Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the nameless demons and people are mine. This takes place at the end of the manga series, so this may be confusing for those who haven’t read the manga.
Chapter One- The Strange Case
“One Urameshi special!” Yusuke said as he put the bowl on the counter and accepted the payment. He turned to punch it in while keeping an eye on his red-haired boyfriend. He had been surprised to come home to Human World and find that his sexual preference had changed. For years, he had been crazy about Keiko, though his perverted side kept him from expressing it properly. He finally got serious when he was preparing to go to Demon World. He told her they would get married when he came back in three years. Well, he ended up returning after only a year and a half. The first ones he surprised were Kuwabara and Kurama.
Kurama carefully blew on his food before putting it in his mouth. It was delicious as usual. Yusuke had a flare for cooking, no denying it. Kurama had been content to not marry for he knew he would eventually return to Demon World for good. He wasn’t keen on the idea of raising a human family as they would keep him in Human World, not that he didn’t like living here. He loved it, especially when he found that he loved Yusuke. When the part demon surprised them and the two of them locked eyes, he felt his heart flutter. He could see the shock in Yusuke’s eyes and waited until they were alone before asking, “Do you feel the way I do about you?”
Yusuke had nodded. “Yeah. Really, it’s surprising. I never thought I’d fall for a boy.”
“Neither did I,” Kurama had admitted. “But when I looked into your eyes, my heart fluttered and I knew then that I loved you.”
“My heart beat for a moment when we locked eyes and it shocked me when I realized it was because I love you.”
Kurama had put his arms around Yusuke’s waist while the other had put his around the neck. Green eyes stared gently into brown and the redhead knew in that moment that he and Yusuke were meant to be together.
“You will have to break the news to Keiko,” Kurama had said softly.
“Yeah. She’ll either understand or she’ll scream and beat me up.”
“If it’s the latter, I’ll patch you up.”
Kurama returned to the present, eating his ramen and watching Yusuke run his business. Keiko had been mad when Yusuke broke up with her, but when he said he fell for Kurama, her ire faded and she accepted that Yusuke’s heart now belonged to another. That had been three weeks ago and both boys couldn’t be happier. Kurama knew he would have to tell his family about his involvement with Yusuke. Mother will may want to meet with him and find out how serious his relations with me is.
“Well of course she will,” Yusuke said when Kurama mentioned it. “She wants to make sure that I’ll treat you right.”
“I honestly cannot imagine you being anything but nice.” He put a hand on one of Yusuke’s. “I should go. I have school tomorrow.” He stood and left with a smile. Yes, his mother would want to know and should know. She met Yusuke when she thought he was a friend and now, he was his boyfriend. Mother will like him. He may be a little rough around the edges, but he is still a nice guy.
Yusuke tossed up another ramen order as he watched Kurama leave. There was still another year and a half to go before Kurama graduated high school. He had already revealed that he would work for his stepfather’s company after high school. That was fine with him; he had his ramen shop that provided him with the money to live on his own.
Except I’m not really alone. I live with my mother and I have a loving boyfriend who is like me: Part human and part demon. It’s no wonder we got together. He also helps me from time to time with the occasional detective work that comes up.
“Yusuke Urameshi?” came a rasping voice.
The raven-haired teen turned to the counter with his winning smile. ‘Yes, sir! What can I get for you?”
“Your detective special,” he said.
Yusuke’s smile vanished and he quickly looked around to see no one nearby. Only demons and Spirit World knew that the secret phrase, “detective special” was for when they needed his skills as a supernatural detective. Such times were few, but some demons were revealing themselves to the human race. Luckily, those demons were benign. “All right,” he said at last. “Wait for me by the door.” He pointed to the side of his shop. The demon, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, nodded, and moved off while Yusuke closed up shop. He went to the door in the side of the shop, opened it, exited, and locked it before looking at his client who kept his appearance hidden by the shirt, pants, and sneakers.
“All right, what’s the problem?”
“I’ve heard rumors of demons and humans being forcibly changed into the opposite gender. If the ones responsible aren’t stopped, they may switch a demon’s race with a human or vice versa, maybe even experiment to create demon-human hybrids.”
Yusuke frowned. “Rumors, huh? Think you could lead me to where rumor says these gender switches are happening?”
“Of course. Please follow me.” The demon set off down the sidewalk with Yusuke following behind him.
The depilated house seemed empty and unassuming. Naturally, Yusuke did not assume that it was not the place where experiments were taking place. “Well, I’ll check the place out. Thanks for the tip-off.” Yusuke headed toward the house and was soon through the door less front entrance. He carefully scoured the first floor to find it empty and then checked the second floor and attic. Both floors were empty and he headed down to the basement. He reached the door and pressed an ear to it. He heard nothing and slowly opened the door before cautiously moving down the stairs. When he reached the bottom, he reached into his jacket, extracted a small flashlight, and switched it on.
The room definitely had the look of a lab. There were tables with beakers and tubes of different colored liquids covering every inch of surface space. There were to chairs with connected helmets on the other side of the room. That definitely hints of switching demons or humans. Looks like something out of those horror movies where mad scientists would switch the brain of a human with a monkey. Yusuke was tempted to blast the evidence but who knew what those beakers and tubes contained and he didn’t want any of them to splash onto him. He then spied a drain on the floor and grinned. Yes, I’ll pour them down the drain. I just hope all the water and sewage underground dilutes this stuff.
“Find anything?”
Yusuke whirled around, finger pointing at the doorway, and saw the demon who led him here. He holstered it as the demon came down and continued, “I was wondering if you found…anything.” He stared at the setup. “Guess you did.”
“Yeah and I intend to dump it down the drain.” Yusuke pointed at said object. “Care to help?”
