Disclaimer: I don’t own Gargoyles. Only the nameless humans and the virus are mine. This takes place after the series’ finale.
Chapter One- Tested
Dominique Destine, aka Demona, looked at the syringe in her hand with triumph. She had perused her company’s files to locate the notes on Sevarius’ carrier virus which turned out to be on a separate computer and with those notes, had duplicated it. She then extracted some and added her gargoyle blood to it in addition to a binding agent. She now had a formula designed to turn a human into a gargoyle at night. It wasn’t exactly what she really wanted to do, but it would do to see if it worked before moving on to her master plan.
It has been two months since the clan saved a train full of humans and the Quarrymen had been exposed as the true villains. It would seem like an age of understanding between humans and gargoyles, but Demona didn’t believe that; she had once thought a golden age had come hundreds of years ago, but it turned out to be a lie. She truly believed that not all of Manhattan were accepting of her kind and knew that if all humans became gargoyles at night, then true understanding would occur.
I need a test subject first. If this single infection works, then I will work on a contagious version that can be passed through bare skin contact. The virus will spread quickly through the city and beyond as the tourists leave and infect those they come into contact with. Eventually, all humans will end up infected.
A knock sounded and Dominique secreted the syringe up her sleeve. “Yes?” she called.
“Your pardon, Ms. Destine,” her secretary said as she opened the door. “A Detective Bluestone is here to see you.”
“Send him in and you are free to leave,” she replied, keeping the glee out of her voice. The timing was perfect as she would have time to inject the formula into the detective before night fell. If it worked, there would be two gargoyles in the room.
She switched off the room’s cameras just as Matt entered. “Detective,” she said coolly. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I know you’re short on time, Demona, so I’ll get right to the point,” Matt said. “It’s about an invoice for chemicals that you’ve ordered. My boss thinks that they are of a suspicious nature and told me to investigate.”
Matt leaned over the desk. “You wouldn’t be trying to create another killer virus, would you?”
“That is the last thing on my mind. I do want the death of your kind, but I do not attempt plans that have already failed and besides, one of the pieces of the spell was destroyed.” She stood and came around to Matt’s side, the syringe sliding unseen into her hand. “Now, as you have pointed out, I am short on time, so I would appreciate it if you would leave.” Dominique gripped the syringe firmly as Matt turned to leave and then she sprang into action. She seized his arm and jammed the syringe into it, the contents flowing into his body.
Matt cried out and yanked the syringe out before turning to see Dominique entering a hidden room. He hurried after her, the door sliding shut behind him. “What did you just do?” he demanded. “Assault is a crime and especially on a police officer.”
“Yes, I know,” Dominique said smugly as she slipped off her shoes. “But gargoyles are not subject to your laws. What I just did was inject you with a formula that will turn you into a gargoyle every night. Eventually, every human will be gargoyles at night and a true acceptance between our kinds will be achieved.”
Matt thought Demona was insane. Turn all humans into gargoyles with him as a test subject? A sudden throbbing sensation went through his body and he cried out at the same time Demona did. Matt groaned as his body enlarged and his muscles grew bigger. His skin turned a tan color as his fingers went from five to four before becoming claws.
He felt his shoes tear apart and his clothes as well as he felt pain in his back, tailbone, and skull. He gave a roar that sounded when Demona screamed, both signaling the end of their changes. Matt looked into the window in front of him and his reflections was shown perfectly.
He was indeed more muscular with a larger body to match it. His wings were shaped like Goliath’s, but the insides were a deeper tan than the rest of him. He had a pair of horns like Brooklyn’s and his hair had lengthened as he could feel it tickle his shoulders. A tail with a rounded end laid beside one of his taloned feet, torn socks clinging to them. He could hardly believe it: He had turned into a gargoyle.
“Perfect,” Demona commented as she looked him up and down. “It worked perfectly.”
“And if it hadn’t?” Matt snapped.
“Then nothing would have happened and it would be back to the drawing board. Instead, I can move on to designing a formula that will be contagious.” Demona bared a sadistic smile as she slid open the window and glided away.
Matt watched her leave, feeling a range of emotions. He was angry that he had been changed, though a gargoyle is cool. He also felt sick at the thought of a contagious virus affecting the world the way he had.
“I have to warn someone and Xanatos is the obvious choice. The problem is that I can’t just drive over and walk in. Gargoyles may be accepted but not by everyone and I don’t look a thing like myself except my hair color and voice. I’ll just…glide over and explain everything.”
He gathered his tattered clothing and shoes and approached the still open window. He looked down and then took a step back. Whoa, that’s a big drop. He shook his head. Easy, Bluestone. You’ve got wings. You can do this. He went back to the window, spread his wings, and leaped into the air.
The currents filled his wings and lifted him up above the buildings. He gave a soft gasp as he floated in the sky. He had been carried by Goliath before so he knew the awe of seeing the city from the sky, but not this high up. He looked around, spied the Eyrie Building, and headed for it.
He soared up through the clouds and toward the castle. He saw Goliath in the courtyard and, as he got closer, he saw Elisa was with him. Matt couldn’t halt his descent and stumbled as he landed.
“Who are you?” Goliath asked as Matt straightened and turned to them.
“It’s me. Matt,” he replied.
Elisa gasped. “Matt? How…what happened?”
“I was confronting Demona over an invoice of suspicious chemicals that came to the Captain’s attention and wanted me to look into it. When I was leaving, she jammed a syringe in my arm. It contained a formula that she admitted will turn me into a gargoyle every night.”
“Why you?” his partner asked.
“I was a convenient guinea pig. She plans to create a contagious version to affect all humans. She spoke of achieving true acceptance by doing this.”
“True acceptance? You mean peaceful existence between humans and gargoyles?” Elisa asked.
“That seems to be her motive. I wanted to warn Xanatos about her intentions.”
“We will go with you,” Goliath stated.
Matt nodded as he headed inside with Goliath and Elisa behind him. He knew that it was too late for him to be cured, but he could do what he could to prevent the rest of the world from being infected.
