Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh or the name Thoth, though the character is mine.
Chapter One- Trust Betrayed
Isis sighed and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the feel of her lover’s chest. It was flat and strong with firm muscles. He carried himself in a way that was attractive to her. She was also drawn to the fact that he, like her, was named after one of the gods: Thoth.
Thoth had moved to the city a few months ago and proved himself to be someone who engaged in a variety of trades. He was an excellent fisherman, he wove baskets of extraordinary skills, and made jewelry of gold and precious stones, the likes of which Isis had never seen before. It was this skill that brought her to the stall where he sold his wares and the two made small talk as she purchased a brocade. What Thoth revealed to her in those talks drove her to seek him out whenever she ventured out and she valued their talks for he was just as well-read as the crafts he produced. All of their time together culminated in Isis and Thoth falling for each other and having complete trust in the other…though, Isis felt as if Thoth was hiding something from her and he didn’t trust her enough to confide in her.
“Isis,” Thoth said, bringing her back to the present. “You love me, trust me?”
“I do love you,” she said. “But, I feel you are hiding something from me that keeps us from truly trusting each other.”
“I share your sentiment and concerns. I intend to remedy that.”
“You’ll share what you’re hiding, yes?”
“I will.”
She looked up so she could see the sincerity in his eyes only for her own to widen in shock. Thoth’s green eyes had a gold tint to them and a muzzle of sharp teeth was forming from his nose and mouth with a layer of black fur on the top and white on the bottom. He lunged down, seized her shoulder in his jaws, and bit down. Isis screamed in pain, but due to their isolated spot, no one heard her and came rushing onto the scene. Thoth pulled back as his muzzle shrank back to his nose and mouth and the gold faded from his eyes.
“Thoth!” Isis put a hand to her shoulder as she stared at the man she thought she knew. “Why did you…bite me?”
“I’m sharing my secret. Isis…I am a werewolf and since I bit you…you are a wifewolf, a female werewolf.”
“What?” she said faintly. “That…can’t be. It is daylight and it’s not a full moon night.”
“Good points, but they are not necessary in turning others. You will change tonight so that your two sides will fully combine. That is unavoidable as all newly-bitten ones must change on their first night.”
“That is not really answering my questions,” she said. “Why did you do this?”
“I love you and want us to be together. I am ageless and immortal as a werewolf and once you change, so will you. I can teach you as there is no difference between a wifewolf and a werewolf aside from the gender.”
Isis felt anger bubbling up inside her. “You turn me before telling me the truth or asking if I wanted to be bitten. Surely, you know how people view your, our, kind.”
“Yes, I know. They fear us but only because they don’t really know us. You are also right that I should have told you before biting you. I…wouldn’t have asked, I would have bitten you, anyway.”
“I can’t believe you. You were named for a god of truth among other aspects. You are not living up to your name.”
“I was named Thoth for he was also god of the moon. Wolves are connected to the moon so being a werewolf is rather fitting.
“So, Isis. Now that you know my secret, do you still love me? I will understand if you still don’t trust me.”
Isis turned from Thoth to think and absorb everything that had just happened. She voiced concern that Thoth was keeping a secret from her and he responded by forming a muzzle of sharp teeth and biting her before admitting that he was a werewolf and that she was now a wifewolf.
If I hadn’t expressed my concern over trust, I wouldn’t have been bitten…or would I have? Thoth did say he loves me and wants us to be together. He would have bitten me eventually. She glanced back at Thoth for a moment before looking away. I don’t know how to be a wifewolf. Thoth has the knowledge and has offered to share it. The question before me is, do I still love him?
She turned to him. “I find that I do still like you but I can’t love you now that I know your secret and especially since you bit me. I am willing to give a chance to earn back my love by teaching me about being a wifewolf.”
Thoth had been anxious while she had been thinking and talking but now he looked relieved. “I understand your decision and will gladly instruct you.” He smiled. “Let’s start with your shoulder.”
Isis craned her neck to look at her shoulder and saw smooth unmarred skin. “What? But, you bit me rather hard.”
“Yes, I did, but that is the first advantage of your upcoming gift. We heal quickly. Cuts, bruises, bites, and broken bones, but a broken spine or severed head won’t heal.”
“I’ve heard that silver hurts,” Isis noted.
Thoth nodded. “We’re allergic to it. In human form, it will burn if we touch it. In wolf form, it is painful to be in its presence and we feel weak as well. If it stabs us in the heart, we die.”
“So, we can die despite being immortal.”
“That is true, but it is easier to keep living than you may think. I was bitten over a century ago when I was a few years older than you are now.”
“A century? You’re a hundred years old?”
“A little more than that, but I am. Impressive, yes?”
“It is.” Isis saw herself going through her immortal life and the idea thrilled her. Of course to get that immortality, I must change into a wolf and speaking of which…
“Will it hurt to change?”
“Regrettably, yes but only the first time. The pain is your two sides joining together. After that, you can change whenever you like and even partially change like I did.”
“And the full moon? That is the crux of being a werewolf after all.”
“That is true. Recollection comes the morning after and from them, I gathered that I become a bigger wolf than I usually am as well as a dark, bloodthirsty killer.”
“What kind of killer?” she asked with dread.
“I hunted animals like normal, but the dark aspect involves either killing or turning humans.”
“I see. So, every werewolf and wifewolf acts this way?”
“I’m afraid so. However, the full moon is some time away. Let us focus on tonight for now.”
“Yes.” She pointed toward the desert. “I suggest we do so out there. Let’s meet at the boundary at sunset.”
“Agreed.” Thoth reached under Isis’ headdress and ran his hand through her hair. “You should get some rest. We have a big night ahead of us.”
“Indeed we do.” Isis turned and walked out of the alley to head home.
Chapter Two- Concerns
Thoth watched Isis as she left for the palace. She was quite different from other women he had met over the decades. There had been women who were different from the others; ones he thought would accept him and his condition, but when he told them, they ran away screaming or hurled hurtful names at him. It was the latter that tempted him to change and bite them in retaliation. He had found the idea appealing but had refrained as that would likely result in a pack or getting killed by a silver spear courtesy of the woman he bit.
I had told myself repeatedly that I wasn’t ready to have a pack or a mate, that I wasn’t old enough. When I met Isis, I felt that she was the one. She took my condition in stride and that I had passed it on to her. I think her status as a priestess may have helped her. It also could be that Millennium Item she wears. I understand that it’s magical, but she did not elaborate. I plan to ask her in the morning as she’ll be busy learning to move her body and I will be enticing her to be a dark wifewolf. He smiled as he headed to his home, fantasizing about him and Isis living forever as dark mates.