“Sure.” For a time there was silence save for the sound of liquid pouring into the drain. Yusuke sank into one of the chairs after he poured the last of the beakers down the drain and sighed with a grin. “Well after I blast these chairs apart, that will be that.” He got up, walked a few feet, turned, and used a controlled amount of energy to turn the setup to bits of wood, plastic, and wire. “Case closed.”
“Great, that’s really, whoops!” The demon had come over with a tube of liquid to pour it down the drain, but tripped over his tail that had come out of his pants and the liquid splashed on Yusuke.
The teen sputtered as some of the liquid went down his throat; not a lot, just a few drops. He wiped his face clean and shook his hands clean as well.
“Sorry,” the demon said. “Are you okay?”
“I think so. I swallowed a bit of it, though.”
“It looks like your skin absorbed some of it, too.”
“Looks like it didn’t do anything. Well, let’s go.” The pair left and split up. Yusuke headed home to sleep after successfully closing an easy case.
Chapter Two- Solution Mystery Revealed
Yusuke woke the next day, feeling strange but good. It took him no time to figure out that the strange feeling was a result of the mystery solution that got on and into him. He spoke to Kurama who had come by as he got ready for work. He told him of the tip-off, his discovery of the lab, the disposal of the liquids, the chairs, and the accidental spill on himself.
“And nothing happened,” Kurama stated as Yusuke greased his hair back.
“Nothing. I’ve got a strange feeling here,” he said, indicating his stomach. “But, that’s it.”
“Yusuke, perhaps you should not work until you are completely well,” Kurama said. “We do not know if the solution was harmless or has a delayed reaction.”
Yusuke shook his head. “Sorry, but I’ve got regulars who depend on me. Besides, it could be stomach cramps that’ll go away eventually.”
Kurama inwardly sighed as Yusuke continued to get ready. His boyfriend was stubborn, he knew that. He had seen that side of him often enough in all the years they’ve known each other. Once Yusuke had made up his mind, practically nothing and no one could change it.
“Oh, Yusuke. I talked to Mother and she wants to invite you to dinner in a couple of weeks. Just the three of us.”
“Really?” Yusuke’s head popped out of the kitchen with his usual grin. “Sounds great. I’ll let my regulars know that I’ll be closed that night.” He ducked back in and Kurama’s brow furrowed. Was it his imagination or did Yusuke’s hair look a little longer? He came out a few minutes later to reveal that it wasn’t his imagination. He grabbed some scissors and a trash can. “Yusuke, you need a small haircut.”
“Your hair seems to have gotten a bit longer since you woke up.”
Yusuke brought a hand up and back to find his hair even with his collar. Usually the only time his hair was that long was when it wasn’t greased back. “Yeah, I guess I could use a trim.”
Kurama and Yusuke sat down, the former behind the latter and the can positioned to catch any stray pieces that slipped through Kurama’s fingers. He raised the scissors and began to snip the excess hair, dropping them into the can. He snipped the last bit and smiled in satisfaction. Perfect, he thought.
His smile vanished and his mouth dropped. The hair was growing again and going past the collar. He cut it again and it grew back and lengthened more, this time past the shoulders. “Yusuke, you hair keeps growing back and getting longer each time.”
“Really?” Yusuke said in a weak voice that concerned Kurama.
“Yusuke?” He moved to crouch in front of his boyfriend and felt his forehead. He pulled it back. “God, you are burning up.”
Yusuke moaned and clutched his stomach. “Maybe…I should stay home.”
“That would be best and I will stay to take care of you.” He helped Yusuke into his pajamas and then into bed. He went to wet a rag and put it on the forehead. “Kurama, thanks for staying with me.”
“Of course. I cannot leave my boyfriend when he is not at his best.”
Yusuke sighed. “Kurama, I’ll likely be your girlfriend before you know it.”
“You refer to the solution from last night. We do not know if it was one to change your gender. This could simply be an illness with a rapid hair growth serum.”
“Maybe,” Yusuke murmured as his eyes slid shut. He hadn’t fallen asleep, he just couldn’t keep his eyes open. He gave Kurama the impression that he was asleep, but his mind was racing. He so wanted to believe Kurama’s idea of an illness solution, but considering the nature of the case he had closed, he believed he had fallen to a gender potion. He was certain that he would be a girl by, at least, tomorrow morning. He felt his abdomen burn and suspected he was gaining a womb and a girl’s reproductive system. Man, I’m probably becoming a girl on the inside before being one on the outside. Or it could be an illness with a hair growth side effect. That would be odd, but that would be better than becoming a girl. He then did fall asleep, firmly convincing himself that he was just sick.
Kurama gently brushed some of Yusuke’s long hair back and sensed that he had fallen asleep. He gathered up the couch cushions and a couple of pillows and laid them beside Yusuke’s bed. He cooled the rag and, as he put it on the forehead, he thought Yusuke had longer eyelashes. He shook his head slightly. No, I am imagining it. He is not becoming a girl and even if he is, I will still love him. I am certain that he would still love me, even if he became a girl. Kurama smothered a yawn as he stretched out on the cushions and fell asleep, grateful that tomorrow was Saturday.
Yusuke felt a tightness in his pajama top when he awoke. He opened his eyes to see sunlight pouring through the window’s curtains. He laid there and found that aside from the tight top, he felt a lot better ad would definitely be working tonight. He slowly sat up, the rag falling onto his lap, and looked over at Kurama who was asleep beside his bed. “Kurama,” he said softly and a hand flew to his throat at the higher-pitched voice. He looked down to see breasts straining against his top. Despite his certainty that the solution was a gender switch one, the shock of seeing himself in a female body prompted him to scream which jolted Kurama to wakefulness.
