Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. This story is similar to Crossing Boundaries, but there is no romance.
Chapter One- Supposition
Jaden clutched the letter in his hands, his eyes reading the acceptance line once again with joy before looking up and beaming at his parents. “I’ve finally been accepted. It’s really happening.”
“Of course, son,” his dad said, fangs showing as he spoke. “You’re fifteen now and can now attend a most private school.”
Mrs. Yuki rose from the couch, went over to Jaden, and hugged him. “Your father and I are so proud,” she said, no fangs showing as she spoke. “I wasn’t sure if you would be accepted.”
“I had no doubt,” Mr. Yuki said.
Jaden didn’t blame his mom for doubting for he was a half-breed. His mother was human while his father was a vampire. Vampires tended to marry their own kind, but Jaden’s father did not. Instead, he fell for a human, dated, and married her. Jaden was born the year after they married. His father was cold and unfeeling for a vampire and had the pale skin, dead heart, and fangs as well. He loved his wife and son, the latter he spoke to about vampires, certain Jaden would become a vampire the night of his first day of school.
Jaden dashed upstairs to prep his backpack so that he would be ready for the new school year which would be in two days, a Monday. He was excited to start school as he would see his best friend again: Syrus Truesdale.
Syrus and Jaden met in eighth grade and in the same class. The two clicked almost instantly. Syrus sensed Jaden was a half-breed and that prompted him to confess that he was a pureblood: The son of two vampires. He also said he had an older brother who was a sophomore and a vampire.
This private school he was going to was meant for those born to at least one vampire or- even rarer- a werewolf. Most of those who went to this school became vampires by the end of their first day at this school. There was a possibility that one could become a werewolf, but that was rare, according to Mr. Yuki. There was a small number of them when he was a student but the vampires greatly outnumbered them.
No one was quite certain how one became a werewolf, though one widely spread belief that one’s genes was the cause and it made sense as well. It explained how some pureblood vampire children did not follow their parents and, for some, their siblings. A half-breed, like Jaden, could be either one due to his human side. He wanted to be a vampire to please his dad and because of what he had heard about werewolves which had come from his dad.
The idea of being a werewolf sounded horrible. He had been told that when night fell, they sprouted tails, wolf ears, and long nails. They also desired human flesh when in their half-wolf or full wolf form. The full moon rendered them unable to speak except as a wolf and they thought as wolves. They tended to be aggressive toward those who weren’t their kind.
Yeah, being a vampire definitely sounds better, Jaden thought as he zipped up the bag and tucked the letter in a front pocket. I know they can look human; Dad does it often enough. It’s not necessary to look human at school, but some do it. The thought of drinking blood does sound awful; maybe that’s why vampires are cold and unfeeling: It would help them feed without any concerns or worries about their victims.
I’ve seen Dad feed from Mom once in a while. Obviously, he doesn’t drain her or turn her. He just takes enough to sustain himself for a few days and Mom falls into a deep, peaceful sleep.
I don’t know how vampires increase their numbers in other cities, but our city has the private school, though vampires could occasionally turn humans into vampires. Dad says it involves the vampire drinking a little from the person and then feeding them vampire blood. I’m sure the werewolves have their way of turning people: A bite from them, but why haven’t they done so, outnumber the vampires? Maybe I’ll find out if I talk to some before I’m turned.
“It’s nice to see Jaden excited to go to school,” Mrs. Yuki said. “He usually doesn’t like school, but he got decent grades.”
“He knew he needed grades good enough to pass,” Mr. Yuki said. “We’ve told him for years that doing good in school would be rewarded by being a vampire when he turned fifteen.”
“Dear? Why didn’t you turn him before?”
“It is painful to become a vampire,” he answered. “I was taught at school that turning children and teenagers is a risky and potentially lethal endeavor. It is better to let children grow up human until they’re fifteen and accepted to the school. They have a way to ensure that they survive the turning.”
Mrs. Yuki wanted him to elaborate but knew that asking would do no good. Certain aspects of her husband’s alma mater were not spoken of except between current and old students. She did know that most students were vampires but there were a small number of werewolf students. She was certain that they stuck together for protection against the overwhelming vampire student body.
Vampires and werewolves had the same sharp eyesight and hearing, but only werewolves had sharper noses. Both races had superior strength and speed as well. The similarities ended there. Vampires could hide their undead appearance, could drain their victims or take a little, the latter including memory removal of the attack and injuries healed with a little blood consumption.
The werewolves were a group she knew little about since Mr. Yuki disliked to talking about them. Jaden might be able to talk to some Monday. He has to be as curious as I am and speaking of Monday…
“Dear,” she said carefully. “Suppose Jaden becomes a werewolf?”
Mr. Yuki fired a sharp look at her. “No,” he said. “He will be a vampire. He wants it and I want it.”
“But just suppose…?”
“Well…he is a half-breed so his genes could go one way or the other…if he becomes a vampire, I would naturally be very proud. If he becomes a werewolf…” He shook his head. “I don’t know how I would act or feel.”
“How soon would we know? The following morning?”
“No. Once one is turned, they can go home soon afterwards. He may interact with the head of whatever one he joins for a little bit before coming home. We’ll know before bedtime.” He headed to the door. “I need to feed. I’ll be back in a little bit.” He opened the door and left.
Mrs. Yuki sighed and leaned back in the couch. Her husband was certain Jaden would be a vampire. It was clear why: He was a vampire and wanted his son to be like him. Jaden also wanted to be a vampire, but she felt that he didn’t seem suited to be a vampire for they were, for most part, cold and unfeeling beings. Mr. Yuki was like that but was warm and loving toward his wife and son.
Jaden was a cheerful and friendly boy with a bit of shyness when meeting someone new. She couldn’t imagine him as a cold, unfriendly vampire. She rose, went over and up the stairs, and knocked on Jaden’s door. “Come in,” he called and she did so to see his easy grin. “Hi, Mom. Where’s Dad?”
“He went out to feed. I wanted to ask you if being a vampire is what you want.”
“Of course it is. I mean, Dad says I will be and I can’t imagine being a werewolf after what Dad said about them.”
“It’s just that you don’t seem suited to be a vampire. Just know that it doesn’t matter to me which one you become, I’ll still love you.”
“I know, Mom,” Jaden said as he hugged her. Once I’m a vampire, my personality will change to match my new race.
Chapter Two- The New School
Jaden consulted a school map, located the vice-principal’s office on it, and made his way through the crowd, feeling nervous and a little scared. He saw people with healthy skin tones and others with pale skin. He wondered if those with healthy skin were vampires posing as humans or werewolves. Could be both, he decided.
The brunette turned to see a short boy with sky-blue hair and no glasses. A grin lit up his face as recognizing him. “Syrus,” he said as his friend ran up to him and bumped fists with him, knowing Syrus was stronger than he remembered; hence the fist bump.
“Ja, it’s great to see you again.”
“Same here and it’s cool to finally be here.”
“Got your schedule yet?”
