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Demonic Aggression

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the doctor, nameless demons, Nero, and a medallion are mine. This takes place after the series’ finale.

Chapter One- Shopping

Yukina slid the door open with her foot and gazed serenely at the scene before her. Relations between humans and demons had greatly improved ever since the barrier had been permanently taken down. It took at least a year since the end of the Demon World Tournament for relations to be this good. A few had ventured over six months after the tournament and their report of how well-received they had been had prompted other good-natured demons to visit Human World. Some arrived at her home where she lived along following Genkai’s death. She honored the old psychic’s wishes and made the compound into a safe place where demons could live as they visited the city and interacted with humans. She herself would venture into the city to shop for groceries and interact with her friends, especially Kazuma.

She smiled happily as she offered drinks and food to the demons who were tending to the grounds. When she first met Kuwabara, she had been touched by his determination to rescue her. She considered him and Yusuke her friends and took whatever opportunities she could get to know them and, in doing so, met other humans as well as Kurama and Hiei.

She had been aware of Kuwabara’s sweet words and nicknames for her but didn’t know why until a year ago when he confessed his love for her and asked for her hand in marriage. He made it clear that the wedding would have to wait…once she had accepted the proposal of course.

Her engagement was big new to her friends who congratulated her. She didn’t share the news with the demons at the compound as she didn’t think they would be so accepting of a human and a demon marrying each other, even though such pairings have occurred in the past.

Yukina returned to the kitchen with an empty tray and took stock of the food and drink. Hmm, she thought. It would seem that I need to go into town for groceries.

“You heading into the city?” a demon had called when Yukina appeared in different clothes and cloth bags.

“Yes. We’re in need of groceries. I don’t plan on being long.” She smiled as she left to make the long trek to the train station that would take her into the city. She listened to the chatter of the people around her and felt grateful that she could blend in so easily with humans; if she were a demon with horns or extra limbs or something, blending in wouldn’t be an option. She would attract attention and she’d rather not stick not like that; she attracted enough attention with her unusually-colored hair and eyes.

She was soon looking around the aisles as she rolled her shopping cart, placing whatever she needed or wanted in it. She loved shopping and mingling with humans. Grocery shopping was especially nice as sometimes there were free samples being offered. Those samples sometimes helped her decide whether or not to buy the product.

She had reached the end of the aisle that held the tea when she encountered one of those samples. She was surprised to see that the seller was a demon. He looked almost human save for his unusually tall height and his energy that she had no problem sensing. He bared a slightly sharp teeth smile at her.

“Hello, miss. Would you like a sample of a new tea? It’s a fusion of lemon and honeysuckle.”

“Lemon and honeysuckle?” she repeated. She hadn’t heard of or seen that flavor of tea. “Yes, I would like a sample,” she said and the demon handed her a small cup. She took a sip and the sour of lemon greeted her tongue as well as a sweet honey-like taste. It was an interesting taste of sour and sweet but she felt that not many would like it, at least not as it was. One could add sugar or milk or something else.

She downed the rest of the tea, put the used cup in the nearby trash can, and was about to ask questions about the tea and for a box when she felt dizzy and sleepy. The world spun around her and she collapsed into the seller’s arms. She dimly saw his face before passing out and it was full of savage triumph. She was unable to wonder about the look before falling unconscious.

The demon scooped up the sleeping ice apparition and slipped out the back door used by vendors and employees; as he had posed as a vendor, he was able to leave without incident. He stepped outside and found a non-descript van with two other demons like himself. Both stared appreciatively at the girl in his arms.

“That’s her, huh?” one asked. “The one the boss wanted?”

“Yeah,” the seller said. “He knew she would eventually come shopping and that she loves tea and samples. It was easy to put the sedative in the tea and then persuade her to drink it. Now, let’s get her to the boss. The sedative will wear off before too long.” He got into the back of the van while the other two got into the front and drove off.


Kuwabara put some canned cat food in his basket before moving on. The amount of food his cat was eating had grown and he knew that was because she had gotten older. He didn’t mind as he loved his cat as much as he loved Yukina. He smiled softly as he thought of his fiancée. He had spoken to Yusuke of asking her to marry him prior to Yusuke leaving for Demon World and Yusuke had said, “Did you tell her that you love her?”

“Not exactly,” he had replied.

“You might want to before you pop the question.”

Kuwabara had told her of his feelings for her not long after Yusuke left and she admitted to having similar feelings. A year after Yusuke left, Kuwabara proposed and Yukina had accepted. The wedding would take place at a later date as he was preparing to graduate high school in two years and get ready for college. Shizuru was happy about his engagement and proud that he was thinking about his education first and marriage second.

Kuwabara walked down the aisle that housed the tea selections and spied an abandoned cart at the end of it. The bags in the baby seat caught his attention. He recognized them as Yukina’s bags, but where was Yukina? He took the cart to the checkout, paid for everything, and then headed for a pay phone where he dialed the number of the compound, hoping maybe Yukina had left her shopping to attend to a problem.

“Hello?” came a male voice.

“Uh, hi. Is Yukina there?”

“Yukina? No. She said she was going grocery shopping. She said she wouldn’t be long, but that was some time ago.” The male sounded concerned and Kuwabara knew he was speaking to a good demon.

