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Supernatural Science

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gargoyles. Number II and the wolf are mine.

Chapter One- The Visitor

The Illuminati. A super-secret organization. Most of human society was not aware of its existence and its members did not speak of it except to other members and even that was done in secrecy. Matt Bluestone had spent years trying to expose the Illuminati and ended up joining their ranks. He couldn’t really complain as he ended up befriending the gargoyles. That friendship benefited them when their existence was revealed to Manhattan for Matt volunteered to be the head of NYPD’s Gargoyle Task Force. He made sure that no one actually investigated the rumor that the gargoyles were living at Xanatos’ castle. He merely stated that all leads were being investigated when in fact they were not.

His position as a detective and his membership in the Illuminati did not merge in any way as the latter was secret and their behind the scene movements were secret as well. Matt accepted that he was not important enough to be informed of the upper levels’ plans.

That all changed a little as Matt headed to his apartment after work. He approached his door and paused when he saw his old partner, Martin Hacker at his door. “Hacker,” he said neutrally as memories of their last encounter ran through his mind.

Hacker smiled. “I said I would see you around. May I come in?”

“Of course.” Matt fished out his key and opened the door. “I assume you have a reason for this visit?”

“I do.” Hacker inspected the apartment, closing windows and looking for cameras before he was satisfied that they were alone and secured. He turned to Matt. “Our higher-ups are developing a way to create the perfect super soldier and will be testing it soon. One lucky member will be selected for the honor.”

“A guinea pig, you mean.”

Hacker chuckled. “Oh no. That stage has already been done. This is a true honor that’s being offered. Imagine being able to survive anywhere in the world, thanks to a one-time injection. Most people would do anything for such an ability.”

“So, anyone could be chosen for this injection?” Matt asked.

“That’s right. Anyone, even you.”

“When will the lucky one be told?”

“He or she won’t be told. The injection will be given without he or she knowing it. Trust me, though. It will become clear within twenty-four hours after given the injection; of course that person may figure it out shortly after getting the injection.

“Well, I came to say what I needed to. I do have others I need to tell. See ya, Matthew.” Hacker tipped his head and let himself out of the apartment which Matt locked behind him.

Matt put up his coat and hat and changed into his pajamas, his mind on what he had just heard. An injection to make one a super soldier? Only one would be chosen which made Matt suspect that this was another test; after all if the first one was a disaster and had to be perfected then the one chosen was being used to see if it worked. After this test is over, then the Illuminati will give the final version to their actual soldiers once they’ve modified it more. Matt didn’t like the idea of possibly being a test subject. But if it works, I’ll be able to live anywhere. He shuddered a little at the thought. He shook his head as he climbed into bed and allowed his thoughts to turn to an odd twist that had occurred in his life: He, like Elisa, was in love with a gargoyle.

It hadn’t happened right away, not until Hunter’s Moon. He was relieved when Elisa had returned to work. She regaled him with stories of their travels on her first night back on duty. He listened with awe and asked to meet Angela who had joined Goliath, Bronx, and Elisa on their trip. Naturally, she said he could.

They clocked in early the next night and waited for the clan to awake. It was easy to pick out Angela as she was the only female. He had admired her stone form with its angles and curves before stepping back as the clan awoke and greeted the night.

Matt welcomed Goliath and Bronx home and Goliath introduced Angela to Matt, adding that she was his daughter. Elisa had told him that last night, but having Goliath say it had more of an impact on him as did Angela’s looks.

Elisa had recounted their adventure in Paris, so he knew that Demona was Angela’s mother, but he saw no resemblance to Demona. She did, however, look a good deal like Goliath. He had held out a hand to shake hers and when that happened, the two locked eyes, and Angela smiled. A smile that he found lovely and made him determined to get to know her better.

Thus, he dropped by before and after his shifts just to talk to her and what she told him was her life on Avalon and some of her sisters and brothers. He shared some parts of himself; including how he met the clan. Matt found Angela a charming female and he could tell that she had similar thoughts about him.

Matt wasn’t the only one who was interested in Angela. Broadway, Lexington, and Brooklyn were trying to win her affections and did so by telling her about what they had done in the city. Lexington boasted about his technological know-how, Broadway spoke of crimes he had stopped, and Brooklyn spoke about his general coolness and what he had done as second-in-command while Goliath and the others were on their travels. Matt could see Angela ending up falling for any one of them as they were gargoyles like her and roughly her age. This fact didn’t stop him from visiting her and her visiting him.

She dropped in on him three nights before Hunter’s Moon with that same lovely smile he had come to love. As soon as he let her in, she threw her arms around his neck and gave him a big hug.

“Well, this is a surprise,” he said when she released him. “You never hugged me before.”

“I was taught that hugs are for those who are family or someone you care deeply for,” she said, her cheeks reddening slightly. “I believe you fall in the second category.”

“I thought as much seeing as I’m not family.”

“Elisa’s considered part of the clan. I don’t see why you can’t be too.”

“That’s true.” He smiled at her and her cheeks turned even redder. “Are you all right?” he asked, concerned.

“Yes. I…I…” She took a deep breath. “Matt, I’m in love with you.”


She nodded. “Lex, Broadway, and Brooklyn are sweet but they don’t have what you have. I’m sure Goliath wouldn’t mind. I mean, I think he’s got feelings for Elisa.”

“I’m sure he does. Angela, I’m glad I got to know you and I developed strong feelings for you but I didn’t think you felt the same way. Seems I was wrong.”

“You mean…?” Angela gasped, her eyes full of hope.

Matt took her hands in his. “I love you too, Angela.”

Matt smiled into his pillow as he rolled onto his side. He hadn’t told anyone about Angela and he being a couple as their relationship was still new to them, but he knew that he should approach Goliath and tell him as well as get his approval. He knew that most fathers liked to be involved in their daughter’s love life as well as approve of her boyfriend. He was certain that gargoyles were the same in that regard.

Chapter Two- Seeking Approval

“Elisa, you plan on seeing the clan tonight?” Matt asked the next day.

“I usually do on my night off.”

“Could you pick me up? I’d like to see them too.”

“Really? I’d thought you’d spend the night studying crop circles or something.”

“Not that interesting anymore to be honest and your travels have given me a lot to think about.”

“Well, I’ll come by and pick you up.” Elisa hung up and frowned thoughtfully. Matt had been spending more time visiting the clan since she came back and with Angela in particular. He had joined Elisa in seeing them before and after their shifts but he usually only talked to Angela who seemed to love his attention.

They spent most of the time just talking to each other, kind of like how Goliath and I do. Elisa’s eyes widened as a thought struck her. Oh man. Could Matt and Angela be in love? I never thought about that as I had thought Angela was interested in Broadway. I think I’ll ask him on the drive over.