Elisa stared at Matt’s back, finding it hard to believe that this was her partner but his voice proved it was. Demona used him to test a serum out and now she plans to unleash a contagious virus on the world that will turn every human into gargoyles at night. She can’t be allowed to succeed and we’ll make sure she doesn’t. Elisa inwardly nodded as the trio entered Xanatos’ office.
Chapter Two- The Search
Xanatos raised an eyebrow as Matt finished his story in greater detail. “Honestly, detective, I don’t see how much I can do. The carrier virus Sevarius created was done while he worked at Nightstone so the files for it would most likely be encrypted and difficult to crack. However, if we had a pure sample, it’s possible to design a counter for the one Demona would use. Unfortunately, it would be useless in your case, detective.”
Elisa gave Matt a look of sympathy while the tan gargoyle simply nodded. “I thought as much. I’m more concerned about making sure this second virus isn’t unleashed.” He then smiled grimly. “The window to her office is still open as far as I know. We could enter, locate the virus, destroy the files, and leave.”
“Lexington and I will go with you,” Goliath said.
Matt made no objections as all three left the office. Goliath was a strong gargoyle as well as a decisive leader who knew who was best suited for any given situation. This situation was a prime example. Lexington was the most tech-savvy of the clan and able to get around security systems in a way that was incredible. If Lex can get into the files, maybe we can print a copy before destroying them.
It took no time to find Lexington and explain the situation to him. Soon, all three were gliding to Nightstone with Matt leading them to the window once they drew close to their destination. The three entered and Lexington quickly found the button to open the secret door and grant them access to the office. Lexington quickly got onto the computer while Goliath and Matt probed the room and examined the papers in the desk’s inbox/outbox and the drawers. No hinted of a contagious virus in a paper form.
“There’s a lab two floors down,” Lexington reported having accessed the building’s floor plans. “Let me just do one thing before…there. Cameras are off on that floor.”
“Great.” Matt came around behind the small gargoyle. “Any sign of the files on the carrier virus?”
“No, but there may be a separate computer in the lab that has the files.”
I hope so, Matt thought as they headed down the stairs to the lab floor. They needed to find the files, a sample of the virus, and prevent Demona from carrying out her plan. I can handle being a gargoyle every night, but the rest of the world doesn’t deserve it.
The lab was spotless and there was indeed a separate computer. Lexington immediately logged on and explored the files while Goliath and Matt examined the room. A door with a security pad beside it caught Matt’s attention. He went to it and slashed the pad off. This resulted in the door hissing open. He rushed in to see an empty room. “Nothing,” he said, his voice echoing in the metal room.
“Either she has not started creating the virus or she is doing so in another location,” Goliath surmised.
“She may even have it ready and secured it somewhere,” Matt added.
“Well, hopefully Xanatos can have a counter made,” called Lexington over the sound of a printer.
“You found the notes on the carrier virus?” Matt asked as he crossed over to Lexington.
“Yup and now that we’ve got a printed copy…” Lexington seized the monitor, yanked it free of its computer tower, and threw it on the floor where it crashed, wrecked. He then plunged his claws into the tower and tore it to shreds.
“Perfect,” Matt said as he gathered the papers and put them in a folder to protect them. “Let’s head back to the castle.” Matt was elated as they headed back to Wyvern. They didn’t find a sample of the virus, but they did obtain a copy of the virus’ composition and destroyed the computer that held the file. His elation then died as other thoughts occurred to him. He was sure Demona had made backups of the file in other locations. That’s what I would do if I was in her place and she’s been alive for centuries, so she’s surely learned to be patient. He felt numb as he, Goliath, and Lexington delivered the papers and reported what they hadn’t found. He distantly heard Xanatos thank them for the papers and that he would put his scientists on it. Matt then headed outside and just stared into space.
He looked back and gave a nod. “Hi, partner.”
“Goliath told me about finding the file on the virus but nothing else.”
“That’s true and even though we got the papers, it may not help.”
“What do you mean?”
“Demona may already have the virus and just needs to add the parts she needs to make it contagious.”
“Or she may not. Xanatos might be able to produce a counter in time to stop her.”
“Man, I hope so.” Matt had to admit that Xanatos had a knack for salvaging a situation that seemed hopeless, desperate, or dark. Elisa could be right. Xanatos might save the world from the fate that befell me.
Elisa discreetly looked Matt over while she talked to him. She had not taken a good look earlier due to the urgency of needing to stop Demona. Now, with the papers about the virus in Xanatos’ hands and sure he could produce a counter, she could look Matt over calmly.
The first thing she noticed was that Matt’s hair had grown a little, ending just past the shoulders and hung down the back. Her eyes then went up to the horns and wings. The horns were like Brooklyn’s while the wings were like Goliath’s. Both features were tan like the rest of his body which had gotten taller due to his feet and there was a bit more muscle to his torso and limbs.
Elisa then blushed a little when Matt turned with an amused smile that said he knew Elisa had been staring. “Not bad, right Elisa? I’ve already seen myself and I think I don’t look bad.”
“You’re right. Not bad, Matt. You know, you’ll need to tell Chavez about this.”
“Of course. You know this might mean I’ll end up on day shift.”
“Yes, but it’s better than being fired.”
Matt nodded. He would rather move to day shift instead of being jobless. It won’t be easy explaining this but hopefully the Captain will understand. Heh, I’ve been hoping a lot of things tonight.
Demona smirked as she held up the container. She was about to finish creating the virus that would infect any human in the world. Even babies would be infected once in the arms of an infected person. Humans, like gargoyles, were social creatures and liked to gather in crowds. Avoiding skin contact was practically impossible, especially in a place like Manhattan.
And there are tourists who will be infected; with some luck they will return home unaware of having contracted anything. This version takes a full day and night to take effect so it will be easy to spread. Best of all, no one will be able to figure out how it happened or find a cure.
She added the finishing touch and the virus shimmered slightly. Her smirk became a triumphant smile. It was finished and now she needed to use it on some humans who would spread it. I think I’ll start at the airport, she thought.
