Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Only Fox Spirit- Malicious, Wolf Spirit- Courageous, and Full Moon Rising are mine. This is a sequel to The Beast Within. If you have not read that story, I suggest you do so as this story would not make sense without it.
Chapter One- Influence Broken
There was a gasp of surprise and then a thump followed by a cruel laugh. Hassleberry got to his feet, looked back and down at the tripwire in his dorm’s doorway, and then looked around to see no one though the laugh had been close by.
Hassleberry grinned as he called out, “Good one, Sarge!”
“Thanks, Hassleberry,” came Jaden’s voice as the brown kitsune shimmered into existence. He had a smug smirk as his friend clapped a hand on his shoulder and then scratched one of his red ears. He sighed contently at the scratching before saying, “Head off to breakfast, Hassleberry. I want to see if Sy will trip too.”
“Roger that,” Hassleberry said as he headed down the stairs while Jaden turned invisible again.
Three days had passed since Jaden defeated Aster and used his magic to influence his friends to accept his evil personality and mean tricks. All of his friends allowed Jaden to prank them and they liked it…except Syrus it seemed.
The short duelist had gone along with the pranks like the others but about last night, Syrus seemed like he didn’t appreciate them like he had been. This confused and concerned Jaden. Was his magic wearing off on Syrus and if so, why?
Jaden shook his head to banish those concerns. I may be half-kitsune, but my magic is just as strong as a full kitsune. There’s no way anyone could resist it.
A cry of surprise and alarm snapped Jaden out of his thoughts and he snickered as Syrus had hit the wire and was sprawled on the porch. “You okay, Sy?” he asked in a convincing false tone of concern as he dropped the invisibility.
“Uh, yeah, just skinned my hand,” Syrus said as he held up a scrapped left palm and gave a shaky laugh. “Good prank, though.”
Jaden pretended to be apologetic. “Gee, sorry about that. Maybe you should see Miss Fontaine.”
Syrus winced a little at his stinging palm. “Yeah, I think I will.” He set off down the stairs, his schoolbag in his other hand. He shook his hand a little as he walked. Oh, man. That really hurts. But, that’s okay. This will toughen me up for when Jaden pulls another mean trick. I just want him to be happy in being the evil half-kitsune trickster that he is. I mean, that is what he is now and…what am I thinking!?
Syrus came to a dead stop as his slightly clouded eyes became clear. Whoa. What happened? I was just thinking about Ja being who he is now as a good thing. But that’s not true. I like Ja the way he was: The friendly, easygoing half-kitsune who played harmless pranks and used his magic for good. No one else seems to be coming to the same conclusions like I am. They accept Jaden the way he is and any tricks he plays on them and others. So, how was I able to throw it off? Syrus unconsciously licked his palm and hissed as his saliva making contact with his scrapped skin. He looked at it and saw the redness fade and the skin healing itself.
Syrus felt like hitting himself. Of course! My own half-animal heritage. Zane and I are half-werewolves on our father’s side, just like Ja’s kitsune side is from his dad, only my family’s heritage goes back much further.
Wolves are the top members of the canine family; as such they have mental barriers to block the magic of other canine members, like foxes. I can put those barriers up to keep Ja from using his magic on me. It’s up to me to bring Ja back to how he was…maybe. I think I’ll observe my friends to see if they’re throwing off Ja’s influence. If they are, I can tell them about the influence and to act as if they are still under it. Syrus nodded to himself before putting up his mental barrier, feeling ashamed of himself for lowering them in the first place.
“Hey! Sy!” called Jaden and Syrus turned to see his friend with a folded handkerchief. “Brought some breakfast for you. Hey, your hand’s looking a lot better.”
“Yeah. It wasn’t as bad as I thought.” Syrus opened the tied cloth and he subtly flared his nose. All he smelled was fish and rice. There was nothing nasty hidden in them. He ate the food, knowing he would need to eat in order to keep up his mental defense.
“You doin’ okay, private?” asked Hassleberry when he caught up to them outside the school’s front doors.
“Yup. It wasn’t really that bad.” Syrus scrutinized his friend for some sign of influence and found it. His eyes. They have a cloudy look to them. He sounds and acts normal but his eyes give it away as is the way he talks about Jaden’s tricks.
Now that Syrus’ mental barrier was up, his concentration and focus in class improved. He took notes, answered questions correctly, and kept an eye on his fellow second-years: Alexis, Bastion, and Atticus. Bastion was giving Syrus an approving node at his fellow Ra taking his studies seriously now. Syrus saw that Bastion’s eyes were also cloudy. Still under Ja’s influence too.
Jaden seemed oblivious to Syrus’ new focus. The brunette’s eyes seemed unfocused and Syrus wondered if he was cooking up pranks and tricks to play. His plans to be a pro and the next King of Games is being overshadowed by his trickster nature. At least it seems that way to me.
“Uh, Jaden? Aren’t you still wanting to be a pro duelist and the next King of Games?” Syrus asked as they broke for lunch.
“Of course I do, but I want to explore my heritage for a while before going back to my dream.” He shot Syrus a stern look. “You do want me to be a strong evil kitsune, don’t you?”
Syrus felt magic pushing against his barrier, but he batted it away. “I do want that,” he said, pretending that he had been influenced.
“We all want that,” Hassleberry put in.
A satisfied smirk appeared on Jaden’s face and Syrus saw some red creep into his brown eyes. “Naturally. I must do what I was meant to do and it means a lot to me to have all my friends supporting my decision.”
Hassleberry nodded happily and Syrus imitated this action. However, he was a little concerned at how Jaden’s eyes were becoming dual-colored and how it made him look truly evil. He’s getting worse. If I don’t find a way to save him soon, nothing will help save him.
“Ya gonna pull a prank at lunch?” Hassleberry asked, sounding eager for one.
“I had gotten a few ideas during class. I know you’ll love them.” Jaden bared such a grin, it gave Syrus a feeling of deep foreboding.
“Uh, I just remembered that I promised to have lunch with Bastion today,” Syrus lied smoothly.
“Too bad. It’s going to be some of my best work, in my opinion.”
“Well, maybe another time and hopefully next time, the pranks will be even better,” Syrus said, sounding excited at the thought.
“Oh you know they will and I could prank you later with this new set.”
“Sure. I’d like that.” Syrus rushed off to Ra where the day’s special, curry, would not have any prank surprises. He savored having a normal meal while fretting over his friend’s change in personality.
Ja can’t be a pro like this. If he loses a duel, he may use his magic on his opponent out of vengeance. What can I do?
Chapter Two- Pro Discussion
Cheers and boos sounded as Zane left the arena, the former for him while the latter was for his opponent. Zane inwardly beamed at his victory. He had fallen low when he lost to Aster but he had kept his head high and took a good look at his losses to see why he kept losing.
He came to two conclusions. One was Aster’s constant destiny remarks and his new deck. The fact that it was an Elemental Hero deck had rattled him a little and how Aster was able to counter all his moves was a shock as well. His second conclusion was that his deck was too predictable and therefore others could shut it down and beat him.
If I wasn’t part werewolf, all my losses would result in a severe lack of confidence. Instead, I took the steps I needed to work my way back up. One was to dispel the doubts I had of myself after losing to Aster. My second step was to emulate Bastion’s style of dueling in the form of different decks. By having different decks, my opponent won’t know which one I’ll use. I rotate my decks so that I’m comfortable using them and keep the rotation random so my opponent can’t predict which one I’ll use. Yes, I kept losing while putting together and using these different decks and I assured my manager that I will start winning again. Well, the transition period is over and I am out of the amateur leagues. I am at the top of the basic leagues and will advance to the next league with my next victory.
