Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only Harry and Dottie are mine. This is a prequel to the story ‘Summertime Romance.’ If you have not heard that story, you may want to before reading this one.
Chapter One- Joey and Yugi
Joey peered over a rock and looked down at the trio of priests in a sunken chamber as they practiced their spells. He had always been in awe at the powers they wielded and their ability to read the ancient texts that were written in a language no merperson taught their children. But, Joey was especially interested in one particular priest: Seto.
The blue-tailed priest was his age and quite skilled for his age, though not as powerful as his fellow priest, Mahad, who was a little older. He watched them practice and when they appeared to be done, Joey swam toward them.
“Hey, Seto. Good practice?” he asked.
Seto looked at Joey with a friendly smile. “Hi, Joey. Practice was fine and Master Aknadin said I will be able to study a spell to conjure storms.”
“Is that hard?”
“Not for Seto’s age and certainly not for his skill,” Mahad spoke up. “I learned that spell when I was sixteen.”
“Hmph, well I’m heading home.” Without another word, Seto swam off, leaving Joey and Mahad alone.
“He doesn’t really like you, does he?” Joey asked.
“I wouldn’t say that. He tolerates me. I think he may be jealous of my abilities. Also, I’m surprised that you would make that observation about him.”
“How come?”
Mahad smiled in a knowing fashion. “I know you like him, maybe even love him.”
Joey’s face burned red. “Mahad! How can you say that?”
“I can see it in your eyes every time you talk to him. Plus, the fact that you’re blushing proves it.”
“Oh, all right. You’ve proven your point. Just don’t tell him, please? I want to tell him myself.”
“Thanks. So, could you tell me more about humans?”
Mahad raised an eyebrow. “Why the interest, Joey?”
“I don’t know. I’ve been interested since I turned sixteen. Plus, you seem to be the expert on humans in these waters. You’ve been spotted reading about them.”
“I don’t know if there’s much more I can tell you.”
“Tell me again about The Call.”
“That’s more of a myth and it’s pretty straightforward. The Call occurs among a few select humans when they are about to turn sixteen and supposedly this process turns them into merpeople. There are three signs they exhibit during it. The first is able to talk to sea creatures. The second is excessive water intake, and the last is the development of scales on their legs. That is when they should head for the sea as their legs would then become a tail.”
Joey nodded. “Makes sense, but most of those few people wouldn’t know what is happening.”
“That is true but this myth is told to every creature in the oceans should they encounter a humans getting The Call; as the humans develop the ability to talk to them, they’d be able to tell them what is happening to them. A good thing as our race is generally not allowed to surface.”
“A very good thing,” Joey agreed. “Well, I’ll see you around, Mahad.” Joey swam off, his thoughts on Seto and humans. He loved the priest, it was true and he wanted to tell him himself. He had a solid friendship with him, Seto knew that and spent time with Joey when not studying or practicing spells. I will tell him before summer starts; plenty of time as spring’s only begun a month ago.
I was honest with Mahad when I said I became interested in humans since my sixteenth birthday a few months ago. I enjoy hearing stories about them, but I’d like to see at least one, even talk to one. But no one under eighteen is allowed to surface. A smile spread across Joey’s face. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t sneak up to take a look. I’ll do that at another time, though. I have a confession to plan out and a visit from my sister to think about.
The bell rang and Yugi gathered his books and bag and left the school with his friends Tristan and Tea as well as his younger brother, Atem. “Well, that test wasn’t so bad,” he commented.
“You’re kidding,” Tristan moaned. “It was awful.”
“The biology test?” Atem asked, having helped Yugi study all week by testing him.
“Yeah,” Tea replied. “It was a nightmare.”
Yugi shrugged. “I found it easy. Even Atem would have passed and he wouldn’t take the class until next year.”
“Makes sense,” Tristan said. “You and Atem know practically everything about sea biology and you both are real good at science.”
The two brothers shared smiles. It was true that they were good at science, especially in sea biology. They loved the sea and they planned to be a marine biology team when they graduated college.
“Who wants to go swimming?” Yugi asked as they got outside, enjoying the warm sun on his skin.
“No thanks,” Tea and Tristan said.
Atem looked wistful. “I’d love to, but I’ve got a big English project and need to get a start on it.”
“Okay, I understand.” Yugi was a little disappointed but wasn’t going to let that stop him from swimming. His home faced out to the ocean and stood some ways apart from the city which suited him and Atem fine. They lived with their grandpa, their parents having died when they were both young. It wasn’t sea-related; they died in a car accident. Yugi was unable to explain why he and Atem loved the sea; they just did and their grandpa didn’t keep them from it, despite the dangers the water presented and besides, both boys were excellent swimmers.
Once they were home, Yugi dashed up to his room, changed to his swim trunks, grabbed a towel and sunscreen, and ran outside. He spread on the sunscreen, put his towel and bottle on the porch, and ran into the water, its cold touch shocking his skin. He waded further into the water and when he reached deeper water, he took a deep breath and went under to swim and admire the sea life around him. In a way, he felt like he was home.
