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Demonic Aggression II

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hausho. The characters Nero and Cheren are mine, even if their names are not. This is a sequel to Demonic Aggression. If you have not read it, please do so now.

Chapter One- Powers and Abilities

Yukina closed her eyes, inhaled, and then slowly let it out. “Yes,” Kurama said gently. “Relax. You will not let your aggressive nature control you. You are stronger than it. Let your ice apparition side aid you in your control.”

“Kurama,” she said. “Suppose I am not an ice apparition anymore? What if I am all fox now?”

Kurama lapsed into silence as Yukina opened her eyes. It had been two days since Yukina had lost control of her powers and had gone into an overwhelming rage of anger. If it hadn’t been for Hiei, the compound, the forest, and everyone living there would have been iced and burned. It was now Sunday and Kurama and Hiei were there to teach control and the use of her fire powers.

Kurama regarded Yukina. She had the ears, tail, and claws of a fox which showed signs of her dual powers. Her ears were a darker shade than her hair but the tips were dark red. Streaks of red ran through her hair and tail and she had long sharp claws. Her height and eyes hadn’t changed, the latter showing curiosity at what Kurama’s answer would be.

“There is a simple way to find out,” Hiei spoke up. He looked at Yukina. “Cry.”

She blinked before saying, “Yes, of course.” She promptly thought of her fiancée, Kuwabara, being killed in some horrific way and a tear welled up. It spilled from her eye, slid down her cheek, and fell to the floor, a wet spot marking where it had landed.

All three stared at it before Kurama said, “It appears your supposition was correct, Yukina. You are all fox demon.”

“But still my sister,” Hiei said, anticipating her next question.

She nodded at this. It didn’t matter what she was now. Hiei and she had been born by the same woman and at the same time. They were twins and siblings, a fact she hadn’t known until two days ago. His revelation had served to calm her and dissipate her powers and energy that had been raging out of control. Hiei had admitted to wanting to tell her that very day and told her this after she had practiced her illusion ability which hadn’t taken long, as Kurama had anticipated.

Hiei moved to kneel before Yukina and held out his hands, palms up. “Let’s work on making a barrier.”

“But, I learned to do that during the Dark Tournament finals. Well, Puu did, but Botan and I kept it going when Genkai possessed Puu to talk to Toguro.”

“Yes, but you need to make one yourself. You will need a barrier to protect yourself or others. I sensed that your powers could rival my own when I approached you the other day.”

The idea of protecting Kuwabara sounded wonderful to her and she put her hands in Hiei’s. A gentle warmth washed over her hands and she sensed her fire powers coming to the surface.

“I learned a lot about fire since the Dark Tournament,” he said in a calm voice. “It is an element that is best used when calm or in control of your anger. Lose control of that emotion and the fire can blaze and burn those around you. A barrier of fire energy would be best. A transparent shield with the edges a light red color. Simply imagine the size and strength you want and will it to appear.” Hiei saw Yukina’s eyes flare red for a moment and heard a small gasp from Kurama. He looked over at him and saw that a domed shield had encompassed him and Yukina. It looked exactly as Hiei had just described. He put a hand to it and felt a solid, warm surface. “Very nice, Yukina. You definitely have control.”

Yukina giggled as the shield dissolved. “You’re my brother, Hiei. You are calm and controlled even when in the midst of battle.”

“Yes and as siblings, we share the same level of control.”

“I did cut off my emotions while I was held captive for all those years.” She looked down at her hands which now rested in her lap. “I only wish I had done the same while I was changing.”

“The urges of a fox demon are strong and overwhelming for young foxes,” Kurama said. “I had felt that when I was young. It usually hits around thirteen and one must seek guidance in controlling one’s aggression and urges.”

“So, nothing could have prepared me until now?”

“Correct.” He then sniffed a little. “Hmm. That scent,” he said, sounding a little excited and worried.

“What scent?” she asked.

“It is faint but will grow stronger within a day or two. It is the scent of a fox ready to take a mate.”

“What!?” Hiei exclaimed. He stood and loomed over Kurama who was seated. “Don’t you dare touch her, Fox.”

“Threats are not necessary. I also smell that she is unavailable. I will not touch her though I do find the scent enticing. Yukina, you may find yourself aggressively propositioning Kuwabara. The desire to have a mate is intense. You will not feel the urge to have little ones; that is a different urge altogether.”

“But, Kazuma is already my fiancée.”

“Yes, but the urge will not acknowledge that though it will recognize Kuwabara as someone you love.”

“Is there a way to control any of it?”

“Oh, yes. Since you love Kuwabara, some control has already been exerted. If you were unattached, you would have already tried to entice me.”

She smiled at this and then, “Will I want to actually mate not long after I have a mate?”

“The mating will not occur until both feel ready to have a family.”

“I’m not ready and I know Kazuma is really not ready.”

Kurama chuckled and Hiei scowled as he sat. Kurama knew Hiei didn’t like Kuwabara being engaged to Yukina but knew he couldn’t keep them apart. “Yukina, there’s one more thing I would like to teach you and then Hiei and I will leave you to rest and practice.”

“What is it?”

“You can take the form of an actual fox though an unusual one due to your colors.”

Yukina’s eyes lit up at this revelation. “A real fox?”

“One that can talk and make fox sounds. Your senses will be a little sharper in that form but not terribly so.”

Yukina didn’t ask how to do it as she suspected that focus and concentration were required just like when using her powers. She willed herself to become a fox and sensed that she had gotten smaller. She opened her eyes and then crossed them to see a fox’s snout in front of her. She yipped in a laughing fashion before actually laughing. “I did it,” she said.

Kurama smiled at her success but was also in awe at her form. She was the size of an adult vixen with aqua-colored fur. The tips of her ears were dark red, of course and her tail was the same too. Her body was another story. She had a red streak that ran the length of her spine and there was a horizontal red streak on both sides of her body.

Hiei reached out and ran his hand down her back. “Soft,” he said as he stroked her head and sides. “You are a very unusual fox, but I like it.”

“I’m sure Kazuma will like it too when he comes later on and I show it to him.” Yukina sighed as her brother stroked her some more.