“No. I was going to get it.”
“I could show you where it is.”
“No need. I saw it on my map.” He held up the paper.
“Okay. Catch you later.” Syrus vanished into the crowd and Jaden shook his head.
Whoa, that’s not quite the Sy I remember. He’s gained some confidence and wearing contacts it would seem. On second thought, being a vampire or a werewolf would cure one of whatever eye problems one had. Jaden continued to his destination, still a little surprised by the change in Syrus. He knocked on the door and heard, “Come in.” He opened the door, stepped in, and closed it before saying, “Mr. Crowler?”
“Doctor Crowler,” a tall pale man snapped behind a desk. “I have a PhD in education and prefer doctor.”
Jadan executed a respectful bow. “Sorry, doctor.”
“Fine. Who are you?”
“Jaden Yuki.”
Crowler shuffled through a sheaf of papers in front of him. “Jaden Yuki…Yuki…Yuki…ah! Here we are.” He scanned the page. “Sophomore transfer. Didn’t turn fifteen until recently, hmm?”
“Yes, Doctor.”
“Very well. Welcome to our school, Mr. Yuki. Here’s your temporary schedule.”
“Temporary?” he repeated as he accepted a rectangle piece of paper that also had his locker number and combination.
“All new students receive a temporary one for the first day. See the blank square at the bottom? Today, you will be allowed to visit the study halls of the vampires and werewolves and ask them questions. Tomorrow you will be placed in one of those halls based on your turning tonight.”
“Okay.” Jaden was aware that Crowler was a vampire based on the skin tone and the fangs that showed as he spoke. He wondered if all the teachers were vampires and decided there had to be at least one werewolf teacher.
“Well, off with you. You have time to find your locker and store your supplies in it.”
Jaden left and was aware of a bald man in the open doorway of the principal’s office. He smiled at the boy. “Hello. I’m Principal Sheppard.” He held out a hand.
Jaden took it. “Hello, sir. I’m Jaden Yuki.”
Sheppard smiled and Jaden realized that Sheppard was a werewolf due to the lack of fangs. Or is he a disguised vampire? “Are you a vampire, sir?”
Sheppard chuckled. “No. I’m a werewolf. It’s believed that this school runs better with one werewolf and one vampire running it.”
“Pureblood or half?”
“Pureblood. Most students are pureblood but half-breeds are valued just as much. Now, run along, my boy and welcome.”
Jaden headed off, dropped off his afternoon binders, and then went to his first class. He was struck by how the class had vampire students and two werewolf ones…maybe. He did spot Syrus before taking an empty seat. Class started and the teacher had Jaden stand to give his name and that he was a half-breed with a father vampire. The students exchanged looks of faint disapproval except Syrus who already knew Jaden’s parentage. Two students didn’t seem to disapprove: One had blue hair and a happy grin while the other had black hair and a bandage over one eye. The blue-haired one gave Jaden a friendly grin while the other smiled and gave a nod.
Jaden’s other morning classes involved him introducing himself to those who hadn’t met him yet and the vampires again shared looks of disapproval. This annoyed him. Sheppard had said that half-breeds were just as valued as the purebloods, so why the disapproval? He left his last morning class to head for lunch, when he spotted Zane! “Hey, Zane!” he called as he came closer.
The taller boy turned and regarded Jaden with an almost cold look. “What?”
Jaden blinked. “Zane?” he asked, almost timidly. “Is something wrong?”
“You’re a half-breed.” Zane’s voice was as cold as his look.
“I am. Didn’t Sy tell you back when he found out?”
“Yes, but I was too naïve when I was your age to not be bothered by it. It was my upper classmates that realigned my opinion. Half-breeds tend to end up as werewolves, despite their parentage.”
That explains the disapproval, but maybe I will prove them wrong by being one of them. “Perhaps, I won’t be a werewolf.”
“No, you will. Pity. You would have been an asset to my kind.” Zane’s voice held no emotion and the lack of emotion stunned Jaden, allowing Zane to depart.
Jaden turned to stare after him. Zane’s changed too, but not in a good way. He headed for the cafeteria, feeling put-out at how the vampires perceived him. They dislike me because I’m a half-breed and thus they see me as someone who will become a werewolf. I don’t want to be a werewolf; I want to be a vampire and I will tonight. Dad told me what werewolves are like and it sounds horrible. Turning into a half-wolf every night and desiring human flesh? No thanks. The full moon is another part I don’t like. The idea of thinking like a normal wolf scares me. I don’t want to live as a werewolf. Jaden entered the cafeteria and joined the lunch line. He saw the food that he saw at his last school and the familiarity comforted him. He put the meat entrée, two side dishes, a fruit, and a milk carton on his tray as he slid it along the rails. When he reached the end, he saw something that definitely had not been at his last school’s lunch choices.
There was a nest of ice and sitting in the ice were plastic vials of blood. A sign under it, used only on the first day of school said, “For vampire use only.” A little further down was a selection of raw and cooked steaks with a sign saying, “For werewolf use only.”
Well, yes that makes sense. Vampires drink blood to live while werewolves prefer raw and cooked meat. Both can eat normal food, though. Jaden glanced at a table of vampires to see regular food on their trays. Quick looks of cold disapproval aimed at him made Jaden turn away and seek out a place to sit and enjoy his meal.
His eyes roved over the room and again was struck by how many vampire students there were. A sea of pale, fanged teens met his eyes. Clearly the ones posing as humans had dropped the disguise, at least for now.
He spotted the freshmen sitting at a table near the vampires and considered joining them as they were human like him.
“Ja!” a voice called and he turned to see Syrus waving to him from a table on the other side of the room. He mentally shrugged as he headed over; he’d rather eat with his best friend than total strangers.
Chapter Three- The Truth
“Ja, I’d like you to meet my friends,” Syrus said as Jaden sat down. He waved to two people opposite him. “That’s Chumley and Atticus. They’re seniors.” He gestured to the one on his other side. “This is Bastion. He’s a sophomore. And these two are Jesse and Jim. They’re sophomores and transferred from a school just like this.”
Jaden nodded to each one, noting the lack of fangs of those who smiled. No fangs and a healthy skin tone, plus sitting away from the vampires. Could they be…?
“You’re all werewolves, aren’t you?” he asked.
“You said that like it’s a bad thing,” Atticus accused with a small scowl. “My family’s been seven generations of pureblood werewolves with the exception of my younger sister.”
Jaden flinched and lowered his eyes to his tray. “Sorry,” he said softly before starting on his lunch, missing the sharp look Syrus gave Atticus.
“I’m sorry too,” Atticus said and Jaden looked up. Atticus ate a bite of raw steak before saying, “The vampires put down werewolves so much, I guess I tend to be defensive.”
“It’s okay. My dad told me things about werewolves that made it sound like a bad thing.”
“Of course he would,” said Bastion. “Our kind does the same thing with their children when speaking about vampires. My parents did, well, Mother did.”
“Just your mom?” Jaden asked.