Zane showered and changed before heading to where his limo waited. He was debating on which deck to use for his next duel when he saw Aster Phoenix in the concourse. He seemed lost in thought even though he was shaking his head in disbelief. The pro seemed to be having a rough stretch like Zane but not as bad. Still, Zane had noticed that Aster was not on a winning streak but rather a mix of wins and losses. Zane bore Aster no ill will for beating him as it had resulted in a new way of dueling that brought excitement to Zane’s career.
Zane’s approach caught Aster’s attention and he looked at Zane with haunted blue eyes that intrigued Zane. He stopped next to Aster. “Are you okay? Would you like to talk?”
Aster didn’t respond right away; he looked as if he was choosing his words. Finally, he said, “You’ve dueled Jaden before, right?”
Zane nodded. “Twice. Once, early in the year and then at the Graduation Match.”
“Who won those duels?”
“I won the first time. The other one was a draw.”
“I dueled him twice too. I let him win the first time as per my manager’s instructions. The second time, I had intended to win; in face I was told I would win. But Jaden came at me with a super strong monster. He beat me.”
“Jaden does tend to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.”
“He dueled in a vicious, angry manner and he revealed that he is half-kitsune trickster. An evil one.”
Zane took a step back. “I was not aware of that.”
“Neither was I until a few days ago. He claimed he had always been on and that it had surfaced when he turned sixteen.”
“I see, but is he really evil? I’ve read that a trickster kitsune’s pranks could get out of hand by accident…”
“You didn’t see what I did!” Aster snapped. “This was no prank that got out of hand. This was a fox that was harsh in his dueling and angry whenever he spoke to me. I was told his father was an evil one too.”
Zane frowned. “If he met his father, that could lead the father to use his magic to influence Jaden to be just like him.”
“Could his father have given him the card he used to beat me?”
“Possibly. What was it called?’
“Fox Spirit- Malicious.”
“Hmm…yes. There are a few rare animal spirit cards in the game, but most are never used as they could be dangerous.”
“Well, this one certainly was. Jaden special summoned it when his life points are below 1,000. Then, he activated an effect of destroying all other special summoned monsters by sending two monsters in his hand to the graveyard. Then, he removed all monster in his graveyard to give Fox Spirit 500 more attack points for each one removed. The monster already had 3,000 and he removed eight monsters from his graveyard.”
Zane’s eyes went wide as he quickly added up the numbers. “That was overkill. No wonder you looked devastated.”
Aster gave a bitter laugh. “That’s one way of putting it. I just hope his friends were able to snap him out of his dark attitude.”
Zane said nothing as he rode back to his residence. He doubted that Jaden was back to his easygoing, friendly self; if anything he had probably gotten worse. His father had told Syrus and him about their own werewolf heritage and what they could and could not do as well as what the other canine members could and could not do.
As a half-werewolf, Sy and I have a good deal of abilities. We have mental barriers to block the magic of any canine members as well as boost confidence and battle against depression. This latter ability is what I’ve been using to work my way back up the pro ladder.
Another ability is taking wolf form on the full moon. This can be blocked by another barrier which Sy and I have done but one can unblock this by letting his wolf side out which allows one’s wolf ears and tail to come out. Of course, one can restrain that while utilizing the other wolf tendencies.
I am proud to be half-werewolf, just as Sy is though we restrain it and behave as humans do. I think Sy let his barriers drop for too long as his confidence was lower than I had ever known it to be. I worry that if Jaden uses his magic on Sy, my brother won’t be able to resist it due to his lowered defenses.
I need to get in contact with Syrus to see if he is all right and to urge him to erect his barriers. He may ask why and I will tell him while adding that his boosted confidence will help him stand up to Jaden as Syrus usually doesn’t stick up for himself.
Honestly, Sy acts too human sometimes. He tends to forget what he can do; our ability to heal injuries with our saliva, for example. He licks them unconsciously and is then reminded as there is a slight pain as the injury heals.
It is likely that he doesn’t realize how dangerous Jaden can be in his current state of mind. He is not above inflicting excess dueling damage to an opponent as Aster is proof of this. His tricks can also hurt others and if anyone protests them, I wouldn’t put it past Jaden to use his magic to convince them to accept that he’s an evil trickster and to go along with his decisions and whims. Sy, with his defenses down, would be vulnerable to that. My warning is probably too late. Four days have now passes since Aster dueled Jaden. If his friends confronted him shortly after the duel, he may have influenced them that who he is now is here to stay and that it would be in their best interest to accept it and allow themselves to be pranked.
Zane settled back to gather his thoughts and decided to call Syrus tomorrow after classes were over. If he is being influenced, I can only hope that he will take my advice in putting up his barriers.
Chapter Three- Wolf Half Unleashed
“You’re honestly okay with Ja being who he is now?” Syrus asked Alexis and Atticus as class was packing up for the day.
“Of course,” Alexis said. “He was meant to be a trickster and one can’t deny their true nature.”
“But…but his pranks are mean and hurtful,” Syrus protested.
“That’s his nature,” Atticus said. “Plus, they can be funny.”
Syrus looked at their cloudy eyes and knew making them see reason was hopeless. “Yeah, funny,” he said flatly. “Well, I’ll see you later. I wanna get my homework done.” He moved quickly out of the room, feeling hopeless. There was no way to snap his friends out of Jaden’s spell; only Jaden could but he wasn’t going to do that. I wish I could talk to someone but almost everyone is on Ja’s side.
The call tone on his PDA sounded and he pulled it out to see that the caller was Zane! Yes! This is exactly the one I need to talk to! He raced to an isolated spot in the school an answered the call. “Hey, Zane,” he said as his brother appeared on the screen. “I really need to talk to you.”
“And I need to talk to you,” Zane responded.
“Really? Great. How’s your dueling career doing?”
“I’m working my way up. I chose to imitate our friend, Bastion in terms of different decks. I’m at the top of the basic leagues and my next duel will advance me to the next one if I win.”
“Of course you’ll win. I still believe in you even if no one else does.”
“That’s good to know. Listen Sy, last night, I met up with Aster and he told me about his duel with Jaden. How bad is he?”
“Pretty bad. Right after the duel we tried to tell him that the way he had been acting wasn’t him. He disagreed and used his magic to make us agree with him and to go along with any pranks he plays on us or others. I threw it off yesterday morning and put up my barrier to block his magic. Ja’s eyes are turning dual-colored: Brown and red.”
“Dual-colored eyes. That is bad. Does Jaden know you’re not under his spell?”
“No. I’ve done a good job at acting like I still am.”
“That’s good. I was concerned that you were still being influenced and I was going to ask you to erect your barrier.”
“It’s up and my focus and concentration are better than before. Now if only I could have Ja back to the way he was.”
“There might be a way. Jaden’s Fox Spirit card is one of a rare set of animal spirit cards. Our father happens to be in possession of one of those cards which may beat Jaden’s card and drive out whatever evil force is controlling him. I’ll talk to him and see if I can get him to send you the card.”
“I hope he agrees. I’d like to have my friend back.”
“Well, while I talk to Dad, I want you to improve your dueling. You were promoted to Ra, after all. Also, let your wolf half loose. It will give you more confidence so you can stand up to Jaden if you need to.”
“I’ll do that, Zane. Thanks for calling me.”
“You’re welcome and be careful. I love you, little brother.” The screen went blank.
“Love you too, big bro,” Syrus said softly. He put the PDA away and closed his eyes. A half-werewolf’s barrier was a multi-layered and multi-functional defense. The first part was blocking the magic of other canine members, especially foxes. Focus and concentration improve from this part.