“Joey!” Serenity cried as she swam toward him and embraced him. “I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too, sis,” Joey said as he returned the hug. “Glad Mom let you come alone.”
“I’m thirteen, Joey. Mom knows I can take care of myself now.”
“Yeah, you’ve really grown up. So, how long are you staying?”
“A couple of weeks.”
“Great. I could use the company and some advice.”
“Advice? What do you mean?”
Joey sighed as they settled in the living room of his home. “I’m in love, sis but I don’t know how to tell him or what to say.”
“Who is he?”
“Priest Seto.”
“Seto? I remember him. He’s a priest now?”
“Yeah. He became one shortly after your last visit.”
“Oh, Joey. You’ve known Seto for years and gotten to be good friends. Just go up to him and tell him you love him. I’ll be here if it goes wrong.”
“Thanks, Serenity.” Joey embraced her again, his green tail brushing her pink one in a brotherly affectionate way. Serenity was right: He should just swim up to Seto and say how he felt. He would accept whatever the result would be.
Chapter Two- Relationship Confession
Joey swam through the kingdom with Serenity the next day so his sister could catch up with old friends in the three years since her last visit. He was glad that his mom hadn’t come as he didn’t get along with her. His dad had died a year ago, leaving Joey with the house. It got lonely in the house at times and was glad that he would have company for the next two weeks. I sure would like to have someone with me all the time, like a boyfriend or a fried with no home. Well, maybe I’ll soon have a boyfriend.
“Hey, Serenity. It’s been a while,” said a teen with black hair, green eyes, and a red tail.
“Hi, Duke,” she replied, smiling.
Joey gave Duke a warning look. The red-tailed boy had a reputation as a ladies’ man, able to charm mermaids easily but never really having a serious relationship with any of them. “I’m warning you,” he growled. “Leave her alone, Duke.”
“Joey, didn’t Serenity tell you? We’ve been pen pals for three years. And in our last letters for the past six months, we began a long-distance relationship.”
“What!?” Joey spun to face Serenity. “Is that true?”
“Uh-huh. I liked Duke a lot and just wrote it all out. I was happy when he wrote back saying the same thing.”
“So, that’s why you told me last night to just tell Seto how I feel,” he whispered to her. “Because you had already done it.”
“Yeah,” she whispered back. “So, Joey,” she said at normal volume. “Would it be all right if Duke and I spend some time together today?”
“I…guess so. Sure, go ahead.” Joey let the couple swim off before heading for the temple. Now was the perfect time to tell Seto how he felt. Serenity was right that he had known Seto for years and they had formed a friendship. Seto deserves to know how I feel. The temple came into view and, to his delight, Seto sat outside it alone. He appeared to be in a meditative state before he rose and turned to see Joey, his blue eyes holding pleasure in their depths.
“Joey,” he said as the blonde came closer. “Twice in two days? I thought you would be with your sister.”
“She’ll be here for two weeks and she’s currently with her long-distance boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend? Oh, yes. She’s thirteen now, old enough to date. So, who is it?”
“I see. Do you think he’ll treat her right?”
“He better or he’ll answer to me. They’ve been writing to each other since her last visit.”
“That’s one way to establish a friendship if face-to-face isn’t possible.”
“Yeah, but I like making friends in person. Chances to hang out together.”
Seto arched an eyebrow at the forced tone in the blonde’s voice. “Joey, are you trying to tell me something?”
Come on, Joey. Just say it, he thought but though he tried to open his mouth, he couldn’t.
Seto smiled. “I think I know because it’s probably what I want to say. Joey, I love you.”
Joey’s mouth finally moved, but only open and close. Finally, he said, “Really?”
“Yes. We’ve been friends for years and I found myself thinking of you quite often lately, not that anyone could tell. I was hoping you’d come by soon so I could tell you.”
A smiled spread across Joey’s face. “I love you too, Seto. I was encouraged by Serenity to come out and tell you.”
“I’m glad you did.” Seto gave Joey a warm hug. “I need to head inside. Master Aknadin is ready to start the basics of the storm spell. I may be able to conjure an undertow in two or three days.”
“Okay. Sounds great.” Seto squeezed his hand before swimming into the temple.
Joey’s smile became a grin before punching upward. “Yes!” he cheered. He swam fast, heading up. He knew he was about to break the law, but no one was around and besides, he needed to express his joy in an unusual way. He swam up faster, broke the surface, and soared through the air before splashing down. Oh, wow! That was great and amazing! He looked up and his heart pounded. I…think I want to take another look and a little farther away from the kingdom.