Bastion nodded. “I was a half-breed like you, Jaden, and so are Chumley and Jim.”
Jim inclined his head. “Yeah. I have the same parentage you have, mate. Human mother, vampire father. He wasn’t quite as adamant that I be a vampire. Turns out I have an aunt, his sister, who turned out to be a wifewolf.”
Jaden looked at Chumley. “What about you?”
“All of my family were vampires until one married a human and their child became a werewolf. Then, my family became one of half-breeds who became werewolves.”
Jesse grinned. “My family’s all werewolves.”
Jaden felt a sense of belonging as he sat there. Three of them had been half-breeds like him. Hey, this is my chance to really know about werewolves!
“Please tell me the real truth about werewolves,” Jaden pleaded.
“Gladly,” Syrus said. “Well, first off, we have the same sharp eyesight and hearing as vampires as well as the speed and strength. We have a sharper nose as well. We do like steaks, raw or cooked.” He nodded at Atticus’ tray.
“Do you become half-wolves every night?”
Syrus shook his head. “No, but we can change whenever we like. The full moon forces us into wolf form but we can talk as well as speak wolf. We are fully aware of ourselves.”
“I’m guessing you don’t eat human flesh,” Jaden said.
“Correct. We have a craving for meat during the full moon and will eat nothing else during that time.”
“We, while in school, rally around an alpha and form a pack,” Atticus put in. “Syrus is our alpha.”
Jaden stared at Syrus. “Alpha? You’re a leader?”
“Yeah. When I became a werewolf, the previous alpha sensed it and informed me of it. I became quite confident from my role. You might have noticed a little of that this morning.”
“I did. So, what will happen tonight?”
“You’ll report to the gym with the other new students. Doctor Crowler, Principal Sheppard, and I will be there. The roof will be retracted and under it will be placed a flat circular disc decorated with stars. Each student will stand on the disc when called, Sheppard will speak a phrase, and the student will become a vampire or a werewolf. New vampires can’t disguise themselves until morning and werewolves can’t be human until morning. I’m there to inform any new werewolves while Crowler speaks to the vampires.”
“There’s no vampire leader?”
“No. Crowler’s the leader and I think he would loathe having to give it up.”
“Is there a werewolf teacher?”
“Just one,” Chumley said. “Professor Banner. He’s in charge of werewolf study hall. He’s pretty chill, letting us talk and play games if we finish our homework.”
“Sounds sweet. I’d like to see that.”
“You’re welcome to come and see,” Jesse said. “This is your chance to see both study halls as tonight will restrict you to one study hall. Personally, I look forward to meeting Professor Banner.”
“So, there’s one hall for each race?” Jaden asked.
“There is one for werewolves since there’s so few of us.” Jim said. “I was told that the vampires have two. One for freshmen and sophomores and one for juniors and seniors.”
“I’ll look in on the vampire hall for freshmen and sophomores and then spend the rest of the time with you.”
“You still wish to be a vampire?” Bastion asked neutrally.
“Actually, I’m thinking being a werewolf would be better.”
Syrus grinned. “I would love to be your alpha.”
“Can’t disagree with that.”
Zane glanced over at the werewolf table and saw Jaden smiling and talking to Syrus. It would seem that Jaden has been convinced to be a werewolf. Good; as a half-breed, werewolf is practically guaranteed.
However, it’s a mystery of how the child of a pureblood becomes the opposite of their parents. My family is one example. Mom and Dad are vampires, I became a vampire, but Sy became a werewolf and an alpha to boot. How is that possible?
He blinked and turned to Alexis who sat beside him. “Yes?”
“You okay?”
“Of course. I am just wondering how Syrus became a werewolf when he’s a pureblood offspring of two vampires.”
“Yeah, Atti and my parents wonder the same thing about me. They’re fine with it now and I’ve pondered why it happened. I think it could the same gene phenomena that occurs with half-breeds.”
“You suggest the belief that one’s genes are responsible for Sy’s and your different races from the rest of the family. Hmm…that could be it and it makes a lot of sense.”
“Zane, Syrus was turned a year ago. Do you and your parents still have issues over it?”
“We’re still a little dismayed but we don’t have any issues. Vampires are, for most part, unfeeling. I still love my brother and the confidence he displays, but how he gained it is…disappointing.”
“It the opposite at my house. I view my family as a little too emotional at times. It is my vampire nature that allows me to assess a situation calmly and without emotion.”
“Yes, that is how my family views Syrus at times. He seems unconcerned about it, though. That’s likely his confidence.”
“Jaden’s father may not like it when Jaden comes home as a werewolf.”
“Oh, he definitely won’t like it. My father knows him and he is rightly proud to be a vampire and will naturally want Jaden to be like him.”
“Unfortunately, he’ll likely not get his wish,” Alexis said and Zane nodded in agreement.
Chapter Four- The Ceremony
“You forgot to tell him about our ears,” Atticus said to Syrus as they sat in study hall of which they were twenty minutes into.
“I’m sure he noticed them.” Syrus reached under his hair to lightly trace the slight but distinctive point of it. All werewolves had pointed ears in human form and most grew out their hair to conceal them. “And, if not, I will tell him tonight.”
“You’re certain he’ll be one of us?” Bastion asked.
“I think you know the answer to that Bastion seeing as three of us are half-breeds, though that term doesn’t really apply anymore. We’re werewolves and that’s that.”
“I do know the answer. You are certain. Half-breeds tend to become werewolves which changes their race to werewolf.”
“That is all true,” Banner said, joining the conversation. “Half-breeds do become werewolves which gives us hope of increasing our numbers.”
“Professor? How was I able to become a werewolf when my family are vampires?” Syrus asked.
“There are two possibilities. One is that your genes were different from your family. The other is that there was a werewolf somewhere in your family line that contributed to your gene pool and became a recessive gene.”
“So, it all comes down to genetics,” Bastion said.
The door opened and everyone looked to see Jaden enter with a gloomy expression that became a cheerful one upon seeing the werewolves. “Hi, everyone.”
“Ja? What’s wrong?” Syrus asked as he went over to him.
“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong,” he said, sounding very sincere.
Syrus sniffed and frowned. “Don’t lie to me. I can smell sadness around you.”
“You can smell my emotions?”
“It’s an alpha trait. Last year’s alpha tutored me and I practiced all he taught me. So, tell me what’s wrong.”
“I thought I’d get some homework done while I spent time there, but the sophomore vampires kept giving me cold looks. I tried to ask for a little help on my math homework, but all they did was give me those looks. I chose to come here.” He sighed. “I don’t understand why I’m being signaled out.”
“Probably because you’re the only sophomore who hasn’t changed yet?” Atticus suggested. “And you’re the only one who stated his parentage. Freshmen aren’t asked to do that. Jaden, did you do anything wrong today?”
“Wrong how? The only thing wrong I can think of was called Doctor Crowler Mister when I went to get my schedule.”