Elisa didn’t ask right away; instead she observed his behavior. He seemed eager and nervous, two emotions she usually did not see in him. She pulled up to the Eyrie Building, turned off the car, and said, “Matt, hold on a second.”

Matt looked over at her. “What’s up, partner?”

“I was thinking of how often you been visiting the clan since I came back and spent a lot of time talking to Angela.” Elisa gave Matt a level gaze. “Be honest, Matt. Are you and Angela a couple?”

Matt slowly let out a breath. “Yes. We are. She came by my place three nights before the Hunter’s Moon, gave me our first hug, and said she loved me. I really wanted to know her when we first met and I developed strong feelings for her. I had thought she loved one of the trio so I kept my feelings to myself until that night. We’ve told no one about us and I’m thinking of telling Goliath and getting his approval.”

Elisa didn’t react as Matt talked but when he finished a small smile appeared. “Matt, I’m happy for you. And Angela too. I had no idea you were in love.”

“Yeah. We did a good job at hiding it, but I think it’s time to let the clan know, starting with Goliath.”

Elisa and Matt stood on the tallest tower where Goliath slept and Matt leaned over the edge to see Angela and the others sleeping below him. He was nervous about speaking to Goliath about him and Angela, but it should go all right. He loves Elisa so he shouldn’t mind Angela and I being in love. Matt backed away as the sound of cracking stone filled the air as well as roars and a feline scream.

Goliath turned and jumped off his perch before taking Elisa in a hug. “Uh, Goliath? Matt has something to tell you,” Elisa said as they broke their hug.

Goliath turned to Matt, his mind already suspecting trouble. He liked that Matt was head of the Gargoyle Task Force as he made sure leads of their whereabouts went nowhere and he also told Goliath which parts of the city to avoid as the Task Force was looking for them. “What is it, Bluestone?”

“First, could you call me Matt instead?”

“All right,” Goliath said slowly.

“This isn’t easy for me to say but I feel I have to tell you.” Matt looked straight up at Goliath and squared his shoulders. “Angela and I are in love.”

Goliath was silent as he absorbed this news. He had no objections of Angela loving a human as he was in love with Elisa. Like father, like daughter as the humans would say, he thought. He also had no objection over who she loved. Matt had proven himself a loyal and trustworthy friend.

“How long have you been together?” he finally said.

“Shortly before the Hunter’s Moon,” was the prompt reply. “Though, I believe we both loved the other before that but never said it until that night.”

Goliath lapsed into silence again. He, like Elisa, had seen Matt and Angela spend a lot of time talking shortly after the Gathering adventure. He hadn’t considered that those talks would lead to love but then again, Elisa and he talked a good deal and became good friends within a year before falling in love. Therefore, there was no reason why Matt and Angela couldn’t fall in love in a shorter amount of time.

He focused on Matt who seemed concerned over Goliath’s silence. He gave a small smile. “I have no problem with Angela loving a human and she could not have chosen a better man.” He held out a hand and Matt took it in his own.

Angela alighted on the tower with joy on her face, having listened in on their conversation. “Really Father? You’re okay with this?”

Goliath laughed as he and Matt released hands and he turned to his daughter. “Yes. I cannot object as I love Elisa.” He looked over his shoulder at her with a soft expression. He looked back at Matt and Angela again. “It’s…clear that you make each other happy.”

Angela’s smile was brilliant as she went to Matt who took her in a hug. “You’re off tonight, right?” she asked.

“Right. So, what should we do tonight?”

“How about some food first?” came Broadway’s voice from below.

Both of them laughed before Matt said, “Actually, that sounds like a good idea.”

Goliath and Elisa watched the other couple head down the stairs before the latter said, “Hard to believe we didn’t notice earlier.”

“Yes. It is a good thing, though. They, like us, prove that our two races can live side-by-side.”

Elisa wholeheartedly agreed with Goliath. The city feared the gargoyles thanks to that news report and also because the gargoyles were unfamiliar to the people and looked frightening. It is as Goliath has often said. Humans fear what they don’t understand. I have interacted with the clan enough to know that they think and feel just like people. They are no different from us.

Angela allowed Matt to feed her a bit of food from his fork and both smiled gently at each other. They knew their antics were being watched by Hudson and the trio. Matt caught a small amused smile on Hudson’s face while the trio had looks of outright surprise or disappointment. He knew his announcement had come as a surprise and that it would take time for them to get used to them being together.

Broadway lowered his gaze to his plate. He had tried hard to get Angela to like him; really like him. Yes, Brooklyn and Lexington also tried hard but once Angela had made it clear that is something did happen, it would happen in its own time. Broadway kept at his pursuit but in a subtle way. He had felt that they had made a connection while possessed by Coldstone and Coldfire. But it was too late by then. She fell for Matt and he fell for her. I can see why she would. He didn’t openly try to win her affection. He just spoke to her often, got to know her just by talking. It could also be that she was raised by humans so she responds to Matt the way a human woman would. I’m disappointed, but I’ll get over it.

Chapter Three- Book Reading

Matt swallowed a bite of food before looking directly at the trio. “I imagine it was a surprise when I told Goliath about Angela and me. I’ll be honest. I thought she would pick one of you.”

“Why didn’t you?” Brooklyn asked Angela with curiosity.

“I like all three of you but you don’t have what Matt does. He’s special in a way I can’t explain and he makes me happy. I wasn’t sure if Matt would accept my confession when I dropped by that night. He told me that he had his true feelings because he thought I would choose one of you.”

Broadway smiled softly at her. “I just want you to be happy and if Matt makes you happy, that’s fine with me.”

“Same goes for me,” Lexington said and Brooklyn nodded in agreement.

“I appreciate that,” Matt said and almost choked when Angela put a forkful of food in his mouth.

“Oh, sorry!” she said as Matt grabbed his drink to ease the food down.

“It’s okay,” he said, voice cracking like one does after a choking or coughing fit. He took another drink and cleared his throat. “So, what do you do when you’re not patrolling?”

“Well, I do reading lessons and Angela sometimes keeps me company,” Broadway said.

“I mess around with my laptop,” Lexington piped up.

“I either read or watch TV with Hudson,” Brooklyn added. “Of course that’s if we choose to stay home.”

“And if you don’t?”

“We attend movies, concerts, or public appearances of TV actors. We have places in theaters where we can watch the movie without being noticed as well as places in the park and auditoriums," Broadway answered.

“Goliath sometimes visits Elisa,” Angela spoke up.