“I was shopping and found her shopping bags in an abandoned cart.”

There was a low growl before the male said, “She’s been kidnapped. I just know it.”

“And I can imagine why,” Kuwabara said. “I’m going to drop off the groceries at home and then come back to look for clues.” He hung up, rushed home, and called Kurama to ask for his help. He knew Kurama’s sharp nose would be able to pick up Yukina’s scent and track it, to a point. Kurama agreed to help and would meet Kuwabara at the store.

He hung up and turned to see Shizuru who had an expression that told him that she had heard every word he said. “Yukina’s missing?” she asked, concern in her voice.

“Yeah. It’s likely she was kidnapped for the same reason she was last time. I hope Kurama can determine where she was taken to. I’ll settle for a general direction.”

“Me too, baby bro. Find her and bring her back safely.”

“I intend to.” Kuwabara rushed out the door to meet Kurama and get the search for his fiancée underway. Hold on, Yukina. I’ll find you and your kidnappers will regret taking you.

Chapter Two- The Medallion

Yukina was abruptly awakened by the echoing sounds of screams and sobbing. She sat up with wide eyes and looked around. She was in a cell and she saw an empty one across from her. She got up and went to the door to see cells to her right but none to the left. She heard the sobs and curses of her fellow prisoners and was worried about who her captor was. She was pretty sure of why she was captured: Her tears. Tales of various demons had spread around the world and ice apparitions were one of those demons.

But I won’t cry. I had learned to be more unfeeling than the last time I was imprisoned. Plus, I have friends and a fiancée who won’t stop looking for me. I have every confidence that I won’t spend years waiting for a rescue.


Kurama subtly sniffed the spot where Kuwabara had found the cart. He detected Yukina’s scent with no problem and also picked up the scent of a demon. The two scents went in the same direction and he followed it with Kuwabara behind him. Kurama then came to a stop before a door and said, “They used the vendor and employees’ exit. I surmise they used a vehicle to complete the abduction.” The redhead turned and headed for the front exit.

“If so, what do we do now?” Kuwabara asked once they were outside.

“Leave that to me,” spoke a voice behind them that they recognized.

“Hiei,” Kurama said as the teens turned to him. “You sensed Yukina was in danger.”

“Yes. I was told by the demons at the compound that you, Kuwabara, were searching for her and I knew you would Kurama’s help.”

Kuwabara bristled a little at the slightly accusing tone in Hiei’s voice. “Hey, I can’t spend every minute guarding my fiancée and besides, she wouldn’t want that.”

Hiei’s eyes narrowed. “Fiancée?” he repeated slowly. “She’s engaged to you?”

“That’s right. Clearly that angers you. Well, too bad. Guess you should have asked her years ago.”

Hiei smirked in amusement. “I wouldn’t propose to Yukina because she’s my sister.”

Kuwabara’s mouth moved up and down in silence, which amused Hiei and why he told him, before the teen said, “Your...sister? No wonder you’re concerned about her and all those remarks everyone made before make sense now.”

“You have improved since I last saw you. That’s good.”

“Then, can we get on with finding and rescuing Yukina?” Kuwabara asked, bringing them back to the search.

“Of course.” Hiei closed his eyes and opened his Jagan to focus on Yukina’s whereabouts. He soon opened his eyes and smiled grimly. “Found her. This way.” He took off at a pace that Kuwabara and Kurama could do. “Oh and Kuwabara? Not a word to Yukina that I’m her brother. I would prefer to tell her myself.” But I will never tell, he added silently.

Yukina was sitting quietly with her eyes closed, tuning out the sounds around her. She did, however, hear the footsteps that were heading her way. She opened her eyes to look blandly at the human at her door…or was he human? Another look revealed that, yes, he was human but he possessed the small horns and scaled tail of a demon.

A smiled appeared on his lips when he saw Yukina taking a closer look. “Yes,” he said. “I managed to give myself and other humans some features of demons. Honestly, I think they look better this way.”

“Obviously, they don’t,” she pointed out.

The human waved a hand. “Their opinions do not concern me.” Two demons like the one who grabbed her appeared and Yukina frowned at this.

“What do you want with me?” she asked, prepared to fight back.

“I’m an expert in science and genetics but the horns and tail I gained have granted me demon energy so that I can use the magic of demon artifacts.” He pulled out a medallion and a set of keys. He unlocked the door and Yukina tensed, ready to use her powers to escape. However, as the demons entered, she saw fire talismans on their clothes and knew she wouldn’t be able to fight back. Yes, she had worked to strengthen her ice powers, but even her strength couldn’t beat a fire talisman.

The demons seized her arms and held them away from her body while the mutant human approached. He parted the blouse she had on and pressed the medallion between her collarbone and breasts. He chanted in the manner of one laying a curse on someone. She gasped at a warmth from the medallion that spread to her skin. When he pulled the medallion away, she saw a perfect imprint on her skin. “What have you done?” she demanded as her arms were released and she re-adjusted her blouse.

“The medallion can change any demon into an animal demon. It all depends on the demon’s body and temperament. You could become a type of cat demon or even a bear demon. There’s not telling, really. It will be a gradual change and it cannot be stopped. The magic and print on you will remain with you.” He grinned in amusement. “You will be an ice user as you are an ice apparition, at least for now. Oh, it would be very interesting if you had a dual heritage as those two powers could drive you insane and that would please me.”

