Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha. Only Foxes’ Delight and the nameless demons are mine. I’m not sure where in the series this story takes place, though between seasons four and five sounds pretty good.
Chapter One- The Berry
Kagome carefully packed her bag, making sure that the delicate items were on the top. Let’s see…books, books, first-aid kit, more books, lunch boxes, ramen cups, chips, marshmallows, and a small candy bag for Shippo. She smiled at the bag. She had a soft spot for the fox child. He was adorable and he adored her. She got the impression that he viewed her as an older sister which made sense, but she felt their relationship was more like a mother and child. She was certainly protective of the little kitsune, especially if Inuyasha was picking on him, which seemed to be frequently.
Shippo is an interesting demon. He is still a kid, but he’s determined to be strong. He likes to play, but willing to pitch in and help. Honor means a lot to him. He attracts the interest of human girls with his friendly nature and proves not all demons are evil or bad. Kagome hoisted the backpack onto her shoulders before leaping into the well.
Shippo perched himself on the well’s rim, awaiting Kagome’s return. Nearby were Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, and Kirara. He was eager to see Kagome. He regarded her like an older sister thought she sometimes protected him from Inuyasha in a motherly way. Inuyasha tended to be rough with him in an older brother way, but mostly like a bully. She knows I can protect myself with my illusions so it’s really only Inuyasha she has to save me from; only she can control him.
A glow from below drew the little kitsune from his musings and he quickly looked down to see a black-haired teenager with a yellow bag. “Kagome!” he exclaimed, his fluffy tail swishing happily as he jumped down to the ground.
Kagome appeared on the rim and smiled at her friends as Inuyasha came over and took her bag off her. She found the half-demon’s old-fashioned notions of women’s capabilities to be charming at times, like now, but other times it was insulting. She had strong feelings for Inuyasha; she just couldn’t bring herself to tell him for at least a couple of reasons. One was his infantile behavior. She was certain he was older than her though he didn’t look it and yet sometimes he acted like a child and she seemed to react in a similar manner. It was only upon reflection that she regretted her behavior; there was just something about Inuyasha that prompted her to behave childishly as well. The other reason she hadn’t told him she loved him was Kikyo. Ever since the priestess had been resurrected, Inuyasha would pursue her, show affection for her. He showed Kagome tender feelings too, but it was always brief. Kagome knew, deep down, she couldn’t compete with Kikyo, but was a bit tired of the half-demon practically cheating on her with Kikyo. Perhaps once the jewel is whole again and everything is peaceful, I’ll return home and stay there. Kikyo can have Inuyasha. I’m sure that will make him happy.
Inuyasha set the bag on the back of the bicycle, his thoughts on Kikyo and Kagome. Kikyo’s resurrection had been a bittersweet reunion what with both believing they had been betrayed by the other. The misunderstanding had gotten cleared up when they learned of Naraku’s existence and history. While Inuyasha wished to destroy Naraku and keep Kikyo safe, the priestess claimed she would defeat Naraku and once he was gone, she would allow herself to die.
The idea of his beloved dying again was a heartbreaking one and made him determined to kill Naraku first. She may be angry if that happens, but she would get over it and we could be together. But…what about Kagome? He looked at the girl who was cuddling Shippo. Yes, she was Kikyo’s reincarnation, but her personality seemed different from Kikyo. Part of it could be because she was a little younger and had her mind on affairs going on in her modern world. There was also something about her that caused them to fight like, well, like cats and dogs. Yes, despite all that, he had strong feelings for her that may go beyond what he felt for Kikyo. I love both of them, but I can only have one, I know that. I just can’t decide right now. Maybe I’ll get lucky and one will die so I won’t have to choose.
The silver-haired boy blinked to see Kagome who seemed concerned. “You okay?” she asked.
“Uh, yeah. I was just…wondering what you were going to do when we beat Naraku and get the jewel.”
“Oh. Well I’ll probably go home and stay there.”
“I see,” he said quietly, but inwardly he was cheering and sobbing. On one hand, he definitely wouldn’t have to choose but on the other hand, he would never see Kagome again. He definitely considered her a friend and would like to keep seeing her.
Kagome hopped on her bike and the group resumed their travels, but her mind was on Inuyasha’s response. It had been unusually quiet and she wondered if her answer saddened him. Truthfully, the idea of saying goodbye to her friends for good was a terrible one, but this wasn’t her time and the whole point of this journey was to collect the jewel shards- period. Does Inuyasha not want me to leave for good? I mean, he is a friend, despite my feelings for him. But if the jewel is complete and a wish is made on it, I would need to make sure I returned home or else I’d be stuck here, which wouldn’t be so bad.