Chapter Three- Planted
Matt landed in an alley near his car and watched the sky overhead. The clan had asked him to stay at the castle in case he turned to stone instead of human. He doubted he would turn to stone so he declined their suggestion and headed out.
As the sun peeked over the horizon, Matt gasped and doubled over. He groaned as he felt parts of him vanish or change somehow. He fully stood once the pain had passed and he smiled grimly. He was human again, at least until sunset. He fished his keys out of his pants and unlocked the trunk where there were some spare clothes. He had always felt it was best to have extra clothes and was grateful that he had done so.
This is probably why gargoyles wear loincloths and dresses, he thought as he dressed in the alley. Less cloth that gets ripped. I may want to modify some clothes for night attire as well as a bigger size as I do get bigger and taller when I change. He pulled on a spare trench coat, gathered his clothes, got in the car, and drove to the station.
“Bluestone!” called Chavez as the redhead entered the station. He turned to see her at the door to her office with an expression that suggested that he had some explaining to do. She doesn’t know the half of it. He went over to her and they entered her office, Chavez closing the door.
“Bluestone, you’re late clocking out. That’s not like you,” Chavez said as she sat behind her desk.
“I know. I ran into a bit of trouble when I went to speak to Ms. Destine about the chemicals on that invoice you showed me.”
“And you didn’t call for backup?”
“Captain…Ms. Destine becomes a gargoyle every night. She stuck my with a formula that turns me into a gargoyle every night as well. That is why I was late coming in.”
“Because you were a gargoyle and was changing back to a human?” Chavez was skeptical.
“It’s true. Elisa saw me. She can vouch for me. Captain, given the situation, I request a transfer to day shift.”
“I’m…sorry?” Matt asked, stunned by the quick dismissal.
“You and Maza are partners and she is quite happy to be on night shift. Furthermore…having a gargoyle as an officer would show support for the gargoyles that live among us. I expect you back in my office before sunset tonight to prove your claim.”
“Yes, Captain.” Matt left, feeling a bit nervous and anxious about changing in front of his boss. Perhaps I could call Elisa and ask for her support.
Dominque heard a small gasp and then a woman muttering in Chinese under her breath. She inwardly smiled. The virus will reach China, a country with lots of humans. They also have exchange students and tourists. Dominique checked her watch, got up, and proceeded to her next destination. She had checked the departures board to choose strategic flights in which to distribute the virus. She had located a flight that would land at another airport and those aboard would get on other flights. I think three doses will do. She went to the gate and discreetly hid three small darts among the seats. The darts were single-use and only held a small amount of the virus. She found that only a small amount was needed to infect someone, so she made several to bring to the airport. She leaned against a pole near the gate and saw her three darts infect a person each. She moved on to flights bound for Mexico, Europe, and South America and put one dose for each one. She smiled as she left. Her new virus was genius. Once infected, the person could infect countless others as they would become carriers. Once other humans have changed, they will be afraid and hide in their homes but they’ll emerge as more and more change. Dominique saw in her mind’s eye, cities of gargoyles, born and infected, mingling and accepting of one another. A future that will occur and now I need to infect those here in Manhattan. She hailed a taxi to bring her to her company and she left a dart behind as she paid the fare and got out. She checked her watch again and headed in to prepare more darts so she would be able to glide around tonight and plant other darts. Central Park was definitely one spot as well as apartments with rooftop access…like Elisa Maza.
She frowned slightly. She had pretty much given up trying to get rid of Elisa; the woman had avoided certain death countless times and that prompted her to stop trying. Besides she’ll be like me and Matt soon enough. She chuckled as she prepped her darts.
Matt stood in Chavez’s office barefoot and his coat completely buttoned up. Elisa was with him and had just told Chavez that Matt did become a gargoyle last night and would do so for the rest of his life. She also confirmed that Dominique Destine was a gargoyle at night but did not speak of the virus, feeling that would be pushing it, at least for now.
“Arresting Ms. Destine would be difficult as she is a powerful businesswoman,” Chavez said.
“So was Xanatos and he was arrested,” Elisa pointed out.
“Yes, but a new law passed a year ago protects such people from prosecution,” Chavez countered.
“Figures,” Elisa muttered.
Matt began to unbutton his coat and take it off to reveal a modified version of his usual work clothes. He had put a hole in the pants for the tail and vertical slits in his shirt for the wings. Both articles were a little bigger and longer to accommodate for his bigger form. “I’m warning you, Captain. I’m going to be in pain but I’ll be all right.” Matt then doubled over, clutched his abdomen, and began to groan and moan in pain.
Elisa, who had seen Demona become human, winced at hearing Matt’s cries of pain. She could only imagine how painful it was to become a gargoyle. She watched as wings burst from his back and a tail came out of the tail hole. His skin changed color, his horns pushed out, and his hair grew out to the length it was last night. His legs bent as his feet and hands changed. His body grew bigger and more muscular. His eyes flared white as the transformation ended.
Chavez leaned back in her chair, a bit taken aback at Matt’s change and the overall effect. Her eyes looked him up and down, accepting that what she was seeing was real. She had been skeptical of Matt’s claim this morning but now all her doubts were gone. “I believe you now,” she finally said. “I admit, I had my doubts, but not anymore.”
“Glad to hear it,” Matt said. He folded his wings, donned the coat and added a matching knit hat to hide the horns and pointed ears.
“I will be telling the chief about this so he can tell the force. You won’t have to worry about causing a panic once word gets out. Until then, call me when reporting in and out.”
“Yes, Captain.” Matt and Elisa left the office, the latter checking for other officers as they go to the door that led to the damaged clock tower. They slipped inside and Matt removed his coat and hat. “Well, that went well,” Matt said.
“Yeah.” She gathered the coat and hat. “You’ll be following me in the air, right?”
“Right; just like we planned.” He accepted a communicator from her.
Elisa smiled a little. “Well, let’s get to work, partner.” She watched Matt climb into the tower before heading out of the room, through the station, and to her car. She looked up briefly to see Matt take to the air before getting in her car.