Yukina was horrified at what she was hearing. She had been cursed to become a different demon, one that was animal-like. Her captor didn’t know that she did have a dual heritage: Ice and fire. Two opposing elements that could make her dangerous and insane.

The doctor stepped to one side of the still open cell door and made a sweeping motion with his arm. “Now that I have done what I wanted with you, you are free to leave and return to your home. Good luck to you, my dear.”

Yukina did not hesitate in fleeing her cell. She ran past cells of humans with demon features on them. Some had extra eyes or limbs. Some had leathery skin or had gotten monstrously tall. She located a door once on the ground floor and threw it open to see it led outside. She ran out into the night and away from that horror house.

“Boss, that artifact’s power won’t activate until she comes into contact with an animal demon,” one of the demons said.

“I know that, but she doesn’t. Once she has made contact with one, the magic inside her will latch on to it and she will became that animal with ice powers.”

“That would sort of make her a hybrid.”

“No, she won’t. She will be an animal demon with ice powers. That is all. Her ice apparition abilities will be gone.” The doctor left the corridor with his employees behind him.

Hiei stopped and used his Jagan to fine-tune Yukina’s location. He opened his eyes and looked off to the left. “That way,” he said, pointing. “But she seems to have escaped as she is heading our way.”

Kurama was closer to the direction of Yukina. The ice apparition came into view and, upon seeing Kurama, ran to him who embraced her and held her. He felt her body trembling as he held her. “Yukina?” he inquired.

“It was awful,” she said as Kuwabara took her into his arms. “The demon who kidnapped me was hired by a human had experimented on humans, adding demon features to them. He himself had horns and a scaly tail.”

“Why kidnap you, though?” Kurama asked; as far as he could tell, Yukina appeared unharmed.

Yukina hesitated slightly. She didn’t want to frighten her friends and fiancée with the truth. “He wanted my blood for research but I got away before he could,” she lied as they left the scene.

Chapter Three- Announcement

Yukina completed her shopping with Kuwabara accompanying her. She was grateful to him as he had let her stay overnight at his place and insisting he shop with her and see her home as it was Saturday. However, as they climbed the stairs, she was desirous to be rid of him. She inwardly recoiled at this. Why do I want him to leave? He’s my fiancée. Why wouldn’t I want him to stay?

“Thank you for your help, Kazuma,” she said as they put the bags in the kitchen and she pushed those unwanted feelings away.

“You’re welcome,” he answered happily. The smile faded as he added, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to stop your kidnapping.”

“Oh, Kazuma. I don’t blame you. You had schoolwork and exams to prepare for. Besides, you know how I feel about being guarded all the time.”

“True, but I worry that demented doctor will try again to get your blood.”

“I was tricked into sampling a new tea that must have had a sedative in it. I remember the world spinning around me and then waking up in a cell with sobbing and cursing coming from up the corridor.”

Kuwabara gently held her. “Don’t dwell on it anymore. It’s over and you’re safe now.”

“Yes, you’re right.” Yukina knew that was a lie, but she couldn’t help dwelling on it until she got some hint of what kind of demon she would become.

I know I won’t be able to hide it forever. Hmm… the doctor said it’s based on one’s body and temperament. Well, I’m quiet and polite and as I’m an ice apparition…maybe I’ll be a rabbit demon or some other kind of demon who lives in cold conditions.

Then again, I could end up being a type of fire demon. Deserts are usually hot, at least in daylight. That could be it: An animal that can live in hot and cold conditions. This possibility actually excited her and she got onto the Internet to research possibilities. The addition of the Internet had been a great idea. She and the other demons there could catch up on news like the existence of demons around the world, for example. Yukina personally liked the games on the computer that required no Internet connection. Nonetheless, Yukina turned up a list of desert animals and then crossed it with demons to whittle down her list to a small number of possibilities.

Not a bad search, she thought as she got into bed. And it makes me feel a little better about the curse. Once I start getting hints, I’ll tell Kazuma the truth and, if he wants to, he can tell Kurama and Hiei. She nodded to herself before falling asleep.

She awoke the next morning, feeling out of sorts. Her dreams had been strange. In one, she had shifted from one animal demon form to another and in another dream, her form was an amalgamation of different animals. Based on these disturbing dreams, one would expect her to feel the way she did and yet she couldn’t shake off the feeling so soon after waking like others would. She went about her day normally enough, even with her out of sorts feeling. She couldn’t explain why she felt the way she did. She wished she did, though.

She was tending to some flowers when two demons approached her. They weren’t familiar to her as those at the compound had chosen to live there and help with the upkeep of the place. Nevertheless, new demons were warmly received; this time was no different.

“Welcome,” she said as she left the flower bed and smiled warmly at them.

Both wore neutral expressions and had the same blue-green skin but one was taller than the other and he was the one who spoke first. “You’re Yukina, the ice apparition?” he said in a gravelly voice and a tone that sounded like disgust.

She picked up on the tone and cautiously said, “Yes.”

“You showed up at the Dark Tournament during the second round of fights and cheered on a human on Team Urameshi’s side?”

“Yes,” she said cautiously again.

“Disgusting,” the second one said. “So, it’s true that this human proposed and you accepted?”