Chapter Two- Claiming

Kuwabara hurried up the steps, eager to see his fiancée. Kurama had reported last night, which was Monday, that Yukina was her usual sweet self and looked forward to seeing him. This news thrilled him as he knew foxes could be aggressive and Yukina’s opposing powers had made her dangerous and angry. But Hiei was able to calm her and Kurama told me that he had coached her in curbing the aggression.

He reached the compound and the demons who lived there greeted him warmly. He returned their greetings and asked for Yukina’s location. Nero directed him to Yukina’s private garden; a spot easily accessible through the main garden but only Yukina tended that one spot. He went to the garden and saw her tending to flowers that had only existed on her floating island home until she had transplanted some of them here and used their seeds to grow more. He watched her use her ice powers on the flowers and admired her fox demon form. He had seen it on Friday but events had made it hard to admire her in peace and calm. He took the opportunity now and he smiled.

Her new form is just as pretty as her old one, he thought before walking toward her. She looked up and gave a bright smile as her eyes lit up at his presence. “Hi, Kazuma,” she greeted as he kneeled beside her. “I was looking forward to seeing you today ever since you called last night.”

“Me too. I was working on a project over the weekend and then had homework last night.”

“You don’t need to explain. I’m proud that you are working so hard to graduate.”

“It’ll pay off too. Graduation is getting closer and I’ve already been accepted to the college my school is afflicted with.”

“That’s wonderful.”

“I’ll come by when I have the graduation tickets. I want you to see it.”

“I would love to. You know I’ve mastered my illusion powers, right?”

“I do and I’d like to hear what else you’ve learned.”

“Well, Kurama coached me in keeping calm and in control of my aggressive nature. He suggested I use my ice apparition side to aid in that. The thing is I’m not an ice apparition anymore. Hiei suggested I cry to test that theory and I shed a normal tear.”

“So, you’re all fox then, huh?”

Yukina nodded. “Hiei then showed me how to create a shield of fire energy. After they left, I practiced making one with ice energy yesterday. Watch.” Yukina summoned her ice energy and a dome shield enveloped them.

Kuwabara put a hand to it to find it solid and cold; indeed it was cold inside the barrier as well. “Impressive, but it’s kind of cold.”

“Oh! Sorry.” She dropped the barrier and continued, “Kurama then said I can become an actual fox that talks. I look unusual with my colors.”

“Would make a quick getaway if you need to.”

“I’d like to show you.”

Kuwabara adjusted himself to a cross-legged position before saying, “Go ahead, my love.” He startled a little as Yukina took fox form and then climbed into his lap and laid down. He reached out and began to stroke her from head to the base of the tail. He heard her sigh with content before saying, “I like this.” She gave a soft growl of pleasure as Kuwabara scratched her chin. Kuwabara chuckled and Yukina yipped at his laugh which make him laugh some more.

Yukina then sniffed the air several times. There was a scent in the air she hadn’t noticed before and she felt her mating desire welling up inside her. She breathed in deeply to identify the scent and its source. She managed to figure out both quickly: The scent of her chosen mate with Kuwabara as the source. She swallowed hard. Kurama was right: The urge was strong. I want to officially make Kazuma my mate, but he’s human and we’re already engaged. That should be enough, but my instincts say it’s not. She whined at the internal conflict.

“Yukina? What’s wrong?”

She looked up at him, leaped off him, and resumed her demon form. “There’s one more thing Kurama told me. He smelled a scent on me that indicated that I am ready to have a mate. Not necessarily to have a family,” she said, the last part said quickly when Kuwabara looked alarmed. "That's a different urge and won’t surface until both are ready. What I’m feeling is a desire to have you as my mate and I will be aggressive in my desire.”

“When you say mate, is that the demon equivalent of being married?”

“Well, yes, but I’m willing to consider us engaged in this case as we already are in the human sense.” Yukina then began to pant and her tail swished back and forth rapidly as her desire rose and Kuwabara’s scent filled her nose. “Oh, Kazuma,” she moaned breathlessly. “I love you so much. I want us to be mates.” She leaned forward, lust and desire shining in her red eyes.

Kuwabara’s mind raced as Yukina succumbed to her mating desire. It was clear that she couldn’t fight it and that she would follow through on her desire with or without his consent. There’s no harm in us becoming mates. Yukina said that the actual mating urge won’t happen until we’re both ready.

“All right, Yukina,” he said. “We’ll be mates. What do we-,” He was cut off when Yukina pushed him onto his back and she got on top of him.

“Just follow my lead,” she said in a sweet, enticing voice. She unbuttoned his uniform jacket halfway before sliding the left part aside exposing a tank top. She gently ran her fingers over the strap before pushing it over and lunging forward, her fangs piercing his shoulder.

Kuwabara’s eyes bulged in pain and he cried out until she withdrew. He gasped and grimaced at the pain but Yukina simply gazed softly at him.

“Now, it’s your turn. Mark me like I did to you.”

Kuwabara pushed aside the throbbing in his shoulder to expose Yukina’s left shoulder and biting it as best as he could. Yukina hissed as he bit down but growled in satisfaction when he withdrew. “Thank you, Kazuma,” she said, now sounding normal.

“You’re…welcome,” Kuwabara managed to say as Yukina got off him and he sat up, a hand to the shoulder.

“Kazuma?” she asked, concerned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think I bit you that hard.”

“You didn’t, but it still hurts.”

She gently pushed his hand aside to assess the damage. Blood welled up from the mark and she delicately licked it away before using her healing power to ease the pain but left the mark as it told all that he was mated and that she was that mate as some of her scent and energy was in it.

“Does that feel better?” she asked.

“A bit. So, you still have your healing powers too.”

“My change didn’t affect the powers I already had while unlocking my fire half and making me a fox that can be aggressive at times.”

“Will the actual mating be just as aggressive and intense?”

“Could be. It kind of depends on what you do.” She snuggled up to him. “But we’ll worry about that at another time.”

“Yeah. Another time.” He put an arm around her shoulders and tried to ignore the remaining pain and throbbing from the bite. His blood felt like it was on fire and he only hoped that it was just a temporary side effect of being bitten by a fox demon.