Shippo settled in the bike’s basket, noticing it seemed a little smaller than the last time he rode in it. Hmm, maybe I’m getting a growth spurt. Well, that’s life. I can’t stay small forever. I’ll eventually grow into a big, strong demon. A shame Kagome won’t see me grow up. His ears had heard the conversation between Inuyasha and Kagome and it saddened him to think he’d never see her again. I know she knows we’re her friends and that we’ll miss her, but she has family back home who miss her when she’s with us. I just gotta keep it together when she had to leave us for good.
“So, any new leads on Naraku?” Kagome asked as they traveled.
“None,” Sango answered. “Some demons chose to come after us for no reason other than we are looking for jewel shards.”
“Feh, fine with me,” Inuyasha spoke up. “I just get stronger with each one we beat.”
“Huh, you think they wouldn’t attack as you don’t have any shards as they’re with me,” Kagome said.
“Well, they don’t know that you live in another time,” Sango said.
“True enough.” The sound of sniffing caught her attention and she looked down to see Shippo leaning forward slightly and breathing deeply. “Shippo?”
“Mm. That smell,” he said softly. “I remember it. It is Foxes’ Delight.”
“Foxes’ what?”
“Delight. It’s a delicious berry that foxes love, almost rare to find.”
“Huh, well maybe we could pick some for you.” She saw Sango and Miroku nodding and Kagome added, “What do you think, Inuyasha?”
“Uh, yeah,” he said, sounding distracted. “Besides, I smell something enticing to me in the same direction.” He took off toward the smell with the gang behind him. It wasn’t hard to keep up with Shippo directing them with his nose.
Kagome couldn’t believe her eyes. It was a small wild garden that featured different varieties of flowers, berries, fungi, and plants. The dog half-demon was already chewing the leaves of a plant Kagome recognized as the sago palm, a plant dogs loved to eat. No wonder he found it enticing.
“Kagome! Over here!” called Shippo. She turned her attention to the fox who was surrounded by berries that bore a resemblance to raspberries save for the white spots on it. A pleasant scent rose from them. “So, this is Foxes’ Delight, huh?”
“Mm.” Shippo nodded as he chewed on one. He swallowed, licked his lips, and said, “They’re wonderful. Have one, Kagome.”
She plucked a berry while Shippo pulled out a cloth to collect them. She tentatively took a bite, chewed, and swallowed. Oh, wow! It is delicious. She finished the berry before gathering a cloth of her own and collecting more. “You’re right, Shippo. They’re wonderful. Try one, Sango. Miroku?”
“Uh, no thanks,” Sango said. Kagome saw her wrinkled nose and guessed it didn’t smell good to her. I guess that not all humans like the smell. That’s fine; to each his own. She returned to collecting berries, occasionally eating one as did Shippo.
Chapter Two- Side Effects
The smell of the berries still filled her nose despite them being wrapped up. Her mouth watered at the thought of them and the memories of eating them. She shook her head slightly. Is it possible that humans aren’t’ supposed to eat them? Are they irresistible to humans, addictive to where they can’t think of anything else?
“Kagome? You okay?”
Kagome blinked and looked at concerned green eyes. “I think so. For some reason, I can’t stop thinking about those berries. Is it possibly a side effect that affects humans who eat them?”
“I don’t think so. I couldn’t stop thinking about them when I ate one for the first time. Dad said that it was normal for fox demons.”
“Oh! So, it’ll go away?”
“Yeah, it will and you get used to the taste and not think about them.”
“Great. Is it normal to smell them even when wrapped up?”
Shippo frowned. “It is for demons, but not for humans. Perhaps, that could be a side effect: A sensitive nose.”
Kagome smiled, slightly relieved. “Well, that’s interesting. Maybe you or Inuyasha could teach me how to use it.”
“I’d be happy to tech you.”
Kagome ruffled his hair. “Thanks, Shippo.”
The teenager focused on her riding, but Shippo thought back on their conversation. Kagome not being able to stop thinking about the berries and developing a sensitive nose concerned him. He had never heard of humans eating Foxes’ Delight and he was worried that it could affect Kagome in some awful way. But if a sensitive nose is all that happens, that’s not so bad.
Kagome focused on the road in front of her, driving the berries from her mind. However, that didn’t keep her nose from taking in the different scents that wafted up to her. So many smells, some she was sure she had never smelled before and others she could smell but were now sharper. Some examples of the former were the smell of fox which she didn’t take long to realize that it was Shippo; she also smelled Inuyasha who was a good distance from the group; and some flowers that were far from the path. It seems I’ve already figured out how to identify scents. That’s…
Suddenly Kagome came to a stop at the same time Inuyasha did. Both of them plus Shippo sniffed the air. A demon! Kagome thought a second before Inuyasha drew his sword. Kagome hopped off the bike and grabbed her bow and arrows and her fellow humans prepared for battle.
“Kagome, do you sense a shard nearby?” Sango asked.
Kagome focused on her ability and then shook her head. “No. I think this approaching demon senses our shards.”
“Well, he won’t get them,” Inuyasha said.