Our teamwork may become better than before, she thought as she pulled onto the road. Matt might see something wrong before I do and can relay it to me. It’ll be just like it was and is with the clan and me.
Chapter Four- Infected
Matt glided over the streets, keeping an eye on the car while admiring his sky view. The city was amazing from high above. I never truly appreciated it as every mode of air travel uses fuel and is limited. Now, I can glide and not worry about any fuel supply save for my own energy, not to mention sunrise.
Matt looked over as Goliath came up beside him. “Goliath,” he greeted as he looked down to check on the red car.
Goliath looked down as well. “You’re on duty tonight?”
Matt nodded. “The captain doubted my claim this morning and asked me to come back at sunset to prove it. I have to call in to report in and out until everyone in the station knows about me. Then, I’ll be able to clock in and out like I normally would.”
Goliath heard the pleased tone in Matt’s voice and was happy for him that this change hadn’t cost him his job or altered his life in any other way. The clan had been concerned that Matt had become a full gargoyle and wanted him to stay at the castle in case he did turn to stone. The face that he was here and that he spoke of morning told Goliath that Matt was like Demona in terms of having two forms.
Goliath’s eyes glowed for a moment. Xanatos had reported before he left that while a harmless sample of the carrier virus had been created, finding a counter for Demona’s virus would take time as they had no sample of this contagious virus. And in the meantime, how many humans will be infected?
Demona tucked a dart among the branches of a bush where it would prick someone when they walked by. She had already placed others in the part where someone was sure to be infected. She boldly walked to Belvedere Castle, smiling pleasantly at those she passed, a couple of them returning the smile and she suspected that they might have members of that P.I.T. group. Demona didn’t care if they were or not. All humans would be like her. She had to give humans some credit; if not for their advancements, she would not have the means to unleash her virus on the world. It was the scientific achievements in all aspects of life that Demona appreciated and, deep down, knew that to eliminate the human race would also eliminate the comforts she had come to love.
This plan is much better, she thoughts as she headed to the castle’s highest point. The world can continue has it has, only everyone will be a gargoyle at night. She allowed herself a low chuckle as she glided off to plant some darts at rooftop apartments, one of them being Elisa’s.
Elisa opened her apartment door, stifling a yawn. It had been a long shift, not helped by there being little reported. Thank God, I could talk to Matt as well as Goliath. She smiled to herself at this. Her partner couldn’t fit in her car anymore but he had his own wings so not sitting with her wasn’t a problem. He also doesn’t have a problem getting into his place as he doesn’t lock balcony door anymore. As thought of that crossed her mind, her eyes drifted to her rooftop window.
I’m lucky to have access to the roof and so is the clan, especially Goliath. Elisa fed her cat before heading to the window with the intention of opening it to step outside to watch the coming sunrise. She flipped the latch and was sliding the window over when she felt a prick in the palm of her right hand. She gasped as she jerked her hand back and looked at her window to see a needle that she hadn’t seen before. She saw the needle was attached to what looked like a dart projectile.
She plucked it out of its spot and stared at it, her heart pounding. Is this one of Demona’s darts? Am I infected now? Will I be like Matt now? She needed answers and knew just who to ask.
An hour later, Elisa was asleep in a guest room, largely due to a sleeping sedative. Xanatos’ doctor, wearing gloves, had drawn a blood sample from her before giving her something to calm her and make her sleep. She was off work tonight so she needn’t worry about being distracted on the job.
Xanatos signed the last of his paperwork before leaning back in his chair. Elisa had come to him early this morning with a spend dart that had pricked her. She was concerned that she had been infected with Demona’s virus. He had her blood drawn and then had her given a sedative so she would be able to sleep. Once that was done, he had his media team look for anything odd or strange that could be connected to this virus. He told them to look locally, nationally, and internationally.
It’s possible that Demona has created her virus and had planted darts in strategic points to insure infection. I think I’ll speak with my scientists and doctors concerning how this virus would work. Besides, the results of Detective Maza’s blood test should be available shortly. He rose from his chair and left the office.
Elisa stirred and opened her eyes. She blinked as she sat up and stretched. What time is it? She checked her watch. Wow. It’s almost dark. She swung her legs off the bed, pulled on her shoes, smoothed down her hair, and headed out to greet the clan.
She got to the top and waited for about a minute before cracking stone filled the air and the clan roared to the night. Goliath turned and smiled at Elisa as he jumped off his perch. He embraced her and he felt some tension in her body. He pulled back and frowned a little. “Are you all right?” he asked. “You seem tense.”
She sighed a little. “I think I’ve been infected by the virus.”
“What? When? How?”
“Just before sunrise. I was opening the window of my apartment when I felt a prick in my palm.” She held up her right hand. “I found a dart nestled right where one would have to touch. I brought it to Xanatos and I’ve had some blood drawn as well as a sedative so I could sleep.”
“Let’s see Xanatos and see if he has some answers.”
“Not necessary. I was coming to see you,” came Xanatos’ voice as he came into view. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll share what I’ve learned.” He started down the stairs with Elisa and Goliath, the clan joining them as they had overheard Elisa’s concern of being infected.
The clan gathered in Xanatos’ office where the businessman stood beside the monitor on the wall. “I had put my media team on looking for recent news on the local, national, and international levels that may be connected to this virus. I was presented with a view of a story in China.” He activated the screen and it was blank for a moment before the footage appeared.
There was an ambulance off on the right side of the screen. It was clearly nighttime and two paramedics came into view pushing a gurney and restrained on it was a female gargoyle. She had long black hair, orchid skin, and horns that reminded Goliath of the ones Coldfire had. The female was thrashing slightly on the gurney and seemed to be saying something in Chinese over and over again. She was loaded into the ambulance, the doors closed, and snow filled the screen.
Xanatos shut it off. “This happened during our daylight hours today. My team produced a translated report of the story. She had flown back home from Manhattan at least twenty-four to thirty-six hours before she suddenly transformed. Clearly, she is one of Demona’s victims and, as you saw, she’s been taken to the hospital of observation.”