The second part is the unleashing of one’s wolf side. Confidence, sharp senses, and faster speed come from this part as well as becoming a self-ware wolf on the full moon. Syrus didn’t like his full moon changes or the ears and tail that appear on his human form. That was where the third and final barrier part came in: It restrained his full half-werewolf appearance.
It is necessary to unleash my wolf half. I will gain more confidence from it as well as sharper senses and faster speed, faster than I usually am. I don’t like to take wolf form but I must accept it and use the confidence from it to improve my dueling. I can use the third level of my barriers to restrain my ears and tail. Syrus lowered the second level and felt his confidence grow as well as his senses sharpening. It is done. I will become a wolf on the next full moon which will be in two days. That should be enough time to duel and improve. Zane’s right; I’m a Ra Yellow and I’m here to be a pro duelist when I graduate. I can’t be that if I shy away from duels. Syrus opened his eyes and then shut them again with a small cry before opening them a little. I had forgotten how sharp my senses are. The sun is bright. Syrus felt his eyes watering from the light and took his glasses off to run his sleeve over his eyes.
“Sy?” came Jaden’s voice and there was true concern in it. “You okay? Did someone pick on you? Tell me who it is and I’ll make them pay.”
“No, no,” Syrus said quickly at hearing the vengeful tone in his friend’s voice. “I…decided to try wearing contacts and put the second one in at the wrong angle.” He blinked and looked up at Jaden who had a look of sympathy now.
“Yes, of course. Too bad you’re not half-animal like me. You wouldn’t need glasses or contacts. Your vision would be perfect.”
Syrus fought the impulse to tell Jaden that he was half-animal. He knew that if he told, Jaden would know that Syrus was not under his spell. That could be dangerous for me. I have to keep it a secret, improve my dueling, and hope Zane can convince Dad to let me, at least, borrow the card needed to save my friend.
“Fox Spirit- Malicious?” Mr. Truesdale repeated with a worried tone in his voice and on his face. “That is the worst one of the spirit animal cards. More so if in the hands of an evil trickster, full or half.”
“How is it the worst?” Zane asked.
“It’s right in the name, son. Malicious. Based on what you’ve told me, I surmise that Jaden’s dad put some of his dark nature into the card and later showed up to unlock his son’s magic and persuade him to be a trickster fox like himself.”
“I told Sy that you have an animal spirit card in your possession. Can it counter Fox Spirit somehow?”
“Oh, yes…if used in a duel. If it sends Fox Spirit to the graveyard and helps him win the duel, the dark and evil nature will be expelled.”
“Father, could you let Syrus at least borrow the card so he can expel that nature from his friend?”
“Of course I can. Fox Spirit must be defeated and not used again. I will also send an Equip spell that was exclusively made for this card.”
“May I ask what the spirit’s card name is?” Zane asked.
“It is called Wolf Spirit- Courageous.”
“Courageous,” Zane said. “That’s what Sy’s going to need if he hopes to save Jaden.”
“He will win if he utilizes his wolf side instead of suppressing it.”
“He already has. I told him he needs to let it loose if he intends to win his duels and improve his skills.”
Chapter Four- Dueling More
“Private,” Hassleberry said the day after Zane called. “How about a duel? We haven’t faced off since the start of the year.”
“Sure. Let’s do it.” Syrus grabbed his disk and turned to see a startled Hassleberry.
“Sure?” he repeated. “You actually want to duel me?”
“Of course. I finally realized that if I want to go pro, I have to duel more and improve my skills.”
“That’s the spirit, Sy!” Jaden spoke up. “Let’s head outside so you two can get your game on.”
Uncertainty flashed across the dino duelist’s face. “I don’t know. I wasn’t expectin’ Sy to agree.”
“Really?” Syrus said. “Well, expect me to say yes more often. Now, let’s duel.” Syrus rushed out the door, eager to see how much better he could be with his unleashed confidence.
Syrus braced himself as his monster was destroyed and his life pointed dropped to 1200. He smiled as his turn started. Both of them were dueling their best which was a relief to Syrus. Hassleberry had seemed unsure as the duel began but by the end of Syrus’ first turn, he got into the game and was dueling with his usual skill. Both had taken damage and Hassleberry was grinning. Syrus had definitely improved and had Hassleberry on the defensive for a few turns. His own life points were at 900 but now he had the strongest monster on the field, though certainly not the strongest in his deck.
Syrus drew a card, looked at it, and then his hand and the field. He had his Cyber Summon Blaster active but didn’t have the combo he wanted that would end the duel. He examined his hand again and said, “I play Pot of Greed so I draw two cards.” He drew and kept his glee to himself. He had what he needed! “Next, I play Polymerization, fusing Ambulanceroid and Rescueroid to form Ambulance Rescueroid. That activates my traps as my fusion monster is a special summon.”
Hassleberry gulped as his life points hit 600. “I’m not done,” Syrus continued. “I now play De-Fusion to split my monster into two again which counts as two special summons. My trap activates and I win.”
Hassleberry grunted as he took the damage and his life points hit zero. He remained on his feet and gave Syrus a grin. “Nicely done. You’ve improved since your promotion duel.”
“Thanks, but I can get better.”
“Of course, you can,” Jaden said, having watched the entire duel. “Oh, Sy, I want you to have this. It’s a copy and I don’t need it.”
Syrus took it a little wary until he saw it was a trap card. “Draining Shield!” he said in delight. “Thanks, Ja. I’m sure it’ll come in handy.”
“Hey, Truesdale!” called a voice and Syrus turned to see a fellow Ra approach and also saw that his duel had attracted a small crowd. The Ra student put on his disk and activated it. “Want to duel me?”
“Sure.” Syrus added his new card to his deck before turning his disk back on. “Let’s duel.”
Jaden slipped up the stairs so he could watch the duel from above. He thought back to Syrus saying he needed to duel more and improve and also Hassleberry’s comment that Syrus had improved since being promoted. He has gotten better but I sense he’s become more confident lately. Perhaps, Sy’s just growing up. People do tend to be more confident as they get older. I have no problem with a more confident Syrus, but I’d like him to be a good deal more confident. A wicked smile came to Jaden’s lips as a thought occurred to him. Tomorrow night is the full moon and my magic is at its strongest during that time. I’ll lure Sy into the woods tomorrow and use my magic to make him as dark and evil as I am. It’ll be one less person I’ll have to influence. He saw Syrus win his duel and, as others moved in to congratulate him or ask for a duel at a later time, Jaden imagined the next night when he would change Syrus’ personality.
Syrus beamed as he was congratulated for his moves while other either spoke of his combos or asked for a duel in the days to come. He happily scheduled two more duels for the next day and was considering allowing for impromptu duels tomorrow when he sensed that he was being watched. He looked around and then up to see Jaden on the second-level porch. The brunette was smiling in a way that Syrus would call wicked and he thought he saw Jaden’s eyes glow a faint red. Syrus suppressed a shudder, but felt a chill go down his spine. Does Jaden suspect that I’m not under his control or is he cooking up a plan that involves me? Either way, I better watch my step, figuratively and literally.
Syrus subtly sniffed his food and smelled nothing unusual. My senses are sharper than before. Ja can’t prank my food anymore as I’ll be able to smell if something’s different. He happily ate his shrimp and side dishes before getting up to get seconds of shrimp- a lot of shrimp. My full moon craving for meat is cropping up, he thought. I’m sure Zane’s feeling it too, even if he won’t transform tomorrow.
Jaden and Hassleberry stared in surprise at their roommate’s tray before Jaden cracked, “Gee, Sy. You leave any for me?”
“Sure did. I know how much foxes love seafood.”
“Got that right.” He pointed at the shrimp on his tray and they swelled to jumbo size.
