Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Only Jaden’s parents and the card Fox Spirit- Malicious are mine. This takes place at the beginning of Season Two.
Chapter One- Birthday Surprise
“But, why?” asked the brunette woman as she cradled a baby in her arms as she knelt before a large red fox. His brown eyes stared into her green ones.
“I told you,” he said through sharp teeth. “I am a trickster and can only stay in human form briefly. Take care of our son. Tell him his heritage when he turns sixteen for it will start to surface then.” He gently ran a dark red paw over a tuft of brown hair on the baby’s head before licking the woman’s cheek. “Goodbye. I love you,” he said softly and then turned and leaped out a window to a clear night with a full moon. As the light fell on the fox, its eyes turned red and glowing and it growled angrily. His evil and trickster side had re-awakened after being a human for several years; a side that had been buried while in human form.
Jaden’s eyes snapped open and he laid there, his mind’s eye flashing through the images of his dream. Was that a dream of my past? I never knew my father and mom said he died. But, what if he’s alive and an evil trickster fox? And, if that’s so, what does that make me?
His PDA chimed and he slid out of bed to check it. He had a message…and it was from Mom! He opened it and read it:
Hi, sweetie. Happy birthday! By now, you’ve probably have had at least one strange dream involving us and a fox. I don’t know any specifics, but the dream is true. Your father was a trickster fox who fell in love with me and took human form for several years. He had to resume his true form for good and told me to tell you the truth on your sixteenth birthday as your fox heritage will surface, though I don’t know what that means. I suppose you’ll find out soon. Again, happy birthday Jaden.
Jaden sat down hard in the chair, staring at the message. So, his dream was true! His father was a fox and some part of it would surface in him soon as he was now sixteen! He looked at a hand and saw it was normal. He rubbed his face: Normal and fur-free. Maybe the part I’ll get is the urge to play tricks. That wouldn’t be so bad. I won’t be an evil one like my dad as I’m only half-fox.
A pillow came sailing down and nailed him in the face. “Happy birthday, Sarge!” called Hassleberry.
“Uh, thanks,” Jaden sputtered.
“Happy birthday, Ja,” Syrus said.
“Thanks, pal.” He put his hands up as a small package came at him. He knew it was some Duel Monsters booster packs. He couldn’t help grinning as another package came down. His friends knew what to get him, even though Hassleberry just became a friend this year and not that long ago, either. He ripped off the wrappings before opening the packs to see what he got as his friends got up to get dressed for the day.
“Sweet! This card will work great in my deck!” Jaden moved onto the next card and saw this one had potential too. The last card, however, gave him pause and made his heart pound. The picture of the monster was that of a fox with solid red eyes!
Hassleberry looked over his shoulder and whistled. “Sam Hill, that’s one scary, creepy monster. Fox Spirit-Malicious."
“Yeah,” Jaden agreed. “Says it can only be summoned when my life points are 1,000 or less. Then I must banish all the monsters in my graveyard and this cards gets an extra 500 attack points for each one.” There was more to the card, but he felt he had said enough.
“Five hundred for each one and it already has 3,000 attack points?” Hassleberry gasped. “Man, play it right and it’ll annihilate your opponent’s monster and his life points.”
“But I’m not going to use it,” Jaden protested. “I feel like this card is dangerous. I’ll keep it but not play it.” He put it in his deck box as he got dressed.
It was a beautiful Saturday and the sight of it drove his dream and the scary card out of his mind. He looked forward to hanging out with all of his friends and, of course, duel. The year had just started but already he had made a new friend and Syrus had been promoted to Ra. Jaden hadn’t been promoted but he didn’t care. He was already recognized as the school’s top duelist, so what dorm he lived in didn’t matter.
“Go, Shining Flare Wingman!” Jaden called. His monster flew forward and attacked, bringing the duel to an end and Jaden grinned. He was having a lot of fun and by the small smile on his opponent’s face, he had enjoyed it too. He stood, dusted off his red jacket, and went up to Jaden.
“Good duel,” he said holding out a hand. “I learned a lot.”
“Sweet. I hope it helps.” Jaden took the hand and released as the Slifer red left.
“Way to play, Ja,” Syrus praised.
“Thanks, Sy.” Jaden brushed some hair to one side and his fingers brushed against his ear that felt longer. He trailed behind his friends, his finger feeling the shape of his ear. It felt as if it was gaining a point. His heart pounded again. It was starting: His heritage was surfacing. Are my ears really going to be pointed? What about my hands? He looked at them, but they were still normal. He sighed as he ran his finger along his ear again.
“Jaden? You okay?” Alexis said as she and the others came over as Jaden had stopped when he realized he had a pointed ear.
“I don’t know. Maybe,” he said. “I had a strange dream last night and it turns out to be from my past. I found out the truth about my dad.”
“Your dad?” Syrus repeated.
“I thought he had died shortly after I was born, at least that’s what Mom said. But he didn’t die. He’s actually a trickster fox; an evil one.”
“What? That’s crazy,” Hassleberry said.
Jaden took out his PDA and brought up his mom’s message. “Read this,” he said, holding it out.
His friends read the message and Atticus whistled. “Wow. So, has anything of your heritage come up yet?” he asked as Jaden put his pad away.
“I think so.” He pushed his hair back to show his ear.
“Whoa,” Alexis breathed. She went up and pushed back the hair on the other side. “They’re both pointed.”
“Are you gonna turn into a fox?” Syrus asked.
“I hope not. Maybe just pointed ears and the occasional desire to play a trick or two.”
“Knowing you, they’ll be harmless,” Hassleberry said.
Jaden grinned. “Yeah, they would be. I’m only half-fox and not evil.”
“How about we get dinner and head up to school?” Syrus asked. “I mean, Zane’s dueling tonight. The whole school’s gonna watch it.”
“Of course,” Jaden said. “I’d never miss a chance to see your brother duel.” The gang broke for their respective dorms to enjoy a decent meal before cheering on their former school mate.
Jaden smiled as he left the room while Syrus beamed. Zane had pulled off another successful almost flawless win. He had to go on the defensive for a time before he turned the tables. Jaden admired the fact that Zane never lost his cool during that time. He wasn’t so sure he could be that calm under the pressure of needing to win. That was the only negative thing about being a pro: You’re expected to win; if you start losing and keep losing, you would lose your sponsor and the fans. But, Zane’s good. I don’t see him losing. I want to be able to duel like him and still have fun while doing so.
Jaden, Syrus, and Hassleberry sat in their dorm, re-living Zane’s duel and going through their decks as they talked. Jaden shuffled his cards before lifting the top one and staring at it: It was Fox Spirit.