Chapter Five- Answers
Matt, who had arrived as the clan followed Goliath, then said, “There will be others in that woman’s city who will be infected, but how does it spread?” He suspected he knew the answer, but wanted to hear Xanatos say it.
“Skin contact,” Xanatos said, confirming Matt’s suspicions. “There was a tiny amount of the virus on the dart Detective Maza brought us. It was enough to analyze it and determine how it works. Anyone who brushes against the bare skin of the infected will become infected as well as a carrier. Furthermore, each infected person will be carriers their entire lives.
“It was also found that it takes a day and a night before one transforms the first night after the waiting period. Depending on when one is infected, it could be twenty-four or thirty-six hours.”
“What about a cure or a counter?” Elisa asked.
“I’m sorry,” he said sadly. “Demona designed her virus well.”
“Does it affect only humans?” Matt asked.
“Yes. All other forms of life can’t be infected.”
Elisa felt numb as she was led outside. She was a carrier and would become a gargoyle tomorrow night and every night afterwards. Her and everyone who comes into contact with a carrier. Her numbness wore off when Goliath pulled her into a hug. “Elisa, I’m sorry,” he said softly.
“It’s not your fault,” she said. “And it is not that bad. I will need to explain it to Captain Chavez and everything Xanatos found out.” Elisa knew that her becoming a gargoyle too would not sit well with Chavez but there was no way to stop it. I will also try to avoid touching people so I don’t inadvertently spread it.
Elisa showed up early to work, her clothes expertly bought and modified by Matt who was there for support just as she had been there for him. She had a copy of the report Xanatos had received from his medical and media teams. She approached the office, knocked, and entered when told to.
“Maza. Bluestone. I’m glad you’re here early. I have some cases that should be up your alley, especially you, Bluestone. I received claims that some people are turning into gargoyles. I need you to track them down and gather statements from them. Hopefully, they will give us a clue as to how this happened.”
“Actually, we already know how this happened.” Elisa put the folder on the desk. “It’s caused by planted darts that infect people once the needle pricks the skin. I myself have been infected and I will change tonight.”
Chavez opened the folder and began to read the report. There was silence as she read and then she finally closed it and looked at them. “Maza, you are now on the same report procedure as Bluestone. It may not last long as this virus is able to spread very easily and is incurable. Bluestone, your change is not contagious?”
“No, Captain. It was a test sample to see if it worked.”
“All right. You’re dismissed to change. Do try to find those that have changed and get from them who they may have come into contact with.”
“The virus is already in China,” Elisa said. “It is clear this will affect the entire world.”
With the meeting over, both headed to the tower where they slipped off their shoes, socks, and jackets. They stood there in silence for a moment before Matt said, “Would you like some gliding lessons?”
“It shouldn’t be necessary. I didn’t tell you but I was magically changed into a gargoyle for one night. I was uneasy about gliding at first but I got over it.”
“Ah, I see. Did it hurt?”
“No. It was instantly and that was when Goliath and I started having feelings for each other.”
Matt then doubled over as the pain of his change began again. He heard Elisa cry out and then she groaned. After that, he became occupied by his own pain.
Elisa dropped to her knees as a stabbing was felt in her abdomen. She felt as if needles had been jammed into every pore of her body. Obviously seeing someone change is not as bad as actually experiencing it. She gasped and groaned as she felt her wings push out and a tail growing. Her last groan ended in a growl and her eyes glowed red as she stood and stretched her body. “That was not fun,” she moaned. “I don’t know how Demona deals with it.”
“I’m guessing she doesn’t,” Matt said. “She might have added her blood to the virus and that’s why the changes are painful.”
“I’m sure she would want humans to suffer, despite her claims of wanting acceptance.” She headed to one of the broken clock faces, stumbling a little on her feet. Matt followed and was the first to jump into the air. He turned to see Elisa look down and take a step back. He understood her trepidation as he had experienced after his first change.
“Come on, Elisa. I’m right here. I’ll help you.”
Elisa exhaled, took two steps, and leaped up, her wings spread wide. Her ascent was a little wobbly but she reached Matt’s height who had an encouraging smile. She looked down and slowly turned to look around while Matt looked her over.
She didn’t look too different. Her skin was a dark caramel color, her tail was like Demona’s as were her wings with the insides a deep black. Her pointed ears poked out of her hair. All in all, she was lovely and knew Goliath would think so too.
She turned to face him with a smile. “This is better than the last time I was a gargoyle.”
“Good to hear. So, let’s get to work. We’ve got others like us to find and get information from.”
“You won’t have to look,” said an accented voice. “I’ve done that for you.”
Both detectives turned to the voice and Elisa gasped at the light blue gargoyle. “Macbeth. Did Demona do this?”
“No. I simply touched a gargoyle when I offered her safety at my home.”
Elisa flinched a little. “That’s how most people will be infected. Matt got a non-contagious version and I got stuck with a dart.”
“Just touching one. Ingenious,” Macbeth said with a soft chuckle. “She’ll be able to have everyone just like her.”
“That’s her plan,” Matt said. “Xanatos has already found that there’s no cure.”
“I discovered that myself when I examined a sample of my blood.” He turned and added, “”Well, follow me so you can get your information.”
Elisa and Matt followed the Scotsman to his home, the former making a mental note of how Macbeth got infected. He’s the first one I’ve met to change from skin contact. She took in his appearance. He had light blue skin, an arrowhead-tipped tail, and wings like Brooklyn. When he glanced back to make sure they were keeping up, she spotted tiny hors near the hairline, just like Goliath.
Matt and I will need to create a database of every gargoyle in the city. Their names and appearances so the police can identify anyone they encounter at night.
Chapter Six- Spreading
Matt clicked his pen off and nodded to the green female. “All right. Thank you, Ms. Yale.”
“Can something be done about this?” she asked. “I don’t really mind being a gargoyle, but I’d rather not be in pain every time I change.”