Syrus eyed the enlarged shrimp with slight envy but said nothing. To his knowledge, wolves did not have any magic. They had their top status in the canine family and mental barriers to block magic, and really that was enough for Syrus. If I can return Jaden to his sweet self, I can ask for larger meat portions during the full moon.
Jaden stalked through the forest, his now red-brown eyes slightly unfocused as he ran through what tricks he had played and what he could still do.
“Jaden,” a voice whispered.
The half-kitsune was immediately alert and he glared about. “Who’s there?” he snapped. “Show yourself!”
“Jaden.” This time a chorus of voices sounded as well as balls of light. Jaden stared as the balls morphed into the strangest looking Duel Spirits he had ever seen. There were at least six and all both happy and serious.
“Jaden,” said one who had a head like a dolphin. “We need your help.”
“My help?” he asked, folding his arms.
“Yes,” said a panther. “Our world is threatened by a group called The Society of Light. They intend to eliminate the darkness and all life everywhere.”
The mention of the society caught Jaden’s attention. He had heard Chazz bandying around the name lately. “So, all life’s in danger and only I can put a stop to it.”
“That’s essentially correct,” said the dolphin. “And we, the Neo-Spacians will fight alongside you.” Then all of them turned into light streams and flew into his deck box.
Jaden pulled his deck out and stared at his new cards before separating them from the rest. I don’t need any new cards in my deck. If a light society is threatening the darkness, I am the perfect one to stop it as I am a dark half-kitsune.
I don’t need to fight alongside these Neo-Spacians. I only need one card to insure my victory. He pulled out said card and smirked at it: Fox Spirit- Malicious.
Chapter Five- Heritage Revealed
Syrus’ eyes flashed gold as his Super Vehicleroid Jumbo Drill attacked his opponent’s life points directly and won him the duel. His opponent, another Ra, rose to his feet, gave Syrus a grin and a nod before returning to his dorm.
Syrus beamed and felt his confidence grow some more. It feels great to win and not be afraid to duel. I should never have messed with the second-level of my barriers and I will never do so again until the pro circuit. Syrus saw himself dueling before a crowd and being cheered for. Yes, that’s my future.
Syrus ended up dueling three times this day. The first one was actually a lesson in class while the other two were the ones he had scheduled the day before. He subtly checked the sky and figured he might have time for either a duel and dinner or a large dinner. Hmm, I think I’ll have a large dinner. I’ll be changing tonight and I’ll need all the food I can eat to have the energy to transform and move.
“Sy, that was a sweet duel,” Jaden said, sounding like his old self. “Keep it up and you’ll be promoted next year and a pro the year after that.”
“Thanks. I do plan to be a pro so I have to improve.”
“Of course.” Jaden flashed a grin as the two of them and Hassleberry headed back to Slifer. “Hey, Sy. How about the two of us being foxes tonight to celebrate your three victories today?”
“Uh, maybe another time?” Syrus asked, though he had no intention in agreeing to the suggestion. “Tonight and the next two nights aren’t good for me.”
“Really?” Jaden was disappointed. He had hoped that turning Syrus into a fox during the full moon would turn him dark and evil like him due to the transformation spell.
“Yeah. I’m sorry, Ja. You could change to a fox tonight if you want to.”
Jaden nodded. “I intend to.” They entered the cafeteria and Jaden inwardly scowled. He no longer liked Syrus’ sweet disposition. If I can ambush him during the full moon, I’ll be able to force the change on him. He grabbed his tray and manipulated some of the dishes into shrimp or fish before eating it eagerly. He would need food to change and work his magic.
Syrus also ate his food and got seconds of shrimp. His decline of Jaden’s offer made him a little concerned. Ja does not accept no for an answer these days. He must have a reason for wanting me to be a fox and the only way I’ll know is to ask him, but not now. I’ll ask another time.
“What are ya doin’ tonight that you would turn the Sarge down?” Hassleberry asked as Jaden left the cafeteria.
“Nothing, really. I’ve just got a lot on my mind and I can’t think about it if I’m distracted by sharp senses and fox impulses,” Syrus lied.
“I guess that makes sense.”
Syrus nodded and rose from his seat. “I need to get started on those thoughts.” Hassleberry nodded as Syrus headed out to a beautiful sunset. He stole into the forest, heading for a clearing where he could see the sky; it was a spot he had scouted out the day he had lowered his second barrier. He looked forward to being a wolf again despite his initial feelings two days ago. I was born a half-werewolf. Now is the time to embrace it again. Perhaps Zane and I can be wolves over the summer. We could run and play like we used to. Syrus smiled at this thought but it faded when he entered the clearing and saw Jaden near the center of it. “Uh, Ja. Hi,” he said, trying to sound casual.
Syrus could see anger burning in Jaden’s eyes. “So, tonight not a good night for you, huh Sy?” he asked tightly. “Seems like it is a good one.”
“Ja, what are you planning?”
“I don’t like your sweet personality. My magic is at its strongest on the full moon and I’m going to change you into a fox and you’ll be dark and evil like me.”
“I don’t think so.” Syrus sensed that the moon had risen and he howled as he eyes turned gold-silver. He grew bigger as he sprouted a gray fur coat and took his wolf form for the first time since attending Duel Academy. He growled at Jaden who took a couple of steps back in surprise.
“You’re a…a werewolf?” he gasped.
“Half-werewolf,” Syrus corrected. “Every male on my father’s side is one. I changed shortly before our first year. I can keep it restrained with one of three mental barriers.”
“That’s right. The second one locks up the full moon changes, the sharper senses, the faster speed, and the natural confidence of a wolf.”
“That explains the confidence I’ve sensed in you lately. But why unlock it now?”
“So I can stand up to you. My first barrier is protecting me from your magic. I threw off your spell on the third day after you dueled Aster.”
“What!?” Jaden hissed. “You’ve been pretending ever since?”
“Yeah. You can’t influence me anymore. I’ve unlocked my wolf side which is the top predator of the canine family, including foxes.”
Jaden glared at Syrus before turning into a fox and stalking off, growling.
Syrus stood tall on his paws and his tail held high. He had stood up to his best friend, but it had come at the price of exposing his secret. Will Ja tell the whole school about me? He might, but then again he might not. Either way, it doesn’t matter. I’m proud to be half-werewolf and I will not let any criticisms upset me. Syrus took a deep breath with closed eyes and then exhaled. His eyes opened to reveal that they were all gold and his human intelligence suppressed. He had sunk into his wolf frame of mind. He sniffed the air and then the ground before racing off after some prey that he would kill and, later on, eat. Once he had killed, he raced around the area, marking it as his territory. It was while he was eating did his human mind resurface.
His tail wagged and a wolf’s grin crossed his muzzle. That…was…exciting! I had forgotten how it feels to hunt and claim a territory. Now that I remember, I am never going to forget again. Syrus threw back his head and howled in joy.
Meanwhile, Jaden staked the woods, furious. His best friend had broken his influence spell and revealed himself to be half-werewolf. Furthermore, that heritage protected him from Jaden’s magic. His plan to have Syrus be like him was ruined. Syrus would keep his barriers up to protect himself.
He may be immune to my powers, but everyone else isn’t. Whatever I want, I will get as no one can resist. If I wanted to make others dark and evil, I will do so. Syrus can’t stop me from doing what I want to others.
Jaden’s eyes glowed red as the howl of a wolf making a successful kill sounded and he growled at the sound. He’s possibly thinking like a wolf. He thinks he’s so cool being half-werewolf, but he’s not. You take away his top canine status and all that’s left are his barriers, the full moon changes, and being a wolf whenever he wants.
