Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only Tyce and the nameless victims are mine.
Chapter One- The Relationship
The Millennium Ring gleamed but didn’t glow, although the pointers were aimed at the man before him. Mahad nodded. “Good job, men. Take him away.” Mahad frowned worriedly as he continued his patrol. His Ring wasn’t performing like it used to. It was still detecting evil, but not glowing like before. It had been acting differently for weeks and he dwelled on why that was before coming to a very likely conclusion: His relationship with a criminal.
It had been an unexpected surprise that he would be attracted to a criminal and even more so that that criminal would be Bakura. He had spent a good deal of time meditating; first to rid himself of his interest in Bakura and then to accept his interest and why that was so. He concluded that Bakura’s ease of avoiding capture was envious and that he had a dark glamour that was attractive. The capture part could have easily been negated as Mahad had met with Bakura in secret in various places many times and yet Mahad had let Bakura leave each time.
I’m in love with him. That’s why I let him leave every time. Movement beneath him drew his attention. He looked down to see all the pointers of his Ring aimed in one direction. He followed them and they led him to a small isolated area that he would meet Bakura in from time to time. The pointers then aimed in different directions before falling silent. He smiled at this. “I know you’re here.”
“Of course you do,” came a slightly mocking voice before the owner emerged from the darkness. He flashed a smirk as he came up to Mahad who enfolded him in a warm hug. Bakura sighed with content at being in Mahad’s arms. He had never thought he would fall for a priest, especially the one charged with the security of the tombs and the city. Bakura had thought he was crazy to pursue Mahad, considering that Mahad is a magician and could cast any kind of spell on him. However, Mahad did not use a spell to trap him or even apprehend him. This first encounter emboldened him to seek out Mahad whenever he could and each time the Ring indicated his presence to Mahad.
In recent weeks, however, the Ring ceased glowing and merely aimed its pointers in his direction. Both of them were at a loss as to why thought Bakura did like Mahad’s theory of their love being the reason. I’m still a thief and a damn good one. There’s nothing I can’t steal when I put my mind to it. My greatest steal to date is Mahad’s heart. Hmm…I’ve heard that the pharaoh is demanding my capture. No doubt my punishment would be severe.
“Mahad, suppose I am caught one day,” he began.
“I do not see that happening.”
“I’m being realistic, Mahad. It is likely that I will be captured one day. So, I’ve’ heard that the pharaoh is demanding I be caught. I suspect my punishment will be severe. The question is how severe.”
“The worst punishment is death, but that is rare. The most common punishment is being sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor. That may be your fate or life in the dungeons as you are good as escaping; that is, if you’re caught. Bakura, you are so good at escape and avoiding capture, you’re impossible to apprehend.”
“That may be, however, I show myself to you and you could have apprehended me and brought me to the palace to be judged. My capture would have been the highlight of your duty to city security.”
“I could have, but I won’t. I love you Bakura. I won’t let you be caught if I can help it.”
“Wouldn’t that go against your promise to protect the city from criminals?”
“Bakura, please don’t make this harder for me! Yes, it violates my oath to keep the kingdom safe, but I love you too much to see you caught, judged, and sentenced.”
Bakura sighed softly and a bit sadly. “How did things between us get this far? We are from two different worlds. You live a life of privilege, peace, and safety while I live a life of crime, chaos, and survival. There is no reason that two people like us would fall for one another.”
“In an ideal world, yes there is no reason. But reality has a habit of shaking up our ideals every now and then. This is one of those times. I will never forget the first time we met face-to-face. It was in this very spot and I was surprised that you were brave enough to approach me.”
“Yes and I thought I was crazy to pursue you. I had observed you from afar for a time and wanted to see you up close. I wanted nothing from you but your name and some of your background.
“And in return you gave your name and a little of your background. It fascinated me to learn some of your history and your selective reveals kept me from arresting you. I wanted to know more so I allowed you to depart every time.”
“Yes, telling my past in parts was a clever way to stay free. It was clear after part two of my story that you are an inquisitive man. You crave knowledge and I likely have provided you with an understanding into the criminal mindset.”
“You certainly have. I have an idea what drives someone to crime as well as the reasons why someone would lie, cheat, steal, and kill. But even with this knowledge, I still don’t understand how someone could be a criminal.”
“I also don’t know how to atone for my thefts when I’ve been running and escaping capture all this time. I can’t imagine what it would be like to not have to run to survive and be free.”
“And it seems you will have keep trying to imagine it. There is no way you’ll be forgiven simply because I love you and you love me.”
“That is true, however, you understand the criminal mindset. You could understand how one becomes a criminal by you being one.”
Mahad laughed. “Bakura, that is out of the question. I took an oath to uphold the law and lead a righteous life. To be a criminal would violate that oath and I like my life right now.”
Bakura also laughed. “You’re right. It is out of the question. I just thought that with the Ring not working the way it used to and you not arresting me that maybe your heart or soul was changing…or it could just be our relationship.” He pulled Mahad down to give the priest a loving kiss before leaving the area, leaving Mahad to a contemplative silence.
Is it possible? Mahad wondered as he emerged into the sunlight. Is my heart or soul changing? A person’s morals can change and one can be unaware of it. I have noticed in recent weeks that everyone else’s Items are working the same as always. Only my Item is not performing as it should, but no one has mentioned it to me.
It is known that the Items were created to bring about peace, but I have sensed a kind of darkness within all seven of them. The purity of our hearts keeps the darkness locked away. If my relationship with Bakura and my love for him is changing my heart, then my Item’s performance would change as a result. But how much has my heart changed, if that is what’s happening? Mahad shook his head. He shouldn’t let Bakura’s idea take root in his head. His heart may be altering a little because of love but love was a pure emotion and therefore shouldn’t have affected his Ring’s performance. But who I love could affect it and since Bakura’s a criminal, this kind of love could be an impure emotion. He sighed and put a hand to his temple. This circular argument was making his head hurt. He needed to do some meditation and perhaps a little magic practice to relax and put his mind on the right track.
He headed back to the palace and went to the Training Hall. He sought out a far corner and was soon in a meditative pose, his confusion melting way. As he sank deeper into his calming state, he coaxed his monster to come forth. He sensed it rise behind him and he meditated on what spells to practice. He had a couple of curses he planned to place in a couple of tombs that needed work in terms of pronouncement. There is a particularly nasty curse I could cast…what? No! Not that one! What was I thinking!?
Mahad came out of his meditation, rose to his feet, turned to his monster, and gaped in shock. It was his Illusion Magician but it had gotten taller and a dark aura outlined its body! “Illusion Magician?” he asked cautiously. The monster looked down at him and its white eyes were red and seemed menacing. It then flew toward Mahad and into the magician. He gasped as he felt his monster wrapping itself around his heart and soul and his Ring flared wildly with a dark aura of its own and leaping into its owner.
Chapter Two- Resistance
Mahad blinked and put a hand to his chest. What was that? What happened to my monster? It exuded a dark aura and a menacing air. How could it resemble the monster of a criminal? Mahad’s head spun at what he had seen and the conclusions he was drawing. One conclusion was that his relationship with Bakura had altered his monster. It had become corrupted, but by how much, he could not say. Another conclusion he was coming to was that the darkness of his Item appeared to have entered him which should not have been possible.
He knew then what he had to do: Resist whatever impulses this darkness may try to impose on him. He would stick to his priest training and not stray away from it. He nodded at his decision, settled back on the floor, and began mental exercises he had learned when he had first trained for the priesthood. They preached the morals that were pure, righteous, and clear. He felt the darkness balking at the thoughts Mahad was thinking and retreating to the far recesses of his mind, soul, and heart; retreating and being locked up behind a mental barrier in the form of Mahad’s good thoughts. He felt his head clear as he recalled the morals and oath he had learned and taken when he became a priest.
I know who I am. I am Mahad, priest to Pharaoh Atem. I lead the palace guards in seeing to the safety of the citizens and the tombs. I am also a magician who trains the newest generation of spell casters. Mahad let out a soft resigned exhale as he added, I am also in love with the thief, Bakura. That is all that I am.
He opened his eyes with a calm sense of self in them. He was not going to fight his love for Bakura but he wasn’t going to turn his back on everything he had learned and currently did. He would continue to serve Atem, captain the guard, protect the tombs, and teach his students, the latter he needed to attend to and he was eager to do so. He entered the Magician’s Training Hall to find his students milling around, either talking to each other or practicing spells in the form of either words or hand movements. The sight of them filled Mahad with contentment and the sight of Mahad prompted the students to organize themselves and give their teacher their undivided attention.