“I sympathize with you but right now, there’s no cure and obviously research will be done on making it painless.”
Yale nodded solemnly as Matt left the guest room she was currently residing in and met up with Elisa on the tallest tower. He flipped through his pad, shaking his head slightly. “Twelve of us, including Macbeth and us with at least six who came into contact with them.”
Elisa nodded. “We’ll need to get in touch with them and tell them what will happen and try not to touch anyone.” She gave a short ironic laugh. “Not touching someone else is practically impossible.
“We can put the word out to them anyway. Let’s call them and then call it a night. I want to see my family and warn them and then see the clan.”
“Sure. We can go in tomorrow and write up our reports before dark.” The two headed down and asked Macbeth if they could use his phone to call the infected people. He allowed them and once they were done, glided off to relax for the rest of the night.
Elisa practiced her gliding, trying moves she had seen the clan use. Her execution wasn’t smooth and sure but she didn’t expect it to as she had changed just that night. She angled her wings so that she soared above the clouds. She decided that it would be better to see the clan first and then her family. She knew the clan was lying low so that they wouldn’t be wrongly blamed for the virus’ spreading. Most people knew the gargoyles weren’t evil or monsters, but there were some who still thought they were and would blame them.
She spied Goliath on the tower where he slept and headed for him. She was prepared to embarrass herself in landing as her first and only one tonight hadn’t turned out so well. So she was pleasantly surprised when Goliath moved toward her landing point with both hands extended. She glided closer and put her hands in his which helped her land nicely. Goliath then pulled into a warm embrace.
“Elisa,” he said gently before tilting her head. “You look just like you did before, but a bit darker.”
“I haven’t looked yet, but I’ll take your word for it.”
“You are working tonight?”
“Of course, but it’s a slow night. Matt and I were assigned to find others like us and get information from such as how they were infected and if they had contact with anyone since then. We had a little help in finding them as Macbeth had gathered them at his home and he got infected in the process.”
“How many are there total?”
“Twelve, but there will be eighteen by tomorrow night.”
“Twenty-one by the night after maybe,” spoke up Xanatos as he appeared.
“Twenty-one?” Goliath repeated in confusion.
But Elisa understood. “You want me to infect you and your family?”
“Yes. Owen and I did some calculations on the spread of the virus and, in heavily populated areas, avoiding it is impossible. We estimated that everyone native to Manhattan will be infected in a matter of weeks or months.”
Both Elisa and Goliath were silent at this pronouncement. Everyone in the city would become gargoyles at night and able to infect any visitors to Manhattan which would spread the virus beyond the island. Despite this, Elisa had no intention in infecting others. She was about to say so when Xanatos, thanks to his karate skills, had moved in quickly and put his hand on Elisa’s bare arm. She gasped in horror as he released her and stepped back.
“And yes, I spoke to Fox and we agreed to all of us being infected,” he said, answering the question on their minds. He turned and left to infect his wife and son.
Elisa growled angrily at being used that way and her feelings were echoed by Goliath who had also growled. “He did not have to do that,” he rumbled angrily.
“Yes,” she agreed. “I don’t want to infect others no matter what.”
“Still, we are all social creatures. It is natural to want to gather for whatever reason. It is likely that one of Xanatos’ employees could have contracted the virus and spread it throughout the building.”
“You have a point. I suppose if someone asks, I could grant it.”
Elisa was soon headed to her parents’ home, her sister being at school in Arizona. She alighted on the fire escape of their apartment and gently knocked on the glass that was still loud enough to be heard. The curtain moved to one side to reveal her mother’s face- Diane. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open at seeing her daughter a gargoyle before she pushed the curtain aside and opened the window.
“Elisa!” she exclaimed as her daughter climbed in. She went to hug her, but Elisa backed away from her.
“Mom, please don’t. I can’t touch anyone or they’ll be infected too.”
“Infected?” Peter repeated as he came in having heard his wife say Elisa’s name. He too paused at seeing Elisa as a gargoyle before adding, “Are you ill with something?”
“Not exactly. I was pricked by a hidden dart and tonight I became a gargoyle because of it. The virus in the dart turns a person into a gargoyle at night and they can infect others through skin contact and those people become carriers as well.”
“Are you sure?” Peter asked.
“Xanatos had his people analyze the dart I brought as it still had a small amount of the virus on it.”
“What about a cure or a way to make it less contagious?”
“No cure, Dad. As for the contagious part, I don’t know. Derek and the Mutates won’t be affected; it only targets humans.”
“Who would do such a thing to people?” Diane demanded. “Who would be so sick as to unleash such a plague?”
“Demona. The one who hates humanity. Through magic, she becomes human in daylight but it didn’t change her view on humans. She wants to insure true acceptance of her kind and that’s why she’s doing this.”
“If she wants acceptance instead of our death, perhaps her view of humans has softened,” Peter suggested.
“Perhaps,” Elisa said, though she highly doubted that Demona was looking at humans differently than she had in the past.
“Elisa,” Diane said. “Please let us touch you. We know what will happen, but be realistic. At some point, contact will happen, whether now or later.”
Elisa sighed in surrender. “You’re right.” She held out her arms and allowed her parents to embrace her. Their hugs brought her comfort despite the fact that they would change the night after tomorrow.
Demona smiled as she watched the international news. Despite it being only a short time, there were reports of her virus that were coming in from China, Europe, and Mexico. No one could explain how people were becoming gargoyles or how the condition was spreading. They spoke of how doctors in those affected countries were looking for a cure.
“Fools,” she said. “There is no cure. The world doesn’t see my kind as monsters, but that’s not enough. The best way to accept us is to be a gargoyle.” She laughed softly and in great satisfaction.
Chapter Seven- Virus Named
Cameras were rolling as Xanatos stepped out of the Eyrie Building in a suit tailored for his night form. He went to the podium and reporters began yelling out questions. He put up a hand and silence fell. “Yes. I have also contracted the virus and accidentally infected my wife and son. I called this conference to inform you that it is not just Manhattan that is experiencing this virus. China and Mexico are having countless people changing and infecting others as well as countries in Europe and South America.