A scream of horror prompted Kurama to wake with a jolt. He sat upright and saw a girl in Yusuke’s pajamas screaming as she looked at herself. He got up and put his hands on her slimmer shoulders. “Yusuke, calm down!” he said firmly.
“Calm down!?” she repeated a teenage girl’s voice. “Kurama, I’m a girl now. You can’t tell me you would be calm if you woke up as a girl.”
“You are right. I would scream too. Okay, you will need a new wardrobe. Perhaps Keiko will loan you some clothes.”
Yusuke moaned. “Kurama, I don’t want her to know I’m a girl or anyone else for that matter.”
“You are Keiko’s height now and your clothes will not fit right. Plus, when you go to work, you will have to explain what happened and prove your identity.”
Yusuke sighed, knowing Kurama was right. “All right. Call Keiko.” She watched Kurama head for the phone and then got up, grabbed her bathrobe, and headed for the bathroom. She closed the door and stared into the mirror, barley recognizing her face. Her brown eyes had softened and her hair was even longer than last night. It ended above her slightly curvy waist. Her nose was slender, her lips were full, and her angled jaw and chin were curved.
She stripped off her clothes to fully see her body. She had full breasts, a flat stomach, firm hips, graceful yet muscular limbs, and delicate fingers with a growth of nails. Her lips curled up into a smile. Damn, I’m attractive. I’m sure Kurama would agree.
“Wait. Yusuke’s a girl now?”
“Yes. She will need help adjusting to being female and some clothes as well.”
“I could loan her some clothes, but wouldn’t it be better to try to cure her?”
“It would, however, all of the liquids were disposed of. It could not hurt to make sure, though.”
“Right. I’ll grab some clothes and come over. Once she’s dressed, we’ll head to that house and scour it for a way to cure her.”
“Thanks, Keiko.” Kurama hung up and headed back to Yusuke’s bedroom but paused at the closed bathroom door. He suspected Yusuke was in there, trying to take in her new body. I did not want to seem like I was staring, but I was able to admire her looks. She is very attractive and, as I thought, I still love her. Her gender and body are the only things that have changed. She is still the same Yusuke I love.
I do hope we find some answers at that house. I would like Yusuke to be normal again. However, if we do not find answers, I will need to explain to Mother that my boyfriend is now my girlfriend. Kurama sighed softly and hoped deep down that they found a solution.
Chapter Three- Cure Search
“Yusuke?” Keiko asked as she knocked on the bathroom door, a bag and Yusuke’s hairbrush in the other hand.
“Come in,” came the unfamiliar voice.
Keiko opened the door, entered, closed it, and stared at the teen girl sitting on the toilet lid and wearing a bathrobe. “Oh, Yusuke. You’re actually beautiful.”
“I know,” was the soft reply. “But it just isn’t me, Keiko.”
“Of course it isn’t.” She put the bag down and unzipped it. “I’ve got pants, socks, shirts, panties, and a bra which might be a bit small.”
“It should do until we get the right size, right?”
Keiko looked at her. “Kurama didn’t tell you? We’re going to search that house to find a way to turn you back.”
“I don’t know. I feel I looked pretty thoroughly before.”
“It can’t hurt to double check.” Keiko headed for the door. “Go ahead and get dressed.” She left the room and Yusuke looked in the bag. It was just as Keiko had said and there was a brand-new deodorant in there too. She sighed as she removed the robe and her underwear.
She emerged some time later in a pair of blue jeans, a sky blue shirt, and sneakers. Her long hair was held back with a ponytail holder she had also found in the bag. She was holding said bag and said, “We’ll leave this at the door and I’ll wash what I’m wearing before returning them.”
“I know you will,” Keiko said as Kurama led his girlfriend out the door and she followed.
It felt like déjà vu for Yusuke as she faced the run-down house, only this time she was a girl and had two companions with her. They entered the house and Yusuke led them to the basement with a flashlight in hand. She switched it on and shined it around the room. Her jaw dropped.
The tables were again full of filled beakers and tubes. How did they fill the table with more solutions so quickly? It seems impossible and yet I can’t deny what I’m seeing.
“The creators work fast,” Kurama commented.
Yusuke nodded as she approached a table. Her eyes swept the full containers, wondering if one of them was an antidote. She didn’t dare sample any in case they transformed her into a hideous monster. “I wish we could confront one of the ones who made these.”
“Consider it granted,” came a rasping voice she recognized. She and the others whirled around to see a figure at least Kurama’s height with scaly red sing, clawed hands, a lizard’s tail, and a reptilian head. A white lab coat covered the hooded sweatshirt and pants. A pair of sneakers covered his feet. It was clear the demon did not have to hide his appearance now.
“You?” Yusuke gasped. “You made all these and made me a girl? Why?”
“I lured you here as a test subject. The liquids you and I disposed of was simply colored water, save for the one I threw on you.”
“And I assume these are the real things?” Yusuke gestured at the tables.
“They are.”
Yusuke seized him by the coat. “All right, pal. Which one is the antidote?”
“Antidote?” The demon laughed. “Yusuke, each solution is meant to permanently change the subject.”
“Perhaps you could provide the recipe for the one you used on Yusuke. I may be able to devise an antidote for it,” Kurama requested.
“I could but the ingredients are rare and thus the ones needed to reverse it are either rare or extinct.”
“Regardless, I insist on a copy.”
“Of course.” He moved past the group once Yusuke released him. He gingerly moved beakers aside and said, “Ah, here we are.” Yusuke saw a glint of glass and shoved her friend and boyfriend sideways as the demon swung an arm and the contents of the tube hit the floor harmlessly.