Jaden blinked as a thought occurred to him and he chuckled darkly and low in his throat. People revere foxes, but fear wolves. They especially fear werewolves. I will tell the whole school that Sy is half-werewolf. He will be feared and hated and he’ll be sorry that he broke my spell and blocked the rest of my magic. Jaden laughed at the misery he was about to unleash on his friend while Syrus howled again, unaware of Jaden’s revenge.
Chapter Six- Return of the Chancellor
Syrus bit his lip as Jaden stared malevolently at him. He didn’t like the look of it and suspected that Jaden had a plant to get even with him. And I’ve got a good idea what it is. His suspicions were confirmed when Hassleberry came up to him as they headed for school. “Uh, Syrus? Are you really half-werewolf? Ja says he saw you turn into a wolf last night.”
Syrus did not bother denying it. “Yes, I am half-werewolf. Don’t worry. I’m really a gentle one. I won’t hurt anyone.”
“Uh, sure. If you say so.” Hassleberry gave Syrus a smile but Syrus was sure Hassleberry wasn’t convinced by his reassurances.
Syrus encountered people looking at him with fear and edging away from him in class. The teachers were giving him suspicious looks which told Syrus what he had suspected: Jaden did tell the whole school. It kind of hurts that everyone fears me, but I’m not going to let it show.
Syrus transformed again that night and switched to his wolf mind to keep the hurt at bay. His feelings were simpler as a wolf and he heeded to whatever his felt at any moment. He hunted, ran, and slept that night and felt joy with each hunt and run. Unfortunately, the following morning brought his wider range of emotions back as well as his human form. The only good thing was that it was Saturday. He managed to get some food for breakfast but when he tried to ask for a duel, people would flee before he could say a word. He then headed to the docks for a lack of anything else to do. He sat with his back to the wall of the helicopter pads, staring blankly at the ocean before him. He barely heard the sound of a helicopter landing as he was so lost in thought. He was therefore startled when a voice said, “Syrus! What a pleasant surprise.”
Syrus looked over and jumped to his feet. “Chancellor Sheppard. Welcome back.”
“Thank you. It’s good to be back. So, what’s been happening in my absence?”
“A lot.” Syrus reported on Crowler hiring Bonaparte as Vice-Chancellor, of their reputation schemes including his promotion duel. He then related Jaden’s heritage and the alarming change that had come over him. “Now, Ja’s turned the whole school against me,” he finished, knowing that Sheppard would ask why Jaden had done such a terrible thing to his best friend.
“He turned them against you because you’re half-werewolf and can resist his magic, isn’t that right?”
“Yeah, that’s- what?” Syrus gaped at Sheppard. “How-how did you know I’m half-werewolf?”
“Zane told me. I’ve been gathering the best pro duelists in the world to invite them here to participate in a tournament I am hosting. Pros versus students. Pros versus pros. Students versus students. I was speaking to Zane to invite him to be in the tournament and I asked how he was able to keep his spirits up through his past losses. After swearing me to secrecy, he revealed that you and he are half-werewolf and told me all about it.
“You have a fascinating heritage. Zane told me about your barriers and how you want to return Jaden to normal.”
“Yeah. He said Dad has a card that could beat Jaden’s Fox Spirit card and that he would ask if I could borrow it.”
“He is borrowing it to you. Zane told me and that you should be receiving it shortly.”
“That’s great.”
“Indeed. Of course in order to beat Jaden’s card, you will have to duel him.”
“I know and I’ve been dueling to improve my skills. Only no one will duel me now. I approach someone and they run away before I can ask.”
“I see. I can arrange duels as it is my authority as Chancellor.”
“That sounds good but once Ja sees you, he’ll put you under his spell too.”
“Actually, he won’t.” Sheppard reached under his coat and lifted up a gold charm shaped like an arrowhead with a green stone in the center of the charm. “Zane handed this to me. It will protect me from the magic of all canine members and break that magic on a few people but not a large group.” He put it back under the coat, the collar completely concealing the gold chain.
Syrus felt his spirits lift at this. He had someone on his side and he was protected from being influenced. He saw Sheppard looking at him curiously. “Chancellor?” he asked.
“I was told that as a half-werewolf, you would have the ears and tail of a wolf.”
“I have them, but the third-level of my barrier can restrain it. It’s a bit hard at times, especially since I’ve allowed myself to change on the full moon and whenever I like.”
“You should not hide that part of yourself.”
“I know but I’m not fond of my full half-werewolf appearance or changing on the full moon, even though I am proud of what I am.”
Sheppard nodded. “No one should be ashamed of who or what they are. I’m pleased that you’re not. Now, I need to head to my office and give Crowler a talking to. He seems more concerned with power and reputation than the welfare and education of the students. Once I’ve done that, I’ll be sure to authorize your duels with your permission and who you want to duel.”
“Okay. Thanks, Chancellor.” Syrus beamed and punched the air as Sheppard walked away. The chancellor was back and on his side and his did said he could borrow his card. The only questions are, what’s it called and what does it do?
“Ch-Chancellor!” Crowler gasped as Sheppard entered the room. “Uh, welcome back.”
“I should have returned sooner,” he replied as he came around the desk and took his chair when Crowler vacated it and stood before the desk as did Bonaparte. “I was brought up to speed of what has been going on around here. First off is putting yourself in charge, Crowler, and assigning a vice-chancellor.” Sheppard’s eyes flicked to Bonaparte. “I won’t fire either of you but next time I leave the school, I will choose who will be in charge.”
“Yes, Chancellor,” Crowler said.
“Next, I am displeased that the Obelisk dorm is all white.”
“With all respect, Chancellor,” Crowler said. “We have a more serious problem with a student than a dorm color. Syrus Truesdale-,”
“Is half-werewolf. Yes, I know and it’s not the problem you think it is.”
“But, werewolves are dangerous,” Bonaparte protested.
“Syrus is not dangerous. If anything, Jaden is the real problem and danger. His own heritage has made him a dark, mean half-kitsune.”
“He is dark, yes, but that is who he is meant to be,” Crowler said.
Sheppard saw the sign Syrus had warned him about when he reported about Jaden and his influence spell: The cloudy eyes of an influenced person.
“Jaden is using his magic to convince you to let him do as he wishes,” Sheppard said, lifting the charm up out of his coat. The stone flashed green and both men blinked and shook their heads.
“Better?” he asked and he received nods. “Good. Don’t let Jaden convince you again. Dismissed.” Sheppard turned to the window and hoped Syrus could help Jaden before the tournament began.
Chapter Seven- Preparations
Syrus took the box from Dorothy’s shaking hands, his heart pounding at the return address. This has to be it, he thought. Dad’s card. He smiled up at the shop owner. “Thanks, Dorothy and please don’t be scared. “I’m a friendly, harmless half-werewolf. I won’t hurt anyone.”
“Uh, okay,” she said, sounding unconvinced.
Syrus sighed as he left with the box and the boosters he had bought. He unwrapped the box and opened the lid. Inside was an effect monster that looked exactly like his wolf form. His eyes flicked to the name: Wolf Spirit-Courageous.
It’s a bit like Ja’s card in that it’s an animal spirit and an effect card, but different too. It’s a seven star monster instead of an eight star one with 2400 attack points. Can only be summoned by sending two monsters in my hand to the graveyard. Syrus read further down and his eyes widened. Whoa. It can negate the special abilities of special summoned monsters…which is what Fox Spirit is! My card can be rendered indestructible once per turn by paying half my life points and by doing that, my monster can attack a second time. The thing is that Ja’s monster is stronger even without its special effect. How am I supposed to beat Fox Spirit with a weaker card? Syrus removed Wolf Spirit and saw a spell card under it with a note half-folded over it. Curious, Syrus removed the note and opened it to see his dad’s handwriting.