“Good afternoon, my students. Today is an important day. I have been teaching you various curses for weeks and I am pleased with your progress. I had a reason for teaching these curses for a number of tombs are nearing completion. I will select four of you to lay one curse of your choosing on one tomb. Four tombs, four students.” He saw looks of surprise and excitement being exchanged among his students. “All right now. We will review the curses we learned and then we will add another curse to the list. I will announce the four students I selected in our next class.”
A few hours later, class had ended and Mahad was heading to the Court Tower to visit Isis, his mind assessing his student’s performances. Each one was talented and had the gift of magic, but some, naturally, were more talented and powerful than others and those were the ones he would look at to choose those who would accompany him to the tombs to lay their curses. He had deemed that each of the four would place one curse on one tomb. He felt that would be enough of their magical power; he himself could curse two maybe three tombs, but not four.
He entered the Tower room to see the fire lit and Isis kneeling before it with her eyes closed and a hand on either side of her Necklace. He could not help but be in respect and awe of Isis’ handling of her Item’s power. The ability to see the future was certainly an impressive one but the downside was that the visions tended to be vague for most part...or at least that was how Isis reported it. She had told him once that there were times where multiple visions of the future would come as a jumble and leave her confused as to which version was the truth. He had been supportive of her then and it made him feel lucky that the Ring had chosen him.
He had just sat beside her when Isis, eyes still closed, said, “Mahad. I saw a vision of your arrival this morning.”
“Ah. You had a specific vision this time.”
“Yes. The immediate future’s visions are always clear. It is when I probe for visions of the future that is a few days away or more that I get vague ones. Mahad, I had one such vision of your future the other day, but I do not understand it.”
“None of it?”
“It was the usual jumble of images.”
“But you are able to sort some of them out and able to describe to them.”
“True enough. I caught a flash of Bakura, you in front of a tomb, and a wolf with evil gold eyes.”
Mahad frowned. “Curious.”
“Indeed. I fail to see if these images are connected or separate visions of possible futures.”
“They must be separate as I also fail to see a connection.”
“Let us not dwell on it then. Tell me of your magic class today.”
“It went well today. I reviewed the curses I had taught them before teaching a new one. I am very proud of them. I also said that at the next class, I will have selected four students to accompany me to four new tombs. Each one will be allowed to place a curse on one tomb apiece.”
“Have you made any decisions as of yet?”
“I have two so far. One is Mana, of course. I have also decided on Tyce. He is powerful, talented, and a bit ambitious. He shows an eagerness to learn and masters a spell or curse faster than anyone else.”
“He sounds like he’s your top student.”
“No. That is Mana. Tyce’s ambition seems unsettling to me in a way I cannot explain. He lacks something that Mana has that makes one a great magician.”
“If you realize what it is, will you talk to him about it?”
“I believe I will. I am determined to train great magicians and spell casters to aid in the peace and safety of the kingdom and that includes guiding my students in their abilities and insure that they have all the traits needed to be great users of magic.”
“And you are doing a great job at it, that much is clear.” Isis smiled at him in a friendly manner. She felt no love for Mahad beyond that of a friend. Her affection was for Seto who returned those sentiments. Their relationship was common knowledge in the palace so Mahad didn’t read anything into Isis’ smile. And besides, I’m in love with Bakura.
Bakura laid back in his hideout, staring up at the ceiling. He was re-living this morning’s meeting with Mahad and the circular discussion they had had. He agreed that his crimes would not be forgive just because Mahad loved him and vice versa. So, he would continue to run and avoid capture. He knew Mahad would never admit their relationship to anyone as no one would understand it.
I understand Mahad’s devotion to the pharaoh as well as the safety and well-being of the people. It is a life I wish I could have, but that will never come true. Mahad has some insight into the criminal mindset and yet does not understand how one could be a criminal. I had hinted that he would understand if he became a criminal. It would not be hard for him to start as he’s charged with protecting the tombs. That is where he could start: By being a tomb robber.
But he insists that he could never do that. I disagree. He could do that and I believe that our relationship could bring it about. His Ring isn’t working like it used to. I still think that his love for me has changed his heart.
Of everything I told him about myself, I did not tell him what became of my village: I saw them murdered and sacrificed to create the Millennium Items. The seven Items used to judge evildoers contains a darkness in them and most people would succumb to it and be evil. Only the pure of heart could own and use them without being infected. However, it is my belief that the Ring’s darkness is slowly infecting Mahad. A change in his heart could alter his morals without him noticing. If darkness were to trickle into his soul, it could alter his monster into an evil shadow monster who could then wrap itself around Mahad’s heart and soul. Mahad would likely resist it with meditation and his training, but he wouldn’t be able to resist it forever.
Chapter Three- Surrender
Mahad awoke the next day, his eyes a darker brown for a moment before returning to normal. He sat, stretching and his mental barrier back in place. His defenses against his Item’s darkness as well as his monster’s darkness were down as he slept and his dreams had been full of dark evil images that were both attractive and terrible. He knew that he shouldn’t be drawn to the images for they were evil and yet he felt like he couldn’t help himself. I am being tempted while I sleep, he thought as he headed to the Throne Room. And when I wake in the morning, it tempts me still after I put the barriers up. I must not. I am a priest who loves a thief. That is all. I will not turn away from that.
Mahad put those thoughts aside during the meeting and as he went to assist in patrols as the guards were already out and about. Those thoughts, however, came back to the forefront when his Ring failed to react to a criminal. He had been caught red-handed in his crime and no one noticed the silent Ring as he was taken past him. The lack of response worried him. It had indicated evil for weeks by simply pointing at it. That had been when he began to have a relationship with Bakura. Before that, it worked perfectly. The change in its operation seemed to hint that Mahad was no longer pure of heart and yet he didn’t feel any different. My magic must be keeping me safe from whatever evil exists in the Ring. However I cannot deny that its darkness has invaded me and corrupted my monster.
He continued to wander aimlessly as he dwelled on these unsettling thoughts. He felt a bit adrift; if another member was having difficulty with his or her Item, he would be the one to assist in resolving the difficulty. None of the other Items could help me. The Key and the Eye would simply confirm what I already know about my monster. The Scales would be balanced in my presence, the Necklace would only see my uncertain future, and the Rod would just remove my monster. I am alone in dealing with this problem.
“You seem deeply troubled, my dear priest,” a familiar voice said.
“Bakura?” he said softly, looking around but seeing no one. “Where are you?”
“Can you not sense me?”
“No, but it is clear that you are invisible.”
“Correct. That is one of my monster’s special power.” Mahad saw a shimmer before Bakura appeared out of thin air. Bakura smiled at Mahad and then cocked his head, his eyes on the Ring. “Why is it not reacting?”
“That is what is troubling me,” Mahad replied. “I am concerned that I am not worthy of it anymore.”
“Not worthy? What makes you think that?”
“After our conversation, I went to meditate to relax and I coaxed my monster out as I had intended to practice some spells. When I rose and faced my monster, I found that it had gotten taller and a dark arura outlined its body. I said its name and it looked at me with red, menacing eyes instead of white ones before it flew into my body and wrapped itself around my heart and soul. Then, a dark aura from the Ring flowed into me. I did not interact with the Ring until today. A man had been caught red-handed in the midst of his crime and when he was taken past me, the Ring was silent.”
Bakura listened carefully to Mahad with a neutral expression but inwardly he marveled at how correct he had been in yesterday’s musings. His monster has become corrupted and wrapped itself around its master’s heart and soul, just as mine has done. The darkness in the Ring has transferred to Mahad and, as I suspected, he is keeping it at bay with his meditation and training. “Mahad,” he said slowly once the magician was done speaking. “Is it possible that you’re fighting a losing battle against this darkness?”
“It isn’t just possible. It likely is but I cannot turn my back on all I learned and all I do. I have people who depend on me. I know what you’re suggesting but I can’t see myself being a criminal.”
“It seems to me that your monster is already evil based on your description.” He hesitated a moment before saying, “Did you know that the Items hold a darkness within them?”
“I have sensed it and find it curious as they are supposed to bring peace.”
I do not deny their use, but they were forged from a dark ritual.”
“Were they? May I ask how you know this?”
“I witnessed it when I was a child. The creation of the Items required the sacrifice of human souls. I watched from hiding as my village was slaughtered by the palace guards.”
Mahad paled at this news. “Gods, I had no idea. Creating items of peace by killing people. That is terrible. How could the previous pharaoh have permitted that?”
“I don’t know, but it did happen.”
Mahad felt as if his world was falling away. He had been so certain in his view of the world, saw it as right or wrong, black and white. But now, right and wrong seemed to have flipped and things were not as clear cut as they had seemed. How can I use the Ring in the name of justice when its creation came from a crime? His head began to fill with the imagined cries of the people who had been murdered and disgust and hate filled his heart at the injustice of it all.