Chapter Three- Medallion Spread

Shizuru approached her brother’s room the next morning to wake him for school. She found it odd that she was doing so as school had become important to him. No matter, she thought. A little lapse every now and then is okay…as long as it’s infrequent.

“Kazuma, get up or you’ll be late,” she called as she knocked. She heard covers rustle followed by a low moan. “I don’t feel well,” came Kuwabara’s voice and sounding devoid of any illness.

“Funny,” Shizuru said sarcastically. “You sound well enough to me.”

She heard an angry growl before Kuwabara snapped, “Hey, I don’t feel like going to school today, okay?”

“No, it’s not okay,” Shizuru retorted as she grabbed the knob and started to turn it. “You’re going to school,” she said as she opened the door and froze at what she saw.

It was her brother but he had the appearance of a fox demon! His hair had lengthened to just past his shoulders and had streaks of white in it. A pair of fox ears sat on top of his head and were a lighter shade of orange and had white tips. A dual-colored tail laid atop a leg and matched his hair. He shifted and rolled over to look at Shizuru with sleepy eyes which were now an ice blue color.

“Uh, I think I’ll call the school to say you’re ill,” she said at last.

Kuwabara sat up, the sleep leaving his eyes. “No, no, I’ll get going,” he said, hopping out of bed.

“Kazuma, you can’t. Somehow you turned into a fox demon.”

“What?” he gasped. He rushed over to a mirror and he gaped at his hair and ears before craning his neck to see the tail and held up his hands to see that he had claws. “Oh, man! How…?”

“Did anything unusual happen when you visited Yukina?”

“Well, Yukina had a flare-up of an urge to have a mate but not to have a family. I saw no harm in letting her claim me and I claimed her in return. Maybe…her bite is what caused my change.”

“How is that possible?” Shizuru asked.

I don’t know!” Kuwabara snarled, turning to her. “But it would explain why the bite throbbed and why my blood felt like it was on fire!”

“All right, Kazuma. Just calm down.”

Kuwabara exhaled and looked at Shizuru with chagrin. “Sorry, sis. I’m being aggressive just like Yukina and like a fox demon.”

“I see. I also see that you have dual-colored hair, ears, and tail.”

“Yeah.” He glanced back at the mirror. “Yukina also has two colors and they reflect her two powers, fire and ice. I could have ice powers too. I mean, white could represent ice.”

“And Yukina is part ice,” Shizuru said.

“Sis, could you call her to come here? She told me that she mastered a fox’s illusion power. I need her help.”

“Of course and I’ll also call Kurama and have him come by after school.” Shizuru left, closing the door.

Kuwabara sat on the bed, stared at his claws, and then ran his hands over his hair. He was convinced that the bite changed him. He didn’t blame his mate as she didn’t know this would happen. I do need help. I would like to learn the illusion power so I can go to school. I bet Shizuru is calling the school to call me in absent while calling Yukina and Kurama.

Shizuru came back to say that she called the school and his friends, the latter saying they would both come over this afternoon. This news annoyed him but didn’t express this until he was alone. He felt angry- as irrational as it was- that his mate and his friend weren’t more concerned about him. He laid on his bed with his back to the door and growled angrily. I’m suffering and no one cares, he silently raged. He shut his eyes, folded his ears, and was oblivious to the wind that swirled around him like a living barrier.


“This is my fault,” Yukina moaned as she and Kurama headed for Kuwabara’s home. She had disguised herself to look like her old self and looked like she was going to cry. “If I hadn’t given in to my urge, I wouldn’t have bitten him.”

“You would have given in eventually,” Kurama pointed out. “I am inclined to think that this is a side effect of your dual nature and the medallion. Its power is still in you, after all and it spread to Kuwabara via your mating bite. This situation would have happened even if you had waited years before claiming him as the medallion’s power will always dwell within you.”

“Oh. I see. So…Kazuma could have the same powers I have?”

“Perhaps. Shizuru did not provide a description so we can only speculate.” They arrived at the door and rang the bell.

Shizuru answered almost immediately, concern on her face. “Kazuma’s stayed in his room all day. He hasn’t even come out to eat.”

“Oh,” Yukina said, concern now on her face too. “Is he angry?”

“Hard to tell. He was earlier but it was brief and he apologized.” Shizuru smiled at the guilty look on Yukina’s face. “I don’t blame you. This would have happened at some point. Why don’t you two talk to him and I’ll prepare some snacks to bring up?”

“That would be nice,” Yukina said as the door closed. She dropped her illusion and took some amusement at Shizuru’s momentary surprise. “Right. You haven’t seen my fox form. What do you think?”

“It’s different, but I like it.”

“Thanks.” She headed for her mate’s room with Kurama behind her. She sniffed the air as she stood before the door. She could smell Kuwabara’s scent as well as the scent of a fox. “Kazuma?” she asked as she opened the door and her mouth parted slightly.

He had his back to the door so she had a clear view of his fox demon form. His hair was a little longer and had white streaks in it, his ears were a lighter orange with white tips, and his tail matched his hair. She also saw wind swirling around him like a barrier. He’s a wind fox. I thought he would have two powers like me, but I guess not.

“Finally got here, huh?” Kuwabara finally said, anger clearly heard in his voice. “I was forced to wait all day for you. I was suffering and no one cared!”

“Kazuma, no. We do care but I didn’t know where you lived and Kurama had to go to school and he met me at the station and led me here.”

“Then, you didn’t care enough!” Kuwabara sat up and turned to them, his eyes sparking in fury and the wind swirled faster and Yukina could see small ice crystals sparkling in it due to the light in the room. He does have two powers. She wanted to move closer, but the wind kept her back.

“Kazuma, I’m sorry,” she said desperately. “I should have come sooner. I should have asked Shizuru to meet me at the station.” Her eyes shone with unshed tears before they slid down her cheeks and dripped onto the floor.

Her tears and face of misery caused Kuwabara’s anger to fade and his powers and energy to dissipate. He went to her and took her in his arms. “Yukina,” he said gently. “Please don’t cry.”

“It calmed you, though,” she pointed out.

“Yeah. Did Shizuru tell you why I asked for you?”