Man, I forgot I put it in my deck box. Well, maybe I’ll keep it in my deck. I am half-fox and it’s only natural to have a remainder of it with me. He put it back on top and returned it to his box before discussing some of Zane’s tactics with his friends. Jaden, therefore, didn’t see a faint black glow outline the Fox Spirit card and trickle down to the rest of his deck.
Chapter Two- Heritage Emergence
Jaden awoke to the sensation of rubbing and itching. He reached up to scratch, eyes still closed and his hand made contact with another hand. He heard a startled gasp and his eyes flew open to see Syrus. He released the hand as he sat up. “Sy, what were you doing?” he asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
“I was…rubbing your ear. I mean, it looked so…soft and it sure is soft.”
Jaden blinked at his friend. “My ear?” He put a hand to a side to find nothing. He moved his hand up and it met up with a soft furry object. He scrambled out of bed and to a small mirror, gaping at his reflection. He had two black-tipped red fox ears on his head! “Oh my gosh. This is why my ears were pointed: They were changing.”
“Whoa,” came Hassleberry’s voice when he saw Jaden.
“Ja, they look cool and they kind of suit you,” Syrus said.
“You think so?” Jaden took a second look and had to admit that Syrus had a point: Despite the ears being a different color, they looked like they belonged there. He gasped slightly as one of them turned to face outward. “Wow,” he said and then grinned. “Cool! No one will be able to sneak up on me with these babies!”
“Jaden is correct,” Bastion said as the gang sat at the bottom of the stairs of the Slifer dorm. “Foxes are part of the canine family and have sharper senses than humans do.”
Jaden closed his eyes and sighed as Alexis scratched behind an ear. It felt so good and with his eyes closed, he was able to hear a lot better. Every subtle sound was sharper and clearer, including ones he normally wouldn’t hear.
“Uh, Jaden?” came Syrus’ voice. “Shouldn’t we tell Crowler about this? I mean, with school and all tomorrow.”
Jaden opened his eyes and Alexis stopped scratching. “Maybe. I don’t know. He may not buy it even with the ears. We all know I’m not his favorite person.”
“Then might I suggest just you and me?” Bastion said. “Crowler will accept it, especially since I will be there to verify your claim.”
Jaden nodded in agreement. He knew that Crowler tended to favor Ra and Obelisk students than Slifer ones, especially the Obelisk Blue.
Crowler and Bonaparte stared at the ears as Jaden finished explaining. Their stares annoyed him and his ears flattened to express this. “This is a joke, oui?” Bonaparte scoffed.
“It is no joke, Vice-Chancellor,” Bastion stated. “I researched trickster foxes since viewing the message Mrs. Yuki sent. Foxes have been known to breed with humans and conceive half-fox offspring. The signs vary, but evidence of their existence is well-documented.” Bastion produced some papers and put them on the desk.
Both chancellor and vice-chancellor looked over the research papers with its facts, figures, and documented cases. Finally, Crowler looked up at Jaden. “So, will you only have the ears?”
Jaden’s ears became erect as he said, “Probably not. I may end up wanting to play tricks, most likely harmless ones.”
“Most half-foxes tend to play tricks,” Bastion added. “It is the nature of the person that determines the type of prank but sometimes it’s the nature of the fox parent. In this case, I believe it will be Jaden’s nature that will determine the prank type.”
“Doctor Crowler, I would like it if you got the word out to the school about this. I know I’m going to get stared at,” Jaden pleaded.
Crowler took in Jaden’s ears again before nodding. “All right, Slacker. I’ll send a message to all school PDA’s.”
Jaden sighed and grinned. “Thanks. That means a lot.”
“Well, that went well,” Bastion said as they left school.
“Yeah. Now I won’t have to constantly explain tomorrow.”
“Indeed.” The pair walked down the sidewalk, the leaves of nearby trees rustling in a breeze. Jaden’s ears twitched in the wind and pricked up when they heard an almost inaudible voice whisper, “Jaden,” on the wind. He looked at the woods and heard that voice again calling his name.
“Jaden?” Bastion inquired.
“Yeah, I’m coming.” He waited until Bastion had gone on ahead before pelting toward the woods, his ears alert for that voice which sounded vaguely familiar.
“Hello?” he called as he entered the forest and headed into it. “Hello?”
“Jaden. My boy,” came the voice, a male one.
Jaden stared as a large red fox came out of the darkness on four dark red paws. His brown fox eyes looked into Jaden’s matching brown eyes. “Dad?” he gasped, recognizing him from his dream.
“Oh, Jaden. You are a handsome young man and your fox heritage is making itself known,” the fox answered.
Jaden touched an ear. “Yeah. I found it hard to believe when I read Mom’s message. I thought it could have been a birthday joke.”
“Clearly, it isn’t.” The fox sat and Jaden followed suite. “You know the ears won’t be the only aspects of your heritage that you’ll receive.”
“So, I will be playing tricks?”
“Oh, yes. I play them all the time, especially on those who I see as my enemies. Those tricks are my way of getting revenge.”
“Uh, Dad? I don’t think I could ever do that. I mean, I don’t really have enemies, just dueling rivals.”
“Perhaps so. You are much like your mother; it was her friendly sunny personality that drew me to her and prompted me to take human form.” His eyes grew faraway for a moment before returning to the present. “I went to her on your birthday and asked where you were. I then arrived last night and waited to see you so I could call out to you.”
“Wait. How could you get here so fast?”
The fox laughed. “I’m a trickster, a being of magic. I simply visualized the place and I’m magically transported there.” He got to his paws and came closer. “You have the same magic as my son, but can’t access it on your own. I, however, can unlock it for you. Consider it my birthday gift to you.” He put a paw over Jaden’s heart and barked a couple of times. A glow outlined the paw and it spread to Jaden’s body before fading.
“So, I can do magic now?” Jaden asked. “Could you teach me?”
“I don’t need to teach. You can do pretty much anything you imagine and desire. You simply need to focus on what you want. It makes doing tricks easier. Now, I believe you have some friends who are wondering where you are.”
“Oh, yeah.” Jaden stood, took several steps before turning to say goodbye, but his father was gone. Jaden blinked and then shrugged as he left the forest, and headed toward Slifer.
The fox stalked Jaden along the edge of the forest, admiring the boy. He was a perfect blend of him and his mother. He had his mother’s hair and personality, but his eyes and trickster fox nature. Unlocking the boy’s trickster magic would prompt the boy to see what he could do and to play a couple of minor tricks.
Those tricks will eventually turn mean and evil as he indulges more in his powers and magic. The desire to get revenge will grow thanks to the Fox Spirit card. I sent that card to replace one card in a pack from one of his friends. It will spread its dark power to the rest of his deck and will enter his heart while dueling with his deck. I do hope a situation arises where he will desire to lash out at a perceived enemy. If it’s a duel, hopefully, he’ll summon the card I gave him. By the time that duel ends, my son will be dark and possibly evil.