Yukina drew herself up and said firmly, “It’s true and I am quite happy.”

“Appalling,” said the first one. “For a demon to marry a human…” He shook his head, unable to find the words to express his feelings.

“There has been humans and demons being together in the past,” she pointed out.

“Yes, but nowadays such a relationship is pathetic,” he sneered.

Fury sparked in Yukina’s eyes and her hands clenched into fists. “You dare call my relationship with Kazuma pathetic?” she spat.

“I do. We do and we’re going to look for him and eliminate him.”

“No!” she growled, lifting her fists, and then opening them. A chilly icy blast gushed from her hands and instantly froze them both. She then punched them, shattering them into pieces.

She stood there, surveying her work with satisfaction before her look of triumph changed into a look of horror. What was I thinking!? I just…killed them! It was brutal and I felt rather aggressive when I attacked. Where did all that come from? She put a hand over the imprint of the medallion. Is it possible the medallion is reversing my temperament? Making me aggressive, albeit, briefly? It’s possible. I know animal can be aggressive, especially predatory ones. Her mind raced with thoughts of aggressive predators and the fact that a good number of demons were aggressive types. If she was becoming aggressive now, it was possible she would become more so when she finished her transformation, whatever that might be.

She calmly breathed in and slowly exhaled to regain her calm self and went to where her fellow housemates were working and called for their attention. She smiled at them. “I was just approached by a couple of visiting demons who expressed disgust that I am engaged to a human.” She paused to allow them to digest this news.

“Congratulations,” a few called out while others expressed well wishes. Their words bolstered her and she went on.

“I am certain you saw him yesterday, helping me with the grocery bags. His name is Kazuma Kuwabara.”

“Kuwabara?” one demon said. “As in the one who fights alongside Yusuke Urameshi? The one who fought the Elder Toguro? The psychic who wields the Dimension Sword?”

“The very same.” She allowed the group to exchange looks of awe and reverence and murmur to one another. It was clear that they were impressed with whom she was engaged to and it gave her a feeling of superiority that she promptly squashed as she sensed that feeling came from the curse. She raised her arms to recapture their attention and they quieted down, seeming eager to hear more.

“Kazuma is preparing to take exams to graduate high school eventually as well as ones to go to college. He has plans to be a doctor. He’s told me that I’ve been his inspiration for his career choice due to my healing powers.

“That said and what he did to find me should make it clear that he cares for me a great deal. I ask that is something happens to me where none of you can help and I can’t help myself, you call Kazuma and tell him what’s going on. He will drop whatever he’s doing to help me.”

She saw nods from the group as well as concerned looks. Clearly the idea of Yukina being in danger where they and she can’t help was a scary one but Yukina wanted to make sure that if she became an aggressive demon, Kuwabara would be able to come and help her.

Chapter Four- First Signs

Yukina kept feeling odd feelings throughout the remainder of Sunday and all day Monday. It scared her that she was acting a bit differently. The only feeling she wasn’t afraid of was the confidence of her abilities. She could protect herself, she just had to make sure she didn’t attack in a brutal manner. She was not like that.

Ah, her inner voice said. But these feelings would be part of predators and being aggressive, particularly when hunting and when protecting oneself. You are still an ice apparition right now and there are demons and humans who would want you for your tears. It is natural for you to draw on this new aggressive stance to protect yourself until you’ve completely changed and then you can discard that stand.

Her inner voice made sense to her and she knew she couldn’t stop the magic that was in her and working on her DNA to make her a different demon. She couldn’t bring herself to tell those she lived with about the curse, seeing as she hadn’t told her friends and fiancée. I will when physical signs appear, she reminded herself as she went to bed Monday night. I know everyone will be upset that I lied but I will admit to not wanting to frighten anyone. I will be forgiven. She sighed softly as she slipped off to sleep.

She got up the next morning and headed for the bathroom to wash up and prep for the day. She was heading to the toilet when she saw something in the mirror that made her pause. She turned so her reflection was in profile. There was a strange bulge in the back of her kimono. Frowning, she untied the garment and let it drop to the floor. Her frown became a dropped mouth and her eyes went wide. The bulge was the beginnings of a tail! It was a darker shade than her hair and she reached back to feel soft fur under her fingers.

She then jerked her hand back and gasped as a bolt of pain occurred. It became clear what had caused the pain as her tail had grown longer; not by much but it was clear that it had grown and there seemed to be strands of red fur mixed in with the dark aqua of the tail.

Yukina’s breath came in hard and fast from the pain and the sight of her tail starting to show. Her eyes roved over it, particularly the colors. Red. Why red? Hmm…could it hint of my heritage? I mean, most associate red with fire. She studied the general shape of her short tail, feeling a little calmer and thought it resembled a fox’s tail, like Yoko Kurama.

A small smile appeared. I might be a fox demon. I might even have ice and fire powers. Maybe Hiei could teach me to use fire. Her eyes shone as she imagined this outcome. If she did become a fox demon, it made her cursed something wondrous now. She pulled her kimono back on and got her tail to lay flat so it wasn’t so noticeable.

The revelation of her tail and the possibility that it was a fox one filled her with excitement and kept her odd feelings at bay. She felt like her normal self which showed as she went about her day. The day was rounded off when Kuwabara showed up. She smiled at him before heading off to get some tea.