He ventured away into open waters and, once sure no merperson was around, he slowly rose up and looked around. The sun sparkled off the ocean’s surface and shined in the blue sky above. The surface was calm and Joey spied a shoreline in the distance. A formation of rocks jutted out of the water and had flat surfaces that one could sit on and be hidden from the view of the shore. It’s nice out here. I think I’ll come back either tomorrow or another day.
Seto stared at the page on the storm spell’s basics, but was unable to concentrate, his confession to Joey still on his mind. He couldn’t believe how well it had gone and best of all, Joey loved him back! He had wanted to do backflips once alone, but kept his outward formal deportment.
He looked up at Mahad who was seated across from him. “Are you all right? You seem distracted.”
“Hmph, what gives you that idea?”
“You’ve been staring at the page for quite some time and I know you’re a fast reader.”
Seto sighed, knowing Mahad was right about his speed reading skills. “I’ve been in love with Joey for some time and he’s felt the same way about me. We just confessed before I came back in.”
“Congratulations, Seto,” Mahad said with a smile. “I already knew Joey loved you and he asked me not to say anything. I’m happy he finally told you.”
“Thanks. So, what about you, Mahad? Has any merman or mermaid caught your interest?”
“No and I doubt one ever will. I don’t have time for love myself, but I will share in others’ happiness.” Both priests return to their studies, Seto finally able to focus while wondering if Mahad would end up finding his match one day. After all, if someone like I can fall in love, so can Mahad.
“Enjoy your time with Duke, sis?”
“I did. Joey, he is such a gentleman. He was sweet, charming, and made sure I was fine. You know, ask if I was hungry, thirsty, or wanted to rest.”
“Yeah, he can be like that and I’m sure he’ll be nice to you.”
Serenity raised an eyebrow. “You approve now? I thought you were suspicious of him.”
“I was, at first, but after what you told me, I realize that he really does love you.”
Serenity took in her brother’s face. It was calm with love in his eyes: Love for her, of course, but also a love like what she had seen in Duke’s eyes for her. She smiled as a thought occurred to her. “You told Seto and he accepted it.”
Joey grinned. “I did. It turns out he felt the same way about me for as long. He confessed first, actually.”
“That’s wonderful, Joey.”
Joey beamed at Serenity’s comment but his mind was on the beautiful scene he had seen on the surface. I am definitely going back there, but first I’m going to spend time with Serenity.
Chapter Three- Fast Friends
Joey rose up to that same lovely scene about a week later. The sun was warm on his skin, warmer than it had been before. He had spent the week with his sister and his boyfriend. His relationship with the priest was new and he had been concerned that their time together would be awkward, but such was not the case. They talked to one another in the same way they had always spoke, but some sweet words were exchanged.
“Let’s keep our loving sides between us for now,” Seto had said.
“I agree,” Joey had replied. “So, how are you studies going?”
Seto had smiled. “Watch.” He had wiggled his fingers at some nearby coral and had chanted some words. A strong undertow moved through them and then dissipated with a couple of words.
“Wow, that’s good,” Joey had said.
“It’s a start,” Seto had pointed out. “With a few more weeks of practice, I’ll be able to create strong storms on the surface.”
And that is how to describe the view on the surface: Simply awesome. He smiled as he moved across the surface, enjoying the warm air across his skin. The humans are lucky to enjoy these pleasures. He opened his eyes after enjoying a breeze and saw a boy with spiky, tri-colored hair, swimming nearby. His eyes widened. A human. Oh, wow. I’ve never seen one before, but Mahad’s described them to me. I wonder what that boy is like.
Yugi sighed in pleasure. It was finally May and his birthday was next month. I’ll soon be sixteen, he thought happily. I can hardly wait. He floated on his back to gaze up at the sky and sighed. Tea and Tristan didn’t care for swimming much and Atem was spent plenty of time swimming but seemed to have a lot of studies and projects that kept him busy. I’d like to have someone to swim with; someone who’d always be ready to swim. He rolled over and his heart pounded. There was someone else in the water. He raised an arm and waved. “Hi!” he called before swimming closer. The other boy, with blond hair, seemed frozen in shock at being seen and spoken to.
“Uh, hi,” he finally said before grinning and holding out a hand. “Name’s Joey.”
“Hi, Joey. I’m Yugi.” Yugi took the hand, finding Joey’s grin infectious. “I don’t remember seeing you in town before. Are you visiting?”
“Uh, kind of. I just like swimming around here.” Or at least I will now that I have a human friend.
“Really? I love swimming and the sea. When I’m out here,” he swept an arm at the water. “I feel like I’m home.”
“I feel that way all the time,” Joey said in soft awe. He wasn’t lying; he had had a serene, happy feeling about the ocean that he couldn’t explain…until now. Wow, he seems to get me.
“Yeah? That’s awesome. So, Joey tell me about yourself and I’ll tell you about me.”
“Sure. Well, I’m sixteen and I live alone. My parents split up when I was ten and my mom and little sister moved away. My dad passed away a year ago. My sis, Serenity, is allowed to visit every three years with my mom until now as she’s thirteen.”