“How about we all do some reading?” Matt suggested, interested in what someone like Xanatos had for a library.

“That sounds nice,” Angela said. “You’ll love our library. It’s better than the one next to the clock tower.”

“I have no doubt of that.”

Matt roamed the shelves, looking at books at random. He heard Broadway reading out loud while the others read silently, thought he occasionally heard Angela as she assisted Broadway with a hard to pronounce word. He ran his fingers along the spines, not sure exactly what he wanted to red. He soon found a book on supernatural beings, removed it, and joined the others at the table. He turned to the table of contents and scanned it. He found the usual subjects: Vampires, werewolves, lake monsters, and forest spirits.

He chose the subject werewolves and turned to the section before settling down to read. He found the section thicker than vampires but shorter than the other subjects. He quickly found that the ways of becoming a werewolf varied as were the types of wolf, the effect of the full moon, and the many advantages and abilities.

“What are you reading?” Angela asked.

“Werewolves,” he answered. “It’s a more diverse subject than I thought.”

“Really?” Brooklyn said, more interested in the topic than his own book.

“Yes; for example getting bitten is not the only way to become a werewolf. There’s also ritual spells and a salve or oil with a wolf skin belt. Plus, none of these ways need to be on the full moon.”

“Then, the moon has nothing to do with becoming a werewolf?” Broadway asked, abandoning his lesson to join in the discussion.

“Oh, it does a couple of things. It traps the person in his or her wolf form all night and it could make him or her aggressive.”

“Her?” Angela repeated. “So both genders can be changed?”

“Oh, yes. The women are called wifewolves, though. It says the females can be just as aggressive and strong as the males.”

“The movies often depict the human having the senses, speed, and strength of the wolf while in human form and sometime pointed ears or nails,” Lexington piped in.

“Yes to the senses, speed, and strength but no to the ears, nails, or any physical sign. They are also able to heal quickly and take wolf from whenever they want or when angry.”

“A silver bullet kills them, right?” Broadway asked.

“Right. Also, any silver will render them weak and protect the wearer or holder from being attacked. Wolfsbane weakens them too. I forgot another advantage. They can talk in wolf form.”

“Heh, that book makes being a werewolf a good thing,” Brooklyn said.

“Depends on who the person is, I would think. If a bad person was changed, he or she would likely use it to kill people or bit them into a kind of criminal pack. A good person would likely keep to him or herself while enjoying the advantages and abilities he or she gained, the full moon, aggression, and anger aside.”

“How long would it be from the method to becoming a wolf?” Angela said.

“All of them can be done at any time and the transformation occurs with the fall of the next night. So, say I was bitten tonight. That means, I would officially become a werewolf the next night.”

“Almost twenty-four hours,” Brooklyn noted.

Matt nodded and then his eyes got an unfocused look as the comment struck a chord in his mind. That’s how long it would be for that injection Hacker mentioned. Suppose it’s a werewolf formula. Matt mentally shook himself. No, that’s not possible, but then again this is the Illuminati. They have the means to create the impossible. I’ll just have to wait and hope I’m not chosen for the injection whatever it is and whatever it does.

Angela saw the look in Matt’s eyes and wondered what he was thinking. She didn’t want to ask with the guys around in case it was something private. Then again, it could be nothing, she thought as Matt went back to his book. But, I’ll ask later anyway, she decided as she, Brooklyn, and Lexington resumed reading their books and Broadway started his reading lesson again.

“Matt?” Angela asked a couple of hours later as they strolled in Xanatos’ garden with its trees, grass, and man-made stream. “Your eyes seemed unfocused in the library earlier. Why?”

Matt sighed. “I had a visit from my ex-partner, Martin Hacker when I got home from work this morning. He told me that the Illuminati created a kind of super soldier injection and that one member will be chosen for it. The purpose is that the person would be able to survive anywhere in the world. He or she won’t be told if they’re chosen and they’ll know if it was them within twenty-four hours.”

“How could they not know if they’re being stuck with a needle?”

“They’re the Illuminati. They will inject without the chosen one’s knowledge.”

“I suppose so. Wait, the twenty-four hour wait. That’s why your eyes were unfocused. Brooklyn’s comment brought that visit back to you.”

“Right. I’m not sure if I’ll be chosen and honestly, I don’t want to.”

“I’d rather be told than have it done without my knowledge.”

“Same here. Angela, I scheduled some time off for this coming weekend and I’d like to spend it with you.”

“I’d like that. I’m going to ask Goliath to join you during your shift tomorrow night.”

“I’d might be staying in the station, but I like the idea that you would be nearby,” he said with a smile.

Chapter Four- Attacked

A group of six men in hoods and robes sat at a round table in a dark, secret room. The only source of light came from an unseen source situated above the table. A man with a medallion on his cloak bearing the Roman numeral I said, “It is time to use our injection on one of our members. After some consideration, I have decided that Detective Matthew Bluestone will be the chosen one. Sources have told me that he will be on duty tonight and then on a short vacation for the weekend. The timing is excellent as this will give Detective Bluestone time to test his super powers. Is our assistant ready for tonight?”

“He is and seems eager for his task,” said another man with the Roman numeral II on his medallion.

“Then head out with him and keep tabs on Detective Bluestone. Do what is necessary to get him alone and then strike.”

“Yes, sir.” Number two rose and strode from the room to put on civilian clothes, gather the injection and his assistant. Together, we will succeed and if anyone else gets in the way, they will share in the detective’s fate. Thanks to our sources, I know that the detective will be doing paperwork at the police station and that he tends to take his breaks in the ruined clock tower above the station. That is where I will place my assistant.

Matt shuffled the papers on his desk, sorting them into piles. He found being head of the Gargoyle Task Force to be trying at times. There had been nights where he longed to declare to all that he knew the gargoyles weren’t evil and just wanted to live peacefully with the humans. But, he knew he couldn’t do that; he would be removed from his position as head of the Task Force and someone else would be in charge, someone anti-gargoyle no doubt.

He picked up a paper on yet another suspicion that the gargoyles were hiding out in Xanatos’ castle. He scribbled in the notes that this lead had been investigated and no gargoyles were found. He put it in his folder of leads and looked at a claim of a gargoyle sighting. He looked at when this sighting supposedly happened and knew it was false…maybe. He knew the clan had not been near the encounter site, but it could have been Demona. He didn’t see why she would, but resolved to question her at her company when she was human and less dangerous.

He put the claim into another folder and stretched. He had been doing paperwork for hours and felt he deserved a break. He looked at his watch and saw it was time for a break. And I know what I want to do with it.

He lifted up the folded edge of his coat that hid the communicator. “Angela?” he said into it.

“I’m here,” she replied.