He growled in pleasure at the thought and his eyes turned red and glowing again. No child of his was going to be good if he could help it. When he took human form, his evil side had gotten locked away. It didn’t bother him for he knew that it would re-awaken on the first full moon after resuming his true self. He had counted on falling in love but not on getting married and having a child. But, no matter. I love Jaden and I’m glad I met him so I could turn him evil. Soon Jaden, you too will be an evil trickster and free to do as you wish.
Chapter Three- The First Prank
“There are you! What happened to you?” Hassleberry said as Jaden arrived.
“I met my dad! Man, is he cool!” Jaden grinned at the memories.
“You met him?” Alexis said.
Jaden nodded, still grinning. “I did and he unlocked my trickster magic as a birthday gift. He told me I can do anything I imagine.” His eyes lit up with a perfect way to test them. He pictured the spot behind his friends and willed himself over there. He soon saw his friends’ back and Syrus saying, “Jaden?”
“Right here, Sy.”
Syrus turned around as did the others. “You can teleport?” Bastion asked.
“Yeah. Dad got to the island last night from my house.”
“That’s quite a distance,” Bastion said.
“It is, but I thought I try something closer.”
“So you can do anything?” Syrus asked in awe. “Could you levitate things, maybe people?”
“Oh,” Jaden said, catching the hinting tone in his friend’s voice. He focused on lifting Syrus into the air and saw, to his delight, Syrus rising upward. Syrus gasped when his feet left the ground and then he laughed at being higher than everyone.
“This is so cool!” he exclaimed, managing a mid-air somersault. He was eventually brought down and he was beaming. “That was great, Ja! Ja?”
Jaden swayed slightly, a hand to his temple and his eyes closed. “Whoa,” he said softly. “I think I overdid it.”
“Not a surprise,” Bastion said. “You just got your magic and it takes a toll on beginners as far as energy goes.”
“Maybe I should lie down,” Jaden murmured.
“Good idea,” Hassleberry agreed.
Jaden trudged upstairs, into his room, and collapsed on his bunk instantly asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.
Meanwhile, his friends discussed this turn of events. “Now Jaden’s got his magic,” Syrus gushed, still high on being levitated. “This is great!”
“It does sound great,” Alexis agreed. “But it drains Jaden’s energy.”
“If Jaden takes it easy, his magic will get stronger and not need as much of his energy,” Atticus pointed out.
“I also suggest we be on guard,” Bastion put in. “Remember, his father is a trickster fox and he just unlocked trickster magic within Jaden. Our friend could start playing pranks on us, but of a minor harmless variety.”
“Harmless describes Jaden will, unless he’s dueling,” Hassleberry chuckled. “Maybe we should prank him first.”
“What? No, we shouldn’t,” Syrus said.
“I’m not talking about a mean one,” Hassleberry protested. “Just a harmless trick that Jaden would find funny.”
Jaden woke to a knock and Syrus calling, “Ja? It’s dinnertime. You hungry?”
“Definitely. Be there in a minute.” Jaden heard Syrus’ footsteps recede, then yawned and stretched as he got up. He felt refreshed from his nap and also hungry, which was nothing new. He scratched behind his ears, smoothed his hair, and headed out to eat.
Stares followed him as he headed for his friends, noticing they already got his tray for him. He knew the stares were about his ears and he also knew that Crowler had sent the message as he had received it when he woke up. He ignored them as he sat down. “Feeling better?” Syrus asked.
“Oh, yeah. A nap was just what I needed.” Jaden ate the fish and started on his rice. Everything was good as usual and he considered about getting seconds as he started on the soup. Suddenly, he gasped, grabbed his juice, and drained it. “Whoa, that’s some spicy soup,” he panted, fanning his tongue. “My mouth’s still burning.”
Hassleberry snorted with laughter over his food. “That’s because I spiked your soup with a little hot sauce.”
“What?” Jaden said. “You…pranked me?”
“Uh, yeah,” Hassleberry admitted, suddenly a bit nervous that Jaden would be mad.
Jaden grinned and thumped Hassleberry on the back. “Good one.”
“Thanks,” he said, relieved. “So, you’re not mad?”
“Nah. You got me good. I’ll just go get seconds.” Jaden took his tray and headed for the front, still smiling in amusement. The trickster in him appreciated the prank and how perfectly it went. I couldn’t have done better myself. However, now it’s my turn to pull a trick. I believe Sy had nothing to do with the hot sauce so this one’s for Hassleberry. A sly smile came to his face as a classic prank came to mind and he focused his magic on it. He gathered up his tray of fresh food and headed back to the table.
Syrus stared after Jaden. “He actually appreciated being tricked?”
“Sure looks like it; must be the trickster in him and of course, his easy personality. Ja doesn’t hold a grudge like other people would.”
“Yeah, he’s not like that at all.”
Jaden laid on his bed after dinner, thinking about tomorrow and what he could do with his new magic. He found that he was actually looking forward to going to school. Everyone would be looking at him and he didn’t feel a bit nervous or embarrassed about it; being half-fox was what he was meant to be since his father was a fox. He unconsciously traced the edge of an ear. I wonder if I’ll get any other fox things later on. I love my ears and magic, but I wouldn’t mind at least one more thing.
My magic seems to have unlimited heights. I mean, anything I imagine can be real once I focus on it. I need to be careful because Bastion’s right: I’m still new to using it and I don’t want to overdo it. Maybe limit it to two or three times a day and not big things. Levitation for a period of time like I did today was a bit much, but Sy enjoyed it.
“Ja? You okay?”
Jaden looked up and over to see Syrus looking down from his bed and Hassleberry look over from the chair. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about tomorrow and my magic.”
“Tomorrow. Yeah, everyone staring at you.” Syrus winced. “That’s gonna be embarrassing.”
Jaden shrugged. “Nah, I don’t think so. I’ve always been half-fox; it’s just showing up now.”
“Good point,” Hassleberry said.
“I think it’s sweet that I can do anything I want with it. But I figured I limit it to two or three times a day until it’s stronger.”
“Can’t argue with that strategy,” Hassleberry said and then yawned. “Well, I think it’s time to hit the hay.” Hassleberry started getting ready for bed with Jaden and Syrus following his lead, the former taking his time. He was still quicker than the other two and chalked it up to his heritage.
He had just gotten under the cover and laid down when he heard Hassleberry exclaim, “Sam Hill!”
“What’s up, Hassleberry?” Syrus asked.