“Mahad?” Bakura asked as he stared at the magician. A dark aura cloaked his body and his monster was rising up and behind him. The Illusion Magician looked terrifying and a dark aura around it matched the one around its master. “Mahad?” he asked again. “Are you all right?”
Mahad lifted his head and looked at Bakura with dark brown eyes. “Yes. I’m fine. Everything just became clear to me. Your people did not deserve their fate.”
“No. They did not. So, what will you do now?”
“Surrender to the darkness that I’ve been fighting. You and I have agreed that resisting it is a losing battle. I am still not sure about being a criminal, though.”
“I think you could be, of course. I believe you would be suited for tomb robbing. You are in charge of protecting them, after all.”
“Yes,” Mahad said slowly. “I could be a tomb robber.”
“The trick is do it without anyone suspecting you. You would need to ease into it.”
“There is a trip to newly completed tombs coming up in a day’s time. I am letting four of my best students place a curse on one tomb reach. Perhaps, I could rob another one on the pretense of checking it.”
Bakura nodded. “Yes, that would be perfect and with your knowledge of traps and tomb layouts, it would be easy for you.”
Mahad nodded. “I will need to act as if nothing is different. Be myself.” The aura around him faded, his eye color returned to normal, and the Illusion Magician returned to his body.
“You know, your monster could be useful in tomb robbing. It does have its own powers, yes?”
“Yes, but more for trapping other monsters. I only strengthen it through meditation and practice of my own magic. I should work on strengthening my monster itself.”
“Any ideas on how?”
“Oh, yes. I plan to seek Seto’s advice. He shows a liking for power and his monster reflects that. I plan to ask him how his monster got so strong.”
“That’s a good idea.”
Mahad nodded again before turning and heading back to the palace. He felt a bit calmer and less confused. Bakura’s revelation of the Items’ origin had been shocking but it helped to show him that good and bad are not as clear but as he thought and his resistance to the darkness within him broke. Hate filled his heart and a sense of rage was growing alongside it. I am no longer pure of heart. I am infected with darkness and I intend to follow it and become a tomb robber as my boyfriend suggested.
Chapter Four- Student Selection
Mahad headed to the court’s private training hall, having been informed that Seto was there. He stood in the doorway as Seto stood in the room with his eyes closed and his monster out. Duos, with its two swords, executed a series of offensive moves that few monsters could match. As he watched, he felt a stab of jealousy and a desire to have his monster be as strong.
Duos executed a flurry of flashing swords before returning to Seto and the brunette’s blue eyes opened with confidence in their depths. He turned and, upon seeing Mahad, gave his business-like smile. “Master Mahad, how unusual to see you here.”
“Yes, well, I was looking for you to seek your advice.”
“My advice? Interesting. All right, what is the problem?”
“It is not a problem, it is help. I wish to make my monster stronger, like yours is. How do I do it?”
“Ah. I see. Mahad, our monsters are a reflection of our positions on confrontation. My belief in power and offense is reflected in Duos. Protection and defense is Isis’ belief and her monster reflects that. Magic and defense are your beliefs and your monster reflects that.”
“I wish to take a more offensive position.”
“Meditate on that then. Work with your monster to be a bit more aggressive. Think of what you want to accomplish with your new offensive beliefs and impart them to your monster. That’s what I do.”
“Thanks, Seto. I’ll do that.” Seto nodded as he left. Mahad stood there, thinking of all of the times Seto summoned and used Duos. He sank to the floor into a meditative position and recounted his previous thoughts of Seto and Duos. That is what I want. I want my monster to be more aggressive, to be stronger. If I intend to rob tombs, Illusion Magician must be strong and able to assist me in being successful. He summoned his monster, imparting his desires to it as Seto had suggested. He made it clear that defense was no longer enough when faced with a threat. Threats don’t show mercy and should be dealt with in an aggressive manner. Duos was a role model to aspire to, one to emulate. Mahad tapped the darkness within him and gave some of it to his monster. He got a surprise when he found that he housed more darkness than he had thought. He had given a good deal of it to his monster but he himself still possessed a lot. He wondered if his darkness grew when he learned of the Items’ origins before deciding that, yes that had to be it. He pushed that aside as he mentally focused on his monster’s powers. He wanted it to use its magic in a more aggressive, even brutal fashion. He wanted it to use magic to commit crimes with ease. It was in this meditation and focus session that something astonishing happened: He was seeing himself as if in a mirror only the view was in mid-air! Then, he was looking around the room from that mid-air angle. Mahad’s eyes were closed and yet he could see the room and himself.
His heart pounded as he realized he was looking through Illusion Magician’s eyes. The connection between them had strengthened and Mahad was certain it was the darkness that existed in both of them. What an incredible power, he thought as he pulled his monster back to him and he opened his eyes before rising and leaving the hall to head to the Magician’s Training Hall for magic class. With the ability to see through his monster’s eyes, he would be able to examine traps and how to avoid them without risking himself. Of course that would be for tombs in which I have no knowledge of the traps and layouts. I can think of another use for this power: A way to see pursuers coming.
He arrived at the Hall early and began to walk around the perimeter, arms draped behind his back. He had chosen his four students and thought again of their abilities. His now tapped darkness gave him a new opinion of their performances, Tyce in particular. The young man was ambitious, no question. He had, at times, seen Tyce studying scrolls of spells in his spare time. He admired that kind of dedication and understood it, at least he did now. But Tyce still lacked the compassion Mana had that would make her a great magician. Dedication and ambition with no compassion is a dangerous combination for a spell caster. There was no spell that someone like that wouldn’t do. But I said the curse would be of their own choosing, however, I could still make some stipulations…or rather one.
The students were filing in and they seemed eager to hear who would be given the honor of joining him to put a curse on a tomb. He was sure that most of them knew that they would not be chosen; they simply wished to know the names of the selected so they could congratulate them. They won’t focus if I wait until the end to announce the names. So, I announce them now so that they’ll focus on the lesson. Once they were gathered, he said, “I’ll begin with those who will accompany me so that we may concentrate on the lesson. Two of them will be Mana and Tyce.” His top students beamed at the honor as well as two others he had selected. “Now, with that done to avoid a lack of focus, let’s begin today’s class. We will start with transformation spells with this class dedicated to the theory of these kinds of spells.” Mahad lectured on the theory with his students hanging on his every word. When he finished, he said, “All right. I want you all to study the theory before the next class which will be the day after tomorrow. The four students I chose, please stay behind. Everyone else is dismissed.” The rest of the class left and he faced his four students.
“I know I said the curse you cast is of your choosing, but I have one stipulation. No lethal curses. We need the robbers alive so that the court can cleanse their souls.”
“Yes, Master Mahad,” they replied, though Tyce seemed disappointed.
“Dismissed then. I will gather you after tomorrow’s court meeting.” All four bowed and left the Hall. Mahad felt satisfied and glad he had made that stipulation for it seemed Tyce had been thinking of casting a lethal curse. Mahad had two reasons for having no lethal curses. One was as he had said. It is better to cleanse a criminal so that when they finished serving their sentence, they can live a good, honest life. The second reason was that Mahad had no intention of falling prey to a deadly trap himself. Once the curses have been laid, I will send them home, claiming I need to check a different tomb. I will go to a tomb that has not been touched and I will use my magic to steal what I desire. I know that once I’ve stolen something, my darkness will grow and my monster will feed off it and grow stronger too.
Bakura moved among the people, invisible, and looking for things to steal as well as listen to any guards who spoke to one another. He stood behind a pair as they spoke of Mahad. They said he seemed distracted and preoccupied. He also seemed obsessed with becoming stronger magically and spiritually and did not lead them as he should.
Perfect, he thought as he swiped some fruit and munched on it. It seems telling him about the Items’ origin and my village’s slaughter was what was needed to cause his darkness to rise and hate to fill his heart. I still desire to avenge my village and perhaps my boyfriend would be willing to help me in that once he has become a criminal. It will take only one tomb robbing to do that and I intend to witness that.
Hmm, he spoke of having four students put curses on newly completed tombs. I believe I will follow them, invisible, and stick to Mahad. With any luck, he will either rob one of those tombs or a different one. Whether or not he emerges with treasure will determine if he is a criminal or not. I don’t see why he wouldn’t. I have seen his monster and it was scary to see. There was also a dark aura around both of them. He truly believes my people did not deserve their fate just I believe it too.
I look forward to seeing Mahad move down the path of darkness and turn his back on the kingdom. He will become evil and dark like me and we can be a criminal team. He will rob tombs and I will be the expert thief I already am. Perhaps, in time, we can steal the Millennium Items and draw the darkness in them into ourselves. Bakura’s eyes glinted at this scenario.