Trees snapped into pieces as the demon came into view. It was tall, but not terribly so, only eight to ten feet tall. It had the features of a dragon complete with wings and a tail. It laughed in an adult male voice before demanding, “Give me your jewel shards!” He lunged forward and the group leaped to avoid the charge.
“Not gonna happen!” Inuyasha snapped. The demon focused on him and flapped his wings, creating powerful gusts that prompted him to use Tetsusaiga as an anchor. He thrust the sword into the ground and held on tightly. The demon laughed at preventing Inuyasha from striking. He didn't see Kagome zip up behind him, faster than a human ever could. She fired an arrow that bounced off its hard body, but it was enough to grab his attention. He turned toward Kagome, not realizing she was a distraction to allow Sango to throw her weapon. It sliced a limb off and the demon roared in pain as both girls vacated the area as Inuyasha utilized the Wind Scar to vaporize the demon. “Feh. That was easy,” the half-demon commented.
The group resumed their journey, but Kagome reflected on her part of the fight. She had moved into position faster than she ever had. Her speed had increased and she was certain it was the berries. I seem to be gaining the abilities of a demon. I’m not complaining, but it is odd. Has anyone else noticed?
Inuyasha quickly glanced back at Kagome who seemed lost in thought. He reflected on their quick battle and on Kagome’s part. She had moved far faster than a mere human could. The speed was more like a demon and he wondered why that was. He had seen her eat a few of the Foxes’ Delight berries but had been more interested in his own treat. Now he was beginning to wonder if they had a side effect on humans.
Is it giving her the abilities of a demon? More specifically, a fox demon as the berry is called Foxes’ Delight. Well, foxes and dogs aren’t too different. I could guide her in any abilities that come up.
Shippo too had noticed Kagome’s faster speed and suspected that his friend was gaining enhanced senses and speed. Senses, plural, as he was sure that she wouldn’t have just a sensitive nose. She was likely to have sensitive hearing and eyesight. Who knew a berry would affect her like this? How much of an effect will it have on her? Oh, I wish I hadn’t suggested she try one. Something’s happening and I don’t know what the end result will be. He whimpered slightly.
Kagome tilted her head. She had heard a sound come from Shippo- barely. It sounded like a worried whimper. “Shippo?” she asked softly, knowing the kitsune would hear her. He shifted around and she saw his eyes swimming with unshed tears as he looked at her. “Shippo, what’s wrong?”
“I’m worried about you. It’s obvious the berries are affecting you. You’re faster and have a sharper sense of smell. I’m sure you’ll get sharper hearing and sight. It’s my fault. I suggested you try one.”
Shippo had spoken so softly that only Kagome heard him. She smiled gently at him. “Shippo, it’s not your fault. I could have turned down your suggestion and chose not to try one. Whatever is happening is because I chose to try it. Really, improved senses is not a bad thing, especially if I have someone to teach me.”
Shippo’s tears dried up and his tail moved side to side slightly. “Yeah, it’s not a bad thing and I did say I would teach you.”
Kagome watched Shippo turn back around and felt like a deep connection had been forged between them. She wasn’t sure what if was, but it was likely something like a mother-son relationship.
Shippo is an orphan and even though I’m only a little older than him, I feel more like a mother to him than a sister. I can be an older sister as I do have a little brother at home who sometimes gets on my nerves the way Shippo and Inuyasha annoy each other. I rather like the idea of being Shippo’s surrogate mom. I don’t think he would mind.
Sango walked behind Kagome as did Miroku. The monk wasn’t trying to stroke her butt for once; he seemed deep in thought and seemed to be regarding Kagome like she was. “What do you think, Miroku?” she asked. “About Kagome, I mean.”
“Hard to say. I don’t think a human’s ever eaten Foxes’ Delight. If someone has, they don’t boast of it.”
“I noticed that Kagome was fast during the fight. It was demon speed, I’m sure of it.”
“That could be a side effect from the berry.”
“Or an eventual change into a fox demon.”
“Like Shippo or resembling an accrual fox?”
“Something in between, I think. A full fox form is the adult version. Kagome’s a fifteen-year-old girl.”
Miroku nodded. It made sense that it would be in between Shippo and an adult. But, that may not happen. Kagome may simply have the physical abilities of a demon and even then, it may only be temporary.
Chapter Three- Adopted
Kagome put a hand over her nose and mouth as she backed away. The incense Sango burned when smoking out a demon was unbearable to demons with sensitive noses and it turned out that even she couldn’t bear it now. My sense of smell is as sharp as a demon’s. Is it possible that I’ll become a demon? Kagome swallowed hard. She hadn’t really thought about that. Yes, she suspected of having the sharper sense and speed of one, but not actually becoming a demon. If I do, what kind would I be? Oh, wait. Since I ate Foxes’ Delight, I likely could end up being a fox like Shippo. I wouldn’t mind that. Kagome backed away further as she started to feel dizzy. She ended up next to Inuyasha and put a hand to her forehead.