“You trickster!” Yusuke growled. “You were gonna change Keiko and Kurama too!?”
“I really just wanted the girl to find out if it would change a girl into a boy.”
Yusuke clenched a fist and it glowed as her anger grew. She charged forward and slammed her fist into the demon’s gut. He gasped from the force and flew through the air before smashing through the brick wall and landing on the ground outside. Yusuke smirked. I haven’t lost my strength. Good to know.
While Yusuke admired her handiwork, Kurama went to the table the demon had been at to see sheaves of papers and snatched them up. Hopefully, a cure can be made, despite claims of its permanency. He tucked the papers away and nearly jumped when Yusuke screamed, “You’re going to pay big time, pal! Your passport to Human World is gonna get revoked!”
Kurama face-palmed. “Yusuke, demons don’t use passports to come here,” he said as he and Keiko joined her outside where she had crouched in front of her attacker and had him by his coat. He didn’t respond to her as he was unconscious; when he hit the wall he struck it hard enough to knock him out.
“I don’t care,” she snapped. “He screws up my life just because he likes to play God.”
Kurama sighed. And there goes Yusuke being dramatic; more so as she is a girl now. “If the solution ingredients are as rare as he claims, destroying them would insure he cannot disrupt anyone else’s life.”
Yusuke stood and faced Kurama with a grim smile. “Yeah, you’re right.” She brought her hand up, aimed her finger, and fired a blast that demolished the house. “Well, that’s that and no recipe for the potion.”
“Actually, I have them right here.” Kurama patted his jacket pocket.
“You do? So, you’ll be able to make an antidote?”
“I will certainly try, but first I will need to look the papers over.”
“Of course.”
“While you do that, I’ll take Yusuke shopping,” Keiko announced. “She needs her own clothes before she goes to work.”
Yusuke grimaced as Keiko dragged her off. She never liked shopping and that certainly wasn’t going to change just because she was a girl. I know some girls don’t like shopping either. It’s just I end up with a friend who enjoys it. Their first stop was a store for undergarments. It was, for now, only one bra and a couple of panties. She smiled slightly as they left. “That feels better. I can breathe easier.”
“Not my fault you have a bigger chest,” Keiko said in a low voice.
“Of course. Keiko, I will not wear a skirt or a dress for work.”
“I know. I had a feeling you wouldn’t.” She led the way to a clothing store and helped Yusuke pick out clothes for work. She settled on black jeans, a green shirt, socks, and black sneakers. Keiko paid for them while Yusuke changed clothes in the changing room.
“Keiko, thanks for the help,” Yusuke said as she fished her shop key out of her pocket.
“You’re welcome. I’d love to go shopping again if there’s no antidote.”
“Sure,” Yusuke answered neutrally. She didn’t think another trip would be necessary as she had full confidence in Kurama being able to make a cure.
Kurama’s eyes read the ingredients and then wrote the item to counter it. Once done, he looked over the list. He had initially looked at the other papers. They contained theories, diagrams of human or demon anatomy, and potion recipes. The recipes involved turning humans into demons, demons into humans, creating hybrids, or making demons or humans act like the other race. Good thing I took these papers. I will not allow anyone to use them like what happened to Yusuke. Hmm, the counter ingredients are just as the demon said: They are rare or extinct. I will not be able to make an antidote. Yusuke is female from now on. She is not going to like this and I will need to tell Mother about this and explain more than I had intended. He sighed as he stored the papers carefully and left the room.
Chapter Four- Bad News
“No cure?” Yusuke repeated faintly.
“Correct. I am sorry. The counter ingredients are rare or extinct.”
Yusuke sighed softly as she looked at her body. “So, this is how I’ll be now.”
“It is. How are your customers taking your gender change?”
“Well, most were doubtful until they tasted their food. Some reacted with shock when they saw me. I told them it was temporary.” She shook her head. “I’ll have to tell them that it’s permanent.” Yusuke felt a cold feeling in her stomach as she said that. She also felt sick at being a girl for life.
“I should go. I will need to tell Mother about this and more. I do not know how she will take knowing her son is a demon.”
“Do you really think that’s necessary?”
“Perhaps. Perhaps not. I will start with you being a girl instead of a boy now. If she asks questions of why I was involved, I will volunteer only pertinent information.”
Yusuke nodded. “That sounds like a plan.”
Kurama gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. Yusuke put a couple of fingers on the spot and smiled a little. They had never kissed before; they had only held hands or quickly hugged. That was surprising, but I liked it- a lot. I wouldn’t mind another one, only on the lips next time. A man approaching made her lower her hand and smile brightly at him. “Hello, sir. How can I help you?”
The man, one of her regulars, stared at her with shocked recognition. “Yusuke Urameshi? You’re a girl?”
She sighed. “Since this morning. I got splashed with a potion two nights ago. The one responsible admitted he had chosen me as a test subject and that there’s no reversal solution.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Thanks. I don’t plan for this to change anything else about me. So, what would you like tonight?”
“Yusuke is your girlfriend now?” Shiori asked.
“Yes. it happened because of a demon who is not benevolent like the one you saw on TV." Kurama was thankful for the interview of a friendly demon; it spared him of revealing the existence of demons. The shock may have been too much for Shiori.
“A demon did this? But, why?”
“He wanted a test subject and chose Yusuke. He most likely chose her on purpose as she sometimes meddled in the affairs of criminal demons.”
“Why would she do that?”
“She had a special talent for dealing with them. The one who changed her may have believed he would weaken her by changing the gender. This was incorrect. The gender is the only thing different.”
“The only thing different,” she repeated. She nodded. “All right. We will still have our private dinner in two weeks. That should give her some time to cope with the change.”