The werewolves, even Banner, flinched. “Yeah, that would do it,” Syrus said. “He doesn’t take kindly to that. He did have to look at your records in order to get your schedule and he probably had the teachers make you introduce yourself.”
“What? Just because I called him Mister?” Jaden asked, surprised at how petty that was. “I thought vampires were unfeeling.”
“Doctor Crowler is a little unusual for a vampire,” Banner said. “He is quite proud and vain about his degree and those who don’t address him properly tend to receive some unpleasant backlash. I’ve once seen him drain someone for his mistake and Crowler had already fed so the attack was unnecessary.”
“I’m guessing doing that to a student is frowned on,” Jaden remarked.
“Correct. Principal Sheppard would severely punish him.”
“Jaden,” Bastion said. “Did you say you were having some trouble with your math homework? I could help you as I’m quite proficient in math.”
“I do need help. Thanks, Bastion. Jaden and Bastion sat down to go over the assignment, the former wanting to get all of his homework done before being turned as it would be hard to hold anything with paws. I will be a werewolf. Half-breeds tend to be werewolves, which is why Sheppard said that half-breeds are highly valued. Hey! Maybe that’s why the vampires looked coldly at me. I could be seen as a threat to their vampire majority. Well, who needs that kind of attitude? Not me.
After school had let out, the human students and Syrus milled around or explored the school more thoroughly, Jaden doing that with Syrus beside him. “Are there places that are only for vampires or werewolves?”
“Aside from the study halls, no. Of course, there are places no student is allowed to go.”
Jaden nodded. “Hey, Sy? Do all werewolves have pointed ears while human?”
“They do and once one is old enough, they can make them look normal. Principal Sheppard is one example. So, you did notice.”
“Kind of hard not to. Chumley and Bastion didn’t conceal them.”
Dinner was a silent affair as the students were tense and nervous save for Jaden and one freshman. He was muscular and exuded a confidence that Syrus could smell. It wasn’t an alpha’s confidence; it was just confidence in oneself and destiny. I wonder if he knows what he’ll be.
Once night had fallen, everyone trooped into the gym where the roof had already been retracted and the disc laid beneath it. Crowler and Sheppard stood before the assembled teens. Syrus shifted into a wolf with fur the same color as his hair and stood to one side of Sheppard with Crowler on the principal’s other side.
“And now the moment we’ve been waiting for,” Sheppard announced. “You will stand on the disc, I will speak the ancient words, and you will turn into a vampire or a werewolf.” He pointed at Crowler and then Syrus. “Doctor Crowler is the head of the vampires and Syrus is the alpha wolf. You will report to one of them once you have changed.” Crowler leaned forward to smirk at Syrus who stared back blandly.
“Let us begin with our transfer student. Jaden Yuki, please come forward.”
Jaden stepped out of the small group and onto the gray disc that had shimmering gold and silver stars across its surface. He looked up at Sheppard who smiled gently.
“It won’t hurt. You will feel a tingle and some warmth and then it will be over.”
“I’m not scared,” Jaden stated. It was true; he had been told all his life about this day and he had eagerly looked forward to being turned.
Sheppard nodded, closed his eyes, and began to speak in a language Jaden had never heard before, but liked how it had a nice sound to it. The disc under his feet glowed a soft gray and there were awed sounds from the students at the sight.
Jaden saw the light spread up his feet and then to his legs, torso, arms, hands, neck, and head. It was indeed warm and a sense of peace filled him before a pleasant tingle raced through him as he closed his eyes to enjoy the sensations.
The warmth and tingle ended and he felt an urge to howl like a wolf and did not fight it. He tilted back his head and a loud real wolf’s howl emerged. He opened his eyes to find everyone looking down at him. He saw a long object in front of his face and crossed his eyes to see it was the nose and muzzle of a wolf. He noticed fur the color of his hair on the muzzle before looking down to see two brown paws instead of hands and a wolf’s grin appeared. Yes! I’m a werewolf! Jaden thought happily.
Chapter Five- The Reveal
Syrus resisted the urge to prance at Jaden’s change. He was the alpha and events like this demanded dignity. He did flash a wolf’s grin as Jaden walked over to him and he aimed a paw at where Jaden was to stand and he did so and both watched as the next few students were turned into vampires and stood behind Crowler who looked smug as he usually did. Syrus didn’t really care; if all the freshmen became vampires, that was fine with him. There were seven of them now, including himself and he still had two more years to hopefully gain two more werewolves, one for each year. Also, I have my best friend on my side. I’m satisfied.
“And finally, Tyranno Hassleberry,” Sheppard said and the muscular boy eagerly stepped on the disc. The words were spoken, the light spread up the teen, and he became a wolf. He joined Syrus and Jaden with a big wolf’s grin.
“Follow me,” he said and left the gym with his new pack members. He went to the front doors, turned, and sat, Jaden and Hassleberry following suite. “Okay. Maybe we should get to know each other. I’ll go first. I’m Syrus Truesdale, the alpha, and I’m the pureblood of two vampires. I have an older brother who’s a senior and a vampire.” He nodded at Jaden.
Jaden shifted a little. “I’m Jaden Yuki and I have a human mother and a vampire father. I’m an only child.”
The dark-furred wolf sat up straighter. “I’m Tyranno Hassleberry. I prefer my surname. I live alone with my human father. My mom was a wifewolf but she died a few years ago. I knew I would be a werewolf. Dad will be proud.”
“Uh, Hassleberry? All half-breeds become werewolves. No one’s quite sure why but it could be their human side,” Syrus said.
Jaden felt his ears fold back. “Dad won’t like this. He wanted me to be a vampire.”
“He went to this school, right?” Hassleberry asked. “So, he knew this would happen.”
“Maybe he thought telling me I would be a vampire would make it come true.”
“What about your mom?” Syrus asked.
“She said no matter which race I joined, she would still love me. She must have thought I would be either one.”
“Your dad won’t…kill you, will he?” Hassleberry asked, sounding worried.
“I don’t think so.”
“He’d have a hard time doing it,” Syrus said. “We’re immune to every weapon in existence save for a silver bullet which has to strike the heart or the brain to kill. The thing is that vampires can’t touch any silver as it’s painful to them. A silver stake to the heart kills them.”
Jaden nodded at this. There was no silver in his house and the only reason he got was that his dad was allergic to silver. Now, it all made sense. “Can we touch silver?”
“Of course. The only allergy we have is Wolfsbane. It exposes our wolf form when we’re human and our senses are dulled. The senses recover as soon as we’re away from it, but we can’t change until the next sunrise.”
“Speaking of which, I should head home and get the reveal over,” said Jaden as he stood.
“But we haven’t been told the rest of being a werewolf,” protested Hassleberry.
“I spent lunch and study hall with Sy and the pack. I learned about our kind during those times.”
“He’s right,” Syrus said. “See you tomorrow, Ja, and good luck.”