“That stuff makin’ you dizzy too?” Inuyasha asked.
Kagome nodded. “It smells real bad, too. Of course I never knew that before.”
Inuyasha looked at her, shocked by her words. “You’ve got a sensitive nose, too? When’d that happen?”
“Not long after picking and eating the berries.”
“Kagome, I’m concerned that eating them is going to have a permanent effect on you.”
“I’m starting to consider that too. It’s likely I might become a fox demon.”
“Likely, but we’ll just have to wait. It could just be the senses and abilities of a demon. Either way, I would be willing to guide you in using them.”
“Oh, Inuyasha. I’m sorry but Shippo already offered to help.”
“Shippo!? Why accept his help? I’m older and more qualified to help.”
“If I do become a fox, I will need Shippo’s help.”
The pair lapsed into silence and Shippo stared at the ground, eyes unfocused. I didn’t think of her becoming a fox demon. If that’s what happens, then it’s no wonder humans shouldn’t eat them. Plus, Kagome has a point: If she does become a fox, she will need my help in teaching her fox magic. I imagine her training as a priestess will make it easier for her to learn.
Kagome shifted slightly as the group ate and talked in the room they were given as thanks for the demon extraction. Her eyes and ears had gotten sharper and there was a pain in her backside. That could be my tail, she thought. She winced a little as the muscles in legs hurt and her socks seemed to be getting smaller, her toes felt cramped. In addition, her ears and fingers itched.
Her socks seemed to push in on her toes further and she shed them which drew her friends’ attention. “Kagome?” Sango asked.
“My toes felt cramped,” she explained before wincing and rubbing the back of her claves. “My legs hurt too.”
“Is that all?” she asked gently.
Kagome shook her head. “My backside hurts and my ears and fingers are itching.”
Everyone came over to look her over. Sango gently kneaded the backside as she checked it. “Yes, there is definitely something here.”
Miroku checked her hands, the backs resting in his palms while Inuyasha looked at her ears. “Your nails seem longer than they were earlier today.”
“Her ears have points,” Inuyasha reported, gently running a finger over one.
Shippo inspected her feet and gave a gasp of surprise. “Her feet are becoming paws like mine.”
Kagome looked to see that Shippo was right. Her toes were shrinking and becoming fox paws that were the same color of her skin.
Kagome then gasped and a long black tail burst from her skirt. It wasn’t short and fluffy but still silky and soft. The tip flipped back and forth as Kagome exhaled from the pain of it growing out. “Oh, man. That wasn’t fun.”
“Well, it’s not over yet,” Miroku said, Kagome’s hands still cupped in his palms. He nodded at them. “Your nails are becoming claws.”
Kagome gasped at the pointed nails that were growing and felt her tongue brush against longer incisors. Oh boy, I just got fangs. Her ears began to burn as well as itch and it felt like they were moving. She felt her lower legs bend into fox legs and then it was over.
She put a hand to her head to steady herself and her clawed fingers brushed something soft. She moved her hand further up to feel it and realized it was an ear. I’ve got fox ears.
“Kagome, you look amazing,” Shippo said. He ran on his hands and paws over to the tail. He stroked it with his hands and then laid his head on it. “So soft,” he sighed.
Kagome smiled in amusement at Shippo’s actions. She had to admit, she rather liked her tail. She focused on moving the end of it and it responded, draping itself over the young fox who seemed to be drifting off to sleep. The others brought Kagome her pillow and sheet, not wanting to wake Shippo. Kagome laid down so that she could be closer to the little fox. She heard him murmur softly before saying in a whisper, “Kagome.”
“Yes?” she responded in like.
“I could teach you fox magic.”
“I’d like that. Shippo, would you like to have me as a kind of mom?”
“I am protective of you and as I’m a fox demon now…”
Shippo smiled, eyes still closed. “Yeah. I’d like to call you mom.”
“Good.” Kagome smothered a yawn as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Shippo finally truly slipped off to sleep, smiling at having a new mom.
Inuyasha laid by the door, his eyes on the sleeping foxes. He had to admit that Kagome was a pretty fox; prettier than Kikyo. Kagome will also live longer since she’s a demon now. Her body will heal quicker and won’t requires souls to live. I could give myself to her, tell her how I feel. She’ll be happy that I’ve made a choice.
Sango also focused on Kagome and Shippo. The girl had become a lovely fox and now it was clear what happens when humans eat Foxes’ Delight: they turn into fox demons. Well, we can’t reverse it as I haven’t heard of a remedy for eating the berry. We will just have to make the best of it and Kagome will have to become comfortable being a fox and of her new powers. I wonder if she can still sense jewel shards.
Kagome opened her eyes and at first was confused about the black furry thing Shippo was lying on and then it came back: That was her tail for she was a fox now. She looked at her claws and then brought one to an ear. The novelty of the change was staring to wear off and mild panic began to set in. Oh, man. I’m a demon. There’s no way I can go to school like this!