“Yukina,” Kuwabara said as they sat on the porch. “Did you tell the demons here about us and the engagement?”

“I did. I felt I had to after a couple of visiting ones showed up and expressed their disgust about it.” She took a sip and pushed away what she had done to them.

“I understand that. They were happy to see me and congratulated me on the engagement.” Kuwabara beamed at her and she smiled back, feeling happy at being with her beloved and with demons who were accepting of humans.

Then Kuwabara blinked rapidly and stared at her for a moment. “Uh, Yukina? Are you experimenting with hair dye?”

“What? No. I’m not.”

“Really? ‘Cause some of your hair is red.”

“What!?” she gasped. She reached back and brought her hair over her shoulder to see a few thin red streaks in her hair. She then gasped again as pain raced through her tail and she heard cloth tear.

“Yukina?” Kuwabara said, confused and a bit scared at what he was seeing.

She craned her neck to see her tail. It seemed to have fully-grown and had a lot more red in it than this morning. “Well, now’s the time to confess,” she sighed.

“What’s happening to you?” he asked.

“Kazuma, I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to frighten you or the others and I wanted to wait for a definite sign. The doctor didn’t want my blood. He wanted to lay a curse on me.”

“A curse?”

She nodded. “He said that his horns and tail gave him demon energy with the power to use magical demon artifacts. He pressed a medallion to me and chanted the curse. Its power went inside me and left an imprint.” She modestly part her top to show the print. “He said it will change me into an animal demon that will be based on my body and temperament.”

Kuwabara looked behind her at the tail. “It looks like Yoko’s tail only different colors,” he remarked.

“That was my guess too.”

“But why the red in it and your hair?”

“It has to be my dual heritage. I am an ice apparition but I also have fire demon DNA in me. I might become a fox demon with ice and fire powers.”

Kuwabara listened with both horror and sympathy but also with slight amusement due to Yukina’s tone of mild excitement. While hearing about the modified humans was horrifying, he was also sympathetic to Yukina’s ordeal. Although, being cursed like this isn’t so bad. She’s still my Yukina, no matter what she looks like.

He brushed back her hair and smiled gently at her. “You will be a beautiful fox demon,” he said. “I know it.”

“Kazuma? I’m concerned about something. Sunday and yesterday I’ve been feeling odd since coming home.”

“Odd? What do you mean?”

“The ones who visited had threatened to find and kill you. I got angry, froze them, and then punched them into shards. I also felt satisfied about it.” She buried her face in her hands but shed no tears.

“Yukina,” he said as he slid closer and held her. “You were protecting me. I learned that Earth foxes can be aggressive when protecting a mate and any kits it has. You were showing the same thing concerning me.”

“I know that predators can be aggressive but the aggression that demons can exhibit scares me and I fear that I’ll end up like them. I don’t want that.”

Kuwabara heard her voice tremble as she spoke of demons being aggressive and she not wanting to be that way. “My love, is aggression the only thing you’ve been feeling in these odd feelings you mentioned?”

“Pretty much.”

“Well, then there’s nothing to worry about. You’re becoming a fox demon so a little change in personality is to be expected. You are still the Yukina I fell for and love.”

She pulled back to smile at him. “Yes, I am and I still love you so much. Could you tell Kurama and Hiei what I told you?”

“Of course I can,” Kuwabara said as he stroked her hair before kissing her.

Chapter Five- True Curse

Kuwabara gave Kurama a message for him and Hiei to meet him in the park after school. He met up with his friend at the entrance the following afternoon and he led the way to where Hiei waited.

“All right,” Kurama said as they sat at an isolated picnic table. “Why have you called this meeting?”

“I was speaking to Yukina yesterday and she confessed that she lied about the reason why she was kidnapped.”

“Why did she lie?” Hiei asked

“She didn’t want to frighten us. She told me that the doctor was given demon energy which gave him the power to use magical demon artifacts due to his horns and tail. It was a medallion that can change a demon into an animal demon. She showed me that it left an imprint in her skin.” Kuwabara demonstrated this by drawing a circle in the same place Yukina had on himself.

Kurama who had carefully listened, then paled before saying, “Kuwabara, I am so sorry.”

“Huh? Sorry?”

“I am familiar with the object you described. The one cursed by it carries its magic within him or her and it activates when that person comes into contact with the first animal demon they meet.”

“She touched you when she found us and that’s why she’s becoming a fox demon. Kurama, you don’t need to be sorry.”

“I feel I do. Fox demons can be unusually aggressive and are known to attack without provocation or reason. Also, as Yukina has a dual heritage, she will be a fox with ice and fire powers which could drive her insane and make her dangerous.”

“Dangerous? What do you mean?” Kuwabara asked, alarmed.

“I do not know but it would become apparent once she has completely transformed.”

“She has a tail that has two colors and her hair is the same way.”

“Two colors?” Hiei asked. “Why…? Of course. A visual indication of her heritage. I’m guessing red is the second color.”

“Yeah. She also admitted to killing two demons who threatened to find and kill me simply because of our engagement.”

“She had already exhibited the aggression of protecting one’s mate,” Kurama said. “Her personality may continue to alter as she gets closer to the final changes.”