“No, but I can guess. The illusion power.”

“Among other lessons.” He sniffed and looked to the door to see Shizuru with food and drink. “But first, let’s eat.”

Chapter Four- Training Plan

Yukina finished a bite of a rice ball before saying, “I like the color of your eyes, Kazuma. They’re pretty.”

Kuwabara smiled at her comment. “Thanks. I admit I was surprised when I saw they had changed color. Yours didn’t.”

“Perhaps it was because you were human,” Kurama said. “When you were bitten, I believe the medallion’s power that was still in Yukina spread to you and used her fox DNA to change you into a demon first and then a fox as it changes demons into an animal demon.”

“Am I like you?” Kuwabara asked Yukina. “I mean, two powers?”

“You must have been real angry if you’re asking that,” Yukina said. “When I first walked in, there was a wind barrier swirling around you and when you faced us, it swirled faster and I saw small ice crystals sparkling in it.”

“Ice and wind? That’s an interesting combination.”

“You could whip up a snowstorm with those powers,” Yukina commented.

“He could try some of the techniques he saw at the Dark Tournament,” Kurama said. “One used ice shards and a sword of ice while the other used the air to fly and a swirling barrier to deflect Yusuke’s spirit gun.”

“A sword of ice?” Yukina’s eyes lit up at that. “I’d like to learn that and Hiei did say he would teach me to make a sword of fire.”

“Let’s work on illusions,” Kuwabara said. “I’d like to go to school tomorrow.”

Yukina and Kurama shared smiles before the latter said, “I do not think it will take long. You’ve always had strong energy and it has become more so due to your change. All you need to do is clearly picture what you wish to look like and will it to occur. The illusion will stay until you choose to end it.”

Kuwabara promptly focused on his human appearance and felt a tingle go through him. He looked at his hands to see his claws before running a hand over his hair but found it still long and he felt his fox ears. “I guess I need more practice,” he said, a little disappointed.

“Actually, you don’t,” Yukina said. “Your illusion’s perfect. The illusion only applies to the surface appearance. You’re still a fox but you look human to everyone who sees you.”

Kuwabara grinned as he ended the illusion. “I can become a fox too, right?” When Kurama nodded, Kuwabara focused on this and was an orange fox with white streaks on his spine and both sides.

“Oh, Kazuma,” Yukina said. “You’re so cute.”


“Really.” Yukina ran a hand over the back like Hiei did and finally understood what he had felt when he stroked her. Soft, she thought. And smooth too. She scratched the chin and smiled as Kuwabara growled in pleasure.

“This is cool,” Kuwabara said once he had changed back. “But I’d like to learn some attacks.”

Yukina understood Kuwabara’s desire to learn attacks as his energy had changed and he likely felt vulnerable without attacks he could control; his display of wind and ice had been unconscious control and Yukina knew that was just as dangerous as a loss of control. “Kurama and Hiei are going to teach me some more this weekend starting Friday after school. I could teach you about your ice powers.”

“I’d like that. Maybe start with the barrier you showed me.”

“Wait,” Kurama said and looked at Yukina. “You made a shield of ice energy?”

Yukina nodded. “I figured that since I made one from fire, an ice one wouldn’t be any trouble.”

“It was impressive and was cold inside the barrier,” Kuwabara said.

“You’re immune to the cold now since you’re an ice fox,” Yukina said. “I’ve always been immune to the cold because of my ice apparition heritage.”

“I’ll come to the mountains for training and maybe stay all weekend,” Kuwabara said. “I’m sure I could convince Shizuru to let me spend the weekend there.”

“I’d like that.” Yukina exposed her left shoulder. “Kazuma? Since you’re a demon, it might be best if you reclaimed me. I mean, that’s what Kurama said when I told him about us being mates.”

Kuwabara smiled gently as he leaned down and pushed his fangs into the same holes he had made yesterday. He heard Yukina gasp a little and then he withdrew, feeling proud of insuring that no one would try to pursue her. And if anyone does, they’ll regret it as Yukina can defend herself and so will I once I learn some attacks. Of course, I need to get Shizuru to let me spend the weekend learning them.

Shizuru was getting out the food and pans for dinner when she heard soft words and the front door opening and closing. “Kazuma?” she called, wondering if he had left also.

There were footsteps before Kuwabara said, “Yeah, sis?”

“Are you all right now?”

“I’m not angry anymore. I feel a lot better. Uh, Shizuru? Would it be all right if I spent the weekend at the compound? I want to learn to use my powers and Yukina seemed eager to teach me.”

“Powers? As in two, like Yukina?”

“Yeah. Ice and wind. Apparently, I used them out of anger and not aware I was doing that which can be dangerous.”

“I would agree. Of course you can go. Will you need clothes to hide your fox half?”

“Not necessary. I was taught the illusion power all fox demons can use.”

“Ah. So, you’ll be going to school then.”

“Yup and then head for training after school Friday. Kurama will be going up too and teach me more about being a fox demon.”

“Did you tell the demons at the compound about Kuwabara?” Kurama asked Yukina as he escorted her to the station.

“I did.” She smiled in amusement. “They insist I tell them where I’m going and I understand their concern. I had mentioned going to see my mate and why so when he shows up Friday, none of them will treat him as if he’s a potential threat.”

“Hiei doesn’t know you’ve claimed one another, does he?”

“No, but he will. He can’t say anything against it as we’ve been engaged for a time. I know he doesn’t like Kazuma partly because he was human. Now that he’s a demon, that part of his dislike should disappear.”

“I recall their first encounter and I know Hiei referred to him as ugly and dumb. Obviously, he was and is neither and Hiei will see that Friday.”

Yukina nodded as they entered the station. She had known for years that Kuwabara and Hiei hated each other, the former because of how Hiei insulted him and thought little of him. She remembered Kuwabara telling her at the Dark Tournament that Hiei was scary and would bite off her head.

Of course, neither of us knew he was my brother. In fact, Kazuma didn’t know until the day I was kidnapped and brought to that doctor. That revelation probably made him think better of Hiei. I hope Kazuma being a demon will change Hiei’s opinion of him.