A yawn caught her attention and she looked to see Shippo awake and stretching. His eyes blinked open and he smiled at her. “Hi, mom,” he said quietly and then tilted his head. Kagome had a look of panic and worry that he had associated with her worrying about what she called tests. He crawled over to her upper leg. “What’s wrong?”
“Shippo, I can’t go to school like this.” She gestured at her body.
“Actually, you could. Remember, I sometimes change my form. I looked like you once.”
“Try twice,” Inuyasha countered. “Only the last time didn’t work so well.”
“How come?” As far as Kagome knew, Shippo’s transform move was practically flawless.
“His tail was still visible.”
“Oh. Shippo, could you teach me Transform?”
“I sure can and other tricks, too.”
“Great.” Kagome stood and swayed on her paws. Her heels had moved up so she was on the pads of her paws. I have so much to learn, but at least I can learn and master Transform. She slowly followed the fox kit outside to begin training, unaware that Inuyasha was watching her leave, his eyes admiring her while his mind raced with how to tell her how he felt.
Chapter Four- Fox Magic
Kagome turned the leaf over in her hand. “You put this on your head and focus on the magic inside you?”
“That’s pretty much it. Watch.” Shippo put a leaf on his head and said, “Fox Magic! Transform!” There was a puff of smoke and Shippo took on the form of a human boy. It was a complete change; no sign of a tail.
“That’s great, Shippo. If I didn’t know, I would think you were just a normal boy.”
Shippo popped back to normal. “Thanks. Thing is, I can’t do it for long; just enough to escape. But, you might be able to.”
“If it can last for hours, that’ll be enough.” She put the leaf on her head and focused on her new power and what she wished to look like. Smoke obscured her from view before it cleared to show a human Kagome. She looked at her hands, felt ears on the side, and saw human feet. She smiled. “I did it.”
“Uh, not quite.” Shippo pointed and Kagome looked back to see her tail. She sighed and popped back to normal. “Obviously, I need practice.”
“That was good for your first time. Don’t worry, Mom. Practice makes perfect, right?”
Kagome managed a smile. “Right. I’ll keep trying and eventually I’ll get the hang of it.”
“Shall we head out then?” came Miroku’s voice and the pair turned to see their friends ready to leave. Kagome got on her bike and Shippo sat in the basket. Kagome put her paws to the pedals and found she could pedal the same as before. The less things change, the easier it’ll be for me to be a demon. I can still use my bike so I don’t mind having paws instead of feet. Having sharper senses is cool and makes it easier having fox ears thought I wonder why I have them and Shippo doesn’t.
“Shippo, why are my ears different from yours?”
“Because you’re older. When I get to age thirteen, I’ll have fox ears and my tail will get longer too. When I become an adult, I’ll look like Father.”
The image of a long fox appeared in her mind and realized that she would look that way too. “You could still change, right?”
“Oh, yeah. We can shift to look like you do now.”
Kagome felt relieved. She wouldn’t be stuck in actual fox form. She could still change to her current form. I still have to learn Transform so I can go to school. Though, it would be cool to use fox fire.
The six of them traveled for hours before deciding to rest for a little. Kagome brought out food and Shippo cheered when given the candy bag. After some food, Kagome and Shippo practiced Transform some more. She still couldn’t achieve a flawless change or make it last long, but just being able to do it was enough of an achievement. Kagome sat down after several attempts and drank some water. Shippo says I’m doing good considering I became a demon just last night. Maybe just a couple more days and I’ll nail it.
The volume was low, almost a whisper, but her ears picked it up. She looked over to see Inuyasha. He was looking at her with a soft gentle expression in his eyes. She had seen that look once before; just before Kikyo had been resurrected. “Yes?” she asked, also in a low voice.
He crouched down. “I…uh, I…you…you look really pretty as a fox. I mean it.”
“Uh, thanks.” Kagome had a feeling that wasn’t what he wanted to say. She saw him look away, seemed to be composing himself, and then he took her clawed hand in his.
“I want you instead of Kikyo,” he said in a rush. “You are strong of spirit and body, know what you want, not afraid to say what’s on your mind. I know I had to choose and well, don’t take it the wrong way, but you becoming a demon made up my mind.”
“Inuyasha,” she said, a bit touched by his words. She felt her tail move side to side as she smiled at him. He had chosen her over Kikyo! Yes, her becoming a demon may have played a part in his decision, but that was fine with her. He knows how I feel about him. I show it whenever I yell at him about sneaking off to see her. If I didn’t love him, it wouldn’t bother me that he meets with her secretly, though his expressions make it clear that he saw her.
Kagome’s smile after his confession told him that she did indeed love him and was happy he admitted his feelings. Her swishing tail was also a strong indicator of her happiness.
“Does this mean you’re going to be like a father?”