“I’m on break and coming up to see you.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

Matt concealed the tiny microphone before leaving his office. He made it seem as if he was heading to the break room when he was really heading for the damaged clock tower where Angela was. It had taken a lot of talking to convince Goliath to let Angela be near Matt while he worked. Matt said he would be working on paperwork and that Angela could stay in the tower as no one else would come up there. He agreed to the plan.

Angela had been hiding behind some debris, but when Matt appeared, she came out of hiding with a smile and gave him a hug. “I don’t think I could be happier than I am right now,” she said.

“I’m sure you could be happier in the future. For example, if the city accepted gargoyles instead of fearing them.”

Her smile grew. “That would be a dream come true.”

“I look forward to that time as does Elisa.” He smiled at her, unaware of the hidden man and his assistant. This lack of awareness ended when a piece of rubble was deliberately disturbed by the hidden man as he slipped downstairs without notice.

The pair turned in the direction of the sound to see shadows shifting before a wolf stalked out toward them. Angela instinctively put Matt behind her as the wolf crept closer, a low growl in his throat. Angela gave a growl of her own before charging at the wolf, intent on leading him away so Matt could escape. Her own escape would be easy: Just jump out of the tower and glide away. She plowed into the wolf and the two rolled around on the floor. The wolf was stronger than she had anticipated and did her best to keep his teeth and claws away from her throat. She then screamed when she felt the wolf’s teeth pierce her skin.

“Angela!” Matt exclaimed, too mesmerized by the fight to even think about escape. The wolf, drawn by his outburst, released Angela, leaped toward Matt, jumped up, and bit his arm too. Matt cried out as the wolf released and raced down the stairs to where Number two was, having blown a dog whistle designed to call the wolf back to him. He seized the collar and led his assistant out a back door and into a waiting limo.

“Angela, are you all right?” Matt asked as she rose to her feet.

“Yeah. A day in stone sleep will heal it. Are you all right, though?” She pushed up his coat sleeve and then his shirt one to expose the bite.

“It’s not deep,” he said. “Not like yours.” He also noticed that both bites were on their left arms.

“Odd to find a wolf up here,” she said, pushing the encounter’s aftermath aside.

“Odd, but I don’t think it was a coincidence. It was here for a purpose,” Matt said.

“Purpose?” Angela repeated before her eyes widened. “The injection.”

Matt nodded. “I’m willing to bet that the wolf carried it in his bloodstream and made his saliva the carrier of the formula. Apparently, I was chosen.”

“Will it work on gargoyles?” Angela asked, concerned.

“I don’t know. It’s possible as gargoyles and humans aren’t really all that different.” He gave a humorless chuckle. “Who knows? The injection could change one into a gargoyle at night for a few straight nights before one can control the change.”

“That wouldn’t be so bad,” Angela said. “If that’s what it is, I would be happy to give you gliding lessons.”

“I would hope so and some landing lessons so I don’t crash land,” he quipped and Angela giggled. Both seriously hoped the injection did make Matt a gargoyle at night and left Angela unscathed.

Number two entered the semi-dark room and took his sea at the table, his thoughts on what had happened tonight.

“Your report, Number two?” Number One prompted.

He cleared his throat. “The injection was administered to the wolf and he bit Detective Bluestone. He also bit a gargoyle. The female, Angela.”

The other men at the table exchanged looks at this unexpected development. Finally, Number Five said, “Will the injection work on a gargoyle?”

“It should,” Number One said. “Mr. Xanatos has said that there is little difference between a human and a gargoyle emotional and mentally-wise. In any event, the gargoyle will prove an interesting test case and Detective Bluestone will prove that our formula is perfect and it will bring us closer to world domination.” Number One laughed in triumph and so did the others.

Chapter Five- Super Abilities

Matt roused himself around midday and staggered to the bathroom. He looked at his pale face in the mirror and moaned softly. He didn’t feel too good but he seemed well enough. Obviously, this is a side effect of the injection, he thought as he brought out a first-aid kit to re-dress his wound. He felt a twinge of envy that Angela’s wound would be gone when she awoke tonight. He got out fresh bandages and ointment and then began to remove the old bandages. The bandages fell away and Matt’s mouth dropped. His wound was gone!

The injection. It has to be. The Illuminati’s super soldier would need to heal fast; make them harder to beat. Matt put the bandages and ointment back in the kit and proceeded to get ready for his time with Angela. He nicked himself while shaving and blotted away the blood before seeing the cut close up and vanish. A small smile appeared. Well, I guess the only way to really take me down would be to break a limb or my neck. Yeah; a broken neck would kill me and I can’t heal if I’m dead.

He packed a bag to take to the castle as he planned to spend the weekend there, got a bite to eat, and then left the apartment. He drove to the Eyrie and was greeted by Xanatos who showed him to a room personally. As Matt unpacked, Xanatos commented, “Angela told the clan about last night. Naturally, I listened in.”

Of course, Matt thought. Out loud, he said, “I don’t suppose you have any more idea of this injection than I do.”

“None. Have you experience anything unusual yet?”

“Yes. I heal quickly. My bite wound is gone and when I nicked myself shaving, the cut healed.”

“Impressive and not unexpected.”

“True. I likely just have super strength, super speed, and longer endurance. The kind of abilities one would want in the ultimate soldier.”

“But none of that would help in surviving anywhere in the world,” Xanatos pointed out.

“Yes, that’s true. It’s possible that the formula gave me a protection from the elements that cannot be detected.”

“Possible, yes. Would you like to test that? I do have a large walk-in freezer in the kitchen.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Matt followed Xanatos to the kitchen and toward the freezer. He went inside and Xanatos closed the door behind him. Matt stood there, watching his breath plume in front of him, but he was soon shivering and called to be let out.

“It seems that protection from the elements was not part of the injection,” Xanatos said as Matt blew into his hands to warm them.

“So it seems. I think I’ll test strength, speed, and endurance.”

The strength test was easily done. Matt held a piece of stone in his hand and was able to crush it into pieces and dust. He then found he could bend metal, throw rock and metal further than normal, and kick those same materials far too.

Matt chose to test speed and endurance by running laps in the garden. He ran dozens of laps and noticed that his surroundings were a blur and he was only a little out of breath when he stopped. I am definitely stronger, faster, and have more endurance. I wonder if Angela gained any of these abilities. Well, gargoyles are naturally stronger, but speed, endurance, and faster healing could have been gained. He checked his watch. I better hurry, it’s almost sunset. He smiled in amusement as he sped off for the clan’s roosts.