“You’ve got a sister? Wow, I’ve got a brother who’s two years younger than me. I’m fifteen right now, but my birthday’s next month. My parents died in a car accident when we were young and Grandpa’s raising us.” He pointed at the shore. “My home faces the ocean and it’s a bit separate from the town but that’s fine with me.”
Joey listened and wondered what a car was, but soon dismissed the question as he said, “So, your brother is the same age as my sister?”
“He’ll be fourteen in July. He’s a lot like me. He has the same hair, eye color, and love of the sea. I’m not sure why; we just do.”
“I understand. Whenever I head down, it’s like another world and so beautiful as well as peaceful.”
“Wow, Joey. You understand me almost as well as Atem.”
Joey laughed in delight, but it was cut off when Yugi asked, “Joey, you want to have an underwater race?”
“Wh-what?” he asked.
Yugi had a happy grin. “I can hold my breath for a while and keep my eyes open, too.”
Joey knew an underwater race was a bad idea as it would expose the truth about himself but he didn’t want to hurt the first human friend he ever had. I should tell him as keeping it a secret would upset him if and when he learned the truth. “Uh, Yugi, I have something to tell you. It’s a rather big secret.”
“A secret?”
“Yeah. Please promise you won’t tell anyone.”
Yugi heard the plea in Joey’s voice as well as the desperation in his eyes. “All right. I promise not to tell anyone.”
Joey slowly exhaled. “I’m a…merman.”
Yugi’s eyes sparkled at the revelation. “Really?” he asked, sounding delighted.
Joey leaned back and exposed his fins and part of his tail. “Oh, wow!” Yugi breathed. “I always dreamed and hoped merpeople were real.”
Joey lowered his tail and fins. “You have?”
Yugi nodded. “As I told you, I love the sea and that includes those that live in it.”
“There’s a lot of life in the sea.”
“True, but I learned most of them in school.”
“What’s school?”
“It’s a place where human kids and teenagers learn subjects like math, science, and history. How do merpeople learn?”
“Our parents at least until we’re sixteen. Some can keep learning. My kingdom has three priests who are also magicians. They study ancient texts and practice spells. Well, two of them do while the third supervises as he’s the eldest.”
“Magicians? They sound cool, Joey.”
“Yeah, they are, especially Seto.” Joey got a faraway look in his eyes.
“Joey?” Yugi prompted when he saw Joey staring into space.
The blonde shook himself out of his small daydream. “Sorry. It’s just…Seto and I got together last week.”
Yugi smiled. “Oh, so he’s your boyfriend?”
“He is. He’s currently learning a spell to create storms. So far, he can only create small undertows.”
“That still sounds impressive. What about the other priests?”
“Oh. Priest Aknadin is the oldest and supervises Seto’s studies as well as the studies of Priest Mahad who is a little older than Seto who is also sixteen.”
“Can anyone learn magic?”
Joey shook his head. “You have to be have the gift of magic when you’re born. But, for most part, the sea provides us with everything we need to live.”
“Sounds like a simple, easy life.”
“I suppose so, but it can be boring.”
“Is that why you’re up here?”
“Could be. Strictly speaking, merpeople shouldn’t surface and those under eighteen shouldn’t surface at all.”
“So, you’re breaking the law?”
“I am, but considering I made a friend, I’d say it’s worth it.”
“So do I, Joey.” Yugi was thrilled. He had met a real merman and the two of them had become fast friends.
Chapter Four- Call Manifestation
Yugi sighed in content as he floated on the ocean’s surface. It had been a week since he met Joey and they hadn’t seen each other since. He understood that Joey had a visiting sister and a boyfriend while he had school, homework, family, and friends. That was fine; as far as he knew, neither of them were going anywhere and they had the whole summer to get together and play.
He rolled over and began swimming around. It was another beautiful day and he felt bad that Atem was inside working on that big English project. Oh, well. We’ll have all summer to swim together. Yugi turned to swim for the rocks and saw the distinct fin of a shark coming toward him! He stroked and kicked furiously for the rocks and clambered up onto them. He turned to see the shark surface and he screamed in terror.
“Hey, whoa there! I won’t hurt you,” the shark said.
“You…you won’t?”
“Course not. I don’t eat humans, only fish.”
“Oh, well that’s…hey, wait! You’re talking!”
“I’ve always talked. It’s just humans don’t understand me and vice versa. I never met a human I could talk to. Oh, I gotta tell others about this. Wait here.” The shark went down and Yugi sat down hard. Why am I suddenly able to talk to a shark?
Joey cocked his head as a large school of fish swam by followed by another school and other sea creatures as well. “Hey, what’s going on?” he asked.
One fish stopped. “Harry says he met a human who understands us and we can understand him. We’re going to talk to him. Gee, I wish you could meet him, Joey.” The fish hurried after the others.