Kurama knew that Yusuke would appreciate the consideration. It had only been about twelve hours since Yusuke woke up as a girl. She had gone from resigned to being female, to being hopeful of a cure, and back to resign. She will need time to adjust to her new gender and the problems and advantages that come with it. Kurama had a couple of ideas of problems being a girl, but the advantages eluded him. I’m sure Yusuke will discover them in time.
I don’t know what would be good about being a girl, Yusuke thought as she sat on a stool in her shop, her head in her hands. There’s no way I’ll get used to it. I know that’s what Keiko would say and I would tell her I can’t. She sighed slowly. I will be subjected to another shopping trip and it will be torture.
The teen looked up to see Keiko at the counter. She quickly rose and went to the counter, her composure in place. “Hey, Keiko.”
“Are you okay?”
“No. No, I’m not. I’m a girl now and Kurama said there’s no cure.”
“Oh, Yusuke. I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?”
“You can help me cope and, as much as I’d hate to say it, take me shopping.” Yusuke choked on the last word.
“Of course I’ll help. We’re still friends, Yusuke.”
“Thanks, Keiko. Really.”
She took one of Yusuke’s hands and squeezed it. “We’ll get through this and you’ll eventually get used to it.”
Yusuke rolled her eyes once Keiko had left. Did I call that or what? Okay, so I will need new clothes and now that I know it’s not temporary, I will use my own money to pay for it. Maybe I should offer to pay Keiko back for the clothes I’m wearing. Yeah, I’ll offer when we go out tomorrow. A customer came up and Yusuke turned her attention to serving and explaining herself.
Keiko walked home, her thoughts on Yusuke. She didn’t think it was fair that her close friend had to adjust to a new way of living. In less than a day, he became a girl and learned that there was no cure. She didn’t deserve this, but we’ve got to make the best of it.
Her thoughts turned to tomorrow’s shopping trip and she grew excited. She absolutely loved shopping, especially for clothes. She started thinking of what clothes they were going to buy, for she could hardly not shop for herself. Today’s trip was more of an emergency but tomorrow would be a thoroughly enjoyable one.
Yusuke will likely not buy makeup, but she will need to buy pads, razors, and shaving gel to name a few things. Hmm, I wonder if she’ll buy a purse. She probably won’t. She’ll most likely buy the essentials and nothing else. Oh, well. That doesn’t mean I can’t buy non-essentials. And who knows? Yusuke might just like shopping. Keiko smiled, thinking of some cute outfits she had seen today and may buy tomorrow.
Yusuke served up another order and the woman gave a sympathetic smile as she left. Yusuke was getting a little tired of constantly explaining her change, but knew she had to hang in there. It would take time for word to get out that Yusuke Urameshi was a girl now. That will be a good thing and a bad thing. The good part will be that I won’t have to explain anymore and my business will run smooth again. The bad part will be the demons and street punks who will think I’m weaker just because I’m a girl. Heh, let them try. I’ll knock ‘em out.
“Excuse me, miss. Is Urameshi working tonight?”
Yusuke flinched at the familiar voice before looking over from her food preparation to see Kuwabara at the counter. Oh, man. What’s Kuwabara gonna think when I tell him? She squared her shoulders as she went to the counter. “Kuwabara, I’m Yusuke.”
Kuwabara recoiled before taking a step back and staring open-mouthed at her. “Urameshi?” he whispered. “What the heck happened?”
“I was tricked into going to a run-down house on the assumption that I would be stopping a demon from changing humans and demons into the opposite gender. My informant was the one making the potions. The two of us were getting rid of what turned out to be colored water when he tripped on purpose and splashed a gender switch potion on me. It didn’t work right away. I woke up this morning like this. Kurama, Keiko, and I went back to that house and confronted the demon who had the real potions out. Kurama found the recipe to make an antidote but he can’t because some of the ingredients are extinct.”
“Oh. That’s too bad. You’re not gonna act like a girl, are you pal?”
“No way. I could still kick your butt. I haven’t lost my strength or power.”
“Aw, come on Urameshi. I’m too busy with school to fight and besides you know my code. I don’t fight girls, even girls who used to be boys.”
Chapter Five- Shopping
“You’re not offended that Kuwabara won’t fight you anymore, are you?” Keiko asked.
“Nah. I know he’s more of a student and that he doesn’t fight girls. He did say he was sorry this happened.”
“Of course. He’s still your friend, too.”
“I know. My friends and customers are still friendly toward me and will get used to me as a girl.”
“You better get used to it too. It is your body, after all.”
“Gee, thanks for reminding me,” Yusuke said sarcastically, eyeing her hands as they walked down the sidewalk. It was difficult to forget she was a girl. She was reminded every time she spoke, looked in a mirror, or looked down. Speaking of looking down, she still wore yesterday’s clothes and they reminded her of her offer. She tugged her wallet out of her back pocket. “Keiko, I want to repay you for the clothes.”
“Put it away, Yusuke. It was a bit of an emergency and I was happy to do it.”
“All right, but I’ll buy my clothes today.”
“Clothes and essentials.”
“Essentials? Like what?”
“Uh, deodorant, razors, shaving gel, and pads, for examples.”
Yusuke ran her fingers along her jaw. Hairless. Why would I need…oh, the legs. Girls shave their legs. How could I have forgotten? “Right,” she said as they entered the clothes store.
Keiko immediately went to where she had seen the outfits yesterday while Yusuke drifted to where they had bought her jeans and shirt. She draped different jeans styles and colored shirts, the latter lacking girl colors. She paused at a pair of slacks and lightly felt the material. It was light and smoother than the jeans. This would be nice for dinner with Kurama’s mother.