I will hide out in the kingdom and wait for Mahad to head out with his students. There is a pleasant empty house I can stay in while I’m here and with Diabound’s invisibility, I can steal food and water when I want it. Hmm…you know, I would be willing to share my monster’s special powers with Mahad’s monster and maybe Mahad will return the favor. I’m sure Mahad would like to be able to turn invisible too. Perhaps even the power to steal another monster’s special ability. That’s another of Diabound’s powers. Bakura smiled as he headed to his temporary hideout.
Chapter Five- First Tomb Robbing
Bakura watched as Mahad left with four younger people behind him the following morning. He summoned his monster, called on the invisibility, and casually followed the group. He was interested to see the laying of curses as he had no intent of robbing tombs. He was more comfortable in stealing food, money, and valuables from people whether they were aware of it or not. But to see the final step of a completed tomb? That was something worth witnessing and it gave him a chance to watch Mahad without his knowledge. In all the realization and revelations of Mahad’s slow descent into darkness, Bakura had neglected to give attention to his love for the magician. Once he’s robbed a tomb and I’ve offered to share my monster’s powers, then I will give full rein to my affections for him.
Mahad led his students into the desert, unaware that they were being followed. Even if he knew, he was confident that nothing would harm him or his students. His magic and his monster were stronger and he had a strong bond with the latter. He kept his darkness and his monster’s darkness hidden from everyone save for his boyfriend. Bakura alone knew of the changes affecting him. No one else noticed that his eyes were a darker shade of brown which made some sense as one rarely notices something as subtle as eye color shading.
The site of the tombs came into view and once in the center of the area, he stopped and turned to face his students. “It is a great honor to help protect the tombs. As I said yesterday, you will put one curse on one tomb and no lethal curses.” He swept his arm at the entrances. “Select one and cast your curse.” He watched as his students stood in front of his or her selected tomb and closed his or her eyes to focus on the selected curse and the general layout of the tomb to cast the curse where one would be caught by it. Mahad saw his students’ bodies glow with their magic as they did their job. When they returned to him, their eyes were heavy with exhaustion which pleased him.
“It is clear by your eyes that you have all laid a strong curse. I was correct in choosing you for this task. You may head back and get some sleep.”
“And you, Master Mahad?” Tyce asked before smothering a yawn.
“I will be checking a tomb to make sure it is still secure and unbroken. I will accompany you as we had passed the path that leads to it.” He took the lead out of the area and traveled halfway back to the city before he split off from them.
“Good luck, Master,” they called as they left.
“Oh, I’ll need it,” he said to himself as he set off down the path. He was a bit nervous at robbing his first tomb and wondered if every criminal was nervous when committing their first crime. I may ask Bakura when I next see him. He was still unaware of Bakura following him as he was focusing on his feelings of the upcoming rob and what he planned to do.
Bakura followed behind Mahad and marveled at what he had seen. It had been fascinating to see young spell casters expend their energy to place a strong curse within the tomb just by standing before the entrance. He decided that he would ask Mahad about his students once he had come out of the tomb. He came to a stop as Mahad had stopped in front of a tomb. He watched as Mahad stood there for a moment looking as if preparing himself and then Illusion Magician emerged and flew into the tomb. Bakura raised an eyebrow at this. Using his monster to rob the tomb? Interesting. I had hoped he would- His thoughts broke off when he saw Mahad enter the tomb. Ah, I see. It seems he can see through his monster’s eyes. Very nice. I could use a power like that. Bakura dropped the invisibility and seated himself upon a rock as Diabound returned to him and he waited for Mahad to come out.
Mahad inhaled and slowly exhaled to calm his pounding heart before summoning his monster and closing his eyes. He called on Illusion Magician’s new power and once again saw through its eyes. He sent it into the tomb and had it look around for the trap triggers so he would be able to navigate a safe path to the treasure. Once his monster had reached the end, he opened his eyes, and entered the tomb, confident in his safe passage to the room he sought.
His dark eyes glittered with the reflected gold before him. He had been in charge of having it placed within but had had no interest in it beyond that. Now, however, he view it with new eyes. The gold, the jewelry, and other riches was a beautiful sight to behold and he desired to possess a portion of it. He conjured a large sack out of thin air and began to fill it with what he truly wanted. When it was full, Mahad seized it, hefted it over his shoulder, and paused to consider his next action. There was still time to empty the sack and leave empty-handed, but if he left with the sack, he would officially be a criminal and tomb robber. His hand tightened on the sack’s neck. No, I had decided to be a tomb robber as per Bakura’s suggestion. I will not reverse that decision now. Mahad strode away from the scene, following the path he had used to get in. He saw the entrance coming up and his heart pounded again, this time with excitement and thrill. He was almost there! Once he was through the doorway, his tomb robbing would be complete as would his path to being a criminal. He increased his stride and was soon out of the tomb. He took a few more steps before stopping to allow the feeling of realization to sink in. I’ve done it! I robbed a tomb! I am a criminal now.
The sound of slow clapping caught his attention and he turned to see Bakura seated on a rock, clapping. “Very nice,” he drawled as he got up.
“How long have you been here?” Mahad asked as he set the bag down.
“I’ve been around since you left the city. I’ve been invisible until you entered the tomb.” He grinned. “I never saw a tomb being completed before and it was fascinating to witness.”
“You’ve been invisible all that time? That’s impressive.”
“I think your monster’s ability is impressive. You’re seeing through its eyes, aren’t you?”
Mahad nodded, a smirk appearing. “I acquired it shortly after seeking Seto’s advice. It feels good to have a strong monster.”
“It does and I have an idea. See, Diabound has another power that is fitting for a thief. It can steal the powers of another monster. I find your monster’s powers to be useful. So, what if our monsters share their powers with each other?”
“Share powers? You mean they’ll both have the same four powers?”
“Yes and they’ll likely get stronger and our darkness will grow too.”
Mahad’s smirk changed into a real smile. “I like that idea. So, what do we do?”
“We call upon our monsters and impart our desire to them.”
“Sounds similar to the meditation that led to my monster gaining its power. All right. Let’s do it.” Mahad closed his eyes to call on Illusion Magician and tell it what he wanted it to do.
Bakura did the same with Diabound and the two monsters hovered over their masters before each extending a hand and gripping the other’s hand. Dark mist flowed back and forth across their hands as they shared and gained the other’s powers. They released hands and flowed back to their masters, causing their auras to appear and become darker before fading away.
Mahad felt his monster grow stronger and his heart and soul becoming darker. It filled him with great contentment and invulnerability. “Ah,” he sighed. “I feel stronger and darker.” He opened his eyes before saying, “I was uncertain about my robbing but now that is gone. I will have no problem robbing in the future.”
“That is good to hear.” Bakura opened his eyes, went up to Mahad, pulled him down, and gave him a deep loving kiss. “I feel I’ve neglected in showing you affection in helping you become a criminal,” he said after they parted.
“You weren’t neglecting anything,” Mahad said, pulling Bakura into a hug. “I needed all the encouragement I could get to be dark and criminal. Now that I am, we can be affectionate all we like.”
“Yes, we can. Mahad, I would be willing to take your loot of my hideout for you.”
“Thank you. That would be most helpful.” He passed the bag to Bakura and after another kiss, the two lovers parted ways. Mahad’s mind whirled with the powers his monster had gained and a smirk crossed his face as he thought of the powers of the monsters in the spirit temples and the fact that Illusion Magician could steal them now. That’s what I’ll do next.
Chapter Six- Power Acquisition
Mahad headed home, reported to Atem that the four tombs were now complete, said the one he checked was secure, and all was well. He then went to his own temple and his eye roved over his collection. None were as powerful as his magician but some had abilities that were useful. Well, those abilities will now belong to Illusion Magician. He scanned the tablets and his eyes landed on the one called Shadow Ghoul. It had the ability to pass through solid objects like stone walls. Perfect for a tomb robber like me. Its power will be my monster’s power now. He closed his eyes and summoned both from his soul and the tablet. “Illusion Magician, use your new power and steal the ability of Shadow Ghoul.” He opened his eyes to see his magician swing its staff at Shadow Ghoul. The staff’s tip glowed and Shadow Ghoul squealed in pain as a mist drifted off it and flowed into Illusion Magician. Its eyes flared as it completed its task. Mahad returned Shadow Ghoul to the table to recover and turned to Illusion Magician. “Now, you can pass through walls. That will make escaping tombs easier. Let us see what other abilities we can steal and later we will share them with Bakura and Diabound.” Illusion Magician made a slight movement and Mahad smirked, interpreting the motion. “Ah, you are attracted to Diabound, no doubt because I love Bakura. Fascinating.”