“Claws and ears,” Kuwabara said. He was frightened of what he had seen and just heard. His Yukina was becoming a fox who could be driven mad by her two powers which were opposing elements. Also, she could be dangerous and unusually aggressive as fox demons tended to be and liable to attack for no reason. Yukina was right to lie. But, I’ll stay by her. I love her, after all.

Hiei was thoughtful as the group digested all that was shared. It was a fair amount to think about and consider. A jumble of emotions tumbled around in his head and he closed his eyes so he could sort it out.

His first inclination was to go after the one who had cursed Yukina and kill him. It angered him that someone would prey upon the weak and he would do what he could to right that wrong. When it came to Yukina, he tended to simply kill the one responsible. It made perfect sense to him as it guaranteed her or she couldn’t go after Yukina again.

His desire to kill the doctor was followed by frustration. Demons were not allowed to kill humans as per Lord Enki’s command. Hiei, when he was Yusuke’s teammate, was expressly forbidden from killing humans as he would have been severely punished for it. He almost did once, but didn’t at Yukina’s request. Naturally he heeded to it.

The thing with the doctor was that he had some demon DNA in him thanks to his additions and yet he was still mostly human and beyond his reach. Furthermore, entering his home carried a risk. After all, he still had the medallion which no doubt still had some power in it and he could use it on Hiei, thereby putting him in the same situation as Yukina. Sending Kuwabara was also risky as he was human and could end up like the other humans that had been experimented on, so that left Kurama who was the perfect choice. He was human and demon as well as an animal demon.

Hiei didn’t blame Kurama for activating the curse. Hiei would have chosen fox demon himself, given the choice. Foxes were part of the canine family, but were omnivores as opposed to wolves. Regardless, foxes were predators that were known for their aggressive, savage nature. He was having trouble picturing Yukina as a vicious demon. It was just unimaginable.

“Should we try to locate that doctor?” Kuwabara asked. “Get that medallion and see if there’s counter curse?”

“There is no counter and I would advise against seeking him out, Kuwabara. The same goes for you, Hiei.”

“Of course,” Hiei said.

Kuwabara frowned at Kurama’s advice but understood it. Odds were that he would end up caught and used as an experiment like those other humans; as for Hiei he could up cursed like Yukina. Speaking of which…

“Should we tell her what you told us, Kurama?”

“We should. I suggest we wait until Friday after school.”

Kuwabara nodded. “Yeah, I’ve got a test on Friday and need to study for it.”

Kurama looked at Hiei. “However, if you wish to tell her before Friday…”

“No. I can wait.” Hiei was honest about waiting as he was thinking of telling Yukina about being her brother. He hadn’t really decided on when but Friday was as good a day as any. I just need to figure out how to phrase it and explain why I’ve kept silent all this time. Hopefully, she will not be angry at my silence.


Yukina growled low as she went about the kitchen. Her odd feelings had gotten stronger, especially anger and aggression. She knew her anger was a result of the curse, but she wished she knew why she felt angry.

She gave an annoyed growl as she scratched behind an ear. Her ears had been burning and itching on and off today and she knew these were signs that they were in the process of becoming fox ears. I just wish they didn’t burn and itch! Yukina thought angrily as she rubbed the ears. She brought her hand around to look at her nails. They had started growing longer and had developed sharp tips. She flexed both hands and smiled at the effect. Not fully grown yet but looking impressive nonetheless.

She put the food on the table and then headed outside to announce that dinner was ready. She watched the demons file in, some of them glancing at her as they passed. She knew that her transformation was a bit unnerving but she didn’t care what they thought. I’m capable of freezing them solid if they annoy me. I can also feel the fire in me growing. Her eyes glittered at the thought of controlling two elements as she joined the others at the table. Those gathered would discreetly glance at Yukina or each other. She had revealed two days ago, Tuesday, that she had been cursed when she was kidnapped and that she was becoming a fox demon. She told them as she had a fully grown tail and her hair had some red streaks. They had grown concerned when she seemed aggressive and angry yesterday instead of her sweet self.

They recalled the fact that if things did get out of their or her control, they were to call Kuwabara for help. They weren’t too concerned yet. Yes, Yukina was acting different but surely those feelings would subside as she grew accustomed to her full fox demon form…at least they hoped so.

Chapter Six- Temper Loss

Yukina’s ears folded in irritation before she growled to herself. She was done. She was a full fox demon, a week since the curse had been put on her. She felt all the feelings of a fox as well as her ice and fire powers. A cruel smile came to her lips at the thought of her powers as she rose from her futon. She sensed that both powers were very, very strong and would be able to take down lots of demons easily.

She stepped up to her mirror to admire her overall appearance. Her hair had grown a little longer and had four thick streaks of red hair in her aqua hair. A pair of darker aqua-colored fox ears sat on top with the tips a dark red. Her claws were long, elegant, and sharp. Her red eyes trailed down to her dual-colored tail and it swished slightly. I am beautiful, just as Kazuma said, she thought as she went to her vanity to brush and comb her hair and tail. She elected to leave her hair unbound and left the room to begin her first full day as a fox demon.

She smelled the fear of the other demons as she passed them on the grounds. The smell excited her and gave her a feeling of superiority. None of these weaklings would dare oppose her. She could feel her powers swirling in her and racing through her veins.