“Some son of a gun short-sheeted my bed!”
Jaden let out a howl of laughter, his legs kicking under the sheet. “Gotcha!” he gasped.
“You did this!?”
“Uh-huh. While I was getting seconds. A little payback for your trick.”
Hassleberry laughed. “Okay, we’re even then.” He got up to remake his bed.
Jaden buried his face in his pillow to smother his chuckles. He had gotten Hassleberry good and he felt great about his first prank. But surely more tricks will happen. After all, I am half trickster fox. Jaden sighed and fell asleep.
Chapter Four- Magic
Jaden saw stares and heard whispers as he headed into the school the next day. He smiled as he passed. He felt no embarrassment as he suspected; indeed he felt pride in standing out from everyone. He was different and should stand out. He saw Mindy and Jasmine, their eyes locked on his ears. He made both twitch and heard gasps and small squeals from both of them and grinned at it. School was suddenly more interesting now that he was half-fox visually.
“Alexis, Jaden is cuter than I thought he’d be with fox ears,” Mindy sighed as the brunette headed inside.
“I agree,” Jasmine added. “You still interested in him?”
“Of course,” Alexis said. “But don’t you dare say anything about that.”
“Our lips are still sealed.”
Chazz followed his fellow students inside, an impassive look on his face as he focused on Jaden. The brunette seemed to be enjoying all the attention and Chazz felt his upper lip curl into a sneer. He hadn’t been present when Jaden first revealed his ears as he had sulked in his room over being cheated out of his return to Obelisk. His PDA chimed with Crowler’s school wide message and read it, so he wasn’t shocked when Jaden entered the cafeteria for dinner. He had stared like the others, but noticed that Jaden didn’t seemed bothered by any of them. He caught up with Jaden as they stopped outside of Spells class.
Jaden turned and flashed his trademark grin. “Morning, Chazz!”
Chazz huffed as he stepped closer to the half-fox, eyeing the ears intently. They were furry with red fur but the tips were black. They looked soft and he was visited by an urge to feel them.
“You can touch them if you want,” Jaden said as if reading Chazz’s mind.
Chazz stepped back. “As if,” he scoffed. “Just making sure they’re real.”
“Oh, they’re real all right,” Jaden confirmed as they entered the room. He sat between Syrus and Alexis, pleased with all the attention he was getting. It was nice to be looked at for something other than his jacket color, grades, or dueling skills, the latter not such a bad thing. He sat there bored with the teacher’s lecture and amused himself by levitating his pencil a little off the surface. He raised and lowered it before putting it in his hand. He smiled slightly. That’s one small thing. Two more times before stopping for the day.
Syrus saw Jaden levitate his pencil before holding it and twiddling it. it was clear that, despite his ears and magic, Jaden’s academic interest was still the same. He, himself, had felt the beginnings of wanting to actually learn and rightfully earn his place in Obelisk Blue next year. The year had just started and he was ready to learn and make his brother proud of him.
Jaden yawned as they headed back to Slifer for lunch. The novelty of the stares had worn off and school was back to being boring. He noticed that people had continued to stare after the initial looks and he thought he saw some girls admiring his ears. Some people had come up to him to feel or scratch behind his ears. He loved having them scratched, particularly if he had been about the scratch due to an itch.
He looked at his lunch and felt like something else, like more fish and bigger than what he usually got. Hmm, could I change my food? This might eat up my two remaining chances, but I gotta know what I can really do. He focused on his fish and imagined the size he’d like them to be; it paid off as the fish changed size. He focused on his soup and the bowl filled with small fish like what he previously had. He felt a bit dizzy afterwards, but pushed it aside as he dug into his lunch, delighted in being able to change it. I might be able to eventually change Slifer’s meal choices once I’m stronger. No more lousy meals for Slifer while I’m here.
“In the mood for fish huh, Ja?” Syrus asked as they headed back to school.
“Sure did and it was delicious.”
“Of course it was,” Bastion spoke up as he fell into step beside them as they passed Ra. “A fox’s favorite food is fish as well as nuts, berries, and insects.”
Jaden made a disgusted face. “No way am I eating bugs.”
“No kidding,” Syrus put in. “So Ja, gonna do the same thing with dinner tonight?”
“Probably not. I think I’ve already used up my three magic uses for today.”
“You could still try,’ Bastion pointed out. “Magic is like dueling: The more you use it, the stronger it will get and not require as much energy.”
“Yeah,” Jaden said slowly. “It is like dueling. I seem to improve with each duel I play.”
Syrus nodded, mind racing. He needed to duel more often so he could improve and win more often. I shouldn’t be afraid to lose as I can take what I learned from losing to improve my skills.
The afternoon passed in a slow drag for Jaden. He felt like he had too much energy to sit still and expended some of it by increasing the size of objects that wouldn’t attract too much attention. He still had extra energy when classes ended for the day and he mentioned it to his friends. “I need something to get rid of it.”
“Offer to change the dorm’s dinner tonight,” Syrus suggested. “Ask what they’d like and pick one. I’d personally would like some curry.”
“Having steak instead of fish would be enough for me,” Hassleberry said.
The idea of using his magic to give his dorm mates a better dinner for once appealed to him and spent the rest of the afternoon explaining his magic and polling what they’d like for dinner. He received not only dinner ideas but wistful longing for ice cream. He slipped into Slifer’s cafeteria and turned the fish into steak, the most popular poll item but did keep some fish for himself. He further used his magic to conjure ice cream in the freezer. He staggered, slightly dizzy, as he left and met up with his roommates.
“You okay?” Syrus asked, seeing Jaden had a hand to his temple.
“Yeah, just a little dizzy. Well, there’s steak for dinner and ice cream for dessert.”
“You made ice cream out of thin air?” Hassleberry gasped as Jaden sat on his bunk.
“Uh-huh. I think that’s why I’m dizzy. I never made something out of nothing before.”
Dinner that night was an appreciative affair. Students cheered and thanked Jaden for the steak. He, in turn, accepted their thanks and pointed out that he would need to recover his powers for a little bit.
“Of course,” one student called. “But maybe tartar sauce or something for our usual food.”
Jaden grinned at that. “I think I can do that.”
The Slifer dorm gave big cheers when they found out about the ice cream. Each student got a dish of vanilla or chocolate ice cream and there was much talking and smiles all around. Jaden beamed at the happy faces and wanted to keep making them happy. But there’s only so much I can do right now as my magic is still new. I know there are some things I can’t do. I can’t improve their dueling skills or conjure up cards. I can’t do either for myself and I’m fine with that.
“Ah,” Syrus sighed as he laid flat on his bed. “Ja that was the best dinner we’ve ever had at Slifer.”