I should meet him. He’s exhibiting the first sign of The Call and I need to tell him as I think the sea creatures have forgotten about it in the excitement of being able to talk to a human. Joey surfaced behind some rocks where the creatures had gathered and heard a familiar voice say, almost hysterical, “How can I understand all of you?”
“Yugi?” Joey asked as he came around, the creatures scattering and leaving.
“Joey!” Yugi exclaimed in relief. “I can suddenly talk to sea creatures. It’s kind of strange and weird, but also cool,” he added as Joey sat beside him.
“Yug…can I call you Yug?”
“Uh, sure. Okay.”
“There’s a reason why you can talk to them.” He indicated the water. “It’s first of three signs my kind call The Call.”
“First of three? The Call?”
“It’s a rare, almost mythical condition. See, a few select humans as they approach sixteen, exhibit these signs with the end result being that they become…merpeople.”
Yugi’s mouth dropped. “I’ll become a merman?”
“Yeah, you will. It explains why you feel at home in the sea.”
“Joey, is there any way to stop it?” Yugi asked desperately which surprised the merboy.
“Stop it? Once one gets The Call, it can’t be stopped. Why would you want it stopped?”
“I have a life on land. Friends and family who would miss me. If I become a merman, I’ll have to disappear for two years and they’ll assumed I died.”
“Yes, of course and it’s when, not if. You will be a merman either before or on your sixteenth birthday.”
“But, I like being human, though I do love the sea.”
“Yug, I was told when I feel unsure about something, I listen to my heart. So, listen to your heart. What does it tell you?”
Yugi closed his eyes and focused on his heart for a few long minutes before opening them. “I would like to stay human, but I can’t ignore what’s going to happen. I love the sea and it would be cool to live in it.”
“It is cool and you’re welcome to stay with me.”
“Thanks, Joey. Um, how will we explain this to other merpeople? I mean, you said no one under eighteen is allowed to surface.”
“True, but I think I go it figured out. I’ll claim I met you a while ago in open waters and you showed up hours ago saying your family just died.”
“That could work. So, I got the first sign. What are the other two?”
“Drinking a lot of water and scales on the legs before they become a tail.”
Yugi frowned. “That’s gonna be a little tricky to hide as school’s still in session.”
“How long does school last, month-wise?”
“From September to June.”
“Yeah, you’ll be a merman before school ends.”
“I will. My birthday is June fourth.”
“That soon!?” Joey gasped. “You might want to head back to land and stay there until you grow scales. I’ll wait here for you when you get scales.”
“How will I get my family to think I died?”
“I’ll think of something.”
“Joey, could you sneak into the shallows while I go through the first and second signs?”
“I’ll try.”
Yugi hugged him. “Thanks, Joey.”
“Mahad, is it possible to stop The Call?”
“Stop it? No, Joey. Once the first sign happens, there’s no stopping it.”
“Oh. I was thinking about it and it seemed a shame that they would have to leave their lives on land behind.”
“I admit it is a shame. However, the thing to remember is that those who get The Call are meant to be one of us. It was believed that they were born in the wrong body and when they approached their sixteenth birthday, they start to change to their correct bodies.”
“Is there something in their personality that may hint of them getting The Call?”
“Stories claim some interest or even a love of the sea. They also say some feel at home in the water before even getting the first sign.”
“Wow.” So Yug is meant to be a merman. His love of the sea and feeling at home in the water are clear hints of it. Hmm…I wonder if Atem will get The Call in two years.
Just then, Seto came out of the temple with a smug smirk. “Better head home, you two. There’s going to be an underwater storm tonight, courtesy of me.”
Mahad and Joey exchanged looks before speeding home to prepare for the stormy night and to enjoy the show from the safety of their homes.
Yugi sat in the wet sand, watching the tide roll in and out. He was having trouble wrapping his mind around the fact that in just a few short weeks, he would be a merman and have to leave everything he knew. Why me? Why is this happening to me? He heard clicking and looked up to see a dolphin approaching him. Yugi got up and waded out to it. He leaned over and ran his hand across its lower jaw. He smiled at it. “It doesn’t seem fair that I got The Call but being able to talk to you and others is neat.”
“It is,” the dolphin said in a female voice. “I’m Dottie. What’s yours?”
“Yugi. Joey said I’ll become a merman soon. Two to three weeks, actually. It’s a little scary to think I’ll have a tail instead of legs.”
“It could be scary, but believe me, Yugi, living in the sea is a wonderful, simple life. You will eventually find that out.” Dottie glided backwards and, once in deeper water, dived down while Yugi headed home, lost in thought as to whether sea life was wonderful and simple.
Chapter Five- The Plan
Yugi went to school, quiet over the next few days. He did talk to his friends and brother and, while he did so with his usual air, inwardly he couldn’t help but think it was one less conversation he would ever have with them. His days as a human were dwindling and he savored every moment of his days.