Isis studied her shoulder in her mirror. There was definitely no mark; aside from the torn cloth there was no hint of any kind of attack. She knew she had been bitten hard and she hadn’t imagined the muzzle Thoth had.
He is a werewolf and because he bit me, I am a wifewolf. I am one of those creatures that people fear and would want to kill. It is true that people fear what they don’t know and that leads them to kill or destroy what they fear.
She stared blankly at her image as she recalled a vague vision she had seen a couple of days ago. It had been blackness save for two gold eyes and the sound of growling. She hadn’t thought much of it and as it wasn’t related to the future of the kingdom, she didn’t report it. Today’s events caused the vision to come back to her and concluded that she had seen her own future; an immediate future. Those eyes and the growling is either Thoth or me. I can’t tell which one, but that doesn’t matter. We will both be wolves tonight. She felt her stomach squirm nervously at the thought.
It squirmed again as another thought came to her. She could not tell anyone what had happened to her. She knew no one would understand or accept her condition. They would fear her and what she was capable of. She wasn’t even sure of what she was capable of until she had changed and received instruction from Thoth. Even after I find out, I must hide it from everyone. I will likely be viewed as a monster if the court and the pharaoh found out. I would certainly see one of them as a monster if it had happened to one of them. Isis then smothered a yawn before crossing to her bed, lying down in it, and was soon asleep, all thoughts and concerns on hold for now.
Mahad was heading to his own chambers to meditate and study his personal scrolls before choosing to look in on Isis. She had returned to the palace in the early afternoon and a guard told him that she seemed preoccupied and had cloth torn on one shoulder. He had felt concern at hearing that, hoping she hadn’t been assaulted.
He paused at her doorway to see her fast asleep. She was peaceful and from his spot, he saw the torn cloth but no sign of injury. Perhaps it caught on something sharp and it ripped. No problem; she can just change clothes or I could repair it. I do know a spell to repair cloth and it has come in handy in the past.
Suddenly, a glow came from the Necklace and Isis’ face creased into an expression of fear and concern. He was about to go wake her when she opened her eyes and sat up with a gasp. She sat there breathing fast and hard, her gaze focused blankly in front of her.
“Isis?” he asked gently and she looked around, her eyes looking troubled. He entered and sat beside her as she swung her legs over the edge. “Are you all right?”
“Yes,” she said, taking calming breaths. “Just a nightmare.”
“Are you certain? The Necklace was glowing just before you awoke.”
She put her fingers to it. “Was it? Then, it may be responsible for my nightmare.”
“Nightmare or vision?” Mahad asked.
“Nightmare,” she said firmly. “That’s all it was.”
“I was told by a guard that your robes got torn.” He lightly ran his fingers over it.
“I…caught it on a sharp corner,” she said.
“I suspected as much. I can repair the damage. As you know, I know a spell that repairs cloth.”
“I would like that.”
Mahad’s fingers moved over the ripped edges of the hole, murmuring a spell while taking note of the damage even as it knitted itself back together. It didn’t really feel like it caught on a sharp corner; more like sharp teeth had bitten through it, but that would have resulted in a bite mark and Isis’ shoulder was clearly undamaged. Once the robes were repaired, Isis squeezed his fingers and smiled. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure.” He squeezed her fingers back and then left once his hand was free.
Isis’ smile faded once alone. She felt awful about lying to Mahad. He was a dear friend to her and lying to him didn’t sit well with her nor did it sit well with her priestess training. But I can’t tell him. I don’t know how he’ll react to me. I do know that he would have Thoth found and arrested for assaulting me for that is what he did when he bit me.
Her fingers went to her Item again. Mahad had told her that it had been glowing. She didn’t doubt that. Her sleep had been untroubled and then dark, horrible images had flashed across her unconscious mind. Growls, snarls, and flashes of sharp teeth and glowing eyes. These images scared her and resulted in her waking the way that she had.
She had no doubt that the images had come from Thoth telling her that all werewolves and wifewolves become dark killers on the full moon. Her Necklace had clearly shown her full moon future. She would be a killer on the full moon which was unavoidable. She would have no recollection or control over her actions until the following morning. The very idea frightened her.
I hope Thoth can lay some of my fears to rest and that my change will ease some concerns I still have. She rose from her bed, adjusted her clothes and hair, and then went to get something to eat and drink before heading out to a warm late afternoon.
The city was in its normal state of activity and yet Isis felt like something was different. She looked around to see nothing unusual. Perhaps I am what’s different. Yes, that could be it. I am approaching my first change to a wolf and my paranoia is no doubt part of my being a wifewolf. Nothing else is different. Everything else is as it has always been. Isis quickly headed for the boundary, the people parting and genuflecting as she passed.
Thoth stood at the border and smiled as Isis approached. She is so lovely and she will be more so once she has changed. I have told her that it will hurt and I intend to be at her side to help her ease the residue pain that will be in her muscles. I know that personally. He put an arm across Isis’ shoulders once she was beside him and guided her past the border and into the desert.
Chapter Three- Transformation
Isis brushed Thoth’s arm from her shoulders as she stepped away from him. “Do not touch me like that,” she said. “I do not love you and such a gesture is to be shared between lovers.”
“You speak truly but I love you and until I have earned you love again, I promise not to touch you that way again.” He let Isis take the lead but noticed that she kept glancing around. Ah, she is experiencing a werewolf’s paranoia. I knew she would and she likely has no idea why…or does she?
“Is something wrong?” he asked in concern as Isis looked around once again.
“I feel like we’re being watched but I don’t see anyone,” she said. “I’ve felt this way since leaving the palace. Is it a werewolf thing?”
“It is our paranoia. It is strong in the newly-bitten before they change, most likely because their senses have not become sharper yet.”
“So, my paranoia will diminish with the change?”
“That’s correct.” He followed her in silence for a few minutes before asking, “Where are we going?”
“A nearby oasis. We will need water after all.”
“Yes, of course.” Thoth lifted his nose and inhaled deeply. A faint scent of water was detected before it got stronger. “We’re nearly there. That’s good as it is almost dark.”
Isis nodded at this observation before resuming her walk to their destination. She still felt uneasy but now she knew what it was and felt relief that her paranoia would diminish with the sharpening of her senses which would occur with her change.
The oasis came into view and it was alight with a glowing sunset. Isis sensed the coolness of a desert’s coming night and told herself that her fur coat would warm her. “Thoth, am I right in saying I will have no physical signs of my condition?”
“Actually, you will have two on the full moon. Every werewolf and wifewolf have pointed ears and nails from the morning of the first night and go back to normal the morning after the last night.”