“I’ll say,” Hassleberry put in.
“Do you plan to make condiments for our usual meals?”
“Yeah. I was thinking tartar sauce and soy sauce.”
“Mm. Sounds great,” Syrus said.
“Sure does,” Hassleberry agreed. “But are you sure you can manage it?”
“I believe so. Bastion said magic is like dueling. It gets stronger the more I use it.”
“Makes sense.” Hassleberry stretched out on his bed and drifted off to sleep, happy that he hadn’t pranked and been pranked in turn. Having a half-fox for a friend is pretty cool, especially with what he can do.
Chapter Five- Second Prank
Jaden awoke early, dressed, and slipped down to the cafeteria. He imagined every table with a bottle of tartar sauce and soy sauce. The desired result appeared and Jaden smiled when he found he wasn’t dizzy like last night. I’m definitely getting stronger. It’s only Tuesday and I’ve only had magic since Sunday. He bounded back upstairs and roused his friends. “Come on guys! It’s a new day.”
Syrus moaned as he sat up, rubbing an eye. “Why? It’s still early.”
“Not that early,” Jaden protested. “Breakfast will be ready before you know it.”
“I assume you already put the bottles on the tables,” Hassleberry said, voice muffled as his face was in his pillow.
“Yup and I don’t feel dizzy or tired.”
Syrus and Hassleberry finally roused themselves out of bed and started getting ready while Jaden made sure he had everything for school. He had just snapped his bag closed when his backside ached. He grimaced as he sat down, rubbing the spot. The aching got worse and started to burn and itch as well. He moaned softly, catching his friends’ attentions.
“You okay, Sarge?” Hassleberry asked.
“I don’t know. I feel a burning, itching feeling right here.” Jaden groaned as he touched the spot. He gave a loud gasp and heard cloth tear before the feelings passed.
“Wow,” Syrus said in soft amazement. “Ja, you’ve got a tail now.”
“What?” Jaden looked back to see a bushy fox tail. It was red except for the end which was white. The tail twitched slightly. “Wow.” He grinned at that. “Sweet.”
“Now you really look like a half-fox,” Hassleberry said.
Jaden nodded, his tail flicking to rest beside him. He reached out and stroked it. It was soft like his ears and felt good being stroked.
“Come on, Ja. Breakfast,” Syrus said.
“Coming,” he said, standing and grabbing his bag before following Syrus.
His entrance was met with applause and gasps. He knew the former was for the sauces while the latter was the sight of the tail. He couldn’t help smiling as he got his food. He simply loved his tail and felt the novelty of it wouldn’t wear off as quickly as it did with the ears as he had gotten them on Sunday and was used to them by lunchtime on Monday.
“Jaden, when did you get a tail?” Alexis gasped when he approached the front of the school.
“Just before breakfast.” The tail swished. “Sweet, huh?”
“It’s beautiful,” she breathed. “I think a lot of girls will love it too.”
Alexis’ prediction proved true as girls would squeal at it or come up to see it better and ask to touch it. He would grant the request and savored the feel of their fingers running through the fur.
“It must have hurt, growing it,” Jasmine said, stroking it.
“A little,” Jaden admitted. “I felt an aching, burning, and itching before it came out.”
“Well, it’s cool and makes you cuter than before.”
Jaden turned almost as red as his ears at the comment. He didn’t think he looked cute; rather cool actually. He also sensed that his magic had gotten stronger since gaining the tail. I might be able to pull off bigger tricks.
He went to his next class and soaked up more admiration, but noticed at least one jealous look hidden under an expression of disgust: Chazz. He had had a rivalry with Chazz since their first duel at Duel Academy that had gotten interrupted. Their second one went to Jaden despite Chazz having rare, powerful cards in his deck. Jaden and Chazz didn’t duel each other again until the School Duel. That was when Jaden realized that Chazz had changed. He refused his brothers’ insistence in their rare powerful cards; the old Chazz would have used them. Since then, he considered Chazz a friend though Chazz didn’t, at least sometimes.
Is he jealous of the attention I’m getting? Hey, it’s not my fault people are attracted to my ears and tail. I couldn’t exactly hide the ears and while I could have hidden the tail, everyone already knew I was half-fox.
Chazz watched Jaden with a jealous, disgusted look. It seemed like everything amazing happened to Jaden and he was tired of the brunette getting all the luck, fame, and attention. He wanted to embarrass Jaden, something that would get people to laugh at him. He wracked his brain before an idea came to him and he smirked.
Jaden brushed his tail as he and his friends talked about Zane’s next duel that would occur in a day or two. A lot of people had stroked his tail and he felt the need to groom it. Maybe foxes are clean creatures, like cats. I’ve become more concerned about my appearance since getting my ears. Speaking of which, my sense are sharper now. I can see, hear, and smell better than before. As he put the brush away, he said, “Hey, let’s head to dinner.”
He led the way out the door and to the top of the stairs. He lost track of things after that. One moment he was at the top of the stairs, the next he was at the bottom, his head and back hurting and his friends calling his name in worried tones. He groaned in pain and said, “What…happened?”
“Looks like someone set a tripwire,” Hassleberry said, holding up a length of string that he had removed from the stairs. “Something tells me you were the target.”
“I’ve been pranked? Again?” Jaden couldn’t believe it. He slowly sat up. “Who would do that? I could have broken my neck.” He emitted a low growl of anger.
A laugh sounded and a familiar voice drawled, “Have a nice trip, Slacker?”
Jaden and his friends looked over to see Chazz with a satisfied smirk. “Chazz? You set that wire?” Jaden asked. “Why?”
“To embarrass you. Too bad it wasn’t in front of the entire dorm, but I could spread it around. The famous Jaden Yuki falling down the stairs.” Chazz headed inside the cafeteria.
Jaden felt rage pounding through him. He desired to lash out at Chazz, teach him a lesson. He staggered to his feet, wincing and putting a hand to his back. He had probably bruised it, but at least he was awake and standing. He slowly and carefully entered the cafeteria, got his food, and gingerly sat with his friends. He glared in Chazz’s direction and a quick cruel smile appeared. He focused his magic on his idea and as Chazz lifted his soup bowel, the contents exploded, covering his face in hot soup. Chazz howled in pain as he wiped his face and fled the room, no doubt going for cold water. Jaden felt satisfaction at his prank and at getting revenge. He ate his dinner, his head and back feeling a lot better.
“Jaden, that was mean,” Syrus scolded in their room later on.
“After what he did, I think he deserved it,” Jaden stated. “I didn’t deserve to fall down the stairs. He started it by wanting to embarrass me.”
“All right, son,” Hassleberry said. “So, now you’re even. Let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow’s a new day and a clean slate.”