All seven had chosen to sleep on the tallest tower and Elisa was also there. She turned upon hearing Matt’s footsteps and once he had fully emerged, she said, “Matt. Goliath told me about last night. Are you all right?”

“You know, I feel great considering.”

“Really? You seem pale.”

“Probably a side effect. I really do feel better than I have in my life.” His eyes darted to his mate and the bandage on her arm. “I’ve found that I heal quickly, have faster speed, more endurance, and have gotten stronger. I wonder if she gained the same one, minus the strength part.”

The sun vanished from the sky and the first sounds of cracking stone was heard, but a burning pain washed over Matt and he fell to his knees, moaning. He heard Elisa say his name in alarm followed by Angela before he heard Angela moan in pain as well.

Matt breathed fast and hard, wondering what was happening to him and Angela. He forced open his eyes which he had closed in pain and saw fur as red as his hair growing on the backs of his hands while his fingers shrank away and his nails grew out into claws.

Stunned, he looked over at Angela to see that her wings were gone and black fur was sprouting over her body while her tail shortened and became furry. He gasped as he felt his bones crunching, popping, and some were reshaping themselves.

Angela stared at Matt as his hands became paws and red fur was growing over his body which had grown larger as his muscles enlarged. She knew the injection was the cause of their change and she recalled how concerned Goliath had been when she came home injured and told him what had happened. She felt her mouth and nose itch and crossed her eyes to see them stretching out and forming a muzzle. It looks like a dog’s snout…or a wolf’s! She gasped as her bones reconfigured themselves and her ears felt like they were moving upward. She heard the howl of a male wolf and felt an urge to answer it. She tilted her head back and howled too.

“Angela?” Goliath asked cautiously into the silence that had fallen after the howls.

She turned and looked up with gold eyes. “Goliath?” she replied.

“You can still talk,” he said in relief.

Angela exhaled gently. “I can still talk because I am a wifewolf and talking is what they and werewolves do.” She turned to look at Matt.

He nodded. “Yeah. It’s all in this book in Xanatos’ library.”


Matt sat while Angela paced in the courtyard where Goliath and Broadway had brought them before Elisa left for work and the clan either went on patrol or the library to peruse the book Matt had mentioned. “I can’t say I’m happy about this,” she said. “Personally, having no wings is a serious disadvantage.”

“I would agree even though I never had wings. I find, in hindsight, I should have known that formula would give one the power to become an animal that could live anywhere. It’s clear they intended to make me a werewolf to make sure it worked perfectly. We did change just as the book stated.”

“I wish I had known that wolf was the carrier. I could have stayed out of the way.”

“No, you wouldn’t have done that. You were protecting me, as that is a gargoyle’s nature.”

Angela paused in her pacing. “You’re right,” she sighed. “I was doing what is in my nature and I should do the same with being a wifewolf.”

“We should both do that, though I don’t intend to turn anyone.”

“Me either,” Angela said.

“I…will need to call in on the full moon.”

“Surely, Elisa would let you be with her on patrols and your paperwork could be done on the non-full moon nights, right?”

“Right. Okay, let’s work on sense and abilities but first I need help walking on four legs.” Angela laughed at this while Matt flashed a wolf’s grin and his tail wagged a little.

Chapter Six- Adjusting

Matt staggered across the floor on his four legs toward Angela who had placed herself several feet away. “Keep going, you’re doing fine,” she encouraged. She stood patiently as Matt learned to walk on all fours. It took her no time to learn as gargoyles did move on all fours from time to time. Her hind quarters were similar to her normal legs which held her in adapting.

Matt moved his legs forward, getting steadier as he practiced on them. Both were also exploring their senses with hearing being the first. The distance between them was a perfect test for it. Angela spoke normally or softly but Matt heard both volumes just fine.

“Matt, what abilities would we have outside of wolf form?” she asked at normal volume.

“Well, I found I heal quicker, I’m stronger, faster, and have more endurance.”

“How quicker is the healing?”

“I have no sign of the bite wound and when I nicked myself shaving, the cut healed within, at most, a minute.”

“That is a lot faster than a gargoyle. Clearly, this all happened during the day as my bite mark was still there when I went to sleep.”

“Yes. Angela, I tested my speed down in the garden. I ran dozens of laps and everything around me was a blur and when I stopped, I was only a little winded.”

“Incredible.” Angela’s tail began to swish in excitement. “I can’t wait to try that myself.”

“Mmm.” Matt focused on his steps and found they were smooth and sure now. I’ve got walking down. I’ll need to work on walking faster, trotting, and running. He moved his legs faster and when he reached Angela, he rubbed her cheek with his own and his tail flicked. “I’ve got walking down.”

“Good.” Her nose sniffed and then flared. “I’m picking up a lot of scents.”

Matt inhaled deeply. “Me too. I can smell meat cooking.” He sniffed again and felt his stomach gurgle. He headed inside as did Angela and both tracked the smell to the kitchen where they found Broadway at the stove and the smell of meat was overwhelming to their noses.

The large gargoyle looked back and down at them with a grin. “Hi. I thought you might be hungry.”

“Changing forms does burn energy and calories,” Matt agreed.

Broadway nodded as he served up and placed down a pair of steaks. Matt felt his mouth water as he laid down and blew on the meat before biting off a piece, his teeth cutting it easily. Perfect, he thought. Not too well-done and quite juicy. He licked his chops as he ate his steak and saw Angela doing the same.

Broadway looked both over as he cleaned up. They were a little bigger than normal wolves and their fur matched the hair color they had. He thought they looked impressive but it wasn’t fair that Matt had been targeted or that Angela got caught in the attack. Well, there’s nothing we can do. The ones responsible won’t reverse it and they likely didn’t create a cure. They’ll be this way forever.

Matt lapped some water from a bowl Broadway had provided and swiped a paw over his muzzle’s edges. “Thanks, Broadway. It’s not easy getting anything without hands.”

“You’re welcome.” Broadway picked up the bowls, refilled them, and put them in a corner so Matt and Angela could drink if they got thirsty later on. He turned around to see Angela scratching at an ear with a back foot, a contented sigh sounding as she scratched. “Angela?” he asked, slight confused at the strange sight before him.

Angela put her foot down and looked up at him. “I had an itch,” she said defensively. “I know it probably looked strange but four-legged animals scratch like that. I’m a wolf right now and I can’t help how I’ll act like one every now and then.”

“Well, yeah, but you’re not a real wolf.”

Angela bristled. “I’m aware of that. I’m a wifewolf. I have the body and senses of a wolf and will have super abilities in both of my forms. I do find the lack of wings a drawback but it’s only for three nights.” She sighed. “I know it’ll take time to adjust to me being like this and I’ll try to be patient.”