Kurama saw Yukina onto the train before heading back to town. He had admitted his true nature to his family several months ago and he was glad he did as it would have been hard explaining his constant trips to the compound. Especially, this one, he thought. It is lucky that they’ve accepted it all and still love me for who and what I am and have always been. I truly hope Hiei changes his opinion of Kuwabara.

Chapter Five- Weekend Preparations

Kuwabara checked his reflection and nodded in approval. His illusion was perfect. He grabbed his bag and headed downstairs where he fed his cat and got his own breakfast. He assured Shizuru that he would make-up yesterday’s work in addition to today’s work. He was soon out the door and heading to school.

“Kuwabara!” a voice called and he looked back to see Keiko rushing up to him. Even though the two attended different schools, they would walk together until they had to split up.

“Hey, Keiko,’ he said as she reached him.

“What happened to you? I walked to school alone yesterday. Were you sick?”

“I wasn’t sick but wasn’t able to go to school.” He paused for a moment and then asked, “Have you spoken to Yukina lately?”

“Not since the engagement. Why?”

“Two weeks ago, Yukina was kidnapped by a human doctor who experimented on people, giving them demon features including himself. These additions gave him demon energy which he would use to use magical demon artifacts. He used a medallion on Yukina that left an imprint below her collarbone and transferred its power to her. The medallion was designed to change a demon into the first animal demon he or she touches. After using the medallion, he let her go and she touched Kurama as he was helping me look for her as was Hiei. Yukina did not know the medallion would use Kurama’s fox DNA on her. None of us knew until Yukina showed me the imprint and I described it to Kurama and Hiei. Kurama was the one who told us about the medallion as he recognized it from my description.”

“She’s a fox demon now?”

“It took a few days for her to completely change, but yes. She also became aggressive as young foxes tend to be and the change also unlocked a fire half in her so she can use ice and fire attacks. Kurama was able to help her curb her aggression and she acts like she used to be.”

“I don’t see what that has to do with your absence.”

“I’m getting there. I went to see her Tuesday and while telling me what she had learned, she had a flare-up of an urge to claim a mate and be claimed in return. Since she loved me and we were engaged, she wanted to claim me. She was insistent on it and I saw no harm in letting her. What we didn’t know was the medallion’s power in her could spread through her bite. I woke up yesterday morning as a fox demon like her.”

“You don’t look like one.”

“I’m using my illusion power that all fox demons have. I look human but if you touch here, you’ll feel an ear.” He pointed at the concealed ear and crouched down so Keiko could feel.

Keiko reached out and she did feel a fox-shaped ear sitting above Kuwabara’s head. “When did you learn this power?” she asked as she withdrew and he stood up.

“It was after school yesterday when Kurama and Yukina came over after Shizuru called them to tell them about me. I also have two powers like Yukina, but not exactly the same. I have ice and wind. I will be spending the weekend at the compound to practice and learn about my powers starting after school tomorrow.”

“Will Kurama be there? I mean, he is a fox demon and experienced.”

“I’m sure he will. I’m calm now, but I could probably use his help in curbing my aggression the way he helped Yukina. Hmm, maybe Hiei could teach her while Kurama coaches me.”

“Good idea and then Yukina could teach you.”

“Yeah. Keiko, I learned something about Hiei when Yukina was kidnapped. I’m likely the only one in the gang who didn’t know.”

“What is it?”

“Hiei is Yukina’s brother.”

“What?” Keiko gasped.

“You didn’t know? I thought you did.”

“No. I was as clueless as you. Does Yukina know?”

“She did last Friday when her powers went out of control. Hiei was the only one who could get close to her and I imagine that’s when he told her.”

“Hmm. I’m sure Yusuke knows they’re related.”

“Kurama knows and I bet Botan did too. I wonder if Shizuru knows. I think I’ll ask her after school.”

“Yeah and if she doesn’t, you should tell her. After all, Yukina will be family.” They reached the parting point and Keiko gave him a friendly hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“Yeah. See ya, Keiko.”

Shizuru looked up hours later as she heard the door open and closed followed by Kuwabara calling, “I’m home, sis.” She headed to the door and saw her brother’s demon form.

“Dropping the disguise, huh?” she asked.

“I don’t plan on going anywhere until tomorrow. Shizuru, Keiko and I were talking and I found that she didn’t know that Hiei and Yukina are siblings. I was wondering if you knew.”

“I’ve known for years since Yusuke got the tape with his case to rescue her.”

“Huh? But-but I watched the tape too. I didn’t hear about that.”

“You turned the tape off before you could and Yusuke, Botan, and I watched the entire tape while we waited for you to come back.”

“Oh. So my eagerness to save her is why I missed it and, if I had seen it, I might have lost my determination to save her as I hated Hiei.”

“You still would have set out to rescue her because she was pretty and because, as you had put it, she was suffering.”

“You have good points and she’s still pretty, lovely even.”

“Of course she is. The two of you make a really cute couple now that you’re both demons and foxes as well.”

“Really cute, huh?” He pictured the two of them side-by-side and had to admit that his mental image did prove Shizuru’s point.

He shook himself from his thoughts before saying, “Well, I better get started on my homework. Got quite a bit to make-up.” He bounded up the stairs, eager for his training weekend.

Yukina smiled to herself as she swept the porch. The day had been good as she had done her meditation to keep calm and happy and having breakfast and lunch with her demon friends as well as tea with some of them. She finished her sweeping and was about to put the broom away as Nero and a couple of others were going by and he said, “Yukina, we were going to tend the garden. Would you like to join us?”

“I’d love to. I’ll put my broom away and meet you there.”

Yukina did indeed join them a few minutes later and, for a time, no words were spoken until one of them, Cheren, said, “Is Kuwabara coming tomorrow?”

“Yes and he’ll be spending the weekend so he can control his powers,” she said.

“You didn’t tell us exactly what he looks like other than he’s a fox,” Nero said.

“You’re right. I want it to be a surprise.”

Yukina saw their eyes light up with interest and she looked forward to hearing about their reactions. I want to see Hiei’s reaction and I hope he thinks better of Kazuma than he does now.