“Thanks.” Jaden seized his bag in his teeth and pushed the door open with his paws. He then followed a safe path home; one his dad took him on for years, knowing he would need to use it the night he changed. Jaden looked around to ensure he was safe and to marvel at how sharp his eyes had become. He could see further and with greater clarity and detail than before.
His ears turned one way and then the other. The soft sounds of the night were a little louder and sounds he never heard before were audible to him now. He took a small sniff and he rocked back slightly. The smells…a variety of scents flooded his nose and it was both overwhelming and incredible. He sniffed the air and identified each scent as he headed home.
Amazing. My nose is amazing. I love it! My eyesight and hearing are nice but the nose is better. A shame Dad won’t understand. He saw the outside light on at the front door and his heart pounded. He headed up to the front door, a handle instead of a knob so Jaden was able to push down to open it. He stepped in, closed the door, put down his bag, and called, “Mom? Dad?” He heard footsteps from the direction of the living room and turned toward them. He was determined to not flinch when his dad saw him.
Mrs. Yuki entered first with a smile, her husband behind her. “Jaden, how did it…go?” she began and finished when she saw her son.
Mr. Yuki blinked several times. “A werewolf? You’re a…werewolf?”
“Yes,” he said calmly. He saw his dad’s eyes literally flare red before he turned and walked away. He heard him go upstairs but both heard the door slam.
“He’s…clearly upset,” Mrs. Yuki said. She turned her eyes on Jaden. “Oh, honey. You look cool. I had thought you could be either one.”
“You’re half-right, Mom. Dad knew half-breeds like me would be werewolves. Honestly, the vampire students were giving me cold looks today because of what I was. If they do it, tomorrow, it’ll be because of what I am now.”
Mrs. Yuki crouched down to look in his gold eyes and ran her fingers under his chin and over the backs of his ears. “Jaden, tell me about werewolves. I’m curious about them.”
“Okay, but let’s sit down first.” Jaden and his mom went to the living room where she sat on the couch as did Jaden, the latter lying sideways. “Well, you know that we’re just as strong and fast as vampires and have the same eyesight and hearing. I’ve got a sharper nose and it’s amazing, Mom.” Jaden’s tail swished at the memory.
“I must change on the full moon but I’m aware of myself, can talk and speak wolf, and don’t eat humans. I will eat nothing but meat during that time. I would prefer steak, but any meat will do.”
“You can change anytime you want though, right?”
“Yeah. I’ll have pointed ears in human form. I’m allergic to Wolfsbane. It would force me into wolf form until the next sunrise and dull my senses until I get away from it.”
“What about what kills you?” Mrs. Yuki asked slowly.
“A silver bullet to the heart or brain,” Jaden said grimly. “I doubt Dad will kill me. He can’t touch silver and it’ll kill him if it’s a stake and strikes his heart.”
Mrs. Yuki blinked. “I didn’t know that. He just said he was allergic. Jaden, did you see your friend? Syrus, I believe?”
“Yeah, his name’s Syrus. I did see him. Turns out he’s a werewolf too and the alpha wolf. I spent lunch and study hall with him and the other werewolves.”
“How many are there?”
“Eight now. There were two of us who became werewolves tonight.” Jaden smothered a yawn.
Mrs. Yuki smiled. “Go on up to bed, sweetheart. You’ve got school tomorrow.” She kissed his forehead.
“Okay, Mom. Night.” Jaden jumped down and managed to climb the stairs, pleased to be a werewolf and hoped his dad eventually accepted it.
Chapter Six- Coming Around
Jaden pushed his hair aside and stared at the point of his ear before lightly tracing it. He then grinned. Oh, that is so cool. He brushed his hair, making sure to conceal his ears. He grabbed his bag and left the room. When he got to the kitchen, he found only his mom; usually both parents were there. I guess Dad’s still upset, he thought before voicing it.
“I’m afraid so,” Mrs. Yuki said. “Last night, he slept as a bat and is still in bat form.”
Jaden blinked. “Dad can turn into a bat?”
“Yes. He didn’t tell you? He turns into a normal-sized bat with red eyes and can’t talk except as a bat. When he doesn’t want to talk, he takes bat form and hangs upside-down from the ceiling.”
“Wow.” Jaden ate breakfast and headed to school, hoping Mom could convince Dad that having a werewolf son was not a bad thing; for one thing he could protect him from silver while avoiding the silver bullets that could kill him. I was meant to be a werewolf the day I was born and Dad knew that. Why deny that and make me believe I could be a vampire?
He got to school and had put his afternoon classes in his locker and closed the door when he felt someone bang hard into his shoulder. He looked and saw a lean athletic-looking vampire leering at him. “Move aside, werewolf, he sneered.
“You bumped into me,” Jaden protested.
The vampire, Harrington, seized Jaden by the jacket collar and hoisted him up to eye level. “You wanna say that again, runt?”
“Yeah. You bumped into me.”
“You dare speak to a vampire like that?” He pushed Jaden up against the lockers. None of the other vampires paid any attention to the altercation.
“Harrington!” came a commanding voice that Jaden recognized at Syrus. “Put him down! Now!”
Harrington set Jaden on his feet and retreated into the crowd.
“You okay, Ja?” Syrus asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Jaden grabbed his bag and they headed to first period. “Sy, that was amazing back there. You told him what to do and he listened!”
“Everyone recognizes the alpha and his successor if there is one. When I was declared an alpha and successor, I was mentored and taught to use a voice of authority and to not back down. Also, I had an encounter with Harrington last year about three weeks after I was turned. He tried to bully me because of my size. I summoned up the little confidence and alpha status that I had acquired by then and ordered him to back off. It worked.”
“Sweet. It’s great to see you so confident and sure of yourself.”
“It felt great when I became confident and asserted my authority.”
“So…now that I’m a werewolf, those steaks at lunch are open to me, right?”
Syrus laughed. “Now, there’s the Jaden I remember! Of course the steaks are available to you. So…how did your dad take the news?”
“Not good. He had stormed upstairs and, according to Mom, had spent the night as a bat to avoid talking and was still a bat this morning.”
“Oh, yeah. Vampires do that from time to time. There are times I want to talk to Zane but when I get to his room, he’s a bat.”
“He never told me he could do that.”
“My parents never told Zane and me. The night Zane became a vampire, they turned into bats and flew around the room in celebration. It surprised us.”
“Then, last year?”
“They were dismayed at what I became but they’ve come to accept that there’s nothing they can do about it. They treat me fine and I know all three still love me, just as I know your dad still loves you.”
“Of course he does.” Inwardly, Jaden wondered how long it would take before his dad accepted Jaden as a werewolf.
Mrs. Yuki entered the bedroom to see a bat still hanging from the ceiling. She glared up at him and folded her arms. “All right, dear. Enough is enough. You need to stop sulking.”
The bat looked upside down at her before fluttering down onto the bed and returning to vampire form. “I was not sulking,” he protested.
“Actually you were.”
Mr. Yuki folded his arms too. “My son wanted to be a vampire. I wanted him to be a vampire.”