Broadway crouched down and rubbed her chin. “Yeah, it’ll take time and I apologize for my reaction.” He smiled as Angela whined before saying, “Oh…that feels nice.”

“I imagine it does. Angela, would you like to keep me company during my reading lesson?”

“I would. Want to come, Matt?”

“No. I think I’ll take a nap. I’ve been up since noon.” He watched his mate and Broadway leave before going through the halls, yawning a little and thinking of his bed. His ears pricked up when he heard Hudson chuckling from the TV room. He stuck his head in and saw a comedy show playing. He walked in and his presence caught Bronx’s attention. The blue doggoyle turned his head to Matt and his movement caught Hudson’s attention. He looked over and smiled. “Laddie. Come. Make yourself comfortable.”

“Thanks.” Matt curled up on the other side of Hudson’s chair, laid his head down, and closed his eyes.

Hudson gazed down at the werewolf, admitting that he looked comfortable in his current form. He reached down and ran a hand over the head which jerked up suddenly. “Easy, laddie. It was just me.”

“That’s okay,” Matt yawned. “It’s just that I’ve been awake since noon. I guess my endurance is waning.”

“Aye. Your longer endurance. Brooklyn led us to the book and Goliath read it out loud. I’ll tell ye, that book makes being a werewolf a good thing.”

“As long as the Illuminati doesn’t use me to attack someone. I wouldn’t do it in any case.”

“They could threaten you to get you to obey them.”

Matt’s ears folded back. Hudson had a point. If the Illuminati wanted to use him to attack an enemy, they could threaten him with silver or threaten Angela’s life.

Hudson stroked Matt’s head again. “Don’t worry about it right now. Get some rest.”

“Yeah,” Matt mumbled sleepily as he laid his head down and let Hudson’s stroking lull him off to sleep where he had odd dreams of living free in a forest with his mate, Angela.

Angela sat beside Broadway’s chair as he read passages from Shakespeare’s King Lear. She enjoyed listening to Broadway read as she thought he had a good reading voice. He would sometimes falter before asking her for help. It felt like it had before, the two of them spending time together with him reading and her helping him occasionally when encountering a hard word.

Broadway glanced down at her as he read and saw her spread a front paw to reveal sharp claws. “Angela, are you really fine with this?” he asked, deciding to pause in his lesson.

“Eventually, I will,” she answered. “It’s still new to me but I’ll get used to it. We all will.”

Broadway nodded as he leaned down and stroked her head. He knew from the book that at dawn, Matt and Angela would change again, the latter would then turn to stone and sleep for the day.

Chapter Seven- Speed Test

Matt and Angela climbed up the stairs with ease as they had practiced after Matt’s nap and Broadway’s reading lesson. Both had agreed that they needed to learn to climb stairs instead of needing to be glided down.

They stood on the stone floor as Goliath jumped onto his perch. He looked back for a moment, knowing when he awoke that both would be wolves again. He faced forward and struck a pose as the sun’s first rays appeared on the horizon.

Matt’s eyes went wide as pain washed over him and he howled at it. He heard Angela howl too before it became a gargoyle scream followed by the crackling of stone. Matt opened his eyes to find himself human, on his hands and knees, and a stone gargoyles beside him on her two feet. He stood, went to his love, and put a hand on her cheek. “See you tonight. Maybe we can race and see how fast we can go.”

Matt descended the tower stairs and pressed a hand to his stomach as hunger pains hit him. Naturally, he thought, rolling his eyes. All I had was a steak and I did just changed forms again. He reached the bottom to find Xanatos there.

“Detective, come join Fox and me for breakfast and you can tell us how last night was.”

“I am hungry,” he admitted as he followed the businessman to the dining hall.

“I thought you would be and I suspect you would like meat for breakfast.” He gave Matt an amused smile.

Matt returned the smile. “Well, the book did say one would crave meat during the full moon.”

“I’m sure I can accommodate whatever you and Angela desire.”

“Good because I’m thinking steak and sausages. Cooked, of course.”

“And to drink?”

“Coffee, cream and sugar on the side.”

The two men dropped by the kitchen to put in all three orders and then joined Fox and Alex in the dining room. The red-haired woman nodded to Matt and her blue eyes roved over him. “You don’t look any different,” she commented.

“Makes sense,” he said as he sat down. “The idea would be to not draw attention. I just feel lucky that I’m off work during my first full moon changes.”

“David mentioned that you tested your strength, speed, and endurance before you changed,” she continued as the drinks were brought out.

“I did. Angela and I tested our hearing and noses as well as climbing stairs. I plan to ask her to race and see how fast we can go.”

“I’m sure she would like that,” Fox said as breakfast arrived.

Matt’s stomach growled, unheard by the others, as he smelled his cooked meat. He cut up the steak and the sausage patties before digging in. There was silence until Xanatos broke it. “Obviously, it hurts to transform.”

“It does, considering I didn’t know I would change. Or that Angela would.”

“Now that you do, it won’t hurt anymore. Our mutual acquaintance, Martin Hacker, told me that the pain would be one-time but did not say anything more.”

“I’m guessing he had no idea of the specifics of the formula.”

“I’m inclined to agree.”

Matt showered, dressed, and went to his room to sleep the day away which he did. He awoke later and stepped out to a sunset in progress. He hurried up the stairs to find Elisa there again. “Hey, Elisa.”

“Matt. How did it go last night and this morning?”

“I learned to wall on all fours, Angela and I practiced our hearing and sense of smell as well as climb up and down stairs. It hurt to change this morning and Xanatos told me that Hacker told him there will be no pain from this point on.”

“Sounds like he knew it was a werewolf formula.”

“I don’t think so but if he did, he didn’t know I would be chosen.” Both fell silent as the sun went down. Matt felt a tingle as he went to all fours as a wolf. He had a brief look of Angela’s gargoyle form before she became a wolf too. Matt went up to Angela to nuzzle her cheek. “Sleep well?” he asked.

“Of course. And you?”

“Quite well. I won’t be needing a nap tonight.”

Angela then dipped her head as a gurgle was heard from her stomach, heard only by her, Matt, and Goliath, the latter offering no comment. “Let’s…get some food first,” she said.

“Good idea,” he said as they headed down the stairs. “Angela, I was thinking of racing each other and seeing how fast we can go on four legs.” He saw Angela’s eyes light up with interest.

“Yes! I’d love to test our speed.”

“Good.” They entered the kitchen to find Fox at the stove and the smell of beef filled the air. Fox looked over her shoulder at them with a knowing smile. “I knew you two would be here for food.”

“Yes, please,” Angela said with a soft whine.