Chapter Six- Confrontation

Kuwabara and Kurama ascended the steps to the compound Friday afternoon, the former having dropped his illusion and was eager to start learning. Indeed, Kurama was already telling him what he told Yukina.

“So, accessing my ice half will aid in keeping calm?” he asked.

“It does for Yukina and she is half ice like you.” Kurama gave a small smile. “I envy both of you. I did not have such an easy time as I am not an ice fox.”

“Oh, okay.” The two reached the gate and demon heads turned as they passed through the gate. Both heard awed whispers between the demons and Kurama knew it was about Kuwabara’s looks. They crossed the yard to the house and then around it on the porch until they turned a corner and saw Yukina sitting on the porch and seemed to be in a meditative state. Her ears straightened at hearing their approach and opened her eyes to look at them with a calm expression that became a happy one at seeing them.

“Kurama, Kazuma,” she said as she got up and rushed to them, hugging her mate. Kuwabara returned the hug, her scent filling his nose and made him feel warm and very much loved.

“Is Hiei here?” Kurama asked.

“No, but it shouldn’t be much longer.”

“Very well. Kuwabara, I would like for us to work on…” Kurama trailed off as a black-clad figure suddenly appeared on the porch.” “Oh, hello Hiei.”

Hiei regarded Kuwabara who had broken his hug with Yukina. The fire demon did not seem to recognize his old teammate which could somewhat be understandable as his hair had altered a little and his eyes were a different color. Finally, a smirk crossed his face. “So, you chose another fox instead of Kuwabara,” he said to Yukina.

“No I haven’t,” Yukina said. “This is Kazuma.”

Hiei blinked and took a step back. He took another look and saw it was Kuwabara; the shape of his face and his height had not changed with his changes. He recovered from his shock and asked, “How did you become a fox?”

“By me,” Yukina said. “I had a flare-up of my mate claiming urge and wanted Kazuma as a mate instead of fiancée. It seems the power of the medallion inside me spread to Kazuma when I bit him and he bit me.”

Hiei’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Kuwabara. “You…bit her?” he asked in low anger.

“She bit me first,” Kuwabara remained him. “I did agree to be mates and I changed the next day.”

“You…agreed?” Hiei’s body began to glow a light red. “You dared to mark her when you know how I feel about you?”

Kuwabara growled at Hiei’s words. “Yeah, I know but we’ve been engaged for a while and now we’re mates.”

“You don’t deserve her,” Hiei shot back. “You had no right to pursue her.” The glow around his body grew brighter.

“Shut up!” Kuwabara snarled. “We love each other and I won’t let you come between us!” A blast of air exploded from him with enough power to send Hiei flying backward and he hit the compound’s wall.

Hiei involuntarily gasped from the impact of hitting the wall. He got up and saw Kuwabara stalking toward him, a whirlwind swirling around him and small ice crystals were in it, winking in the sunlight. Kuwabara’s blue eyes were glowing the same color, much like Yukina’s had last week. His face held a look of hate.

“You’ve hated me since we met,” Kuwabara snarled. “I was willing to be friendly and thought maybe we could be friends. I should have known that you would be nothing but an arrogant jerk. I respected you even though I knew how you viewed humans. I had thought that you would respect me more when I became a demon but I was a fool to think that!” Ice launched itself from the whirlwind and flew toward Hiei who used his energy to melt them.

“Kazuma! Stop!” Yukina cried. Her cries halted him and he turned around, eyes still glowing and the wind still swirling around him.

“Yukina,” he said, anger still lacing his voice. “I could take his insults about me and humans as I knew some of his views were somewhat true but he has no right to say I don’t deserve you.”

“Yes,” she said slowly. “But he’s still my brother and I love him as much as I love you.” She edged around Kuwabara and approached Hiei with a disapproving expression. “Hiei, we didn’t know this would happen and, even if we did, I would have wanted to claim him anyway. Kazuma was a better human than most others. Now, he’s a strong demon but needs help in curbing his own aggression. He can’t do that if you antagonize him.”

Hiei looked over at the angry fox and knew Yukina was right about Kuwabara needing to be calm as well as controlling his powers as they could go completely out of control like Yukina’s had. He turned his gaze to Yukina. “You’re right. I should not aggravate him. I know you make each other happy and your happiness is what I want.”

He began to approach Kuwabara who had not calmed down. He was buffeted by the wind but kept going. He was soon before Kuwabara and said, “I’m sorry for what I said. You love Yukina and she really could not have chosen better. I know you to be brave, loyal, and dedicated and have often thought it even though I never said it.”

“You…thought that about me?” Kuwabara’s eyes stopped glowing and the wind died a little.

“Yes. I had never met anyone like you and it took the Dark Tournament to show me how different you were from other humans. I still don’t care for the human race, but I know that not all of them are bad or worthless.”

“I’m not human anymore,” Kuwabara said sadly as his powers completely died out and his energy faded. “I’m a fox who can’t control his powers or temper.”

“That can be remedied,” Kurama said. “Let us start with the meditation to calm you.” Kurama gestured to the room behind him and Kuwabara followed him in, closing the door behind him.

Hiei and Yukina looked at each other and the latter said, “Did you really mean what you said?”

“Yes. He really is dedicated to you. You couldn’t have chosen a better person and I will learn to like him as he is your mate and I’m your brother.”

“Good. Now, I’d like to make a sword of fire. You did promise to show me.”

“I did. I did hear that you adapted your fire shield and made an ice one. I can teach you fire moves and you can adapt them for your ice moves.”

“And I can teach them to Kazuma,” Yukina said happily.

“You can but he’ll have to learn wind moves on his own and I know he will as he shows an eagerness to learn offensive and defensive moves.”

Yukina nodded and then paid attention as Hiei explained and demonstrated the fire sword. Her life was coming together nicely. Her fiancée was now her mate and a fox like her and her brother was willing to get to know him better. Everything will be fine, she thought as she formed a fireball in her hand and made it lengthen and flatten into a dagger and then a short sword. She saw Hiei give her a small smile and a nod at her first attempt. She smiled back before switching her energy and her sword froze into an ice sword.