“Honey, you knew all half-breeds become werewolves. Why delude yourself and him into believing that you could change that fact?”
Mr. Yuki blinked and looked sheepish. “It would seem vampires also believe in the power of positive thinking, but thinking does not make it so, especially in the face of genetics.”
Mrs. Yuki sat beside her husband. “I spoke to Jaden last night and he seems genuinely happy being a werewolf. He told me that the vampires were rather cold to him because he was a half-breed.”
“My kind are cold and unfeeling for most part and especially toward half-breeds. I wanted him to be accepted and thought that if we both believed hard enough, it would happen.”
“He’s been accepted by the werewolves and found that his best friend in eighth grade is a werewolf and the alpha as well.”
Mr. Yuki stared in shock. “Syrus? Sweet, shy Syrus is the alpha wolf?”
“Yes. I recall you saying alphas exude great confidence.”
“I did say that. It’s the only thing I really knew about werewolves.”
“I’d be happy to share whatever you want to know.”
“How does one die?”
“A silver bullet to the heart or brain. Dear, you’re not going to kill Jaden, are you?”
“What!?” he sputtered. “Of course not. I love him, no matter what he is. I just wanted to know if he would die in a way different from me. It seems silver is lethal to both of us.”
“Jaden spoke of a weakness to Wolfsbane. It forces him into wolf form until sunrise and dulls his senses until he gets away from it.”
“Well, Wolfsbane is a rare plant and this area is not an ideal place to cultivate it.”
“I’m sure Jaden will be happy to hear that. You know, dear, Jaden would be able to protect you from any silver you may encounter save for the bullet.”
“As long as the bullet doesn’t strike the fatal targets, he could protect me from all silver. That does make it worth having a werewolf for a son.” He smiled then; fang tips exposed. “I never thought of the benefits a werewolf could provide. I only saw them as inferior but I was wrong. My kind are no better than werewolves. They have their advantages and we have ours.”
“I’m glad you’ve come around.”
“I would like to know more about his kind.”
“Why don’t we let Jaden tell you? He might tell you something I don’t know.”
“Yes. Jaden should tell me and I should share some things about vampires, I didn’t mention before.”
“He knows about your bat form. I told him this morning.”
“All right, but there are aspects to that form I want to tell him and it should be tonight as tomorrow is the full moon as well as the two nights after that. He will be spending those nights with his new pack.”
“Jaden told me about that time and I think I’ll buy more meat. He’ll need it.”
Mr. Yuki didn’t doubt that but he wasn’t sure why.
Chapter Seven- Sharing
“Hello?” Jaden called when he got home, not knowing what he would find.
Mr. Yuki came into the hall with a wide fanged grin. “Jaden, my boy,” he said, taking the young werewolf into a hug. “I apologize for my reaction last night and being a bat this morning.”
“I know you wanted me to be a vampire.”
“Yes, but it wasn’t going to happen. I knew half-breeds become werewolves but I thought positive thinking and re-enforcement could overcome genetics. It was a foolish tactic.”
“Actually, I think it was a cool plan that just didn’t work.”
Mr. Yuki chuckled as they broke the hug and then said, “Your mother made me realize that having you as a werewolf could benefit me. Aside from silver bullets, you could protect me from any silver I may encounter in public.”
“Oh, yeah. I could do that as I can change when I want.”
“I know,” Mr. Yuki said as they went to the living room and sat on the couch. “I witnessed a few fights between our kinds with the werewolf taking wolf form.”
“What happened in those fights? Who won?”
“Neither one. The alpha managed to rein in his pack member and both fighters earned a detention.”
“Just like any other school. The detention for fighting, I mean.”
“Yes. Now, I was told your friend, Syrus, is a werewolf and your alpha.”
He is and I saw him act it this morning. A vampire banged hard into my shoulder and told me I had to move aside. I pointed out that he bumped into me. He had me in the air and against the lockers when Sy showed up and ordered him to put me down. He did and left.”
“As he should. Even vampires respect the alpha. It is a respect that continues after high school.”
“Dad, Mom told me that you can’t talk except as a bat when you’re a bat. I’m able to talk human and wolf as a wolf, even on the full moon.”
“Yes, that’s true but it helps me navigate when I fly. Bats have poor eyesight so it flies by sound.”
Jaden blinked. “No offense, Dad but why turn into a bat when you have sharper eyesight right now?”
“In order to escape from the scene of an attack easily, particularly when one had drained his or her victim. It would not do to be seen leaving the scene minutes before the body is found.”
“Oh!” Jaden said in understanding. “Well, I don’t eat humans, just regular food with meat and just meat on the full moon.”
“Your mom spoke of shopping for meat, saying you’ll need it; in fact she’s doing that right now.”
“She’s right. I told her that I eat only meat on the full moon. Syrus told me today that the eight of us will spend the next three nights in a secret location that will be equipped for our needs.”
“A secret location and one that will remain so as I will not try to get you to reveal it to me.”
“Do vampires do anything as a group?”
“Yes. Once a year, we gather in our own secret location to celebrate the month of the blood moon, a full moon that has a red tint to it.”
“What kind of celebration, if you don’t mind me asking.”
Mr. Yuki smiled. “We get to feel like the humans we once were. We talk, laugh, dance, and drink blood, of course. It is a joyous time.”
“Dad? Could I see your bat form?”
“If I can see your wolf form again afterwards.”
Mr. Yuki shrank down and became a bat. Jaden stared down at him before gently cupping him and bringing him closer. He was black and furry with leathery black wings, and red eyes. So, this is what I would have looked like if I could turn into a bat. Heh, I prefer being a wolf.
He put his dad down and once he had changed back, Jaden took wolf form. Now it was Mr. Yuki’s turn to look Jaden over. His gold eyes held a wolf’s intensity as well as human awareness and intelligence. They nicely complemented his brown fur which covered a lean, but muscled body and limbs. His eyes trailed from the ears to the muzzle, to the tail, and back to the muzzle. He reached out, palm up, and cupped Jaden’s lower jaw. His fingers scratched it and Jaden gave a whine as his tail waved lazily.
“Oh, Dad. That feels great.”
“I thought so. Your fur is soft and smooth.” He eyed the nose. “So, your sense of smell is sharper now?”
“Yeah.” Jaden’s nose flared. “I don’t smell anything from you.”
“Don’t you? Try harder.”
Jaden took in a deeper inhale. “Wait,” he said slowly. He sniffed again. “Blood…and roses?”
“Very good. Blood is the scent of every vampire. The rose scent is my unique scent. All vampires carry the smell of blood and a second scent unique to them. We have to focus on one another’s aura and our own to learn of the second scent.”
“Interesting. I think I’ll scent the ones at school.”
“Sounds like a good idea to me.” Jaden changed back and Mr. Yuki brushed some of his son’s hair aside to expose an ear. He traced the shape of it, especially the point. “Subtle, but still distinctive and noticeable if it wasn’t concealed.”
“I make sure they’re concealed.”