Mahad took his monster through his temple, stealing two more abilities before sneaking into the other temples to look at the other monsters. “Hmm. Not much there, however, Seto’s Duos has an impressive power. When it destroys a monster, its strength increases. That could be useful and I just need to find a way to get him to summon his monster. Wait. I’ve got a way and I know Seto won’t refuse it.”
Seto smirked as Mahad stated his request. “You want to have a scrimmage duel?”
“Yes and if you win, my monster will share its ability with yours, but if I win, yours will share its ability with mine.”
Seto raised an eyebrow. “What an interesting idea. Able to trap an enemy and then kill it to gain strength for a brief period of time. Yes, that would benefit Duos greatly. All right, Mahad. You’ve got a deal and a duel.”
“Excellent. Then, let us go to the arena.
“Let us state the terms of the duel. Only our spirit monsters and up to two spells,” Mahad said as they faced each other.
“That is acceptable,” Seto said, imagining Duos with two abilities.
“Diaha!” they chorused and their monsters appeared. Seto blinked at Illusion Magician’s form. “Well, Mahad. I see my advice paid off. Your monster has grown and I sense it is stronger too.”
“Indeed. Let us begin. Illusion Magician, Spellbinding Phantasm!”
Seto smirked at Mahad’s predictable move. “I use one of my spells to dispel your trap.” The magical pentagram broke apart. “Duos attack! Aura Sword!”
Illusion Magician weaved out of the way of Duos’ sword while Mahad assessed the situation. It was tempting to use the other skills they had but he couldn't just tell his monster to use them. However, I could claim them as spells but I will need to choose carefully. And I believe I have a strategy. “I chose to use a spell to grant my monster invisibility.” Mahad murmured a string of nonsensical words while his monster utilized the power he gained from Diabound. His body faded out and Seto and Duos gazed about to try to sense their opponent.
“Magic Blasts,” Mahad said and a blast of magic appeared out of thin air and slammed into Duos. A series of blast pounded into Duos from different angles and Seto flinched from it. Mahad has definitely gotten stronger and, truth to tell, a bit more aggressive than I would have thought possible. I can’t fight what I can’t see.
“All right, enough. I concede, Mahad. You have definitely gotten better. I will need to improve in order to win next time.”
“Thanks for the compliment,” Mahad said as his monster became visible again. “But I will be getting stronger as well. I intend to be a worthy challenger for you.”
“I would like that. Now, as per our deal, Duos will share its power with Illusion Magician.” Duos floated over to Illusion Magician, gripped its sword, and a stream of light flowed from it and to the tip of the staff. Mahad felt the strength of this skill pushing his darkness further and making him and his monster stronger. I will have much to tell and share with Bakura.
Bakura stared up at his ceiling with a soft, satisfied smile. His boyfriend was now a tomb robber. Granted, it was just one tomb, but it only takes one successful crime to make one a criminal. It pleased him to see Mahad becoming stronger and darker with his encouragement. I am getting stronger as well. Diabound has gained Illusion Magician’s power of being its master’s eyes to avoid its master coming to harm as well as trapping an enemy in a magical trap. I could definitely put both to good use with my thieving ways.
He felt Diabound stir within him as he thought of their new powers and he tilted his head. “Diabound?” he asked softly. “What is it, my spirit?” He probed Diabound and found a surprise: Diabound was attracted to Illusion Magician and all because Bakura loved Mahad. How interesting. I wonder if Mahad discovered attraction his monsters feels for my monster. It’s possible that Diabound’s attraction is one-sided and if so, that’s fine with both of us.
The thief sat up and stared around. He had clearly heard Mahad’s voice but saw no one. Bakura wasn’t fooled: Mahad was clearly invisible. “So, you like being invisible too,” he stated.
“Oh, very much,” he replied as he shimmered into existence. “I made use of it during a practice duel with Seto. His monster couldn’t counter my monster’s attacks as he couldn’t see mine. He conceded the duel and I claimed my prize.”
“And that was…?”
“Duos’ power of growing its attack strength when destroying an enemy monster.”
Bakura’s eyes lit up. “Oh, that sounds useful.”
“It is and it is one of a few powers my monster has acquired. I would be happy to share them.”
“What powers have you gained?”
“One to pass through walls, one to cast illusions, and one to shapeshift.”
“Oh, very nice. Four useful powers, including Duos’ power.” Bakura called forth his monster as did Mahad and the two monsters gripped hands again, but this time the flow was one-way. When it was finished, Diabound wrapped its tail around Illusion Magician’s waist and pulled it into a hug. Illusion Magician wrapped its arms around Diabound’s back as it relaxed in the hug.
Mahad and Bakura shared small smiles. “Well, this was unexpected,” Bakura said. “Our love for one another has influenced our monsters.”
“I had a clue of that after acquiring our first power. I spoke of sharing our stolen powers with you and Diabound and Illusion Magician made a motion that indicated to me a sense of attraction. I figured it was born from our love for one another.”
“I recently became aware of Diabound’s attraction just before you spoke my name.”
Mahad smiled up at the monster before saying, “We should go. It has been a long day and I have curses to determine and break tomorrow.”
“Those four tombs from this morning. You’re going to rob them.”
“Yes and I think I’ll spring the traps as I leave.”
Bakura laughed. “Oh, very nice and will you come here afterwards?”
“I will. I’d like to boast to someone of my crimes. Someone who would appreciate my tales. I also need a place to store my loot.”
“I look forward to hearing of your tomb-robbing tomorrow.” Bakura and Mahad shared a brief kiss before Mahad called his monster back and left. He had four traps to break and four tombs to rob. He was certain that there were no traps he couldn’t avoid or break. And there are no traps of students that will catch me.
Chapter Seven- Cursed
Mahad stood before the first tomb and chanted the spell that would reveal the traps before him. Such a spell had been beyond his power, but he had studied it nonetheless. Now, he felt no spell was beyond him, especially the ones used by his students. He sent Illusion Magician in after casting his spell and closed his eyes. He looked down at the traps and spied the one his student had added: The basic Freeze Trap. Simple, but effective and easily broken. He opened his eyes and strode around the traps, but broke the Freeze Trap. He took the rarest and most beautiful jewels and jewelry as well as some money before leaving, springing the traps as he did so.
He laughed darkly as he savored his triumph. He loved tomb robbing! With his knowledge of tombs and being in charge of them, he could rob them as he pleased and no one would suspect him. Even if someone did, they won’t catch me as I am too powerful to be caught. Mahad was aware that he was thinking arrogant thoughts, but he felt they were true. He then turned his attention to the next tomb. Mana had done this one and he wondered what his top student had done. He cast the reveal spell and sent his monster in. He was impressed to find the rope-binding curse. Very nice, Mana, but easily broken with my skill level. Once again, he avoided the traps, broke Mana’s curse, stole what he wanted, and sprung the traps as he left. Again he reflected on the placement of the curses. The first one was around the center while Mana’s was near the end. I taught them well. I have stressed that no two traps are always in the same place. Some are better at the entrance while others work better at the center or near the end.
He turned to the third one and found a trip trap near the entrance and easily broke that one as well before robbing the tomb and springing the traps in that one too. He grinned smugly as he stood before the last one, Tyce’s tomb. The first and third tombs contained basic curses but placement was the cause of the exhaustion of those two spell casters. Mana’s tiredness was a combination of placement and level of the curse’s strength. Tyce’s exhaustion was exactly like Mana’s and Mahad was curious as to what Tyce had done. He chanted the reveal spell and Illusion Magician flew in. Mahad looked through its eyes and frowned. He couldn’t see Tyce’s curse anywhere. A concealed trap. Oh, very good Tyce. Clearly I will need to be careful. He called is monster back before carefully eyeing the area around him. He could have used his shapeshifting power to fly over the ground but he wanted to spring the traps as he left. Also, simple human curiosity prompted him to transverse the area on foot.
Then, as he took another step several feet from the entrance, a stone sunk down under his foot. He quickly stepped back but not quick enough as the stone he had stepped backwards onto sank also and an electric shock raced up his body. He cried out and fled the tomb. He panted as he stood by his three bags of loot. What was that? That was no simple shock trap, something happened. He stared at the tomb and an unexplainable fear was felt. I’ll try again another time. He gathered his loot and took off for Bakura’s place.
Bakura heard firm footsteps that were nonetheless light: The footfall of a tomb robber. Mahad came into the room with three bags and a preoccupied expression that caught Bakura’s attention. “Mahad? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know. I successfully broke and robbed three tombs as you can see. But with the last one, I think I got hit with the trap Tyce had set in that one. It was concealed so I didn’t know where it was or what it was. I still don’t know. An electric shock raced up my body and once I was out, I felt an unexplainable fear while looking at the tomb. I’ll try again at another time.” Mahad flopped down and leaned back against some cushions.