Syrus and Jaden nodded before getting ready for bed and climbing into them. Jaden found he couldn’t lie on his back due to his tail and settled for lying on his side. He reflected on his prank on Chazz. He still felt good about it and didn’t care what anyone else thought. He was aware that the prank was a bit mean, but so was the tripwire.
Maybe I am becoming evil like my dad. No, this was getting even with Chazz. Now that I have, I can go back to my normal self. I think I’ll practice more of my magic. If I can change food into other food, maybe I can change myself to another form or even someone else, but only if they want to. I won’t force them. After all, I’m not evil.
Chapter Six- Fatherly Influence
Chazz glared at Jaden at breakfast the next morning, a mild burn on one cheek. Jaden ignored him, unconcerned. He was still convinced that he had been right in retaliating against Chazz for the tripwire; even some Slifers agreed. Apparently, Chazz had told a few about the tripwire and the story had spread. Most felt Chazz had no right to set the trap for really Jaden didn’t deserve it. A few felt Jaden was right to get even but others felt Jaden should have let it go, Syrus among them. Jaden was thinking on other matters: His magic. It was definitely stronger than before. He no longer got dizzy or tired whenever he used it.
He began thinking of what he would desire to do with it. The first thing was him taking another form. The idea of changing himself into a full fox was an exciting one. He had no doubt that he would be able to change back to half-fox. He began practicing small changes throughout the school day. He made his nails grow into claws and then back to normal. He formed his hands to paws and back again. When he took a bathroom break, he played with growing a muzzle and a furry face. He was pleased with the results and not feeling weaker at all. He grew longer nails for part of dinner and shrank before the end.
His magic uses hardly went unnoticed by his friends. “Jaden, what are you doing with your magic?” Syrus asked.
“I thought that if I can change food into other food, maybe I can change forms. I’ve been practicing all day and I think I’m ready to try to change into full fox form and walk around a bit that way.”
“Really?” Syrus’ eyes were round. “Wow. That sounds impressive.”
“Yeah, it does.”
“You think you could change others too?”
“I’m sure I could. Why?”
“Well,” Syrus said slowly. “I think it would be fun to be, say, a fox for a little bit.”
Jaden grinned. “Sy, I would love to have some company.”
“So…you’ll do it?”
“Yeah, I will. Here goes.” He focused his magic on Syrus and his best friend instantly turned into a fox before he too took fox form.
Syrus turned in a circle to see himself. He was lean with red fur and four dark red paws. A bushy tail was behind him and he crossed his eyes to see a white muzzle with whiskers. He swiped a paw over his head to feel a pair of ears. “Wow, I’m really a fox,” he said. “Hey, I can talk!”
Jaden laughed. “We only look like foxes, Sy. You’re still human and I’m still half-fox.”
Hassleberry got up, opened the door, and waved a hand at it. “Well, head out there and have fun. I’m going to turn in early.”
“Sure,” Jaden said. “Go ahead and close the door behind us. I’ll change us back so we can get in.” Jaden led the way out with Syrus following, the door closing behind them.
Syrus followed Jaden down the stairs, noticing that the darkness wasn’t so dark. His nose twitched at the smells and his ears turned to pick up tiny sounds he wouldn’t have heard before. Everything was clearer and sharper than before. I feel so alive and connected to the world than before. It’s amazing.
Syrus blinked before looking at Jaden, who had tilted his head. “Sorry. It’s just with these sharper senses, I feel like I’ve been living with a bag over my head.”
“Yeah. I know what you mean.” Jaden and Syrus moved into the forest’s shadows before adding, “How about a race? I wanna see how fast we can go and to really move around.”
“Okay, you’re on.” Syrus crouched beside Jaden. “Ready? Go!” Syrus sprinted off, impressed that he adapted to four legs so quickly. Maybe it’s Ja’s magic. I mean, he can do anything he wants with it. He saw red beside him and move past. He saw Jaden run past him and around a bend. He turned the bend too and saw no sign of Jaden. “Ja?” he called, but got no answer. “Jaden!”
Jaden happily let Syrus take a lead in the race, both were the same size as foxes. He was a bit more interested in the smells of the forest. So many smells: Flowers, trees, grass, animals…
Wait. His nose twitched as the scent of fox aside from Syrus floated up to him. Curious, he increased his pace and followed it, his race with Syrus forgotten. He sped ahead, dashing through a few bushes before leaping down an obvious fox hole near the roots of an old tree from which the scent was coming. He walked through the tunnel and came out into a small nest room and in that room was a very familiar fox. “Dad?” he asked. “I thought you were gone.”
“I was, but I thought I’d come back and ask how you’ve been doing these last few days.”
“Oh, quite well. I grew a tail yesterday and my magic’s gotten stronger.”
“Played any tricks yet?”
“Yeah, two. I short-sheeted a roommate’s bed. Yesterday, a classmate made me fall down the stairs by a tripwire. I got back at him by making his soup explode in his face and leave a mild burn on his cheek.”
The fox heard the glee in Jaden’s voice at the second prank and was pleased. It seemed Jaden was starting to be mean. “Did you enjoy that trick?”
“Yes. Some feel I didn’t have to get back at him like that, but I disagree.”
Excellent. He doesn’t regret his actions. I can take that feeling and use my magic to increase it so that he will be dark, mean, and evil. It will be an instant change in his behavior but that doesn’t matter and Jaden won’t think anything of it.
He put a paw over Jaden’s heart and poured enough power to increase Jaden’s small mean feeling as he said, “Of course you disagree. You are half trickster fox. The trick you played on Chazz is natural for us. Embrace your fox nature, Jaden. That is who you are.”
Jaden’s eyes darkened slightly. “You’re right, Dad. That trick is who I am. I will keep playing tricks like that.”
“I’m proud to hear that. Now, I sense your friend is looking for you. Go to him and act like you used to be for now.”
“Okay. Bye, Dad.” Jaden went back the way he came, aware that his dad hadn’t seemed surprised at seeing Jaden as a full fox. Well, he was able to be human so, as his son, it follows that I could be a fox. He climbed out of the hole and used his nose to track down Syrus. He soon found him, the fox calling desperately, “Jaden, where are you?”
“Right here, Sy,” Jaden said, coming up behind him.
Syrus spun around. “Oh, Ja. I was worried about you.”
“Sorry. I smelled another fox and was so curious about it, I forgot about our race and followed it. Turns out it was my dad, checking up on me.”
“So, he’s gone again?”
“Yeah, but he’s proud of me and what happened since we last talked.” Jaden then yawned and stretched his forelegs. “Boy, I’m beat. Let’s get out of here, change back, and get some sleep.”