Inuyasha startled as Shippo got between them and was giving the half-demon a stern look. “A-a father!?” he repeated.
“Yeah. Kagome asked if she could be a kind of mother to me and I said yes. So, if you’re going to court her or something, you’re going to need my permission.”
“Permission?” Inuyasha sputtered as Kagome put a hand to her mouth to smother a laugh. Her hand dropped when her boyfriend started giving Shippo a double noogie.
“Sit boy!” she snapped out and he hit the ground.
“You’re Shippo’s mom?” Sango asked as they resumed their search.
“Kind of, yeah. I was already protective of him so I figured I ask.”
“I saw you and Inuyasha talking earlier, too.”
“Oh.” Kagome blushed and looked away. “He…chose me over Kikyo. Part of it is because I’m a demon now.”
“Kagome! That’s wonderful. I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks, Sango.”
“So, Kagome’s the one you’ve chosen?” Miroku asked.
“She is. She’s prettier than Kikyo and stronger now. I don’t have to worry about her not being able to handle herself. I like strong capable women.”
“She certainly can handle herself; more so when she masters her fox magic. I too like capable women.”
“So, you do like Sango,” Inuyasha said slyly.
“I didn’t say a name!”
“You didn’t have to. I’ve seen how you look at her. I’m not as oblivious as I act or seem."
“Well, I do like her, but if I commit myself to her, I may end up missing out on the woman who is meant to bear my child.”
“You’re hopeless, monk.”
“Perhaps. I heard Kagome’s become a mother to Shippo.”
“She’s always been protective of him and her being a fox like him just seems natural, I guess.”
“It would. I understand a mother’s instinct to protect her child can be fierce.”
Inuyasha grimaced. “So can a child when watching out for the parent. I have to be nice to Shippo if I want time alone with Kagome or to even get near her.”
Miroku chuckled. “Really, now? Perhaps they are more suited to be a family than I thought. Both are protective of the other.”
“No kidding.” Inuyasha lapsed into silence as they kept walking. He had been a bit more emotional today and he knew why: The new moon was tonight. He would be human tonight and he tended to be alone those nights or just being alone with Kagome. But if Shippo’s around practically all the time how can I get real personal time with her? I could ask Shippo to get lost but in a nice way. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do as that is easy.
Kagome’s eyes landed on Inuyasha. The new moon’s tonight. It kind of explains his emotional confession. I wonder if he’ll still want to be alone with me. Well, I’ll find out tonight.
Chapter Five- Family
“Fox fire!” Shippo flung a hand at the wood of their campfire. The timber caught but the fire quickly died out.
“It didn’t stay lit,” Kagome noted.
“I’m not strong enough. Most of my attacks are for making an escape. That is what we’re known for: Escaping.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“You wanna try, Mom?”
“Sure.” Kagome caught the small smiles on the humans’ faces at hearing Shippo call her Mom. It felt good for Shippo to call her that and she could see herself staying here, raising Shippo, and having a life with Inuyasha. “Fox fire!” she said, her hand aimed at the wood. It caught fire and stayed lit. “I did it!”
Inuyasha sat away from the group as was his usual thing. Sleeping outside required a fire and Kagome asked Shippo to teach her fox fire. She must have a lot of strength, using Transform and fox fire in one day. It’s like I told Miroku: I like strong women.
The now human boy glanced back to see Kagome approach. “So, how did the fire go?” he asked as she sat.
“Great. I lit the wood.”
“That is great. Shippo must be proud.”
“He is. I just wish I could get Transform down pat.”
“You will. It’s only been one day.”
“You’re right. I’ll keep practicing.”
Inuyasha nodded as his eyes drifted up to her ears. They were longer than his own but seemed just as soft. I’d like to feel them. Feh. Must be a human thing.
Kagome tilted her head at the boy’s stare. “Inuyasha? You okay?”
“I’d…I’d like to feel your ears,” he blurted out.
Kagome blinked. Well, I can’t blame him for that. Mom and I touched his ears, so it’s only fair that he touch mine. “Go ahead,” she said, her head still tilted.
Inuyasha reached up to one of the ears. His fingers brushed the back before moving back and forth across the back. He was soon scratching it and he heard Kagome sigh. “That feels good,” she said.
“It does?” He kept scratching.
“Mm. Yeah.”
“Nice to know. Your ears are as soft as they look.”
“Yours are too. I wouldn’t mind if you touched them once in a while.”
“You can touch mine just as often. It’ll be a term of affection for us and when we’re alone.” He dropped his arm.
“I’d like that- a lot.” Kagome leaned her head on Inuyasha’s shoulder and sighed softly.
The feel of her head on his shoulder gave him an odd feeling of comfort. He experienced a wide range of human emotions on the new moon and a few emotions the rest of the time. He often envied full demons who didn’t have any qualms about anything they did and he tried to be like them. However, when Tetsusaiga had been broken and his demon blood took over, he had come to the realization that he was happier being half-demon. Plus, Kagome liked him the way he was.