Isis approached the pond and turned to face the sun that was nearly gone. The sun dipped beyond the horizon, the colors flaring before the sky turned black. A pulse went through her and a burning was felt in her stomach. She went to her knees, moaning in pain and gasping from the burning. She forced her eyes open to witness this event.
She blinked as the night became brighter and she leaned forward to the water to see that her blue eyes were gold and wolf-like. Her face was covered in black fur and her headdress had faded away to reveal that her hair had turned to fur and a pair of black wolf ears sat on the top of her head. She stared at her reflection as her nose and jaws pushed out into a long elegant muzzle and her tongue felt that all her teeth were sharp and new teeth were filling in the gaps in her longer mouth.
A pins and needles sensation made her gasp and groan before she looked at the source to see her nails grow out and hook into sharp claws as her fingers shrank away and her hands formed paws that concealed the claws and were covered in fur which spread up her arms. A warmth flowed over her body and she surmised that all of her fur had grown out.
She felt her torso altering, the bones crunching and rearranging. She opened her muzzle to scream at the pain but a howl of pain emerged instead. She then panted as she felt something push out behind her and her legs popping and crunching. Her vocal sounds were a series of whines and yelps as she continued to transform.
The pain abruptly ended and Isis panted as she waited for the residue to fade entirely. She whined as her muscles throbbed. She heard footsteps approach and then a muzzle moved across her cheek: Thoth had transformed.
“I know,” he said soothingly. “Your muscles hurt, but it will pass.”
“You’re…talking. I’m talking,” she said in surprise. “But, I was whining and yelping earlier. I even howled.”
“Yes, that was your two sides joining together. You are officially a wifewolf.”
“So, I can talk as a human and a wolf now. What of the full moon?”
“I seem to recall speaking only as a wolf. I am just a wolf during that time. Speaking of which, you are a lovely wolf.”
Isis staggered to all fours and looked into the water. A black wolf with gold eyes stared back at her. Her ears were long and elegant as was her muzzle. Her clothes were gone, but the Necklace was still there. She turned to the side and looked to see a slender but muscular body and long strong legs. A long full tail hung behind her. “I don’t know if I agree with your opinion. I mean, I see a wolf. Nothing more.”
“Of course. My feelings make me see more than just a wolf. In any case, let’s focus on your senses, starting with your nose. That is the sense that will lower your paranoia as you’ll be able to smell if anything is nearby.”
Isis lifted her head so her nose was in the air and took a deep breath. A flood of smells entered her nose and tickled it, making her sneeze. She shook her head and then took a normal breath. She picked up smells that she couldn’t identify at first and then what she could only call instinct, told her what the smells were. “I smell…water, grass, and you, Thoth. That is, I smell a wolf with a scent unique to you.”
Thoth nodded. “Good, very good for your first time. You will have plenty of opportunities to use your nose as well as your eyes and ears.”
“My eyes?”
“Yes. You will be able to see further, with more detail, and a little brighter while human. If we had the full visual acuity of a wolf, the sights would have been too much.”
“I imagine you learned that from the one who bit you.”
“Yes. He taught me everything he knew. The effects of our silver weaknesses I found out on my own. He told me we were allergic to it but not how it would affect us.”
“Perhaps because he did not know.”
“That makes sense.”
“So, what about my ears?”
“That’s easy. You’ll be able to hear everything around you from whispers to shouts. There is a distance limit just as your nose and eyes have a limit. All three senses will be sharper all the time, human and wolf.”
“I don’t like the sound of that.”
“I didn’t either at first, but I grew accustomed to it.”
“I imagine you would as you have been a werewolf for a century.”
“I believe being a werewolf is the best lifestyle there is. We can survive practically anywhere in the world and exist in any city or village unnoticed.”
“In the future, yes, but not at present, at least for me.”
“Ah, yes. Your position as a priestess to the pharaoh. Yes, you cannot go unnoticed. Eventually though, you will have to move on as you will not age and it will draw suspicion.”
Isis nodded as Thoth sliced open a clothed bag he had been carrying all this time to reveal the meat of rabbits. “I know your training forbids the eating of fish, so I hunted earlier. Believe me, eating raw meat is not disgusting. As wolves, we are carnivores and we consume raw meat with no problem.”
I have no doubt of that, Isis thought as she laid down to enjoy dinner.
Chapter Four- Senses Exploration
“Thoth, last night’s dinner was good. I had no idea raw meat could taste that way.”
“I’m glad you liked it. Animals can’t cook their food so they eat it raw as nature had designed them to do. I had to live as a wolf from time to time as the trading of goods and services evolved. When money was required as payment, I ate as a wolf while learning my trades of basket weaving and jewelry making.”
“You are also an excellent fisherman. Three trades that you do well at.”
“I hope I chose trades that will endure for a long time.”
“People will always need to eat and want fine jewelry.”
“Speaking of jewelry, what of your Millennium Item?” He gestured to the Necklace that glinted in the early morning sun. “I understand that it’s magical, but nothing beyond that.”
“It is called the Millennium Necklace and it is one of seven magical items. Each one has its own unique power and collectively they are used to sense evil and root it out which will bring about peace.”
“Peace is much desired, even a dark werewolf like me sees that.”
“You don’t seem dark.”
“Maybe not, but every full moon makes me feel and act dark. I’ve killed people and even ate some. I actually reveal in that in the days of the cycle and look forward to doing more of that once the moon rises again.” He sighed heavily. “I am dark, Isis. I can’t deny it or fight it. I will try to turn you dark as the full moon draws closer.”
“Thoth, if every werewolf and wifewolf become killers on the full moon, I will allow that but I will act the way I am now while human in the cycle.”
“That’s what I wanted to hear. I love you the way you are now. So…each Item has its own power. What does yours do?”
“It shows me visions of possible futures, though what it shows is vague for most part.”
“Fascinating. Able to see futures that could happen.”
“It is not as useful as those that can detect the evil and darkness in people. My Item merely predicts a possible threat to our peace. Sometimes, I probe it and get no visions. Other times, it activates without any warning.”
“I see. So, you can’t control what it’ll show?”
“Exactly. It showed me dark images while I took my nap yesterday. I heard growls and snarls and saw flashes of sharp teeth and glowing eyes. I believe it was showing my future full moon change which is something as I usually don’t have visions of my own future.”
“Your vision could be the full moon change. I can’t confirm the glowing eyes as I am alone and don’t think of looking at my reflection. Perhaps if we change together, we can confirm the glowing eyes part.”
“We will change together,” Isis stated. “Perhaps our dark killer side will diminish as we will have someone else to distract us.”