Syrus yawned too. “Yeah, let’s go,” he agreed sleepily as he followed his friend, not seeing the wicked grin on Jaden’s muzzle.
Jaden felt as if his eyes had truly been opened to his true nature this night. He was a trickster who plays whatever tricks he desired, most of which would be mean. He saw the truth now. Tricksters tended to be petty, vindictive, and evil and as he was half-trickster, he needed to be mean and evil as well.
Jaden and Syrus reached the forest’s edge, the former changed both of them back to normal, and headed up to bed. Jaden laid in bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep while imagining and planning all manner of mean tricks he could play.
Chapter Seven- Trick Level Up
Screams erupted from the Slifer cafeteria and the students ran from the room. Jaden snorted with laughter from a nearby bush. Yes, putting bugs in the food was a low level prank, but the day just started and he needed a prank no one would automatically think he pulled. He mused on the tricks he thought of last night before sleeping and dreamed of as well. He munched on the fish he had grabbed before magically adding the bugs.
The rumbling of empty stomachs he heard as he went to class amused him and spurred him to more pranks. He caused classroom equipment to malfunction, papers to scatter, and tripwire several people. This last one was pinned on Chazz as he had tricked Jaden with it. It amused Jaden to see Chazz chased for a prank he didn’t do. He smiled as he spelled Crowler’s door shut for the remainder of the school day. Tonight was Zane’s duel with the famous Aster Phoenix whom he now knew he had dueled at the start of the year and beat but only because Aster had used a starter deck. And I look forward to seeing his real deck.
Syrus and Hassleberry exchanged silent looks as they had dinner which was bug-free. Strange things had happened all day and they suspected that Jaden had caused them even though the half-fox wasn’t present at some of them. The tripwire was one example. Several students fell prey to it causing other to look before they stepped and for Chazz to be blamed and chased. They didn’t want to accuse Jaden if he wasn’t responsible; Syrus mentioned that Jaden had met his dad the night before and could still be on the island despite Jaden claiming he was gone.
“You okay, Ja?” Syrus asked, seeing Jaden was hardly eating.
“Yeah. I’m just excited about tonight’s duel.”
“We all are. I’m cheering Zane on, of course.”
“Of course. I also want to see Aster’s real deck.”
“Kind of strange to duel you with a starter deck,” Hassleberry commented.
“I know and since I learned whom I dueled, I’ve been wonderin’ about it. Either way, this is gonna be quite a duel.”
There was a dumbfounded silence in the room. Zane had just lost and to Elemental Heroes like Jaden uses, but also not like Jaden’s, at least Fusion monster-wise. Jaden was stoked that a pro favored the same monsters he did until Aster claimed a duel student copied him and used an alias that rhymed with his name. Jaden growled low in his throat at the accusation. He didn’t copy anyone! Aster went on to state he would duel this person in a day or two.
Jaden shuffled his deck as he looked them over. He had had this deck for practically his whole life and Aster wasn’t much older than him. You think a pro would be flattered that someone’s using a similar deck, not be a jerk and accuse people of copying! He gave another growl that his roommates heard.
“Jaden? Everything okay?” Syrus asked.
“No, it’s not,” he said, his temper flaring. “How dare he accuse me of copying him! I’m not a copycat!”
“Of course not,” Hassleberry said. “You think a pro would be flattered, not tossin’ accusations.”
“Exactly what I was thinking and maybe I’ll ask what his problem is before we duel.”
Syrus nodded. “Good idea. Maybe that’ll clear things up, because Aster seemed rather upset about the whole thing and it’s not a big deal.”
Jaden sighed, pocketed his deck, and stood. “I’m going for a walk to clear my head,” he said as pulled on his shoes.
“Good idea. Some fresh air might help,” Hassleberry said.
Jaden nodded, but once outside, scowled. He had no real intention of taking a walk. He was feeling mean and decided to blow off his anger at Aster by playing some tricks. He had had a lot of fun with the ones he played today and desired to do more. Of course, that meant sneaking onto the other campuses, but that wasn’t a problem. He closed his eyes, focused, and felt a tingle. He opened his eyes and looked down to see nothing. Yes! I’m invisible! Hmm, I think I know what I can do like this.
Jaden brushed his tail along the legs of some Obelisk girls, making them gasp and draw closer together. He stalked around them in a circle, enjoying the scared looks on their faces.
“It’s a ghost!” one girl exclaimed when Jaden blew air on the back of her neck. Her statement caused scream to erupt and the girls bolted for their rooms. Jaden snickered as he left. That was fun! He strode onto Obelisk Blue boys’ dorm, still invisible. There, he unleashed tricks and illusions that spooked them and sent them to their rooms.
Figures. Obelisk students tend to act like bullies to cover up the fact that they’re cowards, Jaden thought contemptuously. Maybe Ra students are made of sterner stuff.
Bastion browsed the Internet for information on Aster Phoenix and try to determine his weaknesses. If I can uncover that, I may be able to formulate a strategy for Jaden to use. Something dropped down between him and the computer screen, making him jerk back. It was a spider! He frowned as he took a second look as it wasn’t moving. It was a fake spider. As he reached up and removed it, he heard a chortle. “Jaden, that was not amusing,” he said.
“Maybe not for you, but I find it funny,” came Jaden’s voice from behind him.
Bastion turned to see Jaden rippling into existence. “So, you can become invisible. Very impressive.”
“Thanks. So, what are you up to?”
Bastion turned back to the screen. “Researching Aster Phoenix. I am hoping to find a weakness you will be able to exploit.”
“You mean a way to beat him.”
“Precisely. Thus far, it seems he has no weaknesses.”
“No way! Everyone has at least one weakness.”
“I concur, but it seems no one has found Aster’s weakness.”
“Then maybe it’s time someone found one and maybe spread it around. Ruin his rep of having no weaknesses.”
“A bit callous, don’t you think?”
“Actually, I don’t. He accused me of being a copycat! He doesn’t really know me enough to say that!”
Bastion turned back around, stunned by Jaden’s words and tone. His friend was one of the most easygoing and laid-back people he had ever met. Now an angry, malicious half-fox stood before him. “Jaden,” he said softly.
“Look Bastion when I first met him, I didn’t recognize him and he put on an act like he was an amateur duelist. Now I know he’s a pro and I feel like he put on that act to condescend to me, like I was the amateur. Well when we duel, I’ll prove just how good a duelist I really am.” Jaden turned invisible and stalked back to Slifer. His desire to play tricks had burned out, but his desire for revenge still burned.
“That was some walk,” Hassleberry said when Jaden walked in.
“Yeah, but it was worth it. I also met up with Bastion and we talked.”
“About what?” Syrus asked.