Bakura went over to Mahad, concerned as his boyfriend seemed pale. He felt Mahad’s forehead and said, “I think you should stay here and rest. You feel a bit clammy and yet warm at the same time.”
“I didn’t want to say it, but I really don’t feel well. I’ll stay and rest.” His eyes closed and he fell into a fitful sleep with Bakura watching over him with concern. What kind of curse did that student cast? If it kills Mahad, I’ll kill that Tyce. Bakura scowled as he pictured Tyce’s death in a variety of ways.
Mahad slept on and off, accepting water from Bakura whenever he woke before falling back asleep. Bakura monitored Mahad’s skin temperature. It had felt hot early one and began administering water every time Mahad awoke. It seemed to help as he became cooler. It was nearly dark when Mahad awoke and sat up, his eyes clear and alert. “Mahad,” Bakura said with relief. “You seem better.”
“I feel better,” he admitted. “I guess I just needed some rest and water.”
“Mahad, it’s getting dark. Please stay. I have plenty of food and water.”
Mahad nodded. “I’ll stay. Do you have any meat?”
“I do. I’ll just start a fire and cook it.”
“That’s not necessary. Raw is fine.”
“Raw!?” Bakura looked at Mahad with shock. “Really? That doesn’t seem safe, to be honest.”
Mahad was about to answer when a howl emerged from his mouth. He then began to pant hard and when he looked at Bakura, he had the intense gold eyes of a wolf. His clothes faded into his skin as dark brown fur grew all over his body, his hair becoming fur as well. He gave a whine as his spine curved to force him to his hands and knees. His body enlarged and his muscles did as well. He gained the muzzle, ears, tail, legs, and paws of a wolf before he howled again and then snarled when he saw what he had become.
“Mahad?” Bakura asked cautiously.
“Tyce cast the werewolf curse,” Mahad snarled.
“I’m guessing that’s bad.”
“Not exactly,” Mahad replied, feeling calmer. “I will change into a wolf every night and back to human every morning. I will be able to turn others on the full moon and this curse will make me act vicious and brutal whenever I engage in some criminal act at night.”
“I see, but why would Tyce cast this particular curse? The tomb robber escapes with the curse inside him.”
“Ah, but if the person isn’t as dark and evil as we are, they would succumb to the wolf within and be reduced to a simple wolf in body, voice, and mind every night but still able to curse others. Their human selves would be less criminal as a result. So, his curse would reduce the number of tomb robbers.”
“Yes, that would make sense though there would be a lot of wolves every night.”
“Granted, but as I’m a werewolf and a magician, I can sense whether a wolf is cursed or not and if I find one, I’ll just kill them. Of course, the cursed ones could end up killed by ordinary wolves.”
“Killing the cursed ones would be part of your curse as it would make you act vicious.”
“Indeed.” Mahad then yawned and stretched out his forelegs, making the extended claws seem longer. “I think I’ll go back to sleep.”
“Not hungry anymore?”
Mahad sat straight up then. “Actually, I am. I burned a lot of energy with my change and need to replenish it.” Bakura left and then returned with a bowl of water and a hunk of raw meat. He put both down and stepped away as Mahad went over, laid down, and tore hungrily into the meat, lapping up water in-between bites.
Bakura took the opportunity to truly admire Mahad’s form. He was big for a wolf but from a distance, no one would look twice at him. His muscles were corded and added to his large appearance. His fur was an unusual color for a wolf, at tip off that he wasn’t a real wolf. His ears were long, his muzzle was strong, and his tail was full. Claws extended past his paws and Bakura knew they could do serious damage. Mahad paused in his meal and looked at Bakura with gold eyes that were intense and evil but also full of human cunning.
“Yes, Bakura?”
“I was just thinking that you look good this way. No one would think of messing with you.”
Mahad gave a dark chuckle. “No, I don’t think anyone would. Now, with this being caused by a curse, my shapeshifting power won’t work at night, however, I can use an illusion spell to conceal my appearance though I would leave paw prints if I walk in the sand.” He swallowed the last of his meal. “Bakura, open up the bags and check out what I took.”
Bakura did so and the greed and joy on his face made Mahad beam with pleasure. His tall wagged as Bakura exclaimed over the rare jewelry and treasures. He then began to tell Bakura about his three successful thefts and felt proud of his accomplishments. The werewolf curse notwithstanding, he was a good tomb robber and he knew perfectly well what he was going to do in the morning: He was going to go back to the last tomb and rob it. He would avoid the traps, take what he wanted, and escape without springing the traps. I will not be denied.
Chapter Eight- Discoveries
Mahad folded his arms as he glared defiantly at the tomb. Thanks to his student, a werewolf curse had been placed on the tomb and he had been infected. His magic and most of his monster’s powers still worked at night, but the shapeshifting power was rendered inactive at night. However, not that it is daylight, I can use it and I will do so now. He closed his eyes and invoked it. He morphed into an eagle and swooped past the traps, taking human form once he was in treasure room.
His eyes roved over the riches and began to take the rarest items and the clothes too. He hefted the bag over his shoulder, called on his monster, and invoked the ability to pass through walls. Master and monster passed through the side of the room and emerged into the sunshine. A smirk graced Mahad’s lips as Illusion Magician returned to him. That was worth it, he thought as he headed for Bakura’s home. I’m glad I decided to rob that tomb and Bakura will like what I stole. Hmm, I know of a tomb not far from the kingdom. I’d like to try to rob a tomb in my wolf form; see what it is like. Mahad dropped the bag off at Bakura’s, the owner fast asleep, and then used a spell to teleport back to the palace. There had been no meeting so he was spared having to answer questions about his whereabouts.
He exited his room where he had teleported to and headed for the archives to read up on the curse he had. He had already known a good deal about it, but suppose there was a counter curse and he could cure himself? He strode along the aisles, searching for the scroll he sought. He soon found it and sat down to read it. His eyes skimmed what he had already told Bakura, read about how on the full moon he would only speak as a wolf in addition to being able to turn others and how only truly dark people wouldn’t succumb to being a simple wolf at night and less criminal overall. He went to the end and found the answer he had been seeking. He resisted the urge to howl in fury. There was no counter curse! He was a werewolf for the rest of his life!
Damn him! Mahad snarled silently. I said no lethal curses and he instead places a permanent curse. The curse can’t be removed from the tomb or the ones who contract it. Any tomb robber who enters it will become werewolves as well, provided they trigger it. Mahad put the scroll back and pondered on what to do with Tyce. There were two things he could do…well three but only two appealed to his dark feelings. One was simply killing Tyce. The other was shoving Tyce into the tomb and infect him with the curse. Or I could do both. Curse him as a werewolf and then kill him one night. I would enjoy watching him act as a simple wolf every night until I feel the urge to kill him. He smiled at the thought. I will need to lure him out there so I can question him about it…wait. I sprung the traps in the other tombs, but not his tomb. That’s how I’ll lure him out there: By asking him to accompany me and explain why his tomb remains untouched. He bared an evil smile as he went about his day, waiting for night to fall.
Mahad strode out of the city and headed for his target with a brilliant sunset in progress. He tapped his new supernatural speed to reach his destination in good time. He stood at the entrance and accessed his monster and its power he dubbed the Foresight ability. His monster went in and he saw easily avoidable traps whether in human or wolf form. He called his monster back and, as it entered his body, his nose flared and smelled a human. He glanced around and saw he was alone and yet the human was close by. He smiled as he already knew what his eyes and nose told him. “All right, Bakura. Drop the invisibility. You can’t hide from me anymore as I can smell you.”
“I bathe every day,” he protested as he became visible.
“That may be, but I have the sharper senses of a wolf now even in human form.”
“Is there a counter for this curse? Can it be broken?”
Mahad shook his head. “I am a werewolf from now on. I and every tomb robber who enters that tomb and triggers the curse. I read more on the curse when seeking a cure. When the full moon comes, I will only speak as a wolf but still retain my human mind as opposed to low-level criminals. Only truly evil criminals can resist the simple wolf aspect. I plan to inflict the curse on Tyce, let him be a simple wolf, and then kill him when I feel like it.”
“Oh, that’s…”
“Evil? Yes. Yes, it is but it is also revenge. He will regret choosing that curse when he contracts it and I kill him.” The sun’s rays flared as it vanished and Mahad howled as he shifted painlessly into his wolf form. He then slunk into the tomb, his eyes piercing the darkness with ease. He gracefully dodged the traps his monster had shown him, reached the treasure, and used his monster to fill a sack and carry it out for him.