“Syrus,” it said. “Enclosed is a spell card made exclusively for Wolf Spirit. It, coupled with the monster’s abilities, will defeat Fox Spirit and return your friend to normal. You can return the cards when you come home for summer vacation. Good luck, son. Dad”
Syrus looked down at the spell card. Full Moon Rising. Can only be equipped to Wolf Spirit- Courageous. The equipped monster gains 600 attack points. Hey, Dad’s right! This card will make their attack points equal and with Wolf Spirit’s ability to not be destroyed in battle, it would send Fox Spirit to the graveyard and then I can attack Ja directly as he tend to have Fox Spirit alone on the field. Thanks, Dad. Syrus took the spell card out of the box and put it and Wolf Spirit in his deck. I won’t use them before dueling Ja. If he knew I had them and what they can do, he might find a way to steal them so I can’t use them. Instead, I’ll practice having them in my deck. Syrus nodded at this plan before opening his boosters to see if there were any cards he would be able to add to his deck.
The news that Sheppard had returned raced through the school the next day and Jaden saw this as an opportunity to make Syrus’ life at school completely miserable. I’ll put Sheppard under my spell so he’ll fear Sy as well but make sure he doesn’t expel him. I can’t make Sy miserable at school if he’s expelled, after all.
So, once classes were over, Jaden was out of his seat and he raced for Sheppard’s office. The doors slid open at his approach and he flashed a sincere smile as he stopped at the desk. “Hi, Chancellor. Welcome back.”
Sheppard was momentarily startled at Jaden’s ears, tail, and dual-colored eyes before he nodded. "Thanks, Jaden. I was told you are half-kitsune but the description didn’t do you justice.”
“Oh. So, you like it?” Jaden turned to give the overall look.
“Yes. Very much.” Sheppard was honest in his opinion.
“Better than another half-animal you might know?” Jaden pressed.
“Are you referring to Syrus? Crowler and Bonaparte did tell me he’s half-werewolf but he doesn’t look it.”
“That’s because he’s dangerous and hides his wolf half so no one would feel threatened. But I know differently and I’m warning you to not let yourself be taken in by his supposed innocent, sweet act.”
Sheppard sensed something push at him before sensing his charm pushing it away. Jaden just tried to influence me and I better act like he succeeded. “Thanks for the warning. I would be better off having nothing to do with him.”
“Yes, but don’t be obvious about it, though he probably already suspects that I would tell you all this.”
“Does everyone else know about Syrus?” he asked even though he already knew the answer.
“Yes, sir. Everyone knows how dangerous werewolves are and half-werewolves fall into that category, especially.”
“That is true. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.” Jaden left the office and Sheppard leaned back to stare at the ceiling before closing his eyes.
Jaden has changed, just as Syrus has said. His friendly personality has turned petty and vindictive. His magic is also quite strong. I could sense it when it tried to impose itself on me and it would have succeeded if I didn’t possess the charm Zane gave me.
It is very important that Syrus defeat Jaden in a duel. It is the only way and I know Jaden would not turn down a duel challenge from Syrus, especially if he offers Jaden an enticing reward.
When Jaden left the class, Syrus had collected his supplies and was about to leave the room only to find his way blocked by Crowler and Bonaparte. He looked up and saw two things: Apologetic expressions and clear eyes. “Doctor?” he ventured.
“Syrus,” Crowler said. “I apologize for Bonaparte and I cold-shouldering you lately. Chancellor Sheppard brought it to our attention that Jaden had used his magic to turn us and the rest of the school against you. He used some kind of charm to break his hold on us.”
“Oui,” Bonaparte said. “And we will not let him do that again.”
“That’s great. You will have to act as if you are still under his spell. I have no doubt he would put a stronger spell on you if he knew you were free.”
Crowler swallowed hard at this. “Someone has to stop him but he’s the top duelist in the school.”
“I can stop him,” Syrus said. “The key is to beat his Fox Spirit card and then defeat him in a duel. I received a card yesterday to counter Fox Spirit.”
“Will he duel you?” Bonaparte asked.
“I believe so. I’ve thought that if I offer him something as a prize for winning, he might jump at it.”
“What could you offer him? He’s quite strong, magically speaking,” Crowler said.
“I can offer my cooperation. I will tell him that if he wins, I will not resist his magic and allow him to do what he wants with me.”
“You’re able to resist his magic?”
Syrus nodded. “A half-werewolf has a set of mental barriers. The first one protects me from the magic of other canine members, like foxes.
“I can offer to lower this barrier and not fight his influence ever again.”
“That could work,” Crowler said. “But please don’t lose, Syrus.”
“I don’t intend to lose,” Syrus said, determined to get Jaden to accept the duel and free his friend.
Chapter Eight- Duel Challenge
Jaden sauntered out of school, pleased with himself. He had the entire school under his spell, even those in the white dorm. He glance back at it and recalled what the Neo-Spacians had told him. While it was gratifying to know that he alone could stop The Society of Light’s plan, he wasn’t too concerned about it. If I told the Society to disband and forego their plan, they would do so. No one can resist my magic except half-werewolves, like Syrus.
Jaden frowned. Syrus and he were two of a kind and yet Syrus resisted him instead of joining him in being dark. As a half-werewolf, surely Sy could bite others into werewolves on the full moon. His eyes glittered as he imagined Syrus as a dark half-werewolf biting others and Jaden still influencing them so no one would tell them about their mental barriers.
“Jaden,” a voice drawled behind him and he turned to see Satorius who clearly did not seem to be under his spell. Jaden understood that this man was the founder of the Society as well as a new student. Satorius’ presence irritated Jaden and he chose to make that known.
“What do you want?” he snapped.
“I want to offer an alliance. We both have strong powers and if we joined together, we could control the world.”
“Control the world,” Jaden repeated. World domination did not interest Jaden as he preferred satisfying his own personal needs. He fixed Satorius with a cold stare. “No thanks. I have no interest in controlling the world. I would rather play pranks and tricks as that is who I am.” He tapped his magic and focused it on Satorius. “Surely, you agree that we don’t need to join together. Our goals are not the same.”
Satorius smiled in amusement. “Your magic has no effect on me. My powers are not of this world.”
“Yeah, but they’re light powers while mine are dark. Doesn’t that mean they cancel each other out?”
“That’s one way of looking at it, however I did say my powers are from space and should be able to overcome your feeble kitsune magic. I know you’re a threat to my plans and I will do what I can to stop you.”
“The only way you can try is to duel me.” Jaden gave a dark laugh. “But, no one can beat me.”
Satorius was aware of Jaden defeating Aster as he had told Aster to duel Jaden. He had assured his client that he would win, so it was a shock when Aster returned and said he lost. He reported on Jaden’s half-kitsune heritage and the card that had brought about his defeat. All of this concerned Satorius as a human Jaden was trouble enough; a half-kitsune Jaden was worse.
“Everyone can lose at least once,” Satorius said. “That is destiny. How about we duel right now and I will prove you can lose.”
“No thanks. I have plans.” Jaden turned to leave.
Satorius seized Jaden’s arm in an iron grip. “It would be unwise to turn down my challenge.”
Jaden yanked his arm free. “I have no interest in dueling you, so leave me be.” His eyes glowed red as he glared at Satorius who glared back with white glowing eyes until a large gray wolf appeared between them.
Syrus was in high spirits as he left school. He had three people on his side on the island. I’ll have more on my side once I beat Jaden, he thought. I know it won’t be easy, but that’s why I’ve been dueling more so I can get better. Syrus pulled out his deck, shuffled it, and drew the top card to reveal Wolf Spirit.