“It’s not necessary at home. Honestly, pointed ears look good on you.”
Jaden tucked his hair behind his ears and shared smiles with his dad. It was a much better night than last night. They shared aspects of their respective races and true understanding had been achieved. Too bad such understanding can’t be reached at school, Jaden thought as his mother came home with bags of meat.
Syrus turned to see the side of his wolf body and he bared a wolf’s grin. He had been a werewolf for a year but he had times where he couldn’t get over how he looked.
He had been horrified when he saw he was a wolf and wanted to cry that night he was turned. He had expected to become a vampire, so what had gone wrong? He had been so lost in thought that he missed the turning of the rest of the freshmen. He did follow the others of which were just the alpha and Bastion.
“Syrus?” asked the alpha, Aster, when he noticed his depressed posture and drooped ears. “Syrus, what’s wrong?”
He had looked up. “I’m the pureblood son of two vampires. How could I be a werewolf?” he had whimpered.
“I…can’t say for certain, but this was clearly your destiny.”
“What makes you say that?”
Aster’s tail had swished once. “You have the scent of an alpha wolf. Next year, you will be the leader of the werewolves at school. Until then, I will teach you about your role.”
“Alpha wolf? Me?”
Aster had barked a laugh. “Yes. It may not seem like it right now, but as the year goes on, you will become a confident wolf, sure of yourself.”
Syrus had perked up at this. He had always wanted to be confident like his brother and he would as an alpha wolf.
Aster had gradually turned control of the pack over to me so when graduation came, I had taken complete control. Now I am truly on my own but it’s not a problem. I am very sure of myself and I will lead my pack in our first full moon of the school year.
Chapter Eight- First Moon
Syrus beamed. “I knew he still loved you. I was sure it would work out.”
“Mom talking to him showed him that me being a werewolf could benefit him. I can protect him from silver if we’re out in public.”
“I do that with my family, only they don’t know it,” Syrus said. “Their noses aren’t sharper so they don’t smell me.”
Jaden ate some steak and subtly sniffed around. He easily detected the vampire scent as well as the wolf scent and a myriad of scents that had to come from the students as the item the scents brought to his mind was absent. “Sy, what scents does your family give off?”
“Zane reminds me of fresh paper, Mom smells of cayenne red pepper, and Dad smells of fresh earth.”
“Red pepper?” Atticus asked. “That’s got to be hard on the nose.”
“Only if I take a deep breath through it.”
“Dad smells of roses,” Jaden said thoughtfully after swallowing his bite and before taking another. “It’s kind of odd as one would think vampires smell of death or decay or something equally unpleasant.”
“They were human before being turned,” Atticus said sharply. “Alexis always smelled of sugar, a scent I didn’t notice until I became a werewolf.” He sniffed a few times. “She still smells of sugar in addition to her vampire scent.”
“Ah. Okay. Got it,” Jaden said quickly, almost cringing at the older boy’s words.
“Atticus, enough with being so defensive,” Syrus snapped. “Ja was just turned. There’s a lot for him and Hassleberry to know.”
Atticus lowered his gaze. “Sorry, alpha. I’ll watch my tone.”
“Okay.” Syrus was back to his normal self. Jaden found it incredible that Syrus could be sweet one moment and commanding the next moment. He didn’t comment on it, but simply marveled over it.
“What’s this secret location we’re going to tonight?” Hassleberry asked. “Is it only for the school’s pack?”
“Not only for us. Any werewolf or wifewolf can use it if they want. Aster took us there every month for us to bond outside of school. I would like it if we could still be a pack after graduating.” He beamed at the others. “The location has plenty of room to run and play and enough food and water for the night.”
“Who’s providing the food and water?” Hassleberry asked.
“The water is actually a small lake that is fed by an underground pipe. Sheppard pays for some of the food but werewolf alumni donate money or food. You’ll love the place. Both of you will.”
Jaden had no doubt about it. He would be a wolf all night and in the company of his fellow pack members along with enough food and water to keep them fed. I can hardly wait.
None of the werewolves went home after school; instead they had an extended study hall. Syrus had felt, for the first full moon of the school year, he had to show the new werewolves where their full moon home was. He knew from last year that all werewolf students had to spend their full moons at the location. Syrus also hoped some alumni wolves would drop by to either greet familiar faces or meet others they didn’t know. One time, Aster’s parents had showed up to meet the new ones and congratulate Aster on gaining a successor.
Syrus led the group to a path that was secluded and blended in with the area despite it being trodden on by generations of wolves. He instructed Jaden, Hassleberry, Jesse, and Jim to familiarize themselves with the smell of the area so that next month, they would be able to find it on their own.
The pack emerged into a clearing so large, it took Jaden’s breath away. There was definitely enough room to run, play, and sleep. Meat was piled in one spot next to one side of the lake Syrus mentioned. “It’s perfect,” he breathed.
“Yeah,” Syrus said. “The school is responsible for its upkeep which is done in the weeks between full moons and speaking of which, next month’s full moon will be the blood moon.”
“The blood moon. The time of the year where vampires hold an annual celebration.”
“Right. You dad told you, huh?”
“Yesterday when I got home.”
“Mom and Dad would head out once Zane and I were asleep and later, once I was asleep, all three headed out. Last year, they went out while I spent all three nights here. You’ll have time tomorrow and the next night to head home before moonrise. We’ll meet at the front of the school. We meaning you, Hassleberry, Jim, Jesse, and me.”
Syrus then howled, prompting Jaden and the others to howl as well before all eight transformed. There were barks, yips, and laughs as they celebrated the joy of being wolves and connected to nature. Syrus playfully growled at Atticus who returned it before both charged and went down in a tangle of limbs and rolled across the ground, yipping and laughing.
Hassleberry and Jaden watched as their pack members ran around or played with each other. “This is something, huh?” Hassleberry asked.
“Yeah and it’s for us most of the time.”
A howl sounded and everyone froze for it was a female howl. “That’s sounds like my mother,” Bastion said. “Actually, that is my mother.”
A wifewolf who bore a passing resemblance to Bastion entered the area and behind her were a werewolf and a wifewolf. There was a brief silence that was broken by Jesse asking, “Mom? Dad?”
Syrus approached the trio as an alpha should. “Mrs. Misawa, hi.”
Mrs. Misawa nuzzled Syrus’ cheek in greeting. “Hi, Syrus. I would like to introduce you to Jesse’s parents and see your new pack members.” Her eyes roved the area. “I see four I don’t know, though I’m guessing the blue-furred one is Jesse.”
Syrus dipped his head to the other two adults. “Welcome. I’m pleased to meet you. I am Syrus Truesdale, the alpha.”
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson dipped their heads back. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Jesse spoke of you at home and how you’re a better alpha than his last one who was a real strict, domineering type.”
“Oh. Well, my alpha taught me what he knew and I chose to follow his example. Uh, let me introduce my pack.” Syrus led all three adults around, starting with the seniors and down to the newest members. “These are this year’s newest members. Freshman Tyranno Hassleberry and sophomore transfer Jaden Yuki.”