“My medical team have examined me, with precautions, and have found that the virus spreads by skin contact. Just the merest brush of bare skin by the infected is enough to spread it.” Xanatos saw stunned looks exchanged between humans and gargoyles, before the humans edged away from the gargoyles. “It is likely that more of you have been infected just now. By tomorrow night, you will be gargoyles as well.”
“Where did this virus come from?” one human reporter asked.
“We have no idea,” Xanatos lied smoothly.
“It was the real gargoyles,” one of the infected shouted. “They want us to be like them.”
“No. It wasn’t them,” Xanatos tried to say but the crowd’s mood had darkened with the accusation and more shouting was heard. Xanatos leaped on top of the podium, spread his wings to their full length, and roared, “Quiet!” Silence fell and Xanatos’ voice soared over the crowd. “The ‘real’ gargoyles as you put it, did not create this virus. They do not have the resources to do this and they wouldn’t have wanted this. I urge the one or ones responsible to come forward and work with my team to find a cure or somehow makes this virus more bearable.” Xanatos leaped off the podium and headed back inside the building and up to the castle. He exhaled slowly once alone.
He knew he had made the right choice in being infected. The odds of avoiding it were slim, given the density of Manhattan. His change, his first one this night, had been painful. He compared it to all the electric shocks he had endured since meeting the gargoyles and found that the change was worse. He had no doubt that Fox and Alex had been in pain and he felt a pang of guilt of doing this to them. But Fox had pointed out that if I became infected, I would end up spreading it to her and our son.
He headed to his office, hearing his taloned feet clicking against the stone floor. He had taken a good look at himself after the change. His skin was a sapphire blue with wings and a tail like Goliath. He had accessed the cameras of the nursery and reviewed it as Fox and Alex changed. He was in awe at Fox’s golden skin that complemented her hair and tattoo. Her wings and tail were like Angela’s. Alex’s skin was close to Lexington’s but he had horns, wings, and tail like Brooklyn.
He had been kept up with the international virus count as well as the national and was a bit dismayed to hear that some of the U.S. states were reporting cases of what was being informally called gargoylitis. He had been astounded by the cases that were showing up in Europe, South America, and Mexico. The places without cases may impose a travel ban to prevent the spread but with the aid of wings, criminals can spread it easily. Every human will catch the virus and it will eventually become incorporated into the DNA of future generations. Very clever, Demona.
It wasn’t until the next day that Xanatos received the call he had been hoping for. He had been looking over reports of his various divisions when the phone rang. He pushed the speaker button. “Xanatos here.”
“Hello, Xanatos. I saw the footage of your conference just now,” came Dominique’s voice. “And your display of your temper. Very nice.”
“Is that the reason for your call?” he asked calmly. “To gloat?”
“A small part, I’ll admit but I’m really calling to say that I’m willing to work with your doctors. I may be able to create an airborne virus to alleviate the pain of my original virus which I heard is being called gargoylitis.”
“Alleviate or eliminate?”
“Alleviate. I shouldn’t be the only one in pain. I believe an airborne one will reach everyone infected and remain in the air to provide relief for any newborns in the future.”
“My doctors would be willing to set aside as much lab time as you require.”
“Good. I’ll be there after lunch hour tomorrow.” She hung up and Xanatos allowed himself a small smile. The pain of the daily changes would eventually lessen and make it a little more bearable.
Dominique put the phone down and frowned thoughtfully. Why was she wanting to alleviate the pain of the humans’ transformations? That had not been part of her plan. But…maybe that was the point. She had wanted the humans to be gargoyles in order to accept her kind and she was on her way to succeeding. The pain was the result of using her blood in the virus. Dominique spent the rest of the day and most of the night determining how to lessen the pain of the afflicted. She ended up packing various liquids and aspirins, and carrying it to the Eyrie Building the following day after lunch as she had said. She was escorted to the lab by Owen and found several samples of the carrier virus already developed and waiting to be used to grant some relief to the daily pain of the humans. She wasn’t surprised by the presence of the carrier virus as she had discovered the destroyed computer and its tower and suspected that the clan had done the damage. She was not concerned with the damage as she had stored a copy of the files onto a separate computer in her home.
Dominique set out her supplies and the doctors examined the liquids and read the ingredients of the aspirin before determining what might work and designing several possibilities to create the next day.
“Testing them tomorrow is perfect, Ms. Destine,” one doctor said. “I am infected and will change tomorrow.”
“I see. Then, I will arrive in the morning tomorrow to create our possible pain relievers.” She departed the lab and headed for the lobby. She was mildly surprised to see Xanatos there, seemingly waiting for her.
“Demona, why are you doing this? It seems unlike you.”
“My goal was acceptance for my kind. I have succeeded for most part. The pain is the result of using my gargoyle blood in the virus.”
“Perhaps, this reliever can help you despite your change being of sorcery instead of science.”
“Perhaps.” Dominique didn’t really care if it worked for her or not. Her pain, after much contemplation, was part of her contempt for humanity and part because physically changing into a gargoyle, then human, and back again is painful. She left the lobby and slipped into an alley to prepare for her change. Her screams were echoed by most of the city.
Elisa and Matt tentatively entered the police station. Chavez had called to say there were to clock in instead of calling in. The reason for the call became apparent once they entered. The station had human and gargoyle officers. Elisa recognized Morgan by his badge and his facial hair. They carefully avoided touching the human officers as they headed to Chavez’s office. When told to enter, they did so to see that Chavez was a gargoyle too.
“As you saw, others became infected and they had to re-assign officers so that the human ones don’t get infected by the gargoyles officers.” She put up a hand to forestall her detectives’ protests. “I know that all of us will be gargoyles eventually but the chief doesn’t see it that way.”
“He’s not infected, is he?” Matt asked.
“No, he’s not. In any case, do your shift from the air and clock out afterwards.”