Chapter Seven- Weekend Practice

Kuwabara gently ran a finger along the flat of Yukina’s ice sword. “Very nice.”

“Thanks. Watch this.” Yukina’s body glowed blue and a white mist sheathed the sword. She swung it at the ground and a covering of ice coated it.

“Whoa,” Kuwabara said softly. He crouched down and ran his hand over it. He could feel the chill of it but as he was an ice fox, it didn’t affect him anymore than that. “That’s very impressive. I can feel the cold but it’s not bad.”

“Yes, but if I use it on someone who isn’t ice or fire, they would freeze solid. Not that I would. The sight of the sword should be enough to frighten them.”

It was Saturday morning and Kuwabara felt a lot better. He was calmer than he been a few days ago and he had firm control of his powers. He sensed that they were as strong as Yukina’s and he could hardly wait to use them.

“Kazuma, do you think you can make a sword with your demon energy?”

“I think so.” He stood and cupped his hand to call upon his energy. He felt it coming and flung his arm out to the side. A sword of energy, patterned in blue and light green, erupted and glowed brilliantly. He looked at it with surprise at the colors. “It’s different.”

“Blue and green,” Yukina said. “Maybe they reflect your powers. I have blue and red for ice and fire.”

“Yeah, that would make sense. Blue for ice and green for wind.” He focused on his sword and it flared light green before becoming a steel sword with a tendril of wind twisting around the blade. “Wow,” he said in soft amazement.

Movement out of the corner of his eye made him turn with the sword up in front of him and it clanged with another sword that was held by Hiei.

The fire demon backed up and sheathed his sword with a smirk. “Nice reflexes. What else can that wind sword do?”

Kuwabara did not feel annoyed with Hiei attacking to test his reflexes, but instead brought his sword down from above his head to arm level. The tendril shot from the blade and snapped a branch off a tree at the edge of the dark forest. “Not bad,” Hiei said. “With practice, you might be able to control the tendril’s power and direction and maybe turn it on and off.”

The sword glowed blue and turned into an ice sword. Kuwabara smiled slightly. “Thanks, Hiei. I think I’ll move on to an ice sword now. I’d like to try that trick Yukina just showed me.”

Kurama made sure that both foxes didn’t exhaust themselves by providing food and drink as well as insisting on naps or taking short breaks. Neither one protested over any of those points, save for one: Ending practice for the day and simply discuss the practice or suggest what to practice on the next day. Yukina and Kuwabara both wanted to keep practicing, especially the latter.

“You can resume tomorrow,” Kurama pointed out. “Now is the time to eat, rest, and recover.”

Kuwabara really did not want to stop practicing but he could feel his energy waning and knew that to keep training would be hard with low levels of energy. Besides, I learned a lot so I can defend myself. I think I’ll try to use Touya and Jin’s attacks tomorrow.

The next morning after breakfast and meditating to keep calm and curb aggression, Kuwabara concentrated on seeing if he could use those moves that Kurama and Yusuke had told him about. Yes, he had been on the field, heard the announcer, and had seen the fights with Botan propping him up, but seeing and doing were two different things.

He was capable of producing ice crystals but they had been small and he had been angry when they appeared. This time, he wanted to produce them consciously and make them a little bigger. But then he thought of how Touya’s shards were small and yet caused quite a bit of damage to Kurama. With that in mind, he held up a hand, focused on what he wanted, and energy glowed above his palm before at least a dozen ice shards appeared. He flipped his hand over and the shards took flight before embedding themselves into the far wall.

Gasps and clapping made Kuwabara realize that he wasn’t as alone as he had thought. He looked to his left to see a few demons and he gave them a smile. “Thanks,” he said.

“That was impressive,” one said. “And you haven’t been a demon for long, right?”

“Yeah. Only since Wednesday.”

“What else can you do?” Nero asked.

“I can make a sword out of ice and coat the ground in ice. I’m also a wind fox and can make a steel sword from my energy with a wind tendril around the blade. I’m now thinking of trying to fly like Jin.”

“Jin? As in the Wind Master?”

“That’s the one.” Kuwabara closed his eyes and recalled what he had witnessed that day. He felt his tail’s fur ruffle as if it was a windy day, which it wasn’t, and he heard the awed murmurs of his audience. He opened his eyes and saw that he was several inches taller than he was before and he found that he was hovering above the ground.

“Yes!” he cheered. “I’m floating!” He put his arms down at his sides and suddenly shot upward. “Whoa!” he cried and managed to stop his ascent. He was high enough to see the steps leading to the compound and, on those steps, was someone he hadn’t seen in almost three years: Yusuke Urameshi!

Kuwabara shot downward and flew around the compound to find the others. He soon located them and made an ungraceful tumble in front of Kurama, Yukina, and Hiei, the latter teaching Yukina fire attacks. “Kazuma!” Yukina cried as she rushed to him. “You were flying!”

“Landing needs work, though,” Hiei commented.

“Yeah, it does. I just saw Urameshi on the steps. He’s back and coming here.”

“He is? That’s wonderful.” Yukina smiled and then it faded when she looked at Kuwabara and then herself. She and her mate looked somewhat like their former selves but would Yusuke recognize them?

Kuwabara had already come to that conclusion back when he saw Yusuke. “We’re going to have a lot of explaining to do.”

The sounds of happy greetings were heard and the four demons exchanged looks, two of them looking nervous.

“I will delay him and tell him what happened,” Kurama said. He nodded at the foxes. “You can continue practicing if you wish.” Kurama hurried off to meet his friend.

“Kazuma, could you fly again?” Yukina asked, clearly eager to see it again.

“Maybe after Urameshi knows what happened,” he said. “I think I’ll work on controlling my whirlwinds.”

“Oh,” Yukina breathed. “I’d like to see that and you could practice ice barriers at home during the week.”

“Good idea. Let’s start on those whirlwinds.” Kuwabara put his hands out to the sides and wind started to swirl around him.

Kurama slowed his pace and put on a curious face as to why he was hearing joyous shouts; after all he shouldn’t already know Yusuke was back. He rounded a bend and came to a sudden halt. He blinked before approaching with a warm smile. “Yusuke, welcome back,” he said as he reached Yusuke.