Joey discovered a tiny sheltered cove down the shore from Yugi’s house and way away from the town. This was where the pair would meet to discuss Yugi’s feelings about his change, Joey’s boyfriend, and how to cover his apparent death.
“I’ve gotten used to hearing sea creatures talking even though they’re not talking to me.”
“Good. It might mean you’ll be getting the second sign.”
Yugi sighed. “That’ll be a hard one to hide.”
“I’m sure you’ll find a way to do it.”
“Joey, I still don’t really like having to leave everyone.”
“I can kind of understand that. I mean, I wouldn’t like being forced to leave everyone if I was becoming human. On the other hand, I have an interest in your world that would diminish the negatives somewhat.”
“I could answer any questions you have.”
“Thanks. The point is, I know this is hard for you, but Mahad told me that those who get The Call are meant to be merpeople.”
“So, this was meant to happen?”
“Uh-huh. Fortunate that we met, otherwise…”
“I’d have ended up as a sideshow freak for people to gawk at.”
Joey gaped. “They would do that?”
Yugi nodded. “We have a curious fear of the unknown or beings that seem to defy nature. Then again, if it happened at home, Grandpa and Atem would have carried me out to the ocean.”
“I have no doubt of that. Speaking of them, I think I know how to cover your change.”
“Seto’s close to mastering the storm spell. I’ll ask him to demonstrate a surface storm and it’ll make it look like you drowned.”
“Yeah and if it comes up suddenly after I hit the water, it’ll be better.”
“So, it agreed. A storm the day you get your tail.”
“Will it be green, like yours?” Yugi glanced at the tail.
“Maybe. Not everyone has the same color. Serenity has a pink one and Seto has a blue one. You’ll find out your color when the scales start growing.”
“Have you thought about what you’ll show me?”
“Well, first off I will help you move your tail. Mahad told me that new tails, whether one is born or changed, are difficult to move and usually need someone to help them swim with their tail. It usually only takes several minutes before they’re moving with confidence. After that, I thought I’d introduce you to Seto and Mahad before taking you home. I figured that would be enough for one day.”
Yugi nodded. “I think so too. I mean, in one day, I’ll grow a tail, learn to use my tail, meet two mermen, and see a new home. That’s quite a day.”
Yeah, that is quite a day, Joey thought as he swam home. Yug will start the day as a human and end it as a merman who had to adjust to a new home and new people. It’s best to take it slow so as to not overwhelm him. We could stay home and talk about humans on his first official day as a merman.
Yugi woke up the next day feeling very thirsty. He headed into the bathroom where he drank several cups of water to drive away his thirst. It worked, but he knew it would come back. The second sign is here: Excessive thirst. He had already thought ahead. He would keep several bottles of water in his bag and if he was running low, he would make an excuse to use the bathroom and fill his bottles up. Plus, during lunch, he would refill the empty bottles and do it again before bed. Yeah, I can do this.
His first day of thirst went perfectly. He didn’t attract any attention to the refilling of his bottles, though his consumption did attract attention.
“Yugi, are you feeling all right?” Atem asked as they headed home, Yugi draining a bottle. “It seems like you’re drinking a lot of water.”
“I’m fine,” he lied. “I’m just real thirsty today.”
Atem nodded, but inwardly he was concerned. Yugi never drank like this even when he was real thirsty. Nonetheless, Yugi acted his usual self so perhaps he was just being overprotective of his big brother which was normal for him as Yugi was just slightly shorter than him and often attracted bullies.
Solomon didn’t show any concern for Yugi’s water intake; instead he joked about it. “Yugi,” he said as Yugi downed his second glass at dinner and filled it up again. “You keep drinking like that, you might turn into a fish.” Yugi laughed when Solomon did, but Yugi felt more like crying and blurting out the truth.
But, I can’t, he thought as he lay in bed. I promised Joey I wouldn’t tell anyone and I keep my promises. Telling about Joey puts the safety of the merpeople at risk and as I will be one, my safety would be at risk thought I know Grandpa and Atem would never hurt me. I can’t tell them what’s happening to me as that would mean explaining Joey.
Joey nodded as Yugi described his first day of thirst a few days later and the guilt he felt at lying to everyone. “Yeah, I don’t like to lie, either but it beats being escorted everywhere I go if someone learns I’ve been surfacing illegally.” He stared as Yugi drained a bottle and opened another. “Uh, Yug? Is this normal? ‘Cause it’s creepin’ me out.”
“It’s become normal since I got the second sign. Actually, I haven’t been drinking as much today as I usually do.”
“Maybe that means that the second sign is almost done.”
Joey noticed Yugi looking wistfully at the water and intuited what was going through his best friend’s mind. He glided back a little. “You wanna swim, pal?”
Yugi grinned. “Yeah.” He shed his pants, revealing his swim trunks, and waded into the water. The water felt great against his legs and trunks. He stroked out to Joey where the pair raced each other, Yugi demonstrated some swimming techniques, and they admired the sea life that swam just under the surface.