It wants to duel too. I can sense it. It wants to defeat Fox Spirit as much as I do. Syrus put his deck away and, as he did so, his nose caught Jaden’s unique scent up ahead. He took his time walking, not really wanting to have another confrontation and yet Jaden’s scent grew stronger. He could be waiting for me, in which case I might as well get it over with; in fact I could issue my challenge to him. He walked a little faster before coming to a halt. He saw Jaden face-to-face with Satorius and both were glaring at each other with glowing eyes. Jaden had related his visit by the Neo-Spacians to Hassleberry and Syrus and while the latter was in awe of the mission Jaden was being asked to do, the half-kitsune was dismissive of needing any card but Fox Spirit. “I’ll win with Fox Spirit,” he had said. “I can’t lose with Fox Spirit.”
Syrus was convinced that Jaden should duel with the Neo-Spacians, so seeing the two of them facing one another with Jaden in his dark state alarmed him. He changed to his wolf form before getting between them. He growled at Satorius first and then Jaden before saying, “All right, break it up.”
Satorius looked at Syrus before flashing his wicked smile at Jaden. “Mark my words, Jaden. We will duel eventually.” The tall man headed back to the white dorm.
Syrus resumed human form and faced Jaden, who seemed mildly irritated. “Ja,” he began.
“Syrus, I was fine,” Jaden snapped. “I would have easily handled him.”
“Handled him how?”
“The way most things are settled around here. I would have dueled him. I would have shown him that no one can beat me.”
Syrus was silent as the two headed back to Slifer before he said, “When do you plan to duel Satorius?”
“That’s my business. I don’t have to tell you.”
“True, but you are still my friend. Ja, I would like to help you prepare for your duel with Satorius.”
Jaden stared at Syrus before he laughed scornfully. “Are you…suggesting that we duel?” “Yeah, I am. I have gotten better as you know and I would like to test myself against you.”
Jaden snorted. “Why should I duel you?”
“Because…if you win…I will stop resisting your magic. You can do what you want to me.”
Jaden blinked. “You would…lower your barrier?”
A cruel smile appeared on Jaden’s face. “Sy, I have such plans for you. I win, we’ll be best friends again and dark half-animals together. I accept the duel.”
“Great. How about after school tomorrow?”
“Yeah and in the woods where you revealed that you’re half-werewolf.”
“That would be fine.”
The two of them lapsed into silence, each lost in thought. Syrus was nervous at the thought of dueling Jaden. The duel with Aster flashed through his mind, particularly the moves Jaden had made. He had dueled in usual fashion, albeit, with anger and aggression. But when he drew Fox Spirit and summoned it, something happened to him. He became harsh and he went overboard in Fox Spirit’s attack points. I only saw it in action once, but I’m familiar with what it can do and that my Wolf Spirit can negate them all and finish Fox Spirit. I can win. I just have to believe in myself and my cards.
Jaden was also thinking about tomorrow’s duel. His deck was strong, but none of his monsters could match Fox Spirit. Yes, his life points had to be 1,000 or less in order to special summon it; indeed the only way he could summon his beloved monster. Once Fox Spirit is on the field, I will activate its effects and win the duel. Then, Sy will be under my spell again and this time it will be for good.
Chapter Nine- Renewed Friendship
Jaden flinched as 800 of his life points were gone. He looked across the field at Syrus as he said, “Submarineroid’s effect puts it in defense mode. I’ll also put a card face-down and end my turn.”
Syrus watched as Jaden started his next turn. In his opinion, the duel was going well. Both had taken damage but Jaden’s life points were still a little too high to bring out Fox Spirit, if he had drawn it. Meanwhile, Syrus’ hand had more than enough monsters to play and hold back for his card spirit. I want to summon it first. Please Wolf Spirit. I need you.
“I fusion Avian and Burstinatrix to summon Flame Wingman!” Jaden announced. “Get ready, Syrus. You’re about to take the same amount of damage you just gave me! Flame Wingman! Attack!”
Syrus winced as his monster was destroyed and then lost 800 life points due to Flame Wingman’s special effect. He was now down to 1,000, 200 points less than Jaden. That’s not so bad. This proves I have gotten better.
“I end my turn. You’re up.”
“Okay. I draw. I play the spell Pot of Greed so I draw two cards.” Syrus drew and, to his delight, one was Wolf Spirit! “All right, Ja. I send two monsters in my hand to the graveyard to special summon Wolf Spirit- Courageous!” His monster appeared and howled its arrival. “Attack, Flame Wingman!” Wolf Spirit ran forward and lashed out with its claws, cutting its opponent to shreds and bringing Jaden’s life points to 900. “I end my turn,” Syrus said.
“My turn. I draw.” He drew a card and Syrus could tell that it wasn’t Fox Spirit. But the look on his face tells me that it’s in his hand. “Now that my life points are below 1,000, I can special summon Fox Spirit- Malicious!” His new ace monster appeared with its own howl. “I activate its special-,” he began.
“Not so fast,” Syrus cut in. “Wolf Spirit can negate all of the abilities of special summoned monsters! That includes Fox Spirit!”
“What!?” Jaden snarled. “You would dare mess with its sweet abilities!?”
“Yeah. I would and I just did.”
“Fine, but my monster’s still stronger! Fox Spirit, attack Wolf Spirit!”
“I activate my trap, Draining Shield!” Syrus’ life points rose to 4,000 and end the battle phase.
“I gave you that card as I already had one.”
“I know and I was right. It did come in handy.”
Jaden growled before saying, “I end my turn.”
“My turn, then. I draw.” Syrus drew a card and looked at it. The outcome of this duel is playing out exactly as I imagined it. Time to save my friend. “I play the equip spell, Full Moon Rising. It gives Wolf Spirit 600 more attack points.”
“Their points are equal now!” Jaden gasped.
“Yes. Wolf Spirit, attack.”
“What? But, they’ll destroy each other!”
“Not quite. I activate Wolf Spirit’s other effect. By paying half my life points, Wolf Spirit won’t be destroyed and be able to make a second attack!”
Wolf Spirit plowed into Fox Spirit and the latter was destroyed. Wolf Spirit then turned to Jaden and lashed out, taking the last of his life points.
“NO!” Jaden cried as a dark mist rose out of him, his graveyard, and his deck before vanishing into thin air as Jaden went to one knee.
Syrus put his cards away and deactivated his disk before rushing to his friend’s side. “Ja?” he asked, hoping that mist was the evil force being expelled.
Jaden looked up, his eyes all brown again. “Sy?” he asked, sounding a little confused. “What happened?”
“You were being a dark, mean half-kitsune, remember?”
Jaden rubbed the side of his head before saying, “Of course. I remember everything since my birthday. Dad must have put some dark magic into Fox Spirit and myself to make me like him. There was a part of me that tried to warn me but I ignored it.”
“That’s what Zane and Dad think too and why Dad sent Wolf Spirit to me as dueling you was the only way to save you.”
“Sy, thanks. I was happier being how I was before I turned dark. I will still play tricks though they will be light-hearted.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll keep my first barrier up, thanks.”
Jaden laughed. “Sy, I won’t use my magic on you without your say-so.”
“I know, but I like the focus and concentration I get from it.”
“I do like seeing you being more confident.”
“That’s the second-level of my barriers. It’s also responsible for the full moon changes, the freedom to change when I want, and the sharper senses, and faster speed.” “That would explain why you’re not wearing glasses.”
“Right. My vision’s perfect now. The thing with the second-level is that the third-level has to be restrained to prevent it from coming out.”
“Coming out?” Jaden repeated as he stood up. “Sy, you shouldn’t restrain any part of your heritage. You are half-werewolf. Be proud of it.”