Bakura shifted on his feet and looked in the direction of the not visible city. The laying of curses by four students had resulted in one of them casting a permanent curse that caught Mahad. Now his boyfriend and partner-in-crime was a werewolf for life and he was planning to curse the student and, later on, kill him. He wasn’t disputing the plan for he would have done the same thing if it had happened to him. Mahad has not killed anyone since he became a criminal but now he’s considering it and it’s likely because of the curse. Wolves are predators and can be brutal when hunting or attacking a threat. Mahad intends to kill out of revenge. I have nothing against revenge; it’s just a bit disconcerting to hear a priest speak of killing. He then smirked. Ah, but Mahad is not just a priest. He is a criminal tomb robber and a werewolf too. He maintains the deportment of a righteous priest to all but me. Only with me does he let his true nature show; a nature that grew from our love and led him down a path of evil and darkness.
The sound of clicking claws drew his attention and he looked over to see Mahad emerge with his monster floating over him and holding a sack which it put down before returning to its master. Mahad’s tail was straight up and he panted with excitement. “That…was…wonderful!” Mahad said before giving a howl that carried on the air. “These senses make my curse worth it! The darkness in the tomb is nothing to me! I am graceful in avoiding the traps as well as being quick. The only drawback is the lack of hands but that’s where my monster comes in.”
“And me as well,” Bakura put in. He went to the sack and looked in it to see a necklace with a gold crescent moon on it lying on the top. “Mahad, this is a lovely pendent.”
“Lovely and unique. Two reasons why I had Illusion Magician put it in the sack.”
“Well, I think you should wear it. It seems appropriate for a werewolf to wear a moon pendent.”
“I cannot argue with that.” Mahad allowed Bakura to slip it over his head so that it hung in front of the Ring. “Perfect,” Bakura commented.
Mahad admired the pendent and his body as he stood in his chambers a few minutes later. The pendent was a shiny, beautiful piece and it definitely looked perfect against his dark brown fur. The thing was he couldn’t wear it all the time as the pendent had been made special for that tomb and was meant to rest there. If he was seen wearing it, it would pretty much tell all that he stole it and that he was a criminal because he stole it. I’ll put it in the pocket of my robes when morning comes and put it back on just before dark. With that settled, he turned to his body.
He hadn’t actually seen himself in a mirror before, so he was properly impressed with what he saw. He was large for a wolf, a result of the curse and the muscles he had gained. His limbs were long and ended in large paws with claws that extended past them. The claws were sharp and he knew they could be deadly weapons. His tail was full and swished behind him. His ear were long and delicate-looking while his long snout was strong. He bared his sharp teeth in a snarl and chuckled low in his throat.
I was angry last night when I transformed but only because I had not truly used my body or senses like I did tonight. I have sharper senses in both human and wolf forms. Naturally, they’re sharper in wolf form, more intense, but they’re not so bad in human form. I did smell Bakura while human after all.
Mahad padded over to his bed, his claws clicking against the stone. His ears slicked back to express his concern. His illusion spell wouldn’t cover the sound of his claws or his paw prints in the sand. It also wouldn’t cover the fact that I’m longer instead of tall. Perhaps it is time for me to leave and move in with Bakura. But first, I need to get my revenge on Tyce. Mahad got into bed and fell asleep.
Chapter Nine- Revenge
Tyce looked at the tomb entrance and then back at Mahad. “The traps weren’t sprung, Master?”
“Correct. The other three tombs’ traps were sprung and the curses broken. I used a reveal spell to determine that those three were robbed but not yours. Why is that? I could not see your trap, indicating a concealed one which was very clever, by the way.”
Tyce beamed at Mahad’s praise. “Thank you, Master. Well, it’s possible that the tomb robber triggered my curse and fled before getting very far.”
“I see. You surmise our robber friend tripped your curse before going too far into the tomb.”
“Yes, Master.” Tyce stepped closer to the entrance and Mahad came up behind him. Mahad took a quiet calming breath before seizing Tyce’s arms and pinning them back. Tyce struggled to break Mahad’s grip but Mahad’s strength was too great. Master, what are you doing?”
“Getting my revenge,” he said in a dark tone before marching his student into the tomb and shoving him at the concealed curse. Tyce stumbled into the trap and triggered it. He cried out as the curse’s shock raced through him before he fled outside while Mahad calmly followed him out with a satisfied smirk.
That smirk didn’t waver when he came out and Tyce glared at him. “Master, you just cursed me as a werewolf!”
“I know. I triggered it…when I tried to rob the tomb.”
Tyce gaped at him. “No,” he whispered, stunned. “Master, why?”
“My Item held a darkness in it and during a meditation, it got loose and infected me. It urged me to be a criminal and my monster had gotten infected by the same darkness and had gotten stronger as a result. I robbed a tomb after the four of you placed your curses.” Mahad’s smirk grew into a grin. “It is clear that I’m suited to tomb robbing as I am charged with protecting them and laying traps.”
Tyce drew himself up. “My curse will fix that. It will diminish your criminal tendency and return you to your previous self, albeit, still a werewolf.”
Mahad laughed. “You are wrong. I read up on it thoroughly yesterday and only dark and truly evil criminals can resist being simple wolves at night and the diminishment of their criminal life. I am in control of myself and fully aware when I transform. A pity that you won’t.” Mahad watched the sun go down and he threw back his head and howled as he shifted into a wolf and watched with relish as Tyce painfully shifted into a black wolf. His gold eyes showed only the intellect of a wolf. Tyce fell to his belly before Mahad and whined in submission. Mahad growled at him and barked forcefully. Tyce rose, turned, and ran off into the desert while Mahad laughed.
“What did you tell him?” Bakura asked as he became visible, having wanted to see Mahad’s revenge.
“I ordered him to leave and to go far into the desert. Heh, with his wolf mind, he couldn’t refuse an order from an older, more dominant wolf.”
“Interesting. So, he is only a wolf right now. Mahad, when morning comes, he’ll be able to tell the palace about you being a criminal. You’ll be put in the dungeon, judged, and sentenced.”
“It will take him time to return to the palace despite his enhanced speed as he will be far in the desert. I will have enough time to retire from the pharaoh’s service and leave…with the Ring. I refuse to surrender it or leave it behind.”
“Of course.” He ran his fingers over Mahad’s fur as he again admired his boyfriend’s wolf form. He was strong and lean with a wolf’s natural abilities and grace. His human senses were sharper as was his speed. Bakura felt jealous of Mahad’s curse which he had turned into a gift. He continued to run his fingers through the fur while he stared at the tomb. He could become a werewolf too. The curse could affect countless people but only those like him and Mahad could resist being simple wolves and stop being criminals.
Mahad felt Bakura stroking his fur but in an absentminded way. His eyes moved to see Bakura staring blankly at the tomb. He smiled a wolf’s grin as he intuited what Bakura was thinking. “Bakura,” he said and waited until the thief gave him his attention. “You’d like to be a werewolf too, don’t you?”
“Well, yes. I mean, you’ve turned a curse into a gift and I’m jealous. Also you’ve got the natural abilities and grace of a wolf plus sharper senses and speed in human form.”
“If that is what you want, I would be happy to guide you to the trap as I can see in the dark.”
Bakura took a firm hold of Mahad’s fur. “Yes, I do want to be a werewolf. Lead the way.” He followed Mahad by being next to him as they entered the tomb. They skirted the other traps and stopped before the curse spot. Mahad waved a leg in front of him. “There it is.”
Bakura’s heart pounded as he looked at the spot. He knew it was going to hurt as Mahad had spoken of a shock run through him. Plus, he had heard Tyce cry out in pain earlier. He slowly let out his breath as he moved forward and in front of Mahad to step onto the concealed trap.
He gasped and screamed at the shock that went through him but did not flee the area. Instead, he stayed put as he howled and painfully shifted into a silver wolf. The inside of the tomb became clearer as Bakura blinked his gold eyes. He panted and his tail swished. “Oh, wow. It’s better than I thought. It’s so clear and not as dark.” He looked behind him and then ahead of him. “So, this is what a tomb looks like.”
“You’ve never been inside one?” Mahad asked with surprise.
Bakura shook his head. “No. My specialty is stealing from others whether individually or a traveling caravan. Heh, it’ll be easier to rob a caravan now than it was before especially if they move at night or stop at an oasis or make camp for the night.” He bared a wolf’s grin at his extended claws.
“Have you ever killed someone?” Mahad asked as he led the way out of the tomb. He noticed how gracefully Bakura moved in his new form. It would seem Bakura was meant to be a werewolf. I hadn’t intended to be one but tonight, my third night, I have become comfortable with my body as well as the abilities I have gained from the curse.