“Ah,” Yugi sighed as they surfaced. His legs kicked to keep him afloat and he smiled happily. “I needed this. Thanks for suggesting it, Joey.”
“No problem. We can have more races after you get your tail.”
“I would like to see how fast I’ll be able to go.”
“Me too, although you’re fast for a human,” Joey said as they swam back to the cove.
“Thanks.” Yugi reached the edge of land and got to his feet. Joey’s eyes looked at the legs and thought of how, in two years, he’d be able to be human on the Summer Solstice. Then his mouth dropped. “Yug, you’ve got scales!” He pointed at the outside of Yugi’s right leg.
“What!?” Yugi gasped, looking down to see a patch of yellow scales. “Whoa.” The sight of the scales made his change more real than before. Earlier, he had thought of it as an abstract concept but now it had set in that he would really truly become a merman. It won’t be much longer now.
Chapter Six- New Home
Yugi stared into his mirror at his legs that were covered in yellow scales. He had been watching the scales develop over the last couple of days and now, with his legs completely covered, he knew he would soon have a tail according to Joey. Thank goodness, it’s Saturday. No worry of changing in school. He pulled on his pants and shirt before padding outside barefoot. He went to the edge of the water and sat down to wait for his legs to become a tail. I hope Joey’s plan works.
Joey watched as Seto answered Aknadin’s questions about the storm spell. He had no idea that each new spell involved a test of its knowledge until Mahad told him a few minutes ago. Seto answered another question correctly and Aknadin said, “Very good, Seto. You have officially mastered the storm spell.”
Mahad clapped while Joey swam over and hugged his boyfriend. “You were great, Seto.”
“Thanks, Joey. I hope to perform a storm spell today.”
“Can I choose when? Please?” Joey gave a pleading look.
Seto couldn’t help chuckling at Joey’s look. “All right. You can choose the time and even what type, okay?”
“Great. I’ll see you then.” Joey swam off, doing somersaults and lops as he did so.
The two young priests watched him leave. “He was rather insistent that he choose,” Mahad commented.
“Joey has watched me progress as I learned this spell and he showed great interest in my practices. I suspected he would ask once I mastered it.”
“So you say he’s insistence comes from his watching you practice.”
“Precisely. I look forward to when he tells me to use it and what type to use. I hope it’s soon.”
Joey did a corkscrew as he headed for Yugi’s. It had been a beautiful morning and Seto’s mastery of the spell made it perfect. He surfaced behind the rocks and peered around it to see if the coast was clear. There was no one around but Yugi. Smiling, he swam over to his friend. “Yugi, great news! Seto mastered the spell and he let me choose when to use it and what type!”
“That’s…great, Joey,” Yugi said, sounding strained.
Joey frowned. “You okay, pal?”
“No. My calves have been hurting for almost an hour.” He rubbed the back of one and moaned softly.
“Yug, how long has it been since your legs have been completely covered?”
“Uh, about an hour. Why?”
“Yugi, you should have entered the water at that point. Your…calves hurting means you’re about to have a tail. I’ll head back to Seto to have him conjure that storm.” Joey went into deeper water and ducked down.
Yugi fought his way to standing, ignoring his screaming muscles. He stumbled toward the water, his legs feeling weak. He had reached the shallows near deep water when his legs collapsed and pain raced through the limbs. He fell face forward and writhed in the water. Oh, God! It hurts! his mind screamed. It felt like his bones were melting away and the fusing of his legs was practically unbearable. He gave a loud scream that was drowned out by the crashing of waves before the pain faded away. He panted from the residue pain and his sore throat. He craned his neck to see a long yellow tail with a pair of transparent yellow fins where his feet had been. There we are, he thought with a pang in his heart. I’m a merman now and I must fake my death. Tears fell as he used his hands and arms to drag himself further out to sea until his new tail was concealed. He treaded water with his arms to keep afloat. His tail felt like a deadweight. He struck out of the rocks and pulled himself onto one of the seats facing out to the ocean to wait for Joey and the storm.
Joey swam frantically through the kingdom and for Seto’s home. He found his boyfriend in a meditative state but pulled himself out of it and focused on Joey who now had a grin. “Hey, Seto. I decided I’d like that storm now and on the surface, too.”
“Ah, a midday storm? Sounds perfect. I have more than enough strength to create a strong one that can last for an hour or two.”
Joey’s grin grew. “That sounds wonderful. I’m sure it’ll be just as impressive up there as it would down here.”
“It’ll be more intense than the one I made weeks earlier.” He swam out to the open waters with Joey behind him. Seto raised his arms above his head and moved his hands in a swirling motion, chanting in a low, intense voice to convey the intensity of the storm.