“That would be nice,” Thoth said as they entered the city. He personally believed that her suggestions wasn’t likely. What was more likely was that the two of them would attack each other or intimidate one another to where they would stalk off alone. That would be enough to see if our eyes do glow, though.
There were guards already patrolling the streets and they showed reverence to Isis upon seeing her. Their show of respect brought a sense of calm and peace to her. No one could tell that she was a wifewolf. She recalled last night and the full impact finally hit her. Her change to a wolf had unlocked her immortality and her enhanced senses. She could also become a wolf whenever she wanted and the idea of that actually excited her.
It excites me as I have already changed and know that I am in control and can talk human and wolf. I can move quickly on all fours and my senses are sharp in both forms. Isis flared her nose and allowed the smells of the city to flood it: Unwashed bodies, floral perfume, fruit, the river, and the desert air. These were what she picked up and she delighted in being able to smell all of this as well as identify each one.
Her ears picked up every word of the people as she passed them and she found it a bit hard to take. Before today, the words would have just been an indistinct rush of sounds, but now she could hear it all clearly.
Her eyes were exactly as Thoth had said. She could see further than before and see the details of jewelry, pottery, baskets, and the clothing weaves of the peoples’ clothing. She also saw shades of colors that were brighter than she remembered. Indeed, the whole world was brighter, not to mention louder and smelled clearer.
Thoth watched as Isis tested her senses in human form. It was more interesting to watch now than it had been last night as the sharper senses are normal for a wolf. He watched her nose flare as she took in the scents around them. He did the same but focused on Isis. Yes, he thought. There it is: The smell of a wolf mixed in with her own scent. That is how I find others and how I learned that I was the only one. He glanced subtly at Isis and wondered if she was testing her hearing and sight. He had no reason to think she wasn’t. He had tested all his senses the morning after his first change.
“What do you think of your senses now?” he asked as they stopped at his home so he could gather his wares and open his stall.
“Still interesting but the hearing and sight is a bit hard to take. Words are easily heard and the soft ones sound louder to me. The colors are a brighter shade than I remember.”
“I know. I went through the same thing. I was fondly remembering how it felt for me as I watched you experience it.”
“Did you recall your first change last night?” she teased, seeing the charm Thoth had displayed before she knew his true nature.
“A little. I was more interested in teaching you to walk and run.”
“You were a wonderful teacher.”
“I had hoped I was.” He gathered some baskets and jewelry; naturally there was no silver.
“You definitely were,” she restated before kissing his cheek. She giggled as Thoth blinked and put a hand to his cheek. “I believe I am starting to love you again.”
“Already? But I bit you yesterday.”
“I know, but we fell for each other a while ago and now that I know what you were hiding, I trust you completely.”
“You have a point and it’s nice to know that I have your complete trust in me. We have no secrets between us anymore.”
“No secrets at all.” Isis left the house first and then Thoth followed soon after. Isis smiled softly. She loved Thoth again and knew that whatever they haven’t shared yet would be eventually told. There will be more to learn about being a wifewolf and Thoth will reveal them.
Thoth also smiled as he set up his stall. Isis loved him again. He admitted to being a dark werewolf and yet she still loved him. I warned her that I will try to turn her dark as well and she said that she’ll allow herself to be dark on the cycles but not outside of it. I hope to the gods that she doesn’t turn completely dark. That is not who I want her to be.
Chapter Five- Lack of Evil
“Isis, where were you? I was worried,” Mahad asked as Isis entered the palace grounds.
“I was camping last night,” Isis said, which was partially true.
Mahad gave her a sly smile. “Was your lover with you?”
“My lover?” she repeated.
“Isis,” Mahad gently laughed. “I have seen you speak with a young man every day for months. I suspected that you wanted to keep it private.”
“I do.”
“And I swear not to speak of it unless necessary.”
“Thank you.”
“So…what’s his name? He’s a basket vendor, right?”
“His name’s Thoth and he’s a basket weaver as well as a jewelry maker and a fisherman.”
“Ah. He’s talented. So was he with you last night?”
“He was. We shared dinner and our deepest secrets. He had a big one and was afraid I wouldn’t understand. His fears were groundless.”
Mahad didn’t ask what secret as he knew it was none of his business. Instead, he said, “You clearly found a special man. He’s also named after a god, just as you were.”
“That was one thing that drew me to him. His three trades was another thing. I bought a gorgeous brocade from him one day and we got to talking. That was when I came by his stall often and we ended up becoming friends and then falling for each other.”
“Do you think the two of you will marry?”
“Perhaps, but not for a long time.” Isis knew she would have to leave when people started to comment on her continued youth but she imagined that wouldn’t be for at least ten years or so. Mahad and I are close in age. So, when he retires or dies, I will retire then and Thoth and I can leave for a village to live in for a time. The implications of her immortality really hit her then. She was confined to a life of moving on after living somewhere for a brief period of time. And when the type of money changes, we may live as wolves until we can earn enough to buy food and a home.
“Yes, those are things to consider,” Thoth said when Isis went to see him later that day. “I would take a new name every now and then before going back to my birth name of Thoth. The times I spent as a wolf were when I kept my real name.”
“Have you had other wifewolves before me?”
“No. I never bit anyone before you. You are my first bite and my first mate. I have told other women in the past of being a werewolf. All of them either ran away screaming or calling me hurtful names. I find it surprising that I didn’t bite any of them considering I’m a dark werewolf.”
“Your first bite and mate? I’m…flattered that I’m your first one.”
“First and hopefully only as werewolves mate for life like real wolves do.”
“But if one of us dies, the other shouldn’t live alone. I wouldn’t wish that on you.”
“And I wouldn’t wish it on you either. So, if you or I die, that leaves the other free to seek out another love who we feel is special.”
“Agreed.” Isis smiled and Thoth returned it. His smile was an attractive one to her and that gave her an idea. Thoth had repeatedly said he was a dark werewolf and yet she had seen the loving, caring man he was; if he had been a real dark werewolf, he would terrorize every city and village and indiscriminately bite anyone he wished and eat only humans. But perhaps my company can help him be less dark. I’m sure he would want that.
Thoth watched Isis as she walked away. She was a lovely caring woman and he felt lucky he had chosen to bite her. He had wanted her to be dark like him but as he shared his expertise and watched Isis test her senses, he found he didn’t want her to be dark except on the full moon.
I have been dark for 100 years and had come to believe that I can’t be anything else. Now I’m starting to think that maybe I was wrong. After all, if I was a real dark one, I would have bitten or eaten anyone I wanted. But I didn’t bite until yesterday. Perhaps, I am not as dark as I had thought. It is only on the full moon that I act dark. He turned his attention to his business as a customer came over to his stall.