“And as everyone know I’m half-werewolf, I really shouldn’t fight it.”
Jaden watched as Syrus closed his eyes and then Syrus’ ears changed and moved up into wolf ears and a wolf’s tail sprouted behind him. “Wow,” Jaden said. “Now, you really look half-werewolf. Very cool.”
“Thanks,” Syrus said as he opened his eyes. He smiled happily at his friend. “I am so glad you’re back to normal.”
“Normal as in friendly, light-hearted half-kitsune?”
“Yeah, that kind of normal.”
“And I’m glad you’re not hiding your heritage.”
“Speaking of which, do you think you could stop the spell that’s influencing people?”
“Sure.” Jaden snapped his fingers and Syrus felt a breeze go by. “Done, but I didn’t use a spell to turn everyone against you. That was just me speaking rumors.”
“Yeah, but I think the influence spell made it worse because it made people believe whatever you said.”
“Well, we’ll soon fix that by letting everyone know that those rumors are false.”
“Great. Ja, what are you going to do with Fox Spirit?”
“Never use it again, that’s for sure.”
“Give it to me. I have to give Wolf Spirit and its equip card back to Dad when I go home for the summer. I’ll give him Fox Spirit too for safe keeping.”
“Sweet.” Jaden handed over the card and Syrus put it away. “Sy, how about we be foxes tonight? It’ll be like last time.”
“My first barrier’s up to block your magic. Besides, I would prefer to be a wolf.”
“Fair enough.” Jaden changed to a fox while Syrus became a wolf. Jaden bared a fox grin. “Now, I’m the small one,” he joked.
Syrus grinned back at this and then said, “Let’s play, Ja. How about a race first?” Jaden nodded as they struck racing poses before running off into the woods where they celebrated their renewed friendship.
Chapter Ten- Wrapping It Up
“Seriously? Sheppard’s gonna have a tournament where we can duel pros?” Jaden asked as they left the woods the following morning.
“Uh-huh. Zane’s going to be in it which is how he found out about me being half-werewolf.”
“So, he knew the good you until I made him believe you were dangerous.”
“Actually, you didn’t. Zane gave him a gold charm with a green stone that blocks canine magic. He pretended that you influenced him.”
“He did a good job of acting. So, I can tell him I’m not dark anymore and he can make a school-wide announcement to get rid of those rumors.”
“You also need to beat Satorius.”
“Yeah and I’ll do it with the Neo-Spacians. I’ll need to practice with them first, though and this tournament would be perfect practice.”
Syrus was about to comment on that plan when Hassleberry’s voice exclaimed in alarm, “Sam Hill! Careful, Sarge!” The next thing Syrus knew, Jaden was being pulled away from him and shielded by their friends.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Jaden asked.
“Protecting you, though you probably could handle him,” Atticus replied.
“I don’t need protection. It’s just Sy,” Jaden pointed out. “He’s not gonna hurt anyone. He’s harmless.”
“Really?” Bastion asked.
“Yes!” Jaden said. “Everything I said were just rumors. There’s no truth in any of them.” He saw his friends exchange looks and worried that he may have to influence them again when Bastion said, “Jaden is correct. Syrus had done nothing to warrant fear or suspicion.”
“Those are good points,” Atticus said. He flashed a grin at Syrus. “And he’s cute with the ears and tail now.”
Hassleberry nodded at this. “When did that happen, Sy?”
“I’ve had them since before attending Duel Academy. I just restrained it. Ja convinced me to let go last night. I saw no reason not to as the whole school knows I’m half-werewolf.”
“A school who still fears you,” Jaden said, ears drooping. “I feel awful about spreading those rumors. I’d like to stop them.”
“Why not use your magic to influence the school to stop the rumors?” Bastion asked.
Jaden shook his head hard. “I shouldn’t. That spell is what caused the trouble.”
“Only because you were being influenced to be dark and mean,” Syrus said. “All that evil force is gone and can’t influence you again.”
“I…guess I could use it and then end it,” Jaden said.
Syrus nodded. “Do it, Ja and we can ask Chancellor Sheppard to also end the rumors.”
Jaden closed his eyes and forced his desire in the direction of the school and the dorms. Another breeze was felt briefly and Jaden opened his eyes. “I’ll leave the spell in place for the day. It should reach everyone that way. I’ll end it after school.”
“Great. Then, let’s eat,” Syrus said. Everyone blinked at his words and he shrugged. “Changing to a wolf and back again is energy draining and I need food to replenish it just as Jaden needs it for his magic.”
“Yes, that does make sense,” Bastion said. “So, let’s have breakfast and you can tell us how Jaden became his friendly, normal self again, Syrus.”
The cloudy eyes of his fellow students was a comfort to Syrus this time around. He had girls coming up to him, asking to feel his ears or tail while the guys asked about his heritage. All of this attention was a little embarrassing but he granted the requests and answered the questions.
“Different from how it was before, huh Sy?” Jade asked as classes broke for lunch.
“Yeah, but I prefer it to the rumors.”
“We should see Sheppard before we eat.” Jaden led the way to the office and the doors slid open and made Sheppard look up.
The chancellor blinked for a moment before an indulgent smile came to his face. “You finally lowered the third barrier. Those ears and tail suit you, Syrus.”
“Thanks. I let them come out after I dueled and saved Jaden.”
“And yet everyone’s still being influenced,” Sheppard said sternly.
Jaden’s ears folded back at the rebuke. “I’m only doing it to help end the rumors I spread about Sy. I’ll end it after school, I promise. We came to ask you to help end the rumors.”
“Of course I’ll help. It’s clear you’re back to your usual self.”
“Sweet,” Jaden said, ears erect again. “Oh, Syrus said you’re going to hold a tournament with pros and students. Count me in for it.”
“It’s true, but keep it quiet until I announce it.”
“My lips are sealed.”
Sheppard gathered the school after classes were over and he found it unsettling to see hundreds of cloudy eyes focused on him. He shook if off as he faced the assemblage. “I am aware that there were those among you who feared Syrus Truesdale for being half-werewolf. Rumors of him being dangerous have flown around and I am here to say that I have spoken to him and he is not dangerous. He is no different than Jaden, just a wolf instead of a fox.” Sheppard then felt a breeze as he finished speaking and he saw cloudy eyes became clear and alert. Jaden must have ended the spell. He smiled at this realization before continuing his speech. “On another matter is my absence for most of the year. I was traveling the world to find the best pros and invite them here to duel each other and against you, my students.
“The competition is what I call the GX Tournament. Everyone will receive a GX medal which the loser will hand over to the winner.” Sheppard held up a medal so everyone could see it. “Everyone must give over all medals they have when they lose and then they are out of the tournament. The winner will be granted whatever they wish. I expect you all to duel each other to improve your skills before the tournament begins. Dismissed.” The crowd dispersed, chatting about Syrus and the tournament in equal parts of awe and excitement.
“I can’t wait to duel those pros,” Jaden commented at dinner. He scarfed down his fish and other dishes before getting more fish.
“We need to duel other students to get better,” Syrus pointed out as he nibbled the shrimp he had chosen instead of fish.
“Problem is, no one wants to duel me as I’m the top duelist,” Jaden pointed out before enlarging the size of Syrus’ shrimp to which the half-werewolf happily thanked him.
“I wouldn’t mind dueling you,” Syrus said after a few minutes. “I’ll learn something even if I lose. Plus, it’ll give you practice with your new cards.”
Jaden grinned at this. “You got a duel. After school tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow,” Syrus agreed. He returned to dinner, happy. Jaden wasn’t dark anymore and Syrus would help him in his destiny to defeat Satorius. And it starts with a duel tomorrow. Two best friends who have more in common than we first thought.