the arm that Kuwabara offered. She loved how considerate Kuwabara was and how much of a gentleman he was. Perhaps, if this date goes well, he might ask me out in the future.
Kuwabara smiled a little at Yusuke holding his arm as they walked. He was aware of the boys admiring her as they passed and he understood why they did so. However, he saw some young men that seemed to be leering at her without her noticing. He gave them a stern look without attracting his date’s attention. I won’t let anyone hurt her. I don’t know if she still has her spirit energy or her attacks; if not then I will protect her.
Yusuke swallowed a bit of salad with a smile of content. She thought nothing about her choice of food or her behavior, the latter she considered normal now. She liked being a girl and was having fun being one as well. She took another bit and when she swallowed she became aware of Kuwabara looking at her with an expression that indicated that he had questions. She arched an eyebrow. “Kuwabara?” she prompted.
“Urameshi, is there anything of guy you were left?” he asked, almost desperately.
Yusuke pondered that question. “I still have my energy and attacks, but I believe that’s all. I am a typical girls. I don’t like to fight, I love shopping, wearing makeup, and dating.” She smiled in amusement. “The demon who cursed me told me to have fun being a girl and I certainly am having fun being female and I rather like being a girl.”
“Well, then I would like to know the person you are now. You have told me a little but I’d like to know more.”
“I’d be happy to. It’s amazing to me how quickly my mind and personality have changed. It was Tuesday afternoon when I became girl and now it’s Friday night.”
“That is amazing. It only took four days for you to completely change. I didn’t want you to be a complete girl before, but now I know that fighting the curse’s effect was impossible.”
“I did want to fight it when it happened and only bought the necessary clothes for school that night. I was aware of how I was acting and of the thoughts that came to me. It horrified me at first but then they became normal and made sense to me.” She gave a shrug. “I’ll likely marry and have children later on in life. I look forward to seeing how I’ll look as an adult woman.”
“I’ll bet you’ll be a stunning woman as you’re pretty right now. You’ll probably be a good wife and a wonderful mother.”
Yusuke blushed. “Kuwabara, I never knew you were so sweet.”
“It’s not a side of me you see unless Yukina was around.”
“Well, I’ll likely see it more often.” Yusuke dug into her salad with ladylike delicacy as Kuwabara had already finished his food. The tall teen looked out the window to reflect on their conversation.
So, Urameshi did fight the curse soon after it was cast. She probably started giving in after school Wednesday. She was definitely acting like a girl yesterday when she flirted with me and asked me out. It was shocking when she pouted which made me give in. Tonight, she told me that her energy and attacks are all that’s left of who she used to be, but she doesn’t like fighting anymore. It would seem most of the curse’s purpose has happened except for her being groped in the way she did to girls in our class. Well, I won’t do that and I won’t let anyone do that to her. She doesn’t deserve that.
“Kuwabara? I’m sorry I pouted. I honestly can’t believe I did that,” Yusuke said, catching his attention.
“Don’t be sorry,” he said gently. “If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have gotten to know the girl you are now.”
“That’s nice of you to say, but I will never do that again. I’ll let a guy ask me out if they’re interested.”
“I might ask you out. I’m enjoying our date.”
“So am I and there’s still a lot of it left.”
“You’re right. So, what kind of movies do you like?”
“Why don’t we head over there and see what’s playing?” she asked as she stood and gathered her purse.
“Sounds like a plan.” He stood and escorted Yusuke out of the shop and to the second part of their date.
Chapter Six- Groped
Kuwabara shook his head slightly as they left the theater and headed for the park. Yusuke had chosen a romantic movie to watch over an action film he would have chosen as a guy. Of course she would choose a girly movie. She is a girl. Her old personality is gone forever. All I can do is get to know the new Urameshi and honestly, I like her. She is pleasant, friendly, and very pretty. I definitely wouldn’t mind going out with her again. He held Yusuke’s hand as they entered the park.
Yusuke felt Kuwabara take her hand and, to her, it felt right. Maybe we could date. If I turn on the charm, maybe he’ll fall for me and forget about Yukina. I could also point out that she doesn’t feel love for him like he does for her. Honestly, I don’t know why I didn’t say something before. She opened her mouth to mention it when a cool breeze sprang up and she shivered a little. Her dress didn’t have much in the way of sleeves and she didn’t own a sweater or other outerwear. I should remedy that tomorrow.
Kuwabara noticed the shiver and concluded that she was cold. He removed the jean jacket he had on and draped it over her shoulders. She smiled up at him. “Thanks,” she said pulling it tighter around her.
“You’re welcome.” He looked at her, saw the smile, and nearly melted. Man, she is so nice. This date is turning out better than I thought it would be. He put an arm around her shoulders. “I’m having a good time with you. I think we should go out next weekend. What do you think about dancing Friday night and a picnic Saturday at noon?”
Yusuke’s eyes lit up. “I’d love to go out with you next weekend. Dancing and a picnic sound perfect. Not to mention romantic, she added silently.