The sun had gone down and the chilly night was just beginning. Vendors covered themselves as they headed home with their money and unsold wares. Isis pulled her hooded robe tight to her as she moved through the dark streets, tall braziers lit and providing light to see by, but Isis did not need any light. Her sharp eyesight providing her all the light she needed. She moved quickly toward Thoth’s stall where he was gathering his wares. He smiled as she came up to him.
“Isis, what a nice surprise,” he said.
“I wanted to talk and thought we could do it as wolves,” she said.
“Would my home be fine?”
“Perfect.’ She followed him to his home which was dark but neither minded and once Thoth had put his money and wares away, he transformed and so did Isis.
Isis went up to Thoth, licked his cheek, and then nuzzled his other cheek with her muzzle. Thoth growled softly at the affectionate touches. “Isis, I cannot tell you how happy I am that I met you and bit you.”
“You don’t have to as I feel the same way.”
“It surprises me that our relationship is still a secret.”
“Actually, it’s not a secret as I was not exactly subtle when visiting the market. Mahad had noticed my visiting you every time I came to the marketplace.”
“Mahad. The one who leads the guards?”
“Yes. He had asked me where I was last night and I had said I was camping. He then asked if you were with me. I was surprised by this question but he just gently laughed and admitted to noticing our interactions.”
“I do recall you saying that he is a dear friend and nothing more.”
“Exactly and he is still just that.”
“I noticed that he has a Millennium Item too.”
Isis nodded. “The Ring. It can detect the presence of evil and the points can pinpoint the location of that evil.”
“It is one of those you said was more useful in finding evil, isn’t it?”
“It is and as you have been close enough to see it, you are not evil or dark. The Ring would have glowed and pointed at you months ago.”
Thoth dipped his head for a moment before lifting it with a wolf’s grin on it. His tail swished as he said, “You have a point. The Ring seeks out evil and darkness and it did not react to my presence.”
Isis gave a nod as her eyes roved over Thoth’s big strong body. They had simply talked about being in wolf bodies last night after the senses test. She bared a wolf’s grin as she crouched down. “Let’s play, Thoth. Right now.”
“You’re on.” Thoth crouched low before charging forward. Isis dodged the charge before leaping onto her mate’s back. Thoth gave a strong buck to dislodge her before leaping onto her and they wrestled with each other as they played, their yips, barks, and growls echoed into the night.
Chapter Six- Hunting
Thoth awoke the next morning still in wolf form and with Isis asleep, also in wolf form. The two of them had played long and hard and, while he was aware that their sounds were a bit loud, he hadn’t really cared. He hadn’t played with another werewolf or wifewolf since the days when he was with his mentor and he was happy that Isis suggested playing together.
He heard a low growl and looked at Isis to see her teeth bared. Her forepaws thrusted out a little and her tail twitched. She’s dreaming, he thought. He studied her body movements and concluded that she was hunting. A normal dream for a predator. He saw her breathing change before her eyes blearily opened. She blinked, looked around, and then focused on Thoth. “Just a dream,” she said, sounding disappointed.
“Good dream?” he asked as he changed to human.
“I was hunting as a wolf,” she answered as she became human too. “I was stalking after a rabbit before chasing after it. I…killed it and then I woke up. I hadn’t hunted and yet I moved as if I had hunted at least once before.”
“I would be willing to take you hunting if you like,” Thoth offered. “I find it quite thrilling.”
“I’d like that. Maybe tonight?” Isis suggested. “I’d like to hunt for real.”
“It’ll also be your third night as a wolf in a row,” Thoth noted.
“I like being a wolf and I feel I need to experience the different aspects of being a wolf like hunting and playing.” Both stood up.
“Speaking of playing, perhaps we could do that after hunting.”
“Sounds like a plan. I love playing.”
“I do too.” Thoth tilted Isis’ head up before leaning down and giving her a loving kiss before breaking it and preparing for the day.
Isis emerged from the house to see that there appeared to be more guards than usual and wondered as to why. Thoth also noticed the increased guards but said nothing as he went to open his stall. His nose flared as people passed his stall and the scent of fear wafted up to him. He found this curious as he had no idea why the people were afraid.
Isis couldn’t smell the emotion, but she could sense the mood of the crowd. She approached a guard who knelt before her. “Mistress Isis,” he said.
“May I ask why there are more guards?”
“Some citizens reported to the night shift the sounds of wolves and fear for their safety. Master Mahad received the pharaoh’s permission to increase our presence to protect the people.”
“Wolves?” she repeated.
“At least two were heard, but there could be more. Night shift will have more guards than usual tonight.”
“Very well. Carry on.” The guard resumed his patrol and Isis bit her lip. The sounds she and Thoth had made last night had scared some people and resulted in more security. We were just playing, but no one else knows that. She calmed herself as she moved through the crowd, the people parting to let her pass. She headed to Thoth’s booth where she saw mild confusion in his eyes.
“Isis, I am smelling fear,” he whispered, knowing she would hear him.
“You can smell fear?” she asked, intrigued.
“Yes. It develops over time. I just don’t know why there’s fear.”
“I do. The sounds we made as we played were heard and the people reported it to the night shift. Mahad got permission to post more guards for day and night shifts.”
Thoth moaned softly. “I had thought we were a little loud but I was more interested in playing.”
“We can play out in the desert after hunting. We can go far out where we won’t encounter anyone.”
“Yes, we will definitely do that.” He gave her a smile and a nod as she continued on her way to the palace. He had sensed that she was special the day they met and not because she was a priestess. She exuded a calm demeanor that put him at ease and had prompted him to speak about himself, albeit in a guarded way until the day he bit her. Being a werewolf was a big part of himself and it had been a relief when he finally revealed it. When she spoke of sensing I was hiding something that prevented her from trusting me that was when I knew that my decision to turn her had arrived. I knew I had to move fast when I struck and I succeeded. She was angry that I bit her and I understand that I had lost her love, albeit, briefly. If I had to guess, I think her preconceptions of werewolves frightened her and probably made her unsure about the man she thought she knew. Her first change clearly changed her mind and our interactions before that brought her love for me back.
I think Isis is bringing me back to the innocent werewolf I had been when I was first bitten. My mentor boasted of being a dark one and that all of our kind end up becoming dark. He had also boasted of how many he had turned and how many he had killed and eaten. I recall being horrified at what I was hearing. I felt sick when told how I would be on the full moon.