I liked Kagome the way she was, too. Now she’s a demon, but it would seem that only her body’s changed. She is still the same girl I met. Wait. What about…?
“Kagome, what is your family going to think about this?”
He had to turn his head quickly to avoid getting poked in the eye by an ear as Kagome sat up straight. “Oh my gosh. That’s right. I’ll have to tell them.”
“I’ll go with you, if you like.”
“Thanks, Inuyasha. I’d appreciate that.”
Kagome and Inuyasha dismounted from Kirara a day later. “Thanks, Kirara,” Kagome said. “We’ll be back tomorrow morning.” The cat demon nodded before taking flight as Kagome and Inuyasha leaped into the well.
Kagome climbed up the rope ladder while Inuyasha simply leaped up out of the well. Kagome emerged from the well and the pair left the well’s shrine. The female fox admired her family’s grounds as they moved toward the house. It looked so normal, it was hard to believe there was a magical portal to the past that only she and Inuyasha could access. She felt her tail brush against her legs and it reminded her that this wasn’t a normal return home. She led the way to the front door, but couldn’t bring herself to open it. I’m afraid of what they’ll think, she realized.
“Just open it. They’ll understand,” Inuyasha said, taking hold of her hand. Kagome slowly exhaled before opening the door. “Hello,” she called as they entered and she closed the door. “I’m back and Inuyasha’s here too.”
“Inuyasha!?” came the voice of Sota before said boy came rushing into view. He came to a stop when he saw his sister. “Kagome? What happened to you?”
Her mom and grandpa came into the hall looking happy, but when they saw Kagome, their expressions became shocked ones. “Kagome?” her mom asked in slow shock.
“It’s me, Mom. I ate a berry called Foxes’ Delight and I became a fox demon.”
There was silence before Sota said, “I guess that means no more school, huh?”
“Not necessarily. I’ve been learning fox magic. One is changing my appearance, but I haven’t mastered it yet.”
“Fox magic?” Sota repeated.
Kagome nodded as she pulled out a leaf, put it on her head, and focused with all her heart. Smoke engulfed her and when it passed, she looked like her old self.
“Kagome, you did it. No tail, no ears, nothing.”
Kagome looked and smiled. “I did do it. Now I just need to know how long it lasts. I’m hoping it lasts enough so I can go to school.”
“Why did you put a leaf on your head?” Sota asked.
“It is the will of the Fox Demon King,” Grandpa said before Kagome could answer. “For he had committed an offense to a powerful priest who put a magical leaf on-,”
“That’s not it!” Inuyasha snapped.
“Grandpa, it’s more of a part of nature as foxes, badgers, and other forest demons use them as part of their magic,” Kagome added.
“So, that’s it,” Mrs. Higurashi said as she herded the group to the family room.
“It is. Mom, you don’t mind that I’m a demon do you? I had no idea that eating that berry would change me.”
“Of course, I don’t mind. You’re still my Kagome and I still love you.”
“Speaking of love,” Kagome said. “Inuyasha recently told me he loves me.” She smiled at the half-demon who blushed slightly at her words.
“You are in love?” Sota gasped.
Kagome nodded happily. “Also, a fox demon child travels with us and I just kind of adopted him.”
“Oh, how sweet of you. Tell me about him,” Mrs. Higurashi said.
“Well, his name’s Shippo and both of his parents are dead. He is sweet, at least to me. He used to see me as an older sister and Inuyasha as an older brother. He’s become kind of protective of me since I became his mother.”
“It sounds like he adores you. And does he like you, Inuyasha?”
“As much as a brother can. He insists I ask for his permission to court Kagome.”
There was gentle laughter as Mrs. Higurashi said, “Children tend to be protective of parents from time to time just as parents are protective of them.”
Chapter Six- New Life
Kagome huffed and her tail twitched angrily as she, Inuyasha, and her family headed for the well’s shrine the next morning. Kagome was upset as her Transform only lasted for four hours, not long enough to go to school. She had been reluctantly forced to conclude that she would have to drop out of school.
Mrs. Higurashi hugged her at the well’s edge. “I’ll claim that you are attending a boarding school and get your records from school. But, please continue to visit.”
“Of course, Mom,” she said and sighed as her mother scratched behind her ears.
Sota took the opportunity to look at Inuyasha and say, “You better treat her right.”
“Feh, as if I wouldn’t.” Inwardly, Inuyasha was annoyed with being warned to be nice to Kagome. He had been supportive since she became a demon, which was a bit unusual for him. I rather like being nice to her and as I think of her as my mate, it would be the thing for me to do. Kagome pulled out of her mother’s hug, took the hand he offered, and the two returned to the feudal era.
Once they had touched down, Inuyasha pulled Kagome close and began scratching an ear. She smiled as she reached up to scratch one of his. There was a content sound that she was sure very few people heard.