“No,” Bakura answered. “I understand that murder is the ultimate act of evil and darkness. Taking someone’s life is a horrible crime but I’m sure I could do it if my life was threatened.” The two emerged out into the starry sky and Bakura flared his nose, taking in the smells around him. He picked out Mahad’s scent as well as the scents of other animals and the sand. His ears turned as he heard the sounds of unseen creatures around him. He ran his claws across the sand and like how easily they moved through it. Amazing. I never really knew how pathetic my senses were and now they’ll remain sharp forever.
“I too have not killed anyone,” Mahad said, bringing Bakura back to the topic of their conversation. “It’s one thing killing animals for food but to actually kill a person…”
“Does that mean you won’t kill Tyce?”
Mahad’s eye hardened. “No. I will kill him. No one curses me and gets away with it. Also, he would tell the pharaoh and others about me and that threatens my life and my safety. While he lives, my secret is in jeopardy.” Mahad was aware of what he was thinking and that it was truly evil and he didn’t fight it. His path to being a criminal had started when he fell for Bakura. His Item’s performance then began to change because of the relationship and his monster had become evil and dark. The darkness of his Ring then infected him and Illusion Magician. He allowed Bakura to nudge him further along the path by the thief saying Mahad would be suited to be a tomb robber as no one would suspect him of robbing the tombs he protected.
Bakura had been correct in Mahad’s talent in tomb robbing especially with his monster’s Foresight ability. His robbing had gotten better when his monster gained other powers which he used too as well as his magic. Then came the day when he attempted Tyce’s tomb and contracted the werewolf curse. At first, it had angered him that he fell prey to the trap of a mere student but he had since then turned this curse into a gift. He did, however, want to make Tyce pay for his trap.
And I have. He’s a werewolf and is currently roaming the desert as a simple wolf as he is not dark and evil like Bakura and me. Tomorrow I will retire from serving the pharaoh and be a full-time criminal.
Chapter Ten- Murder
Atem blinked as he looked at Mahad. “You’re…leaving my service and the city?”
“Yes, my pharaoh. I have found a new purpose in life and wish to devote myself to it. I will give you one more day of service before I leave shortly before sundown today.”
Atem nodded. “Very well. I will miss you, though.”
“And I will miss you, my pharaoh.” Mahad rose and left the Throne Room. Yes, I will miss Atem. We were close friends when he was the prince and we grew closer when he became pharaoh. What I have done in the past few days would horrify him but I feel pleasure from my crimes. Mahad put those thoughts on hold as he began his duties. Patrol was done in its usual non-Ring fashion. Mahad no longer cared that his Ring no longer detected evil. He hoped to discover other powers the Ring possessed in the coming days, weeks, and years.
“Master Mahad!”
The secret tomb robber turned to see two guards approach him with alarm. “What is it?”
“Two of our men were killed. It looks like an animal attack. There were paw prints in the sand and in blood around the bodies.”
“Near the tomb of the previous pharaoh.”
“Clean up the scene and then station yourselves at that tomb. I’ll assign two more for night shift.”
“Yes, Master Mahad.” The guards headed off and Mahad pondered the information. Two dead guards and it had the appearance of an animal attack. It had to be Tyce. In his simple wolf mind, he likely saw the guards as food. He has most likely recalled his actions and feels awful about it. His murder may actually turn him into a criminal but I doubt it. Speaking of which, the tomb where the attacks took place. I have not touched it yet. I’ll robe it in a couple of night and I will have no qualms over killing the guards as I will have already killed Tyce before then.
Mahad continued his duties. His students were sad and elated. They did not want to lose their master but were thrilled when told that with his departure, they were no longer apprentices. “I do expect you to keep studying and practicing,” he told them.
“Yes, Master,” Mana said. “We’ll make you proud.”
“I know you will. Now, follow me and I will show you where the rest of the spell scrolls reside.”
These clothes will not do, he thought as he stood before his chamber mirror. I cannot continue to wear the robes of a priest. I’m a tomb robber and should wear clothes suited to it, but for now something simple will do. He began to use his magic to alter his clothes. When he was done, his cape had been discarded as well as his hat and cuffs. His robes had been shortened to a common man’s clothes as well as design. He kept his shoes and the Ring and the moon pendent hung under his clothes. He nodded in approval. And I can acquire other clothes by robbing tombs and perhaps caravans too.
Mahad strode quickly out of the palace after bidding farewell to the court and Atem, his two accessories concealed with a spell. They were all sad to see him go but were happy that he was fulfilling his new purpose and wanting to devote himself to it. He had hinted that he may visit someday and he knew that he may do so in order to steal the other Items. He was certain there was darkness in them and he desired it. Yes, he would steal them and share their darkness with Bakura.
He had left the city for the desert with a sky turning vibrant colors as the sun sank. He licked his lips in anticipation of becoming a wolf again. He breathed deeply and then his nose flared. He smelled a human nearby. He headed toward it with the intention of robbing and maybe killing the human. He knew it wasn’t Bakura; his boyfriend’s scent was firmly locked in his memory. He sped toward the human and came to a halt a few feet away from his target who had also stopped. “Tyce,” he said.
The young man said nothing at first, merely glared at Mahad. “I’ll…kill you,” he finally said, his voice choked with anger.
“Oh? You think so?”
“I know so,” he shot back. “I killed two guards last night and I…I actually ate them.” Tyce shook his head in clear disgust. “And it’s your fault! You pushed me into the trap and I killed as a simple wolf. I can feel myself turning dark but I’m fighting it. Once you’re dead, I’ll turn myself in so I can be judged and sentenced.”
“You won’t be judged as I will kill you,” Mahad said.
“You can’t. You haven’t killed anyone. I have. That gives me the advantage.”
“That is true, but you seem to forget that you think as a simple wolf while I do not. I will be able to kill you easily.” Mahad growled as the sun went down and he shifted into wolf form. He focused on Tyce who again was a simple but cursed wolf as his senses told him. Tyce went to his belly upon seeing Mahad and crawled to him, whining in submission. Mahad stared coldly at the submissive wolf, his cruel and vicious wolf side that came from the curse, bubbled up to the surface. He growled angrily before he leaped upon Tyce. His claws slashed and tore at the fur and skin while Tyce howled and yelped in pain and fear. The sounds spurred Mahad to greater brutality as he raked his claws over the body before he bit the smaller wolf who yelped in pain. Mahad’s claws and teeth became a blur as he mauled Tyce. A flash of his claws across Tyce’s throat brought the attack to an end as the black wolf laid on his side, eyes blank and unstaring, and his throat torn open.
Mahad panted from the attack before laughing in a maniacal manner loudly before howling in joy and success. Another howl responded before a silver wolf appeared on a dune before running down to the scene. Bakura looked down at the dead wolf and then at Mahad who had blood on his claws and muzzle. He looked at Tyce again. “Wow, you were brutal in your attack.”
“Yeah,” Mahad said with relish. “It was easy as he was still thinking as a normal wolf. He didn’t fight back as I didn’t give him a chance to retaliate. His sounds of pain and fear were music to me and pushed me to be brutal so I could hear more.”
“Sounds like fun. It must be quite the sensation.”
“It is. Especially in our current forms. Just think: We can choose who lives and who dies. It is a heady sensation.”
Bakura licked his chops. “Oh, I would love to experience that feeling.”
“I believe that can be arranged.” Mahad began to lick his claws, paws, and muzzle clean, talking to Bakura in between licks. “Tyce killed two guards…guarding the tomb of the previous pharaoh. I assigned two for day shift…and two for night shift. I was planning…to rob that tomb in a day or two…but instead I’ll do it now…so you can kill and experience how it feels.”
“Perfect. Lead the way.” Bakura let Mahad run off into the desert before following after him. The trek took hours but soon enough they were within view of the tomb. Both werewolves looked at each other, nodded, and summoned their monsters’ invisibility. They slunk low as they approached the tomb and the split up to leap onto the guards. Mahad quickly and brutally killed his target, became visible, and then went into the tomb using the Foresight ability to avoid the traps. He used his magic to fill a sack and levitate it to follow him out. He emerged to see Bakura panting and his tail swishing. “That was great!” Bakura howled. “His screams were a pleasure to hear!”
“Now that you understand, we can ambush caravans and kill the travelers. We will spread a reign of terror and fear across the desert that no one can stop.” Mahad laughed darkly and Bakura joined in. Mahad was grateful to Bakura for loving him and nudging him down a path of darkness. I have robbed and murdered. I cannot go back to being good. I am evil and I love it. He lowered the sack, crouched down, and leaped onto Bakura. The two of them tumbled and rolled over the sand, engaging in play and sex as only wolves can. Both slept in the other’s forelegs, secure in their future together: A future as vicious, criminal werewolf mates.