“Aster. Bastion was researching him for weaknesses and said he couldn’t find any.”
“Impossible. He has to have one.”
“Exactly what I think, Sy. I hope to learn it during the duel.”
“You still plan to talk to him first, right?”
“Of course. I’d like to know why my having a similar deck bothers him so much. Maybe by talking it out, we could either cancel the duel or even better have a fun, friendly duel.” Jaden inwardly hoped that the duel didn’t cancel and instead get his revenge on Aster and make him pay.
Chapter Eight- The Duel
Aster looked Jaden up and down, ignoring the others nearby. “Well, someone has a new look.”
Keeping his anger under control, he said evenly, “Actually, I’ve always been half-fox. It surfaced on my sixteenth birthday recently.”
“I see. Well, I’ll see you bright and early for our duel and aside from your friends, there will be no spectators.”
“No spectators?” Bastion repeated.
“Hey, I’m a pro. People pay to see me duel. I can’t go around giving out free duels,” Aster replied as he walked away.
Jaden briefly scowled at the arrogant tone of Aster’s words before racing after him. “Aster, wait!”
The pro turned as Jaden caught up. “Yes?” he drawled.
“Just so you know, I was not copying you and even if I was, wouldn’t a pro like you be flattered?” “Good reasoning, but I’m not flattered. Our dueling styles regarding the Elemental Heroes are vastly different and I look forward to taking you down.”
“Oh, yeah?” Jaden shot back, his anger flaring. “Well, right back at ya!”
Aster seemed a bit taken aback at Jaden’s retort for a moment before he smiled slightly and turned. “You can try, but Destiny’s on my side.”
“He’s accusin’ you just because you have different duelin’ styles?” Hassleberry asked.
“That doesn’t make sense,” Syrus commented.
“Well, that’s what he said. There’s no chance of calling it off or having a fun duel. He’s treating it as some sort of grudge match or something.” Jaden personally looked forward to a serious duel and planned to win.
Jaden braced himself as his life points went to 150. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Aster’s Destiny Heroes while low in attack points, had devastating special abilities. Doom Lord could send his monsters two turns into the future. Captain Tenacious could revive Doom Lord if it was destroyed in battle. Diamond Dude could allow Aster to play a spell from the graveyard. Jade felt as if he had lost control of his monster and worst of all was Aster’s talk of destiny.
“Enough with the destiny speech already!” Jaden snapped. He drew a card and smiled at it. Aster’s Clocktower Prison field spell currently protected his life points, but that ended here. “I play the field spell Fusion Gate. Looks like your clock’s about to crumble.”
“Why, thank you. I wanted you to destroy it because it allows me to special summon Destiny Hero Dread Master!”
Jaden gaped at the enormous monster that emerged from the tower’s ruins then frowned at its mystery points. “Care to explain him?”
“I’d love to. His attack points are the combined total of every Destiny Hero on the field. That means he has 2800 attack points. Furthermore, he keeps the other Heroes from being destroyed. He will be the one to end the duel.”
Jaden swallowed hard and looked at his hand. His eyes landed on a card he couldn’t believe hadn’t been played yet. “I activate the spell, Pot of Greed so I draw two cards.” He drew them, looked, and blinked. Once of them was Fox Spirit! This will win the duel for me. Yeah and the conditions are perfect.
“Since my life points are less than a thousand, I can special summon this. Fox Spirit- Malicious.” Jaden put the card on his disk and the monster appeared, reminding him of his dad as he looked in his dream toward the end.
“Three thousand, huh? Nice, but it won’t help. Even if it destroys Dread Master, Doom Lord will send it into the future and-,” Aster began.
“No, this duel ends here. First, I’ll send Clayman and Sparkman to the graveyard to activate its special ability. All other special summoned monsters on your side are destroyed! Your Dread Master is out of here!” Dread Master vanished in a haze of particles. “I activate my monster’s other ability. I remove all monsters from my graveyard and Fox Spirit gains 500 more attack points for each one removed. There are eight monster in my graveyard and by removing them, my monster gains 4000 more attack points.”
Aster gasped and Jaden felt pleased at the fear in his opponent’s eyes. “Se-se-seven thousand?” he stammered.
“That’s right. This duel is over. Fox Spirit, attack Doom Lord and end this!” The monster ran at Doom Lord, leaped upon him, and slashed out, destroying him and sending Aster’s life points to zero.
“You’ve been claiming that Destiny is on your side,” Jaden spat. “Well, it seems it was on my side today.” Jaden turned and left the room amidst a stunned audience. He felt wonderful at putting Aster in his place. He also felt…dark and savored it. I am evil like my dad and truthfully I like it. No one can stop me from doing as I please.
Aster remained on one knee as he stared down, sure he was alone. He couldn’t believe it: He had lost to a student! I was told I would win so what went wrong? I played each card flawlessly. That card Jaden played. I’ve never seen a card that powerful.
The pro looked up to see Jaden’s friends, a blond girl in the forefront. He stood and tried to look nonchalant. “Come to gloat?” he asked.
“No, we were wondering if you were all right.”
“Fine, but what’s up with Jaden? He’s not the same guy I met before.”
“We noticed too and it’s because of his fox nature. His dad is an evil trickster fox and it’s likely he’s been influencing Jaden to be like him.”
“Influencing how?”
“I researched trickster foxes,” Bastion spoke up. “The nature of the fox parent can cause the offspring to take after him or her. Plus, tricksters are beings of magic. Jaden’s nature could have changed due to his father’s magic which was used to unlock Jaden’s magic.”
“So, he’s half trickster fox. That explains a little. Any chance he’ll calm down and go back to normal?”
“I hope so,” Syrus said. “I hate seeing my best pal acting angry and mean. That’s not who he is.”
“Agreed,” Bastion said. “We should talk to him about this.”
“I’m fine,” Jaden said crossly. “I would think you would be happy I won.”
“We are,” Hassleberry said. “But the way you did it was overkill.”
“No worse than what Aster would have done.”
“Jaden,” Syrus said desperately. “Stop acting like this. This isn’t who you are.”
“No, this is who I am now. I’m an evil trickster fox like my dad. So, get used to it.” He saw the stunned expressions on their faces and decided to change that. He focused on his magic and used it to influence his friends’ thinking. The magic silently swirled around them and the stunned looks faded to understanding.
“You’re right, Jaden,” Alexis said. “This is you now and we should accept it.”
“Yeah,” Syrus chimed in. “You’re still our friend, no matter what.”
Jaden smirked. “Good. Now, let’s get some food and later I feel like playing some evil tricks.” He led the way to the cafeteria, supremely confident. He had finally embraced the evil side of his fox nature. He was free to do whatever he wanted and he intended to do just that.