“Thanks, Kurama. Where’s Kuwabara? Shizuru said he was up here, training.”

“He is here, but before you see him, I have something to tell you about him and Yukina. They’re all right, not hurt or anything like that.”

“What happened?”

Chapter Eight- Bringing It Together

“Wait, wait, wait. Kuwabara and Yukina are fox demons now?”

Kurama nodded. “And it is because of me as I was the first animal demon Yukina touched.”

Yusuke then laughed, much to Kurama’s surprise. “Seriously? A demented doctor implanted a medallion’s magic into Yukina just to make her an animal demon? That doesn’t make sense.”

“I agree, but it did happen. Come with me and I’ll show you.”

Yusuke followed Kurama, still sure it was a joke. Sure, Kurama was a serious-minded guy but he was capable of laughing and teasing just like any other teenager. Yes, he hadn’t really heard Kurama make a joke, but surely he had just heard one now. Kuwabara, a fox demon? No way. There was just no… Yusuke rounded the corner and saw Hiei trading sword swings with a dual-colored fox. They swung a few more times before the fox said in a familiar voice, “Hey, I was practicing my whirlwinds. Why did you just attack me?”

“You need more sword training,” Hiei replied. “You can’t swing a sword the way you used to and the way you are now. I would be willing to give you some lessons like I am with Yukina.” Hiei sheathed his sword and Kuwabara released his wind sword.

“I guess I could use some help,” Kuwabara admitted. “Maybe next weekend?”

“Next weekend.” Hiei nodded.

Yusuke stared at the orange and white fox as he turned and froze at seeing Yusuke before saying, “Hey, Urameshi.”

Kuwabara!?” Yusuke exclaimed. “Damn, Kurama wasn’t joking.”

“Of course, he wasn’t,” Yukina spoke up from the porch and Yusuke was almost speechless at her new form. “Yukina, you’re very pretty, but why the two colors?”

“They reflect the two powers we have. I have ice and fire while Kazuma has ice and wind.”

“Ice,” Yusuke muttered as he looked at the white streaks in Kuwabara’s hair. “So, how did you get up here without being seen?”

“My illusion ability. All fox demons have it,” Kuwabara said.

“Kurama said you’ve claimed each other as mates,” Yusuke said.

“That was my doing,” Yukina said. “I had a flare-up of a fox’s urge to mark one as my mate. As I was engaged to Kazuma, my urge zeroed in on him and when I bit him, the magic of the medallion in me spread to him through my bite and he became a fox demon too.”

Yusuke nodded. “It’s cool. This was bound to happen sooner or later, right?”

“Right,” Kuwabara said and then grinned. “Guess what, Urameshi? I’m learning to fly, like Jin.”

“Fly?” Yusuke repeated before grinning back. “Great. What else do you know?”

“I can shoot ice shards and make swords of ice or wind. I plan to work on barriers during the week. Oh, yeah. I can also form a sword out of my energy.”

“Well, of course. You have to have your signature attack.”

“Right. Uh, Urameshi? Are you really all right with me being a fox demon?”

“I admit that seeing you like this is a bit of a shock.” Yusuke’s eyes went from the ears, to the hair, to the ice-blue eyes, down to the claws, and finally what he could see of the tail.

“It was a shock for me too when I woke up Wednesday and saw myself.”

“So, you’ve been training with your powers all weekend?”

“Mostly,” Yukina answered. “We start the day with meditation as young foxes like Kazuma and I tend to be aggressive and our powers could get out of control, once for me and twice for Kazuma.”

Yusuke looked at Kuwabara. “You lost control twice?”

“I was angry and had no control as I hadn’t meditated by then. The first time was right after I had changed and was convinced that no one cared enough about me to see me instead of going to school or waiting to meet Kurama at the station.

“My second time was because Hiei didn’t like that we had claimed each other and said I didn’t deserve Yukina.”

“That was a mistake on my part,” Hiei jumped in. “Though it did give me an idea of what he could do with his powers once they were under his control. I can’t come between them. They’re mates and I will get along with Kuwabara.”

Yukina beamed at Hiei’s words while Yusuke gaped at Hiei, realizing what he had just said in front of his sister. “Wait. You told her?”

“When she lost control of her powers and temper that first and only time. I alone could get close to her and I told her how she was scaring her fiancée and her brother. A little of her anger and power faded at that news and dissipated completely when I revealed I was her brother.”

“Hiei told me when we were searching for Yukina when she was kidnapped,” Kuwabara said. “I just can’t believe how oblivious I was to your and Kurama’s comments.”

“So…let’s recap,” Yusuke said. “This all started when Yukina was kidnapped so a mutant doctor could use a medallion to put a curse on Yukina that would change her into the first animal demon she touched. While this was going on, you, Kuwabara, along with Hiei and Kurama were searching for her and you find out Hiei’s her brother.”

“And I learned of their engagement,” Hiei added.

“Okay. Yukina’s released after being cursed and she met up with you guys, touching Kurama first in the process.”

“Yes,” Yukina said. “It took me a week to fully change and be a strong, arrogant fox. I grew angry and lost control when a demon suggested I needed training while I thought I didn’t. Hiei calmed me by revealing our connection. I began meditating and learning about fox demons last weekend in addition to putting up barriers.”

“I smelled the mate claiming scent on her and cautioned her on it,” Kurama added.

“As I said before, I had a flare-up and claimed Kazuma before he claimed me. That was Tuesday earlier this week. And you know the rest.”

“Yeah, but why did Kuwabara change faster than you did?”

“That’s how the medallion works,” Kurama said. “Once the cursed one is fully changed, anyone he or she bites will become the same animal demon within, at most, twelve hours after the bite.”

“Well, I won’t be doing that again,” Yukina said. “Instead, I will use my powers to defend myself.”

“I suggest you practice what you learned this weekend and you will learn more next weekend,” Kurama said.

“Sounds good to me,” Kuwabara said. “Now, who wants to see me practice flying?”

“Me!” Yukina and Yusuke chorused, the latter with his hand in the air.

Kuwabara laughed as he summoned his wind and began to hover in mid-air before he flew around his friends and mate.

The End