“This is nice,” he said as they stopped scratching.
“It is,” she agreed. Both leaped up and out of the well to see no one around. Kagome perched herself on the edge while her mate stood on the edge. “I guess they slept in or are still traveling,” she said.
Inuyasha nodded. “You’re not too upset about not going to school, are you?”
“No, but I still would have wanted to go. On the other hand, I don’t have to worry about studying for tests.”
“Yeah. I thought those tests would give you gray hairs from stressing out so much.”
“Look who’s talking,” she teased.
“It’s natural,” he protested without heat. Both laughed.
Then they sniffed the area as a scent floated to them. Kagome recognized it as a fox demon, but it wasn’t Shippo. This was another fox and she recognized something else. “He’s got a jewel shard,” she said.
“Interesting,” Inuyasha said as he jumped down and flexed his fingers. “I love it when they come to us.”
The scent grew stronger and then the demon emerged. He was at least six feet tall with a fox’s muzzle, tail, ears, and paws for feet. His gold eyes eyed the pair before locking onto Kagome. As he approached in a non-threatening manner, she spied the glow of the shard in his forehead, a typical place for a shard to be.
The fox reached Kagome, his nose flaring as he crouched down. “Hmm, you are a young one,” he rumbled. “No children, excellent. You are also lovely and would make a fine mate.”
Kagome gave a small squeak and Inuyasha said, “Back off, pal! She’s my mate.”
“You?” The fox laughed. “Why in the world would a demon like her want to be the mate of a half-breed like you and a dog at that?”
“Because I like him and choose to be with him,” Kagome retorted. “Inuyasha, the forehead!”
“On it,” he answered, intuiting what she meant. “Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!” Inuyasha lashed out with his claws and shredded the demon into pieces. A glow appeared and Inuyasha seized it before opening his hand to reveal a shard which he added to the bottle Kagome kept on her. “Well, one less to search for.”
Kagome nodded. “Am I gonna keep attracting fox demons?”
“Possibly; unless you’re marked so they won’t bother you.”
“You mean like being bitten?” she asked in a tone that suggested she didn’t like that idea.
“Some demons do that. I have a different idea. Three scratch marks right here.” He touched the back of her left shoulder. “The scent of my claws will be transferred to the mark and tell others that you’re unavailable. It wouldn’t be actual scratches, just a mark.”
“Oh. Well, in that case.” Kagome maneuvered her top to expose the spot and turned around. “Go ahead.”
Inuyasha summoned his aura and ran three fingers down the back of the shoulder. Three red lines appeared and a bit of his aura went into them. “It’s done. This officially makes us mates.”
“That’s it? It didn’t hurt, just warm.” Kagome readjusted her top and turned to face him.
“Yeah, I didn’t want you to be in pain as you would have been from a mating bite.”
“That’s so sweet.”
He shrugged. “I have my moments.”
“Kagome! Inuyasha!” came Sango’s voice before the group appeared on Kirara’s back, Kagome’s bike with them.
Shippo practically launched himself from Kirara’s back before the cat landed and into Kagome’s arms. “Kagome! I missed you so much!”
“I wasn’t gone that long,” she laughed as the kit snuggled her. His nose picked up Inuyasha’s scent nearby though said half-demon wasn’t that close. His nose flared and found the scent behind his mom’s left shoulder. “Mom, did Inuyasha mark you?”
“Just now. You picked up on it, huh?”
“He didn’t bite, he implanted his aura to leave three lines there.”
“Oh. Then, that’s okay.” He jumped down.
“So, your family’s okay with you being a demon?” Miroku asked.
“They are. Oh, watch this!” Kagome used Transform to take human form.
“Oh! You mastered it,” Sango said.
“It doesn’t last long enough to go to school, only four hours.” Kagome dropped the change.
“So, no school?” Miroku asked.
“That’s right, but I will keep visiting.”
“Of course. No reason not to.”
“Kagome,” Sango spoke up. “I’ve been wondering. Can you still sense jewel shards?”
“I can. Inuyasha and I just got one before you showed up.”
“It came from a fox demon who was attracted to me as I hadn’t been claimed at that point.”
“Wait. You’ve been claimed?” Sango asked, as the conversation between her and Shippo had been quiet.
Kagome tapped her shoulder. “Right here. It’ll keep other demons from being attracted to me and it makes us official mates.”
“Yes, of course,” the demon slayer said. “Female demons tend to attract a lot of males until they’re claimed.”
“Hey, I just realized that Kaede and the villagers don’t know what happened,” Kagome said.
“Let’s go see them,” Shippo suggested. “I miss Kaede.” He got into the basket as Kagome got onto her bike and pedaled toward Kaede’s village. In just a couple of short days, she had become a demon, learned some magic, earned Inuyasha’s love, and been claimed by him. I think I’ll stay here and have the life I dreamed about: Raising Shippo and having a life with Inuyasha, my new mate.