“Yukina?” a demon asked meekly. He was taller than her, yet the energy he sensed made him approach her with reverence.

“Yes?” she asked coldly as she turned to him.

“I answered the phone and Kuwabara wants me to tell you that he, Kurama, and Hiei will visit you after school today.”

Her face lit up at this. “That’s great. Thanks.” She looked forward to seeing her fiancée and showing her full fox form. She knew he would be in awe of her. She could even ask Hiei for tips for her fire abilities. She was convinced that she only needed tips, not lessons. She was strong now and could only get stronger as time went on.

The demon, Nero, glanced back at Yukina as he left. The female fox looked quite happy, much like how she used to be. He didn’t care for the cold almost cruel demon she had become and he wasn’t alone in that opinion. The others who lived there didn’t care for the new Yukina.

“She’s changed in more ways than one,” one demon said later that day as Kuwabara and the others were on the way. “I liked her the way she was.”

“We all do,” Nero said. “But the curse that did this is likely irreversible.”

“She’s stronger now,” a second demons said. “We all sense it.”

“Yes,” a third one said. “But I sense that she would have no control if she tries to use them.”

“No…control?” a voice snarled.

The group turned to see a bristling Yukina. Her body was outlined in blue and red energy and her eyes were glowing red. “You…ingrates,” she continued in a low, tight voice. “I was a weak, pathetic thing, weaker than you. Then, I was cursed though I see it as a gift now. I can provide a greater degree of protection than before and you think I have no control.”

“I do think that,” the third demon said. “You are a danger to us and yourself, but with some training…”

Training!?” she hissed. “I don’t need any training!” She unleashed an icy blast that instantly froze the third demon and then a pillar of fire erupted around it, reducing the frozen demon to vapor. The other demons screamed in terror at the display and scattered to get out of the vicinity as Yukina’s energy blazed out of control and her anger grew, both feeding on the other. She gave a scream of fury as her fiancée and friends came into view.

Kuwabara bounded up the steps, eager to see Yukina but worried too. The demon who took his call told him of Yukina’s behavior and Kuwabara knew he had to tell her that this new behavior was not her, despite being a fox demon.

A strong blast of energy was then felt and screams were heard as the trio reached the top. A few demons were cowering on either side of the outside gates of the compound and he went over to one of them. “What’s going on here?”

“Yukina,” he squeaked in fear. “She got angry when one of us suggested she had no control over her energy and could use some training. She iced and burned him but then her energy went out of control and she is so angry.”

Kuwabara stared in horror at the compound before dashing toward the energy as did the others. He came to a stop and stared awestruck at what he saw.

Yukina stood on the ground, her hair blowing in a breeze caused by her energy which was blue and red. Fire and ice erupted around her and flared out in all directions. Her eyes were a solid glowing red and her mouth was open in a scream that could not be heard over the howling wind caused by her energy.

“This is exactly what we feared,” Kurama said. “She had a good deal of power but she has no control. It truly had driven her insane and a danger to everyone.”

“We have to help her,” Kuwabara said desperately. He was about to move forward but Kurama grabbed his arm.

“You cannot go to her. You will be killed instantly.”

“But…” Kuwabara couldn’t come up with an excuse or plan to calm Yukina down. He could only look on helplessly at the angry fox.

Hiei had been quiet since beholding Yukina. Under the flaring energy and erupting powers, she was very lovely and felt Kuwabara was lucky to be engaged to her. He heard Kurama keeping the human back and knew he was right to do so. An ice demon can’t get close without being burned and a fire demon would have much luck, either. But…I could. I am her twin, the same elements reside in me as well.

“I’ll go to her,” he said. “I believe I’m the only one who can.”

“Yes, of course,” Kurama said. “Only you can get close enough to calm her. Once she’s calm, her energy and powers should dissipate. Do it, Hiei.”

“Good luck,” Kuwabara added.

Hiei nodded and began walking forward. The energy and powers buffeted him but he kept going. He was astounded by what he was feeling. The energy was quite strong and could be honed so that it could rival his own. Her powers could indeed use training; at this moment, they were displaying their maximum potential. Ice so cold, it burned and fire so hot it could sear the flesh off one’s bones. Hiei was aware of the temperatures but his own dual heritage protected him from suffering instant death.

He erected a barrier as he got closer to Yukina who seemed oblivious to his approach. Indeed, she didn’t seem to be paying attention to anything around her. She’s probably lost in her own head; lost in her anger and her blazing abilities.

Yukina screamed and howled her anger and frustration. She wasn’t aware of anything around her. She was focused on herself. She was aware of her energy and powers blazing and flaring around her. They were so strong, she couldn’t begin to try and rein them in. Her inability to do so frustrated her and made it harder to control it.

Her anger was part of her curse reversing her temperament and part of her fox nature. She felt that the demons living with her were not grateful for her protection but were rather jealous of her and her powers. And then they had the nerve to suggest that she needed to be trained in the use of her powers!

She closed her eye and put her hands on the sides of her head, growling. Why don’t they understand? I am strong mentally and can handle my powers. They think I can’t and say I need training! That is absurd. I have sensed my powers growing over the past week and I know I can use them easily. They don’t think so and I will prove it, even if I have to kill them!