I vividly recall my first cycle. I felt awful about what I did while my mentor was gleeful. It was the second cycle when I became dark and reveled in my actions. And yet, I never bit anyone until now. Isis is my mate and she will be with me forever. We can keep each other from being dark outside of the cycle.
The night was cool and the sky was clear, but Isis paid it no mind. She was sniffing the ground and the air as per Thoth’s instructions as she tried to find prey to hunt and kill. She would scent something and ask Thoth what it was. Their distance from home resulted in smelling other animals. Thus far, she had smelled coyotes, snakes, and jackals.
“Is it hard to hunt rabbits?” she asked at one point.
“For a beginner, yes. But with practice, it becomes easy.” He lifted his nose and breathed deeply. “Smell that, Isis? It’s a camel.”
Isis copied him and a different smell filled her nose. “A camel, hmm? That sounds like the perfect target for a beginner.”
“Oh, it is. The wind is in our faces, so it won’t smell our approach.”
“Good.” Isis slunk close to the ground and padded off in the direction of their targets, becoming highly aware of her movements and the way the wind blew. She breathed in the camel’s scent and grew excited from it. This is what it must feel like to hunt, she thought. The tension, the stalking, and following the scent of prey.
The scent grew stronger and Isis unsheathed her claws, kneading the sand to quiet her approach. She licked her chops and gave a very low growl. She heard the camel speak but nothing else. She refrained from making any more sounds as she crept closer. She took a deep breath to calm herself before charging toward the camel. It saw her coming, cried out in fear, and bolted. She chased after it, but it seemed like it was getting away.
A black wolf then leaped in front of it making the camel stop and rear up in fear. Isis snarled as she leaped toward the camel and landed on its back as it set its forelegs down. She dug her claws into its fur before latching onto the neck and giving the killing bite. The camel collapsed to the ground and two wolves howled in triumph.
Chapter Seven- Discovered
Isis was awakened by a foreleg draped over her side that then pulled her so her back touched a furry chest and belly. She gave a hum of contentment and Thoth returned it. “That was a great night,” she murmured.
“Indeed. You did well for your first hunt.”
“I need to work on my speed. If you hadn’t been with me, it would have gotten away.”
“Out of sight, yes, but the scent is locked in your mind. You would have been able to track it down. Plus, camels are not the distance runners that wolves are. It would have just been delaying the inevitable.”
“That’s nice to know but I do need to work on speed.”
“And that is why I had suggested a race as I sensed your mild frustration. It was also a good way to expel the energy we had gotten from eating.”
“Perhaps, we should head back home. I mean, we are laying inside a tomb.”
“One that is not being used yet. I don’t have to open my stand today. I’d rather just lay here with you and sleep some more.”
Isis yawned. “I admit, I’d like to do that too. There was no court meeting today.”
“Then, go ahead and go back to sleep.” Thoth’s voice took on a sleepy tone. “I’m already there.” Isis heard a soft sigh and she copied it. She was comfortable and they were out of the heat. She relaxed and drifted off to sleep again.
Mahad led a small group of guards out into the desert. He wanted to be sure that the tombs were still secure and look at the layout of an empty one in order to choose which traps to place within it. He had noticed that Thoth wasn’t open for business as they left and figured he was somewhere with Isis. The two of them had become practically inseparable the last two days. He wasn’t jealous. He was happy that Isis had someone who loved her and she clearly loved him back. He was sure that if matters continued the way it was now, Isis may resign from the court and move into Thoth’s home, thereby making them a married couple.
She had said they wouldn’t marry for a long time, but that can change as life out here can be brutal and short. Mahad put those thoughts aside as they reached the tombs and split the unit to examine all the tombs and report to him. They headed off and Mahad contemplated what kind of traps to set in the empty one as well as designing new ones. It was important to come up with new ideas as to deter robbers from breaking into the burial chamber.
“Master Mahad,” a guard said as he came up to the priest. “We have a problem with the tomb that’s empty.”
“What is it?” Mahad asked.
“Wolves. Two of them. They appear to be asleep.”
Mahad, curious, approached the tomb carefully and just inside the entrance were two black wolves, fast asleep. He stared at them before he moved away and gathered his men.
“I don’t think those are real wolves,” he said. “Real ones are gray, not black.”
The guards exchanged looks before one said, “Werewolves, Master?”
“It looks that way. I want you to all head back to the city. I will keep an eye on our werewolves. They may resume human form so we will know who they are.”
“Please be careful, Master Mahad,” one said as the group left.
“I will be,” he said to himself before positioning himself so he could watch the tomb without being noticed by its current occupants. He also ran through what he knew about werewolves while he waited.
He knew that anyone could be bitten but only on the full moon. The men were called werewolves while the women were called wifewolves. Once infected, one could take wolf form whenever they wanted but only speak as wolves. The full moon turned one into a wolf who ate humans as well as turn them.
Silver was their only weakness though Mahad wasn’t sure how. The fur color was an indication of their hair color so he knew that these two had black hair. Movement caught his attention and he looked up to see the two wolves emerge and stretch their legs. He saw a glint of gold around the neck of one and wondered if these were criminal wolves. That wouldn’t surprise me. The dark nature of the werewolf would likely prompt one to- His train of thought abruptly stopped as the wolves changed into Thoth and Isis!
Mahad’s eyes widened and he stifled a gasp as he hurried away. Thoth and Isis are wolves? When did that happen? The full moon was a while ago and Isis was perfectly normal. I think it’s clear that Thoth has been one before he came to the city, but how did he turn Isis? Mahad couldn’t understand how it happened…unless the full moon wasn’t really needed to turn someone! That would fit and they were alone on that camping trip. He could have told her his big secret and then bit her whether she allowed it or not doesn’t matter as I just saw her change. I will be increasing security again tonight as I now know that a werewolf and a wifewolf live among us. I won’t expose them yet as Thoth has not harmed anyone in months, save for Isis. Mahad nodded to himself as he headed home.
Isis listened to Thoth talk about his past as they walked home. “Your mentor was a true dark one,” she commented.
“Yes. He was three hundred when he bit me. I was not his first turn, of course. He said he had turned dozens of people before me. Whether any were women or that he had fathered any children, I couldn’t say.”
“Children? You mean they would be born like us?”
“Yes. I had asked him about that. He did say that any offspring between a werewolf and a wifewolf would be born a werewolf or wifewolf. If one of the parents is human, so is the child. Once one full moon cycle has passed, the child can be bitten, whether or not consent is given as the werewolf or wifewolf is likely a dark one.”
“When did you leave your mentor and why?”