“Yusuke? What are you doing?” Keiko asked as she came over.
“Well,” she said slowly, already anticipating Keiko’s reaction to her next words. “I’m having dinner with Kurama and his mother in two weeks.”
“You have a date!?”
“It’s just dinner. I’ve met his mom before.”
“Yes, but now you’re Kurama’s girlfriend and need to make a good impression. You can’t wear jeans and a shirt to that kind of dinner. You need slacks, a blouse, stockings, and dress shoes.”
“I’m not wearing some frilly girly blouse,” Yusuke stated firmly.
“Not all blouses are filly or girly,” Keiko replied. She held up a plain white blouse that Yusuke found she liked and accepted it along with the slacks she had felt. A few pairs of socks and a pair of stockings later and both girls left the store. “Now, we need bras and panties. After that, shoes and essentials,” Keiko said.
Yusuke sighed. She had been right about the shopping being torture. I shouldn’t have mentioned the dinner date; it just slipped out. Now I have an outfit to wear to it and Keiko insists on appropriate shoes.
They entered the undergarment shop and bought more bras and panties and even a few pajamas. Yusuke felt awkward in this kind of shop. She hadn’t felt that way yesterday as the time spent there hadn’t been long. This time, they weren’t in a rush and Yusuke tried to move about the store normally. I shouldn’t feel awkward as I’m a girl and belong here.
“Yusuke, what’s wrong?” Keiko asked as they stopped for lunch, decided to get essentials and shoes afterwards.
Yusuke felt like lying but instead she said, “I’m having trouble adjusting.”
Keiko nodded. “It’s only been a little over twenty-four hours. You can’t expect to adjust overnight.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to adjust either.” She picked at her food and found she wasn’t hungry.
“So, you want to adjust but at the same time you don’t.”
Yusuke nodded. “I know it sounds confusing, but that’s how I feel.”
Keiko smiled as a thought struck her. “I think I’ve got an answer. Just act like you always have and just get used to your body.”
Yusuke looked at the table thoughtfully. She had to admit it: Keiko made a lot of sense. Her mind, personality, and mannerisms hadn’t changed. She still acted the way she always had. Her physical appearance was the only thing different. She couldn’t regard it as a temporary thing. There are things about being female I need to understand and, lucky for me, I have Keiko right here.
She looked up. “That makes perfect sense. Maybe you could explain a few mysteries to me about girls.”
“You keep mentioning pads. What are they for and why is it important?”
Keiko stared at her incredulously. “You’re kidding me, right?”
Yusuke shook her head. “No.” She paused as she took in Keiko’s uncomfortable shifting. “Is it something you don’t like to talk about?”
“Yusuke, no girl talks about it except in vague terms. It’s a rather personal thing.”
“Oh.” Yusuke lowered her head. Okay. Personal. I guess I could ask Mom…whenever she comes home. She was startled when Keiko dragged her chair next to hers and plopped down.
“I can whisper it in your ear, though,” she said before leaning toward said body part. “Pads are used when a girl is having her…period. It’s a thing we get once a month that can last for a few days.”
“Period?” Yusuke asked, barely whispering.
“We leak blood between our legs among other things. The pad is put on the panties to catch it as we can’t control the flow.”
Yusuke felt her face pale. “Oh, man. That’s awful and every female goes through this?”
“Yes.” She smiled in sympathy at her friend’s pale face. “It’s one of the bad thing about being a girl aside from shaving.”
Yusuke winced. “I can imagine. I sometime nick myself shaving. But that was just my face, this is two legs and a lot more area to work on.”
“Yeah, you’re right. It also takes some time as you have to go easy and lightly with the razor.”
“Keiko, these are things I need to know. I mean, it does involve the body.”
Keiko looked into Yusuke’s softer brown eyes that seemed to be pleading for help. It really hit her with the harsh reality: Yusuke was a guy trapped in a girl’s body and it frightened her, thought she wouldn’t admit it. She wanted help to understand her body’s functions and Keiko was the only one she felt comfortable asking for help.
“All right, I’ll help.” She smiled at Yusuke’s relief. “You seem to have become freer in expressing your emotions now.”
“I noticed. Is that part of being a girl?”
“It could be. Some girls can conceal them as well as any boy can.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen that.” Yusuke popped a fry into her mouth, her appetite returning as her feeling became calmer from talking with Keiko. She also felt a connection to Keiko that was different from the love she once had for her and told her as much.
“I think that’s a feeling of sisterhood,” Keiko said. “I have to say I’d like us to be sort of sisters.”
“We could. I never had a sibling.” Yusuke stood and Keiko followed. “Let’s finish shopping…sister.” The teen girls headed off, ready to finish Yusuke’s wardrobe…at least for now.
Chapter Six- Trip Complete
Yusuke looked the shoe over from different angles. “You think this would be best with my slacks and blouse?”
“Oh, yeah. Flats would look great with it, especially black as the slacks are black.”
Yusuke sat on a stood before removing her sneaker and sock. She slid her foot into the flat and found it a bit big. Keiko noticed that too and got one that was half a size smaller. Yusuke tried it on and found it fit nicely. She stood to get a better feel for it and wiggled her toes in it. She smiled at how it felt before slipping her foot out and putting the sock and shoe back on. “It’s a keeper,” she said.
“Great. So, how about one more pair of sneakers in a different color, like say white?”
“I suppose so. I guess black can get boring.” Yusuke held her flats in their box as she looked at the white shoes until she found a pair that had blue and green accents. She got a pair in her size and purchased them along with the flats. In no time, both girls were shopping for essentials.
“Yusuke, you wouldn’t want a purse, would you?”