Kuwabara beamed at Yusuke’s acceptance. He saw an immediate future of them going out on various dates and liked what he saw. She could be my girlfriend. Her interest in me seems real. I could ask her. “Urameshi, what are your feelings about me.”
She blinked at the unexpected question. “You’re a good friend and you’ve been so nice and sweet since I became a girl. I appreciate that you asked me out for next weekend. I like you and well….” She trailed off, dipped her head, and blushed.
He smiled at her words and actions. They stopped walking and he turned to her, took her arms so that she faced him, and tilted up her head. “I like you, too. I didn’t want to see you be a typical girl at first but now I find that it suits you. I would love for you to be my girlfriend.”
“You would? Kuwabara, I’d like to be your girlfriend too.”
“Great.” He leaned down and gently captured her lips in a kiss. His arms went around her waist while hers went around his back.
Yusuke’s eyes closed as Kuwabara’s lips met hers. It was a sweet, gentle kiss and she loved it. Who’d have thought Kuwabara would be my boyfriend? I find him handsome and, as a girl, I discovered the sweetheart he really is. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get married later on. They parted and Yusuke snuggled up to him as he put an arm around her shoulders again and they resumed their walk, silently enjoying each other’s company and new relationship. They passed other people and Kuwabara saw the smiles on the faces of the adults as they passed. He heard one woman say, “Young love,” to herself in an approving tone as she passed. The smiles of the adults made him feel good.
What didn’t make him feel good was the trio of teen guys coming into view. All three of them screamed “punk” to him; real troublemakers. They gave Yusuke appraising but leering looks and she pressed herself closer to her boyfriend. Kuwabara gave them an intimidating look as they passed by.
Suddenly, Yusuke gasped and whirled around, her hands going to the seat of her dress. She glared at the teens. “You…perverts,” she said, knowing the irony of the situation.
The trio chortled and then all three surrounded her, knocking Kuwabara aside. They stroked her butt, groped and fondled her breasts, and made crude remarks about her body. Her cries of indignation angered Kuwabara.
“Leave her alone!” he yelled before charging forward. His fists were a blur as he knocked the guys out. He then led Yusuke away from the scene and once they had put enough distance between them and the guys, he held his trembling girlfriend, rubbing her back. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” he said softly, gently pushing back her hair as it had fallen out of its bun during the encounter.
“Oh, that was awful,” she said, her voice shaking. “That was perverted and disgusting. I had no idea how it felt to be grabbed like that. I now feel bad about how I acted. It was wrong of me to poke and grab girl’s butts.”
“I’m happy to hear that,” came a female voice.
Yusuke pulled away and turned to see the demon who cursed her in her human disguise. “You’re happy to hear that?” she repeated. “I imagine you are happy to see me receive the same treatment I gave you and the girls.”
“No. I am happy that you admit that your actions were wrong and disgusting. You have learned your lesson and I lift the curse.” She snapped her fingers.
Yusuke gasped as her body glowed and then, with a flash, Yusuke returned to his original body, albeit, still wearing his dress. He looked at himself and then the demon in surprise. “It wasn’t a permanent curse?”
“No. I chose not to say it was temporary as you would have rushed to break it. By letting you believe it was permanent, you would experience a girl’s life and appreciate why they do what they do and how they felt at being groped.”
“So, I’m a guy again like I was before?”
“Just like before but hopefully not a pervert anymore.”
“I will never grope again,” he promised as the demon nodded and walked away.
“So, I guess we’re not a couple anymore,” Kuwabara said, getting Yusuke to look at him.
“You’re right. That’s okay, right?”
“Sure it is! You’re supposed to be a guy. Boy, Keiko will be happy you’re you again.”
“But a little better than before. Uh, Kuwabara? Could you follow me home?” He gestured at his clothes.
“Sure, Urameshi. I happen to know a shortcut through the park.”
“Yusuke?” Keiko gasped as said boy entered the restaurant around noon the next day.
Yusuke gave his trademark grin as he sat at the counter. “Hey, Keiko.”
“Wha-? How…?”
“Turns out the curse wasn’t permanent. I had to admit that poking and groping was wrong and disgusting.” He told Keiko about the incident in the park.
“So, you’re back to normal? Completely?”
“Aside from not being a pervert, yeah. My mind’s all male again. Uh, Keiko? Would you like to go out next weekend? Maybe dancing Friday night and a picnic on Saturday?”
“Yusuke,” she said softly, touched. “I’d love to. That curse did you some good.”
“Actually, Kuwabara wanted to do those things with me but I still like those ideas and I want to do them with you.” Yusuke’s face turned red.
“That’s fine. I’d still like to go dancing and have a picnic. So, your usual lunch?”
“Yeah. Thanks.” Yusuke smiled as Keiko cooked. He looked around, his gaze casually observing other customers. I’m cured of being a pervert now that I know how it feels to be groped. I will never do that again.