“Yes, Captain.” Elisa and Matt left the office, avoided contact with the humans, went up to the tower, and glided into the air. There were other infected ones also gliding, some not doing so well. Elisa exchanged looks with Matt before they headed over to either teach some to glide or to give a few pointers.
Chapter Eight- A New Virus
Dominique put her hands into the gloves attached to a sealed chamber. She looked through the clear partition as she added ingredients and antigens to a vial of the CV-1000 that sat in the chamber. The additions caused the vial’s contents to hiss and froth before changing into a gas that swirled about the chamber. The men behind her murmured in awe and excitement.
Dominique was quite pleased. She had located spells among her vast treasure that would be useful in this new virus. One would double the amount no matter what form it was in while another would insure that it spread across the globe. She had managed to change the spells into liquid ingredients so she could add them easily.
“Good,” she said as she activated an attached pump system to pull the gas into a separate sealed container. “If this works, we can create more and Xanatos can insure safe delivery all over the world.”
“And how many will we need?” asked one of the doctors as the gas swirled in its new home.
“Not many. It’s designed to draw on a little oxygen to spread over a large area and become part of the atmosphere. That will guarantee that it will never fade. All one needs to do is breathe and the gas will enter the body. The next change, day or night, should be less painful than the previous ones.”
“Very clever, Ms. Destine,” said the infected doctor. He was easy to identify as he was completely covered up so as to prevent infecting the others.
“Yes,” she said as she pumped some of the gas into a smaller container. “And this small amount will be the test.” She uncorked it and let the gas seep into the room and drift into the hall. She breathed in the now mixed air and wondered if it would lessen her pain.
She turned to the covered doctor. “It is almost night. The moment of truth is upon us.”
“Us?” he repeated. “You’ve been infected as well?”
“Not exactly, but I do change the same as you and it is painful as well.” She slipped off her heels and her jacket while the doctor stripped down to a modified shirt and trousers. They watched the sky darken and prepared themselves.
Demona felt a mild burn in her stomach that spread outward but it didn’t really hurt; it was more like an electric blanket on its middle setting. She gave a loud groan and then a mild scream as her wings burst out of her back. She was hardly aware of the doctor until she heard him roar shortly after her cry.
“That…wasn’t so bad,” the male said. “Was it? I mean, it was my first change.”
“It worked perfectly,” Demona said. “My changes are awful and tonight’s was painful, but not as bad.”
The doctors applauded her success before getting to work in making more of the virus while Demona left to tell Xanatos about it so he could proceed to the next phase of the plan. She asked around and was told he was in the nursery with his wife and son.
She entered to see the family there as well as Lexington who was cradling the infant. Xanatos noticed her and approached with a smile. “You succeeded. I can tell from your face.”
Demona nodded, ignoring the suspicious look Lexington was giving her. “It will become part of the world’s atmosphere and each one will cover double the area it normally would. It takes just one deep breath to take it in and on the next, it won’t hurt so much. Your doctors are creating more of it as we speak.”
“Excellent because the number of worldwide cases of gargoylitis are increasing exponentially.” He gestured for her to precede him out the door so they could start spreading the new virus over the building and the city.
Goliath and Elisa were in the courtyard, enjoying each other’s company. “So, most of your station is infected?” Goliath said.
Elisa snuggled her back against Goliath’s chest a little and felt his arms around her. “Yes and the chief caught it last night and he changed tonight.”
Goliath pulled her closer and draped his wings around her. “I can’t say I don’t love you like this. I only wish it wasn’t painful.”
“We can lessen the pain now,” Xanatos said as he and Demona came into the courtyard, the latter going to the edge of the courtyard with a vial.
“It works?” Elisa asked coming out of Goliath’s embrace to face Xanatos and seeing Demona release a cloud of gas into the air.
“Yes. Demona told me her change tonight was not as painful. The gas will join with the atmosphere and remain there. Just one deep breath will pull it into you. At dawn, your changes won’t hurt like they used to, but will still hurt a little.”
Elisa then took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “This is great. I need to tell Matt and my parents.” Elisa rushed to the edge and glided away, Demona watching her leave with a neutral expression. She felt no hate toward the detective. She had accepted that she and Goliath were through and that Elisa was Goliath’s lover now. Technically, I am still married to Macbeth. I could call him as a face-to-face would likely result in him trying to kill me and I’d rather keep living. Perhaps the call could help clear the air between us.
“Why, Demona?” came Goliath’s voice behind her. “Why are you showing mercy with this new virus?”
She looked over her shoulder at him. “I still hate humans, make no mistake about that. I have succeeded in changing most into gargoyles at night. Now that acceptance is underway, lessening the pain would make their condition easier to bear.” With that, she looked away from him and took to the air.
Goliath stared thoughtfully after her retreating form. While she sounded like the normal human-hating Demona, she had just shown some compassion by creating a virus to make the painful changes easier to take. Such an act may make acceptance easier than before. Only time will tell.
Matt hovered in mid-air as he stared at Elisa. “Really? There’s a new virus in the air that will make the changes less painful?”
Elisa nodded. “Xanatos said that Demona felt less pain as she changed. Everyone in the city will breathe it in and have a less painful change in the morning and every time after that.”
“Great. I’ll tell Macbeth and anyone I meet on the way.” Matt wheeled around and headed off. Elisa admired Matt’s technique as he left. He had grown comfortable being a gargoyle. But then again, so have I and Goliath loves me this way. A shame he can’t see me human anymore, but oh well. Elisa mentally shrugged as she took a wide turn and headed for her parents.
Diane and Peter were also happy when told of the air virus and that they had already drawn it in. “I look forward to morning as I’m usually asleep,” Peter quipped and both women smiled in amusement.
“I’m awake during sunrise and sunset so I look forward to dawn,” Elisa said.
Elisa dropped by the station to give Chavez the news and specifics of the air virus before clocking out and going home. She stayed awake to see the sunrise and she changed back to human with some pain but not as bad as before. Elisa smiled tiredly before retiring to bed. Her pain had lessened and it would remain so for life as it would for all those like her.