Fox served up ground beef and water, Angela having more meat than Matt as he had eaten that morning which had satisfied him until now. They ate hungrily and slaked their thirst before they were done. Fox took the plates and refilled the water bowls as the pair left to test their speed and have some races.

As the elevator doors opened to the garden, they found the clan waiting for them. “What’s wrong?” Angela asked.

“Nothing, lass,” Hudson said. “We would also like to see how fast you can go.”

“Sure,” Matt said. He took up a position on a circular path and Angela stood beside him. “Ready, set, go!” Matt went into motion, easily moving all four limbs. He felt his paws pounding the concrete which was beginning to blur as his speed picked up. A wolf’s grin appeared as he ran and enjoyed the sensations he felt. The air running over his fur and tickling his nose with scents, the feel of his paws pushing against the path and touching down before repeating it, and feeling his heart beating harder as he ran. This is more intense than when I did it in human form. It could also be because I didn’t know I was a werewolf when I first tested my speed.

A black form appeared at his side and he quickly looked to see that if was Angela who was panting, not from exertion but rather excitement. He almost tripped when Angela actually sped past him and laughing.

After several laps, both wolves flopped onto the grass, panting hard as the clan came over. “Incredible,” Goliath said. “You were so fast, I almost couldn’t keep track.”

“Yeah,” Matt panted. “It was…much faster than…what I was doing…in human form.”

“Definitely faster…than a gargoyle,” Angela gasped. Her tail wagged happily. She was feeling better about being a wifewolf and was seeing some of the advantages as well. She heard and smelled better than a human or a gargoyle and moved at supernatural speeds.

Perhaps tomorrow night we can test our strength. I’d like to see how strong my jaws are. Also…I wonder if I can see the sun if I stay in wolf form. I could try that after the full moons are over.

Chapter Eight- Questions

Angela screamed to the night as she awoke from her stone sleep and stood there to savor the moment. It was the night after the full moon and she was not in wolf form soon after waking. Gargoyle was her true self, as much as she like her wolf side. She spread her wings and delighted in gliding to the courtyard. She looked forward to joining the clan in patrols after being castle-bound for three nights. I don’t know how Bronx puts up with it. It was boring for me and probably for Matt too. I’m sure he’s glad it’s over, she thought as she headed inside.

Matt stretched his arms and flexed his fingers as he sat in Elisa’s car. It felt great to be human at night after three nights of being a wolf. I plan to go out with Elisa on patrol on the full moon and do paperwork on the other nights, just as Angela suggested.

Elisa saw Matt stretch and smiled a little. “Happy to be human at night?”

“It feels great. I was thinking of doing my full moons on patrol and paperwork on the other nights.”

Elisa nodded. “That could work. You could be my secret K-9 partner.”

“Oh, funny,” he said sarcastically as Elisa laughed. “I’m sure Angela will be doing patrol tonight after being castle-bound for three nights.”

“She’ll also test out her senses, speed, and strength at the same time, right?”

“I’m sure she will.” He breathed deeply before saying, “Elisa? Are you wearing some kind of perfume?”

Elisa laughed. “No. It’s the car air freshener.”

“Oh,” Matt said simply.

“Your nose is real sensitive now, along with everything else, huh?”

“No kidding. Everything’s louder, brighter, and sharper. I have to control my speed and strength as well.”

“Is that hard?”

“As long as I’m careful, not really.”

“Matt, what is it really like being a werewolf?”

“Well, to me, it’s not bad. I can manage it with my life. I can’t say the desire for meat during the full moon is so great but it’s only for three days and nights a month.”

“Is that why your food for break is meat-free?”

“Yeah. I’m a little tired of meat right now.”

“I can imagine. You can bite someone at any time, right? That is what Goliath told me based on this book he read.”

“I can so can Angela but we both don’t intend to do that.”

“Of course, you don’t. This was forced on you. I would feel the same way.”

Matt leaned back in his seat as both lapsed into silence as they drove around, alert to any trouble.

Angela glided above the city, finding her eyes, ears, and nose sharper than what she had before the bite. She had found before leaving the castle that she was faster, but not stronger than usual. That was all right with her. Super strength would follow with bitten humans; no gargoyle had been bitten by a werewolf so she was setting a precedent.


She blinked and looked over at Brooklyn who was her patrol partner tonight. “Yes?” she asked.

“Are you okay? You seemed lost in thought.”

“I’m fine, just thinking about how sharper my senses have gotten.”

“Yeah? No offense, but you don’t look any different.”

“No offense taken. The full moon’s over so of course I don’t look different than before. I do have a couple of new abilities, though.”

“You mean changing into a wolf whenever you want.”

“Right. I was thinking of being a wolf so I could see the sun.” She looked over to see Brooklyn’s eyes light up at hearing this.

“Good idea. I’ll want to hear about it.”

“I promise to tell the whole clan about it. I was also thinking about spending the day with Matt as a wolf when our patrol is over tonight.”

“I’ll tell Goliath where you’re at.”

“Thanks, Brooklyn.”

Matt sighed tiredly as he entered his apartment and flipped on the light. It had been a long hard night but he preferred that to being bored. His mini vacation hadn’t really been fun as he slept during the day and then changed into a wolf at night. I would have been really bored if I was the only one who changed. In a way, I’m glad Angela’s a wifewolf. He then smiled as an idea came to him. I think I’ll sleep as a wolf today. I’ve never been a wolf in daylight; should be interesting.

A gentle tap at his balcony window was heard and he went over to pull back the curtains. A warm smile appeared when he saw who it was. “Angela!” he said as he unlocked and opened the window. “Patrol done, huh?”

“Of course. I was thinking of spending the day with you. As a wolf, I mean. I…want to see the sun.”

Matt smiled as Angela came in. “Of course. I was planning to sleep as a wolf. I’ve never been a wolf in daylight, obviously.”

“That’s all right. We could sleep together.”

“Yeah, we could.” Matt watched as Angela became a wolf and face the window which faced the eastern sky.

“Careful,” Matt cautioned. “It’s not a good idea to look directly at the sun for very long and wolves have night vision which could make the sun seems really bright.”

“I’ll be careful.” The sky lightened as the sun peeked over the horizon and rose higher into the sky. Angela stared at the sun and then closed her eyes. “So bright and warm,” she said softly. “It’s wonderful.”

Matt smiled at Angela savoring the sun’s light before taking wolf form himself. He inhaled deeply and the familiar smell of Angela’s wolf half wafted up to him. He sighed silently, opened his eyes, and then lowered them halfway as the morning sun dazzled his eyes. Whoa. That’s brighter than with human eyes, which makes sense.