Chapter Seven- Resolution

“Yukina. Enough,” came a firm voice behind her as well as a hand on her shoulder. She lowered her hands, opened her still glowing eyes, and turned to face the person behind her. “Hiei?” she asked, a growl still in her voice.

“Stop this, Yukina. Calm down.”

“Calm down!?” she snarled. “No one understands how strong I am and I will make everyone understand!”

I understand and so does everyone here, but you’re scaring them with your display.”

“They should be afraid.”

“You’re also scaring Kuwabara and…your brother.”

“My…brother? He’s…here?”

“Yes,” he said, hearing the growl fade from Yukina’s voice. “Before he comes out, let me say that he had reasons for not coming forward earlier.”

“I’m listening.” The energy and powers lost some strength and Yukina sounded almost normal.

“He thought you wouldn’t be happy having him as a brother as he’s a murderer and a thief. He now knows that doesn’t matter. The other reason was that he had been bound by a promise to not tell that is now null and void.”

“A promise? Why would he do that?”

“To have a Jagan implant so he could watch over you no matter where he is or where you are.”

Her eyes faded to normal as she looked at Hiei’s bandana and then his eyes that were the same color as her own. “Brother?” she asked.

“Yes. It’s me.”

A bright smile made her look like her normal self as she embraced Hiei, her energy, powers, and anger vanishing in that hug. “Brother!” she said happily.

Hiei stroked her streaked hair before scratching behind an ear. He smirked in amusement when he heard a growl of pleasure come from her. “You are strong,” he said softly. “I would be happy to coach you.”

“I would like that.”

“Good. Now I believe someone else wants to hold you.”

She released Hiei and turned to see Kuwabara behind her. “Kazuma,” she said softly.

“Yukina,” he replied just as softly as they hugged.

“I’m sorry I scared you. I guess I let my powers’ strength go to my head. I didn’t think I needed training of any sort but now I see that I do.”

“It’ll be all right. I’m glad you’re calm again.”

“Yes. I just can’t believe that my body happen to become a fox demon.”

“It was not happenstance,” Kurama said who was next to Hiei. “The medallion activates with the first animal demon you touch. The moment you touched me, the medallion’s magic latched onto my fox DNA and used it on you.”

“I wasn’t told that.”

“He might have been hoping you would come into contact with a truly horrific animal. I think it fortunate that things turned out the way it did.”

“Until the medallion started reversing my temperament.”

“The medallion did nothing but change your DNA and unlock you fire ability. Your anger and aggression are part of a fox’s nature, particularly if one has a mate.”

“I sensed I was strong and didn’t want to be told I had no control and needed training. I was too arrogant for my own good.”

Her voice carried a tone of bitterness and self-loathing and Hiei said, “I had moments like that myself.”

“What did you do?” she asked.

“I trained while telling myself that no matter how strong I am, there is always going to be someone who’s stronger.”

“Could you train me? I don’t want to lose control again.”

“I did say I could coach you so of course I can train you instead. I’ll show you how to shape your energy to create barriers as well as fire attacks like fireballs and fire swords.”

Yukina smiled and her tail wagged at the thought of truly using fire that she could control. Her smile then faded. “I should probably apologize to the others I frightened.”

“That would be best,” Kurama said. “We will gather them for you.”

“Thank you.”

It took a lot of doing to get the demons to gather as they were clearly scared. The fact that it was she who scared them made her feel ashamed and it showed in her bowed head and drooped ears. She brushed back some hair that had fallen over her shoulder and wondered if she was all fox or still part ice apparition, capable of producing Hiruseki stones. I could find out in private later on.

“Yukina, everyone is gathered,” Kurama whispered beside her.

She lifted her head, her ears still drooped. She saw the demons before her, some trembling but all exuded the smell of fear. Earlier, the fear had excited her, but now it saddened her.

“Please, don’t be afraid,” she pleaded. “I won’t hurt you. I apologize for frightening you and being too arrogant of my powers to listen to anyone.

“The discovery of who my brother is and Kazuma’s love has brought me back to my senses.”

Hiei stepped forward. “Kurama, Kuwabara, and I will work with Yukina to prevent today’s events from happening again. I will work on helping her focus her energy and fire moves as I’m a fire demon.”

“I will assist her in curbing her fox nature,” Kurama jumped in. “Her aggression will only surface when protecting this place, those who live and visit here, and her fiancée.”

“I will support and love her as well as talk with her,” Kuwabara added.

“I know I will need to work hard to regain your trust,” Yukina said. “I understand it will take time, perhaps a long while.”

“Not really,” Nero said. “With your friends’ help, you’ll be back to your usual self in almost no time.”

“Usual self,” she repeated after the crowd had dispersed. “In personality and temperament, yes but not physically.”

“I’m sure that’s what he meant,” Kuwabara said.

“I am never taking another sample again,” she vowed. “That’s what got me kidnapped after all.”

“A spiked food or drink would be difficult to give you as you have a sharp nose now. Furthermore, you can alter your appearance as it is a fox demon trait.”

Her ears finally perked up. “I can do that?”

Kurama laughed. “Of course. Would you like to practice now?”

“Yes, please.”

Kurama smiled in amusement as he led his eager student inside. He had no doubt that she would master this technique as she was a strong fox. A curse it may have been, but we will show her that it is more of a gift now.

The End