The waters around them darkened as black clouds rolled in, blotting out the sun. Lightning flashed, briefly illuminating the sky and the water’s depths. The display hardly went unnoticed: Merpeople were coming out of the kingdom to witness the event and it was due to this crowd that Joey was able to slip away and head off to help his friend. Surely, Yugi has his tail by now.
Yugi stared at the storm clouds that were rolling in from practically out of nowhere. The wind had picked up and the waves were starting to grow and crest. It was a fearsome-looking storm and he knew it wasn’t naturally-occurring. Wow, I had no idea that this Seto was this powerful. I definitely want to meet him.
Lightning flashed and thunder boomed so loudly, Yugi nearly jumped. Over the wind and water, Yugi barely heard the voice of his grandpa shouting his name in desperation. He shut his eye as tears fell again and he gripped his seat. I can’t go to him; even though he and Atem would accept my change, my race’s safety is important and I’m not allowed to surface until I’m eighteen.
The teen’s eyes flew open and, through his blurred vision, he saw Joey fighting his way toward him. The waves buffeted him and pushed him back. “Yugi, get underwater! It’s safer!”
Yugi let himself slip off his seat and under the water. His initial impulse was to hold his breath and head back up. Instead, he breathed in and let himself sink. Joey swam up to him and held his arms to keep him from descending further. Yugi looked up and shook his head. “That’s some storm. I definitely want to meet Seto.”
Yeah, it is impressive.” He did a double take as Yugi’s tears fell anew. “Yugi?”
“I’m sorry,” he said waveringly. “I know I was meant to be a merman but before you came, I heard Grandpa calling out to me. I can’t go to him and tell him what happened. Instead, I have to let him and Atem think I died!”
Joey took Yugi in an embrace and let him sob into his chest. The sounds of misery coming from Yugi tore at Joey’s heart and before he knew it, tears were pouring down his cheeks. His chest hitched slightly, catching Yugi’s attention. “Joey? I-I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“I’ve been selfish!” Joey cried. “I was so excited at not living alone that I never really realized how hard it would be for you to leave behind everything you knew and everyone you love.” He hugged Yugi a little tighter. “I am so sorry.”
“Okay, Joey. I get it. Now, could you lighten up? I can hardly breathe.”
Joey laughed as he released. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay. So, Joey could we get to my tail? I mean, right now it feels like deadweight.”
“Yeah, sure.” Joey slid down to the lower half and began flexing the fins and the lower tail before gently twisting them side to side. “Okay, now try to twitch or kick something.”
Yugi flicked his tail and he took off through the water with a, “Whoa!” Joey chuckled as he raced off after his friend.
Chapter Seven- Epilogue
The storm was starting to abate, sunlight poking through the clouds to warm the sun again. But, to Solomon, it still felt dark and cold. Yugi had headed into the water to swim minutes before the storm came up. It was one of those rogue storms that the meteorologists hadn’t predicted. It had swept in fast and intense; so intense that Yugi, though an excellent swimmer, couldn’t get back to land.
He gripped the porch railing as his knees threatened to buckle and tears streaked his cheeks. His sweet, precious grandson was gone and shortly before he would turn sixteen. It was a tragic thing. This will break Atem’s heart just as mine is already broken. He wiped his tears before heading in to give his now only grandson the bad news.
“Yugi, these are Mahad and Seto.”
Yugi smiled at them and took Seto’s hand. “So, you’re Joey’s boyfriend. I’ve been wanting to meet you and tell you that I was impressed with that storm you conjured.”
Seto gave a small smile and a nod. “Thank you and it’s nice to meet you too.”
“Same here,” Mahad said. “You are clearly not from around here. I would have remembered you.”
Yugi nodded. “Joey and I met in open waters a few weeks ago and just hit it off right away. However, a few hours ago, my parents and I were out swimming when this awful rockslide occurred. I managed to get out of there, but they-,” Yugi choked as he thought of the family he truly had left behind.
“I am sorry to hear that,” Mahad said sincerely. “Do you have any relatives left?”
“No. I have no family left.”
“I ran into Yugi not long after that and said he could stay with me.”
Both priests nodded. “Joey could use the company,” Seto said. “His sister only visits once every three years and as I may be absorbed in my studies, he can get pretty lonely.”
“Is that true?” Yugi asked as they swam. “You’re that lonely?”
“I think Seto was exaggerating a bit. I have a couple of friends and there’s also the creatures of the sea to talk to as well.”
Yugi nodded and quickly looked back at the yellow tail that moved easily up and down. It had taken time to learn how to control the muscles so that he didn’t end up speeding through the water all the time. I’m definitely faster than when I was human.
“Yugi, you gonna be okay?”
“I will be, Joey. I’ll eventually be happy again.” Yugi followed Joey into his new home. He knew it would be a while to get past the pain of leaving his life on land and adjust to living in the sea. I will learn to love being a merman and I have friends and sea creatures to teach me. I will never forget being human or my family, though. Never.