“Oh, Matt,” Angela said as she turned to him, not thrown by his change as she had caught his wolf scent. “Goliath had tried to describe it but his description doesn’t do it justice.”

“He saw it? Oh…right. The Eye of Odin when you were in Norway.”

“Yes. I’ll try my best when I tell the clan tonight.”

“You know, you probably could use your wolf form to enjoy the sun more often.”

“Yes…I could watch the weather report and decided if I’ll be a wolf or a gargoyle the next morning.”

“Sounds like a plan. I suggest sleeping in stone during winter. I think it would be better that way. Warmer, I would think.”

“Matt, I’m asleep in stone. Warm and cold are not a concern then.”

Matt chuckled at this as well as Angela’s yawn. “Speaking of asleep, let’s get some ourselves. I’ve also got some steaks I can cook if it’s still daylight.”

Angela nodded as she followed Matt to his bedroom. She had grown tired of meat but knew wolves were carnivores and pretty much ate nothing but meat. That’s fine, she thought as she got into bed. A small price to pay to see the sun.

Chapter Nine- Hacker Returns

Matt awoke a few minutes before his alarm went off. He pressed the ‘off’ button with his paw, yawned, stretched, and resumed human form as he got out of bed. He admired his sleeping mate before leaving to prepare the steaks.

He mused over Angela as he prepped their early dinner. He had thought of Angela as his girlfriend at first, but after the bite he considered her his mate and lover. I know that wolves mate for life and that gargoyles have mates. The question is, would Angela consider me her mate or her boyfriend?

Angela opened her eyes and looked around to see that it was still daylight and that Matt wasn’t there. She wasn’t concerned about the latter as she could smell him as well as the smell of steaks and sounds of sizzling meat. She stretched her legs, shook herself out, jumped down, and padded out of the bedroom. She followed the scents of Matt and meat to the small kitchen and said, “Hi.”

He looked down with a warm smile. “Hi. How does it feel to be awake during the day?”

“A little strange, but I like it.”

“Good.” Matt returned to his cooking and Angela studied his face. It was focused on the meat but his eyes looked as if they were pondering another matter.

“Matt, what’s on your mind?” she asked as he put her plate down and he sat at the table with his own. “You seemed preoccupied.”

“Well,” he said slowly after a couple of bites. “I know that wolves and gargoyles have mates and I see you in that way but I wonder if you see me that way too.”

“Do I see you as a boyfriend or a mate?” Angela chuckled a little. “Matt, when Goliath approved of us being together, you became my mate. Our being wolves has only confirmed that status.”

“I was hoping you’d say that. Being a mate sounds more impressive than being a boyfriend.”

Angela chewed her steak for a few minutes before saying, “I wonder what Demona would think of us being mates.”

Matt swallowed a bite. “If she knew about us becoming wolves, I doubt she’d like that and would want to kill me, most likely.”

“You’re right. She would blame you and she won’t like me having you for a mate even if you were just human. I know she loves me, but my happiness isn’t exactly high on her list of priorities.”

Matt opened his mouth to ask another question when a knock sounded at the door. Angela darted into the kitchen to hide as Matt looked into the peephole and saw Hacker. He opened the door and let his former partner in. “Hi, Hacker. How are you?”

“I’m well; better than you, I’d wager.”

“Me? Never been better.” “They told you, huh? I have to say I didn’t think I would be chosen to be a werewolf. None of the others your visited were suitable?”

“I only spoke to you and Xanatos about the injection. I was also told you were selected before I told you about it.”

“What?” Matt asked. “I had already been chosen? You said I was one of several who were being considered, that anyone could be chosen.”

“They needed someone who didn’t stand out, to see how an ordinary person handled being a werewolf before creating the ultimate soldiers. You fit the criteria perfectly and in reality, I was to inform you of the injection and make you think there was a selection process going on.”

“You knew all this time and lied to me about it?” he asked tightly.

“I did, Matthew.”

Matt heard the cold, indifferent tone in Hacker’s voice and he felt himself getting angry. His old friend knew all along that Matt had been targeted to be a wolf. H growled and instantly took wolf form. He snarled at Hacker who looked blandly at him. “It would seem you’ve taken to your condition quite well.”

“Yeah?” Matt snarled. “Let’s see how you take it!”

“Matt! No!” cried Angela as she bounded forward and placed herself between Matt and Hacker.

“Angela…get out of the way! He admitted that he knew I had been selected before he told me about it!”

“You have a right to be angry, but biting him won’t change a thing. You’ll still be a werewolf. We had promised to not bite anyone.” Angela nosed Matt’s cheek and then licked it. “Please, Matt. Don’t do it.”

Angela’s gestures and words pierced the haze of anger around Matt and his crouch slackened. He was still mad but the urge to bite had faded. He turned away and said, “Get out of here, Hacker.” He heard the door open and close and then heard the door locking. He looked over at the door to see that Angela had managed to lock the door with her paws. “You’ve really adapted to being a wifewolf,” he commented as she approached and nuzzled his cheek again.

“Well, when one doesn’t have hands, one has to compensate for it. I’d be happy to teach you.”

“I accept. Perhaps we could start with the door lock.”

“Yes, let’s.”

Two hours later, Matt managed to lock and unlock his door with paws as well as his window. He also tried to open a closed door but found this difficult so he resumed human form since he wasn’t angry anymore to open the door and that ended practice.

“If the doorknob was a handle, opening doors would be easy,” Matt commented. “But, it’s not really my place so I can’t change them without the landlord’s permission.”

“You could ask,” Angela said.

“I can, but that can wait.” He gestured at the window where a sunset was in progress.

Angela stared at the colored sky. “Oh,” she breathed softly. “It’s beautiful. All those colors.” She kept watching until the sky turned black with night. She then took gargoyle form and stretched her wings and limbs before turning and giving Matt a hug. “I enjoyed today and I’ll be sure to let the clan know about it.”

“I’m sure they’re looking forward to it,” Matt said before they shared a kiss and Angela glided for home.

“It was amazing,” Angela said when asked about the sun. “Warm, bright, and pretty. And the sunset! Bands of colors, one fading into another until the sky was black.” Her eyes were bright with her recollection.

Goliath couldn’t help smiling at his daughter’s enthusiasm. “I am pleased that you loved it. I admit, under the Eye’s influence, I did not appreciate the sun or sunset as I should have.”

“I could go back on my refusal to bite anyone and turn you and anyone else.” Angela teased.

“That’s not necessary. But thanks for the offer.”

Angela laughed slightly. She knew that no one would want to be bitten. That’s all right. Matt and I didn’t want it, but we’ve learned to adapt and enjoy this unwanted gift.

The End