“He was killed forty years after I was bitten. You could say he got arrogant and very cocky in his old age. I wager he had also had too much to drink that day. You see, he was angry that I hadn’t turned anyone, though I did kill and eat people on the full moon. We were both in human form in a village, but my mentor chose to change in front of others. He was clearly drunk now that I think back on it. That is what made him do such a foolish move. He had me pinned to the ground and was about to kill me when some brave villagers attacked him and a long silver dagger struck him in the skull and then across his throat for good measure. None of them knew I was a werewolf or they would have killed me too. They had asked if I had known he was a werewolf as we had lived there for a time. I put on a good acting job of being shocked and scared as I said that I did not.”
“Thoth, you are not a dark one. Yes, you’ve killed and eaten but only on the full moon and that is unavoidable. The full moon is coming and we will both kill and eat people.”
“We will take pleasure in it in the daylight hours of the cycle. I tend to keep to myself during those times.”
“Yes. I remember your stall being closed during the cycle. I never found it odd or curious. I just assumed you were ill.”
“And I seized on to that explanation as I couldn’t really think of what else to say.”
“Claiming illness will not work for me. However, a trip would work and saying you will be with me may convince any I talk to that I will be safe.”
“A trip would be the perfect excuse, at least for this coming cycle.”
“And we’ll have time to come up with a different excuse for the next cycle.” Isis smiled and headed for the palace while Thoth headed for his home.
Chapter Eight- Confrontation
Isis watched the market close up for the day from the palace gates while Mahad was organizing the guards. She saw more than yesterday’s number of increased security and wondered why.
“Why?” Mahad repeated when he had returned and Isis asked. “I am concerned for the safety of the people. They are still expressing concern over wolves and I have a duty to address their concerns.”
“I didn’t hear any last night.”
“No one else did either, but they’re still worried.”
Isis nodded as she headed for the tower for a fire vision while Mahad watched her leave. He found it hard to believe that she was a wifewolf as she looked so normal and acted normal too. Yet he had seen her change from a wolf to a human. He knew he had decided to not expose her and Thoth but that didn’t mean he couldn’t confront her. I need to know how it happened and by telling her I know, she may let slip any behavioral changes this condition has caused in her. Mahad mentally nodded as he also headed for the tower, gathering his thoughts on how to express his concerns about her.
Isis had sat waiting for a vision and, at first, nothing came but then again came the vision of blackness save for glowing eyes but the sounds of growling and snarling were absent. She opened her eyes to sort it out. The Necklace was still predicting her full moon change. The absence of sound seemed to indicate that she had become comfortable being a wifewolf and her three straight changes had helped her adjust.
She looked at her hands in her lap and recalled Thoth mentioning that she could partial shift once she had changed for the first time. She focused on her nails becoming claws and watched as her nails lengthened, thickened, and hooked into sharp claws. She smiled at her success.
Nice, she thought as she undid the change. She removed her headdress and made her wolf ears appear. She kept the ears as she formed her muzzle. She sniffed the air and smelled someone coming as well as heard their approach. She quickly undid the shifts, replaced her headdress, and assumed a position of meditation. The footsteps grew closer and she sensed the owner was at the top of the stairs. She opened her eyes and looked over to see Mahad. She gave her usual smile. “Mahad,” she said warmly.
Mahad took a seat opposite her and regarded her silently. She found this odd as he usually spoke to her. “Mahad?” she prompted.
“I’m thinking of having Thoth arrested,” he finally said.
“What?” Isis gasped at this unexpected reply. “Why?”
“He assaulted you and that is a serious crime.”
“Assaulted me? Mahad, there’s not any kind of mark on me.” Her tone turned angry. “I resent these implications. Why accuse him of something when there is no evidence? That’s unlike you.”
“I saw evidence earlier today. I saw two wolves emerge from an empty tomb and turn into Thoth and you.”
Isis felt pale. She couldn’t deny what Mahad saw. Why didn’t she smell him? If I had, I would have barked to Thoth to warn him not to change. We could have acted like wolves and gotten out of sight before changing.
“Do not deny it, Isis. Thoth bit you and that is assault. What I don’t understand is when. You were normal during the last cycle.”
She sighed. “Yes, I am a wifewolf. The full moon is not needed to turn someone. I was angry when the attack happened. The camping trip was the same day as the bite and we went there as I was going to change that night, one that is unavoidable.”
“The full moon is not needed?” he repeated. He was suddenly afraid. Was Isis going to bite him, turn him into a werewolf?
“Mahad, I’m not going to bite or hurt you,” Isis said, sensing that he was afraid of her. “I am still the woman you know aside from wolf tendencies such as hunting and playing with Thoth.”
“Hunting what? Humans?”
Isis gave an indignant sound. “What? No. It was a camel.”
“But werewolves and wifewolves do eat humans,” Mahad pressed.
“That is an effect of the full moon. I will be a simple wolf and have no recollection of the night until morning. I don’t like how that sounds, but I was told that’s what happens to all werewolves and wifewolves.”
“So, Thoth was a werewolf before coming here.”
“Yes. He admitted that he was bitten a hundred years ago.”
“What!? But…he only looks a few years older than you.”
“That is because he is immortal and will not age. When I changed for the first time, I too gained these gifts.”
“The stories never spoke of immortality or that one could be bitten at any time.”
“I know. I was surprised when I was told about them.”
“Thoth is still guilty of assault and likely murder as well.”
“I don’t dispute that, Mahad. I should point out that Thoth never bit anyone until me and that he did it because he loves me and wanted us to be together forever.”
“He did kill and eat humans, though. You admitted that all werewolves and wifewolves do this.”
Isis sighed angrily, rose, turned her back on Mahad, and put her arms behind her. “All right, then,” she said angrily. “Arrest me and lock me away.”
“Arrest you?” Mahad was taken aback by the abrupt turn events had taken.
“Yes. The full moon is tomorrow and I will be a killer. It would seem that you now see me as a monster. So, go ahead and lock me up. Then, you can go find Thoth and lock him up too.”
“Isis. You’re not a monster.”
She spun to face him and he was shocked to see tears streaking her cheeks. “Why not? I’m a wifewolf and unless I’m locked up, I will kill and eat people. You are dedicated to protecting the people and dealing with threats is how to fulfill that duty.”
“Even if I did lock you up, the door won’t hold if you ram it hard enough.”
“Silver,” she said softly. “In wolf form, it is painful to be in its presence and it weakens us too. You could place silver around the cell.”
“I could, but the court would notice your absence.”
“Until you tell them.”
“I don’t have to. I had decided not to expose either of you but chose to confront you in order to get some answers.”
“You must tell them. We are bound to report threats to the pharaoh. Actually, I’ll tell him, right now.”