“No, I don’t. I may want a woman’s wallet, though.”
“Well, they’re next to the purses.”
“Thanks.” Yusuke went to the shelves where the wallets were and looked them over. Some were simple, some were sequined, and others were fancy. A wide range of colors offered themselves and she dismissed the girly colors. She narrowed it to black, white, brown, and beige. She eventually selected a slim beige one with a wrist strap. It would be able to hold everything currently in her old wallet and have space left over. Satisfied, she put it in a basket and backtracked to the health and beauty aids to find Keiko browsing the razors and gel. Yusuke joined her and stared at the shaving gel options. “Some are scented?” she asked in surprise.
“Some are, yes. You could choose a plain one or maybe one with a fresh scent like powder or rain shower.”
“Yeah,” she said. “That works.” She found a gel she liked and added it to her basket along with a pack of disposable razors. She was curious about what shaved legs felt like and looked forward to finding out. She also added deodorant and a small package of pads with some hair ties and clips.
“Well, that was fun,” Keiko said happily as they left.
Yusuke gave a neutral grunt. “I will never find shopping fun.”
“I know, but it is nice to do it with a friend.”
“Can’t you shop alone?”
“Yes, but girls prefer to do things in groups or pairs.”
“That explains a lot.”
Keiko checked her watch. “You should have enough time to put your things away before work.” She smiled at Yusuke. “Just call me if you decide to shop again.”
“Perhaps and thanks for the help.”
“No problem, Yusuke.” The two girls separated and Yusuke reflected on the day. She had found the trip boring for most part even though the trip had been for her. The things Keiko had shared about girls had been informative and she knew she would remember it forever. All in all, not a bad day.
She entered her apartment and saw her mother lounging in front of the TV. Atsuko turned her bloodshot eyes on her. “Hey, Yusuke,” she slurred slightly.
“Mom,” she began before she could think better of speaking.
Atsuko sat up straighter, her eyes finally focusing on the girl. “Who are you?” she demanded. “What are you doing here?”
“Mom, it’s me. Yusuke. A demon turned me into a girl permanently. Honest.”
Atsuko staggered toward her, took her arms in her hands, and looked into Yusuke’s softer eyes. She then looked her up and down before smiling in a lopsided manner. “You’re cute,” she said, her voice slurring again.
“Mom,” Yusuke said, blushing.
“You are. Shuichi still loves you?”
“He does.” Yusuke felt relieved her mother believed her in saying she was her daughter now.
“You may have to remind her later,” Kurama said at Yusuke’s stand that night.
“Yeah; once she’s sober she may not recognize me,” Yusuke said as she chopped some vegetables.
Kurama smiled. “She really said you’re cute?”
“She did. It was a little bit embarrassing, actually.”
Kurama gazed at Yusuke as she worked. Her hair had been pulled back and up and concealed under a handkerchief. Her face was free of makeup and her movements were graceful and sure. I find her lovely because I’m her boyfriend. “I agree with your mother’s assessment,” he said. “By the way, how was the shopping trip?”
Yusuke sighed. “I was bored. Keiko made me buy a nice blouse, slacks, and other things for the dinner with your mother.”
Kurama raised an eyebrow. “You got a nice outfit?”
“Keiko said I needed to make a good impression and jeans and a shirt wouldn’t do. I hadn’t meant to mention it; it just slipped out.”
“In a way, Keiko’s right about the good impression.”
“Yeah and she also gave me good advice. I was feeling conflicted in terms of adjusting to being a girl. I wanted to adjust and yet not adjust. She suggested that I act like I always have and just get used to my body.”
Kurama smiled. “That’s perfect.” He looked around, saw no one nearby, and gestured for Yusuke to come closer. She did so and gasped into Kurama’s mouth as he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. They parted and Yusuke said breathlessly, “Wow.”
Kurama patted her hand. “I’ll talk to you later.” He left and Yusuke smiled dreamily until a customer walked up.
I never knew Kurama was such a good kisser. That kiss on the cheek before was nothing compared to that recent one. Yusuke gently touched her lips as she walked home. I wonder if Kurama would have kissed me if I was still a guy. I’m sure he would have eventually; definitely have with the dinner date that’s coming up. She wondered what questions Shiori would ask. Kurama admitted that he spoke vaguely about her side business as a supernatural specialist in order to explain how she became female. She will likely want more specific details and I will provide them as she could be an in-law.
She was passing by a group of teenage guys and she noticed that about three of them seemed to be leering at her, their eyes looking her up and down. Her skin crawled from their looks. It was one thing when Kurama looked at her as he was quite the gentleman and her boyfriend. Well, I am pretty, but do they have to look at me like that?
Suddenly, she gasped, whirled around, and her hand smacked the cheek of a guy behind her. He grabbed my butt! I don’t believe it! “You pervert!” she cried as the guy dropped to the ground, unconscious, her smack hard enough to knock him out. She looked up at the other guys, fury sparking in her brown eyes. A couple of them came forward, cracking their knuckles and she smiled grimly. “You want some? Then, come and get it.” The guys charged forward and Yusuke’s fists and feet were a blur as she fought. She felt hands touching her butt or breasts before she knocked the owners cold. She soon panted as she stood over her unconscious opponents. She smiled grimly again as she turned and walked away. Ah, that felt good. I also now understand how Keiko felt when I touched her like that. Well, I won’t be that way anymore and if someone else touches me like that, I will punch their lights out.
Chapter Seven- The Dinner Date
Atsuko stared at Yusuke. “It really is you,” she said. “I had thought it was a dream, a hallucination of the alcohol.”
“No dream, Mom. I really am a girl now.”
“So, a demon did this. Any idea why?”