“Jaden,” Mrs. Misawa said. “Bastion spoke of you two years ago. You went to the same school, but not the same class.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that.”
“Well, last year Syrus and Bastion talked and Syrus revealed your parentage to him and Bastion told me. I knew you would be like my son what with one parent being human.”
“I had hoped to be a vampire but after talking to Sy and the others at lunch on my first day, being a werewolf sounded a lot better.”
“Well, we shouldn’t think badly about our vampire neighbors despite their cold disposition.”
“Of course not. I love my dad and he loves me. He was disappointed at first but then realized I couldn’t have been a vampire as all half-breeds become werewolves.”
“My husband wasn’t sure what Bastion would be until I told him and he loved the idea of having two wolves in the family.”
“Hey, everyone!” Syrus called. “Let’s eat and we can talk more.” Everyone gathered around the meat, sharing stories and jokes as they ate, talked, and laughed. The first full moon of the year went smoothly and everyone looked forward to the next night.
Chapter Nine- Epilogue
Mr. Yuki combed his hair and examined his teeth before flashing a smile. The night of the blood moon celebration had arrived and he was eagerly looking forward to it. He left his room to see Jaden waiting by the stairs with a grin of his own.
“Excited, Dad?” he asked as they went down the stairs, up to the hall, and out the door.
“Yes. I can feel more emotions coming back to me. Are you looking forward to your full moons?”
“Yeah. I can’t wait. Last month was great. Principal Sheppard is going to drop in this month to see how we’re doing.”
“I would say you’re doing well. You’ve adjusted to a new school and a new race in one month.”
Jaden nodded. “And I’ve never been happier. Oh, I forgot to mention that Jesse has twin siblings, a boy and a girl, who will join our school next year.”
“Which one is that again?”
“The exchange student whose family are all werewolves.”
“I see. So, the pack will have a wifewolf next year.”
Jaden nodded. “Jesse’s parents thoroughly examined their family trees and both are all werewolf.” His grin faded. “Sorry, Dad. I know that sounded racist.”
“It’s all right, son. It’s only natural for one to be proud of one’s race or purity of their bloodlines. Most vampires marry their own kind to insure that their offspring will be vampires; of course that’s no guarantee as your friend, Syrus, can attest.”
“Atticus too. Everyone in his family are werewolves but his sister became a vampire last year.”
“Yes. I met Alexis last year. Zane brought her to the celebration as she didn’t know where it was just like her family didn’t know.” The pair reached a fork in the path. Mr. Yuki gave Jaden a hug before going left. Jaden smiled as he headed right. Both of them were going to have a great night, he just knew it. He tapped his speed to make it to the werewolf home before moonrise.
“Hey, Jaden,” Atticus called as Jaden entered. He flashed a grin. “Tonight’s the night for both races. “Lexi’s already there, wherever ‘there’ is.”
“Same thing with my dad.” Jaden and Atticus watched the sun vanish and heard Syrus howl before they howled and took their wolf forms.
Mr. Yuki arrived at the gathering place of the vampires: A run-down warehouse in an abandoned shipping port. While it looked run-down, the place inside was furnished with a source of electricity for lights, a refrigerator, and a boom box. Party lights flicked on and off and vampires danced to the music, drank blood, or talked. Mr. Yuki could feel the rest of his emotions bubble up to the surface. He felt human again despite his obvious vampire appearance.
Mr. Yuki happily joined in the celebration, talking, dancing, laughing, and drinking blood. He introduced himself to the vampire students who were new before greeting those he met last year as well as old friends. He eventually found himself at a table with Chazz and Alexis, talking and nursing glasses of blood.
“So, Alexis. Your entire family is out tonight?”
“Yeah. Atti’s with his pack and Mom and Dad are in the park.”
Chazz huffed. “I’m lucky my family’s not dysfunctional.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Alexis snapped.
“Nothing,” he mumbled.
“Sounded like something to me,” Mr. Yuki said. “Spill it, Chazz.”
“Fine. My family are pureblood vampires. There are no human or werewolf genes in it.”
“My family has been werewolves for generations,” Alexis said. “It is likely that a vampire somehow contributed to the gene pool which is how I became a vampire. Despite being an unfeeling vampire and content at being one, I occasionally wish I had been a wifewolf.”
“My family are all vampires until I married a human. I knew any children we had would be werewolves. So, Jaden can spread the werewolf gene to future generations which will change the family tree from vampire to werewolf. I don’t mind. I love my son and werewolf suits him.”
“I wonder if a vampire and a werewolf would ever get married,” Alexis mused.
“No reason for such a pairing to not occur,” Mr. Yuki said. “The offspring would have the opportunity to be either one.”
“I may be interested in such a union. I mean, Jaden and Syrus are cute and Syrus being an alpha is kind of attractive.”
“Perhaps you could speak to them tomorrow, maybe even set up separate dates with both of them,” Mr. Yuki suggested.
“I do have classes with both,” she said. “Okay, I’ll give it a shot.”
Mr. Yuki nodded. It was likely that Alexis would think differently in the morning as most of her human emotions would be buried and suppressed beneath her vampire nature. I too will likely think differently in the morning; all vampires are like that.
“Hassleberry, have you ever thought of dating a vampire?” Jaden asked.
Hassleberry gnawed on the bone of a T-bone for a moment before saying, “Date a vampire?” he repeated. “Why would I do that? Vampires are mostly cold and unfeeling.”
“Well, yeah. The only time they’re warm and loving is with their families. Dad loves me and Mom.”
“True,” Atticus spoke up. “Lexi still loves my parents and me and we love her.”
“Yeah, my parents and Zane love me despite my being a wolf,” Syrus said. “They were surprised when I told them I was an alpha wolf. The surprise faded from Mom and Dad and expressed pride that I would become a confident person. I could tell that Zane wanted me to be confident but not this way.” Syrus shook his head. “He’s still disappointed I’m a werewolf even after I pointed out the benefit I provided.”
“Mom pointed that out to Dad and he came around. He likes the idea of having protection should we run into a vampire hunter in public.”
“Vampire hunter?” Syrus said. “Ja, those people are rare as vampires can look human. It’s the werewolf hunters we have to avoid.”
Jaden swallowed hard. “Uh, yeah. Werewolf hunters.”
Syrus nodded as he took in the rest of the pack. “That is why it’s preferable to grow out the hair to hide the ears so a hunter won’t target us.”
“As for our kind to date or marry a vampire…I think our generation is too grounded in the traditional. However, we can preach our idea to the next generation, starting with next year’s freshmen as well as any offspring we have in the future.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me,” spoke up Sheppard as he entered the area and the pack dipped their heads in reverence. “I had always hoped that one day a pack would decide to preach the idea of werewolves and vampires marrying each other. I’m glad it is this pack that will do that.” He howled and the pack echoed it, celebrating the hope that a brighter future for both of their kinds would come to pass.