Mahad rose to block the stairs, but Isis was already on her feet and she moved swiftly down the stairs with Mahad behind her. “Isis, let us think about this,” he said, grabbing her arm.
“There’s nothing to think about. I should have said something the day I was bitten.”
“My Ring detects no evil in you or Thoth. If he had evil, the Ring would have reacted months ago.”
“He admitted to killing and eating people. He is not a dark werewolf but he does act like one on the full moon. We both will tomorrow night.” Isis’ voice held a note of sadness and it broke as tears ran again. Mahad took her in his arms and she held onto him as she cried her fear of what she would be the next three nights.
Chapter Nine- Full Moon Solution
Thoth, his ears hidden under a head cover and his nails cut, looked in the direction of the palace, concerned. It was past midday and Isis hadn’t come to see him. Well, we will tonight as it is the full moon. We’ll see if our eyes glow or if our darkness will diminish due to us being mates. He turned his attention to a customer and busied himself with making a sale. He would be closed the next two days and wanted to sell a lot to make up for that. And I usually do, he thought.
He saw a figure out of the corner of his eye and assumed it was another customer. The man he was serving accepted his newly purchased basket, turned, and knelt for the one before him was Mahad.
Thoth immediately bowed his head in proper vendor reverence. “Master Mahad. You honor me with your presence.”
Mahad regarded him for a moment before saying, “Your presence is requested at the palace. Please close up your stall.”
“Yes, Master Mahad.” Thoth did as he was asked, but was curious as to why he was being summoned. His first thought was one of panic. Did Isis somehow slip in her being a wifewolf and he was subtly being arrested for assault and being a werewolf? Another thought was that Isis was ill and asked to see him in hope of finding a way to get out of the palace so that they could transform in the desert. I’ll soon find out, he thought as he followed Mahad with two guards flanking him.
He was led to the throne room and Thoth was soon kneeling before the pharaoh. He had noticed that Isis was absent and felt that his concern about her being ill was confirmed. But, if that is so, then why do I smell fear and suspicion?
Atem looked down at the man that Mahad and Isis had claimed was a werewolf. He had been stunned when Isis had announced at the morning meeting that she loved a man named Thoth who revealed to her that he was a werewolf after he had bitten her, making her a wifewolf. Mahad confirmed this by recounting what he had seen the day before. Isis then revealed her pointed ears and nails before asking to be locked up for the cycle, at least. Atem granted her request, told Mahad to take her to a cell, and then bring Thoth to him after running a patrol.
“I was told that you are a werewolf,” Atem said. “Mahad saw you and Isis change from wolves to humans yesterday.”
Thoth looked up, swallowed hard, and bowed his head. “So, I am to be judged and sentenced. Or perhaps killed,” he choked.
“What? Killed?” Atem asked, surprised by the statements.
Thoth’s shoulders shook. “I have been alive for a very long time, great pharaoh. Every full moon, I have killed and eaten people,” he said in a shaking voice. He was unaware of the Scales, Key, and Eye looking inside him as he spoke. “Killing is evil and I should have killed myself after the first full moon. So, I will accept the punishment of death to atone for my evil deeds.”
“You will not be killed,” Mahad declared.
Thoth looked back at Mahad who was stunned at the tearstains on his cheeks. “But, I have killed and I’m a werewolf.”
“You are technically an animal when you kill. Plus, you clearly regret your actions.”
“And yet, I delight in it when I recall it on the two days between the full moon nights.”
“Our Items also detect no evil or darkness in you,” Aknadin said. “Despite you killing humans, your heart and soul are clean.”
“May I ask where Isis is?”
“She is in the dungeon at her own request,” Atem said.
Thoth turned his face to Atem again and bowed his head. “I ask to join her and that I be locked up for the entire cycle.”
“Granted, but you will only be locked up at night. You can run your stall during the day. Mahad, lead our guest to the dungeon.”
“Yes, my pharaoh.” Mahad pulled Thoth to his feet and the werewolf bowed to Atem before following Mahad out.
Isis’ nose flared as she picked up Thoth’s scent. She looked to her right and saw Mahad leading Thoth to her cell. She stepped back as the door opened. Thoth entered and the door closed before Mahad left. “Thoth, I…,” she began.
“It is all right. The pharaoh will let me be locked up at night during the cycle. It seems I am not evil or dark like I thought I was. The Items said so.”
“I knew you weren’t dark.”
“And hopefully my feelings of darkness will diminish from being locked up as well as being with my mate.”
Meat and water were brought to their cell and the guards told them the sun was setting. Isis didn’t need to be told as her nails had become more like claws now. She stood on one side of the cell while Thoth stood on the other.
Both growled as they shifted into bigger wolves than usual and Isis’ claws were longer than normal. Their minds reverted to simple wolves and both stared at each other with glowing gold eyes and low growls coming from their mouths.
Isis’ nose flared and Thoth’s scent was pulled in. It was familiar to her and made her realize that the male was no threat, that he was, in fact, her mate. She headed over to him in a slow, unthreatening manner as he seemed wary of her. She licked his cheek and nuzzled it while giving a soft growl. She pulled back and locked her glowing eyes with his.
Thoth stared at the female. She had licked him and nuzzled him in a loving manner but why would she…? His nose took in a deep breath and the female’s scent tickled it and familiarity clicked. This was the scent of his mate. He stared at her glowing eyes before he gently growled and licked her cheek. Her bushy tail swished rapidly and she returned his growl before knocking Thoth onto his back and laying on top of him. He put his forepaws around her neck and rolled so they were side-by-side. Growls and howls sounded as the two wrestled and later sang in howls. They sang to celebrate their being lifelong mates before eating together, playing some more, and finally sleeping with Thoth shielding Isis from any threat that may come; of course there were none.
Isis stirred and opened her eyes before blinking away sleep. She focused on Thoth’s back as she struggled to recall last night.
Thoth shifted slightly before he said softly, “Isis?”
“Yes, Thoth?”
“Do you recall last night?”
“Starting to. I saw you as a threat until I recognized your scent. Your eyes were a glowing gold.”
“Yours were too and your gestures confused me until I recognized your scent. We officially celebrated being mates.”
“It was wonderful. I noticed that we don’t sound dark and I don’t feel that way, either.”
“Me neither. It seems us being together did diminish my dark feelings.” He smiled. “If we keep spending our cycles like this, it will keep the people safe.”
“That is what the pharaoh and the court thinks too,” Mahad said as he came over and opened the door. “Attend to your duties and business before coming back here before dark.”
“Of course,” Isis said as the two of them left, holding hands and looking forward to an immortal life together.