“Yeah; to use me as a test subject to make sure a boy can become a girl. An antidote is impossible to make as a few ingredients are extinct.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Atsuko took Yusuke in her arms. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m okay, Mom. I’m still me, it’s only my body that’s different.” She wiggled out of Atsuko’s embrace.
“Of course. Does Shuichi see you that way?”
“He does and he also goes by a nickname, Kurama. His mother invited me to dinner in two weeks.”
“She did? Yusuke, you’ll need to make a good impression.”
“I know. I already have some nice clothes for that night.” She showed Atsuko said clothes.
“No chance you’ll wear a skirt or dress?”
“That’s right. I’ll never wear skirts or dresses.”
“Not even if you get married?”
Yusuke paused. She hadn’t thought of the possibility that Kurama might propose to her one day. “It’s possible I may wear a wedding dress if he proposes,” she said at last. Atsuko beamed at the idea of her daughter in a beautiful wedding gown later on down the road.
I wonder if she’ll end up acting like a girl, Atsuko wondered as she settled back on the couch. Chances are she won’t. Her body was changed, not her mind. She is still my Yusuke. She will be a tomboy as she was born male and abhors girl things. She will need guidance in female things like leg shaving. She smiled at the thought of teaching Yusuke how to shave and deal with periods.
And so two weeks pass and Yusuke was pulling on her stocking over her bare legs. She smiled at the smooth feeling as she pulled the stockings on. She liked how they felt and grateful that her mom showed her exactly how to do it. She continued to dress, pulling on her slacks, bra, and her blouse, tucking the latter into her slacks. She twisted her hair into a French braid and checked the overall effect in her mirror. She smiled at her reflection. Not bad, she thought. I look decent.
“Oh, Yusuke. You are a lovely young lady,” Atsuko spoke up from the doorway.
“Uh, thanks Mom,” Yusuke said as she grabbed her wallet, gave her mom a kiss on the cheek, put on her flats at the door, and was soon heading for Kurama’s.
It was a pleasant night and Yusuke took her time as she walked. She once again pondered on the questions she would be asked. She intended to be truthful; after all Shiori may be her mother-in-law someday. Obviously, Kurama won’t ask while in school, but he may once he graduates.
“Heh, heh. Well, if it isn’t Miss Yusuke Urameshi,” came a hissing voice. Yusuke whirled around and spied a demon in an alley she had passed. His eyes were snake-like and a forked tongue flicked in and out.
“You gotta a problem with me?” she snapped, entering the alley.
“Not really.”
“Good because I’ve got an appointment to keep.” She turned to leave.
“You’re weaker now, aren’t you?”
“Ya wanna find out?” she asked, turning back to him.
“Not just me.” Several pairs of eyes glowed from the darkness behind him and Yusuke gave her trademark grin. “Bring it on,” she said.
Kurama arched an eyebrow. “You seem more relaxed than I would have thought, given the circumstances,” he said as he let her in.
“I always feel better after a fight,” she answered as she removed her shoes and put her wallet on top of them.
“Naturally. Humans or demons?”
“Demons. They thought I would be weaker as a girl.” She laughed. “Well, they found out differently.” They headed to the dining room where Shiori waited for them.
“Hello again, Yusuke. I’m sorry this happened to you.” She took the young woman in a hug.
“Thanks, but I’m dealing with it.” Yusuke didn’t try to get out of the hug. She learned from her mother that girls and women tended to hug one another. Yusuke reasoned that since she was a girl in body, she might as well accept things like hugs. Actually, I kind of like it. I know couples hug on occasion; maybe once Kurama and I really date, we could hug and not those quick ones we used to do.
“Now,” Shiori said, stepping away. “Who’s hungry?”
“I am!” Yusuke said, causing son and mother to laugh as she sat down.
“Shuichi said you tend to meddled in the affairs of demons,” Shiori said as they ate.
“Only those who intend to cause trouble in some way.”
“Like the one who caused your change.”
“Exactly. In truth, if I hadn’t gone back in hope of a cure, others would have been experimented on. I saved them by destroying everything there.”
“What about the demon responsible? What happened to him?”
“He was sent back to Demon World to be punished by the demon lord.”
“Sent back how?”
Yusuke shifted slightly. “I’ve got friends among friendly demons. Also…it turns out I’ve got some demon blood in me.”
“You do?” Shiori’s eyes went wide.
“There’s about forty-four generations separating me from that demon. I’ve always had that connection. I just didn’t know it until a year and half ago.”
Shiori noticed her son was calm upon hearing his girlfriend was part demon. “Shuichi, did you know?”
Kurama nodded. “Yes and for as long as Yusuke did. It was quite the revelation.”
“But that doesn’t change who I am. I’m still the same Yusuke you met.”
Shiori smiled at her. “Of course you are, dear. Shuichi, you found a special young lady. I would be proud to have you as part of the family one day.”
“Yusuke’s face lit up with a bright smile. She approves! Yes!
Kurama also smiled. “Mother, I’d like to tell you in detail how we met…”
“Well, that went better than I expected,” Kurama said as they stood outside his house. “I was worried she would be angry that I lied to her.”
“I think my coming clean about my demon part helped you out.”
“I believe you are correct.” He gently brushed some stray hairs from her forehead. “I meant to say it earlier, but you look pretty in your outfit.”
Yusuke blushed as the comment for a moment. “Thanks. So, you gonna drop by my shop tomorrow?”
“I will. I do not want to miss an opportunity to see my girlfriend.” He planted a kiss on her lips before letting her leave. Well Yusuke, this wasn’t how we pictured our future, but really it’s not so bad. We still love one another and one day we’ll be husband and wife.